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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Very well. As you all may know.  My specialty is miniaturization."


"Myself and Mirri will complete the Fusion Core I have half-completed, Harry will produce what he can using my chemical synthesizer, with Dragon's assistance, and I'll set my scanner to replicating your material sample using my nanoforge, if possible.  Satomi, have either dragon or one of your companions aid you in producing something with my nanolathe, it can essentially print objects from raw molecular stock, with little to no flaws  Your Thinker ability to produce efficient engineering marvels should work nicely in tandem with it."  Armsmaster says to the group, and then to Frigus and Saitomi specifically.


He takes the sample, and sets it in a small box attached to his supercomputer, which immediately begins producing colorful lights and sounds in an effort to make out what this material is made of.

(7, 17)

Armsmaster's head jerks back to the screen scanning the small splinter of Mythril.


"Silver, Iron, traces of carbon in specific patterns."


"There's an energy present in that sample that my scanners aren't picking up.  Can you elaborate?" he says, at the same time pulling a drawer out which has a small palm sized device, whose wiry guts are spilling out.  He places the device on his table, a series of instruments also being placed there.


Harry would find that as he connects to the Chemical Synthesizer, Dragon has opened a text dialogue on one of the screens, at the very bottom beneath the machine's diagnostics and User Interface.


Finally, Armsmaster waves off Mirri's question.


"I should be able to produce 37 Pounds for testing out of my existing discretionary tinkering budget.  Will that be an adequate amount of this ore?"


(19, 15) Lucile hears a practical symphony of subtle noise coming from all of the active machinery, lightning coursing through metal veins, molecular spin repurposed into crude gears made of fundamental particles, and quarks made into things that she can only roughly consider matter or energy at all.




"Wow, Freeform master power.  That will be fun to explain to the higher ups.  And that Vocal effect is also rather impressive, some sort of sound based telekinesis, with another additional master effect.  Arminius, could you try to mock or taunt this-"


He has a large metal block placed on the ground.


"Into being thrown in a specific direction?  Say, making it fly upward, as a result of your damaging effect?  As for you, Proditor, your ability to influence brain chemistry and electrochemestry at the same time, seemingly at your command, make you a potentially powerful asset for countering other master effects, With your permission, I'd like to use an emulation software to make the machine imitate being under the effects of a few common master effects we have on record, to test if you can sense or counter them."


He thinks for a moment, that is indeed a conundrum.


"I think I might have an idea, Kusuke."  He pulls out a phone, asking for someone named "Clockblocker" to be brought in.


Before long, a teenager in a white, clock themed outfit arrives.


"So, who called for the all powerful Clockblocker, master of Time itself?" He laughs, speaking in a clearly joking manner.


Seeing Kusuke, he walks over and offers a handshake.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Thirty-seven pounds?" Mirri's voice goes faint for a moment, "Iron to titanium to nickel to bes'kar in two to one to point one to three...  Assuming highest possible ore quality, I should be able to produce enough plates for five suits of armor from that.  I- I could have actual bes'kar mail.  You only see that on the oldest suits.  I don't have bes'kar mail.  I don't think the Mandalore himself has bes'kar mail.  Thirty-seven pounds of bes'kar...  I don't think I've ever seen that much unworked ore in one place before!  And of the purest grade too, assuming that nano forge works as advertised.  I need an anvil!  And hammers, mechanized and handheld, and coal!  Lots of coal!  Raise the carbon content, shape the metals.  Too little carbon, and it rusts and crumbles.  Clay and wax for the smelting, ceramic to cast rivets...  You have to cast them separately, and bore the holes during the forging.  If you let it cool, worked bes'kar won't take rivets.  They just bounce off.  I need- need things!  Drafting tools, requisition forms, the toolbox from my ship...  Bes'kar is the toughest naturally-occurring material; its resistance to energy and impacts when properly forged is nearly perfect.  My people have salvaged and recycled for so long.  All the ore veins are depleted.  But this!  This is magnificent!  New things!  I'll be the first person to work freshly mined bes'kar in years!  And we could do more than weapons!  Blades that never dull or chip, components that never wear...  We must get started!  Immediately!"  

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"That'd be me," Kusuke said, reaching out to return the handshake. "Well, technically it was Linebacker, but whatever. I can't say I'm a master of time, but I've definitely been fiddling with it a bit. I'm not exactly up to speed - that's a long story - but what exactly do you do?" It was fairly obvious that he had some sort of time-related power, but past that he wasn't quite sure. 

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Huh. Harry hadn't expected, after Armsmaster's slight concern over the viruses, to be allowed to simply mess with the chemical synthesizer unsupervised. Harry stepped over to the machine, and connected his device using the cable he'd recieved from Armsmaster. A moment later, a text box appeared on the screen of the synthesizer. As clear an invitation to communication as any.


He crouched down, and typed, <"Good morning, Dragon. How are things going? So, not really certain if this machine works the same as what I'm used to, but I should be able to upload a file, and then you can lead on from there?"> Following a response, Harry would transfer the file containing the data on the S-Igeron prion listed in the immunology and toxicology section of his copy of D'Arnet's. The file would include exact spacial coordinates for the different atoms making up the molecule, and information on the types of bonds and their effect on the protein's shape. In addition to the prion, the file also contained the design for a much smaller enzyme that appears to drastically alter the shape of the protein. Harry wasn't certain the speed with which the machine could produce molecules, so for now, he would simply attempt this one creation.

Edited by Strider
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"I mean, it's not very powerful magic I was using there. In fact, if it wasn't for being augmented by a lilim I wouldn't be able to do magic at all. Human souls lack the oomph to use magic unassisted... well I assume you don't call it magic here but... I'm getting off topic, point is that the cantrip I was using exerts more of a spiritual force than a physical one. The dropping was just a result of the bonds just kind of... giving up. Uh, for example if I was against a human opponent they'd either be on the ground sobbing or would have just up and died. Uh... oh, something to look at since I've always wanted to see if the results could be given an exact measurement, is applying the effect in the opposite manner. That is, making people better at stuff. Admittedly the version I'd use is completely mundane but applying magic makes the results... similarly impressive. Anyways, just offering to end on a less disappointing note than me just walking off since my previous ability isn't very helpful."

Arminius shrugs, not really having much to offer that he could show off without freaking people out apparently.

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Her confusion abated a bit when the others got to work in their respective specialties, as she more or less figured that she would have no need of what Harry was using. But then Armsmaster offered to give her access to one of his fancy machines, which could apparently just produce things wholesale, and even more excitingly, produce them without flaws and impurities. She didn't have any idea what "raw molecular stock" meