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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Yup, I've got to be touching something to take it one way or the other."  Assault says, nodding.


  The party is escorted onto a lift, which begins taking them up, higher and higher, they see out of a window, and overlook the bay in the process, the morning light glittering over the morning tide.  Eventually, the lift slowly, and with precise finality, comes to a halt.  The doors in the lift hiss open for drama's sake, and a litany of scanners and arches dot the path in front of them, people scramble about, doing whatever it is they do for a job here, and a heavily muscled man in a lab coat walks in, a clipboard in hand, and football helmet on his head.


"Howdy Assault, Howdy Part." he says, nodding with a gentle serenity and polite western accent.


"The name's Linebacker Genius, you can call me Linebacker though, Piggot called me in for some heavy duty power testing. If I recall, she wanted me to bring you over to her office first for some paperwork, right?"


He says, explaining himself.


"Now, considering we are keeping the kid gloves on, we'd appreciate it if you had the courtesy to remove any high explosives on your person, they'll be returned when we're done in the sensitive areas, course, but bombs make us a little more nervous than parahumans round here, and the scanners are mostly set to track anything like that."


Linebacker says simply, waving to a hilariously mundane plastic red tub on a table before the first scanner.




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Lilly seems a little disappointed assault has to touch something to make it work, but shrugs.
"Don't have any"
Of course she need any explosives, considering she could just use her magic. Though come to think of it she might want to practice that later.
Ador settles himself on her head, and yawns.

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Proditor himself still barely reacted to anything, merely moving with the group onto the lift, keeping his distance from the ground, even when the lift shot upwards. His head did move a bit to see the morning sun rise, but aside from that, the Ethereal did not speak... At least, until the group reached their floor, where Proditor finally spoke in response to Linebacker, 


"I have no explosives on my person. That is something you need not worry about" Proditor said, floating out of the lift and into the rest of the room. Ethereals never used explosives anyway, unless they were from their very mind. Only the Mutons really carried high grade explosives, and they were practically bred to be front line soldiers anyway.

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"Grenades?  In a confined space like this?" Mirri questions incredulously, "If I tried to use one you'd be scraping us all off the walls.  I'm not carrying any, but if I was using one would be quite unwise."

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Frigus kind of looks and gestures at his own lack of pockets then shrugs and moves along.


"I'm Frigus." He said addressing "Linebacker"(whatever that was suppose to mean), "You mentioned Piggot 'calling you in', do you not normally work here?"

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"You just want high explosives? What if someone came in with a good old fashioned black powder bomb? Sorry, I don't have any high explosives on my person right now, but I'm guessing that you'd probably like these?" Harry dropped the twin glocks he had picked up earlier into the tray. It was a courtesy, since many of the people around him could probably do far better without weapons, but gestures of trust were what made friends. As he did so, he made a mental note to question Arminius on where he had obtained the grenade.

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Jun reluctantly took out her plasma sword from its hidden compartment before she dropped it inside of the red tub after a moment's deliberation. "If I may ask, why do they call you Linebacker Genius?".

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"Um... I don't have any bombs or any such devices. Just what you see is what I have." Specifically the two swords sheathed at her hips, and the bizarrely-put-together crossbow strapped at her back, neither of which she made any effort to take off. The crossbow being what it was, she was hardly going to be pulling it out for a quick attack, and her swords, her daisho, her mark of being a samurai, well, taking those off was unthinkable.

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"Yeah, I usually go to all the bases whenever I'm needed, since my thinker power doesn't work through cameras."


He answers Frigus.


"Well, we had a problem a while back with someone calling themselves a tinker, joining up, and then immediately blowin' off a bomb in the break room. So now we make sure people are actually tinkers, and not just crazy, and we check for bombs."


He continues, answering Harry's Question.


"I've got a neat power that makes it so I can figure out how people can use their powers or skills better, and what their powers can be used, or how they piece together with others.  They call me in every time a new time controllin' cape comes in.  It don't work too well on Thinkers, Tinkers, and Trumps though.  Their powers usually don't do stuff I can see.  As for why they call me that, I figured out I had powers after the PRT came and told me my Football team was gettin' thinker help."


He finishes, his last line aimed at Jun.


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  Nodding, Linebacker Genius guides the party through a series of scanners, one bleeps, another bloops, several of them make whirring noises, and flashy lights are abound at every stage.  After that litany of tests, the gang is finally brought before their most daunting challenge yet, the simple office doors stand before them, it's opaque window proudly emblazoned with the name of the master of the horrors ahead.


"Office of -Director Emily Piggot-"


  Only trials await each member at this stage.  Only horrors lie ahead.  With what is surely an imagined creaking, the doors open, further imagined fog sweeps out, a pale gray wind, carrying the scent of boredom, and the odor of universally mildly malicious intent.  Inside, the party's only lifeline in the coming battle, a battle possibly unlike any some of them have ever faced, but no less deadly for it's nature, nor any more interesting for it's novelty.  A battle with the very notion of getting all important information in writing, multiple times, preferably.


  Director Piggot looks irritated, though the party does not know why, it is simple enough to assume that she both has a reason, and does not need one, in all honesty.  A bench directly outside of her office offers seats where needed, considering the large volume of people involved.


"Let's get through this as quickly as possible.  I don't have all day." Emily says, leaning back.  She pulls out a fat stack of papers, which is divided, then passed around.


Each stack basically amounts to


Are your powers dangerous?

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?

Team Info?

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.

You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?

Anyone on your team a minor?

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)


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Arminius mumbles as he looks over the questions.

"Hmm... maybe... Of course I loot people at least, need all the help we can get... the fuck do they mean "team info"? We've known each other for less than 24 hours... well duh, though this should really be an individual question... they really shouldn't ask that..."

Arminius looks to the annoyed woman, not really caring about her mood at the moment.

"Could you define what help means in this case?"

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Kusuke sighed, and got to work, briefly considering sending a copy of himself backward to help only to quickly realize that it wouldn't actually cut down on the boredom he experienced.



Are your powers dangerous?
Potentially, but not in a direct fashion.

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
Not generally.

Team Info?
I barely know these people.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)
Yes, very. Travel, reversing wounds, disrupting enemy forces, infiltration, bypassing security/defensive measures, the list goes on.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
Yes, because it's not relevant to you.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
I was kind of hoping the last question meant these, but still yes.

 Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
Probably not?

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
Feasibly prove? No.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.
Only if you promise to not blow it up yourself.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?
Do we even have Tinkers?

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
Uh. . . 5?

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
Using powers that generally don't involve anything earthshattering.

Anyone on your team a minor?
Hell if I know.

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)
Minions? No, but we have a couple on the team.


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Mirri grabs a form, pulls a pen out of her belt, and starts filling out questions.  It's certainly a lot less intensive than applying for the Bounty Hunters' Guild.


  • I don't have super powers.  But my training and education would be dangerous in anyone's hands.  I don't intend to slay anyone unless they attempt to use lethal force on me, if that's what you're asking.
  • If people try to kill me, they forfeit ownership of whatever I can take from their remains.
  • I'll only release information on my teammates that we all agree to.
  • My 'powers' are nonexistent.  But even with a lacking industrial base such as this one, I can probably give considerable assistance in producing new or improved technologies.  And I own an X-Wing starfighter with the full military kit.  Support from a military aircraft, especially one more advanced than anything you likely have, is rarely unwelcome.
  • Everyone withholds information.
  • I'll fight anyone or anything if civilian lives are at stake.  Cowards who go after noncombatants forfeit their right to continue living.
  • If you have enhanced healing tech or abilities, I've got no reason to refuse them.
  • To my knowledge, none of us have a criminal record in your jurisdiction.
  • If we are not confident of our ability to safely handle and store looted items, we will likely ask for outside assistance.  Are you offering that service?
  • I would gladly work with your engineers and technology specialists.  Do you have anyone with an aerospace focus?
  • 8 of 10.  None of us to my knowledge are bad with children, but some of us have more frightening appearances than others.  And we'd prefer forewarning to ensure that all our more dangerous hardware is safety-locked or concealed.
  •  My X-Wing has a cargo hoist rated for ten tons.  We'll probably start by slicing the boats into chunks it can handle and airlifting them out, unless one of my compatriots has a better idea.
  • I believe Lilly is a minor, and utterly lacking in training.  But I am not in charge of our roster.
  • I am a normal person working with superhumans.  Is that a problem?


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Proditor himself grabs his own form, grabbing a stray pen and filling out his sheet. He actually used one of his hands this time, using his psychic powers to keep the page from moving from the pen's motion.


Are your powers dangerous?

If I wish them to be, then yes, my powers are dangerous. 

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?

I do not loot people.

Team Info?

I, personally, do not know what we call each other collectively. I have known these people for barely more than a day, personally.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)

I use a power classified as "Psionic Energy". With it, I am capable of manipulating the area around me with my will, and even effect the minds of others, if I chose to.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)


Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?

Considering my goal is to help, then I have the obligation to do so. As long as I am able to get my own work done.

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?

As long as it is not suicidal, then I shall.

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?

Not that I know of.

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?

Again, not that I know of.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.

I do not do it, so if you want something I find, you can have it.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?

Perhaps. You shall have to ask them.

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.

Depends on the person you ask. Collectively, I would give us... A 5 out of 10.

You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.
How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?

I am not the planner of our "team", but my personal plan is to simply lift the boats out of the graveyard. I shall have to see what it is like first hand, however.

Anyone on your team a minor?

Not that I know of.

Do you use Normie Human Minions?

Technically, I am capable of using a living person temporarily. Very, temporarily.


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Satomi pored over the paper, occasionally screwing up her face and "hmm"ing or muttering quiet little "um"s to herself as she worked. Thankfully, being nearsighted rather than farsighted, reading was not much of a problem. When given the pen she was given, she elected not to give it back unless Piggot made her. Futuristic technology!



Are your powers dangerous?


I do not actually have any super powers. I am just skilled at engineering!

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?


It is dishonorable to loot people, but if offered something to look at I probably would not decline.

Team Info?


I believe that Jun provided the relevant information.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)


While I do not have any supernatural powers or such, my skill with engineering has already proven useful for repair of the buildings burnt in the incident with Lung. I also intend to make use of it in whenever situations I can.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)


I am not withholding any information that would be harmful to you.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?


I would always be honored to do my duty and battle those that would endanger the land.

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?


My answer is unchanged -- yes, I would provide you with aid in these battles.

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?


Not to my knowledge. I know that I do not.

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?


I do not know very much about the rest of the team, but I believe the answer is no.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.


Were I to engage in looting, which would assuredly be a rare occasion, I would give you what you asked for.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?


I do not believe that I am a Tinker, but please please please let me enter these meetings anyway, my general engineering skill could help and I would greatly appreciate being able to attend these.

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.


I do not really know, but I do not mind children!

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?


I intend, so far as my participation goes, to more or less just disassemble the board as I can figure out how to, maybe using the abilities and tools of my teammates to help out.

Anyone on your team a minor?


I have passed my gempukku, and am therefore an adult.

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)


I do not have any powers, but I am also not a "minion", and except for Arminius' strange creatures we do not use minions at all.


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Following the brief instructions by the director, Harry picked up a set of papers. He patted his pockets, then glanced around. "May I borrow a pen?" He asked. Once he had recieved a writing tool, Harry sat himself down on one of the benches, and began to scan the papers. First question was easy. He moved on rapidly, answering to the best of his knowledge.



Are your powers dangerous?


Besides my incredible charm? On a serious note, I do not possess parahuman powers.

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?


No. I loot things on people. Occasionally. I'm quite willing to compromise when necessary.

Team Info?



Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)


N/A. Not a parahuman.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)


Yes, though nothing related to powers, or willingness to fight and cooperate with the PRT.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?


Sure. Fun times.

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?


If you think I can help, and I'm around.

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?


No idea. I don't object, in fact I'd enjoy meeting Panacea at some point, due to my training as a Doctor.

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?


No idea. If they did, I'm pretty certain it would be difficult to prove.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.


. . .yes. That seems like a reasonable thing to do.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?


Perfectly willing.

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.



You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.


Hooray? I always wanted to retire to a sunken houseboat one day.

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?


We plan to progressively develop a rapport with local infrastructure through networking. From there, we will be able to unambiguously set constructive deadlines for a proposal on solving this criminally neglected issue. Boots on the ground will be our key to our ability to push the envelope and proactively deploy active measures precisely suited to the task at hand.


Basically, we don't really know. I'm confident enough in my teammates abilities and our ability to possibly get the assistance of one or two local capes.

Anyone on your team a minor?


I believe so. The samurai girl, but that's simply judging on appearances.

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)




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Lilly takes a pen, and looks over the papers. there where a few terms that didn't really make sense to her, but she got the gist well enough, as she worked her way down through it.
As she thinks over the information she has gathered and tries to pick over the context of the papers. She decides to avoid mentioning her "powers" were really magic, as they didn't seem to have that, at least not in the form she knew it, which made the vehicles she had seen and ridden on something of a curiosity to her. The others had also avoided mentioning other worlds during the meeting, so at the moment, she probably should as well.



Are your powers dangerous?
-Depends on what I'm using them for.

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
-well Yha, would prefer to keep doing so as well.

Team Info?
-we kind of only just met.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)
-Well that depends. I can communicate with Ador over any distance, and send and receive thoughts, images and sounds. I can heal, make explosions, and combine with Ador to alter our powers and increase our strength. Oh and I can use telepathy to communicate with anyone in range, including animals.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
-Well yes, I doubt you would believe us if we told you everything.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?
-sure! just so long as we don't have to go in unprepared.

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
-Sure! just so long as we don't have to go in unprepared.

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
-Not to my knowledge

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
-No idea!

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.
-I have no objections to allowing you guys to look over the really crazy things

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
-Define kid friendly? i mean, i like kids!

You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
-Not entirely sure yet. probably use our powers, we will figure something out.

Anyone on your team a minor?
-Not to my knowledge, though I suppose it depends on what the standards of this place are.

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers) 
-I'm not opposed to it, but at the moment no, though some of our team members might be normal humans.


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Frigus began quietly writing away at the forums with a pen.



Are your powers dangerous?
Yes, but they are well controlled.

Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
As a general rule I only take something if I need it.

Team Info?
Refer to Jun.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)

Yes, I have taught myself how to create a weapon, armor for myself, defensive barriers, and cones of ice, as well as a vehicle for transportation.

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
Yes and I fully expect that you are as well.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?
That is what I'm here for.

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
I've been advised against doing so, however if push comes to shove I will help where I can.

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
Not to my knowledge.

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
Not to my knowledge.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.

I believe I've already answered this question.

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?

To my knowledge they are, within reason.

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
6-7 of 10 with forewarning.  Though it varies from member to member I believe we would do acceptably.

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
Several methods have been discussed, including dismantling and scraping the smaller vessels and repairing the larger vessels.

Anyone on your team a minor?
I have not personally verified the age of all team members.

Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)

No, however several team members claim to lack powers.


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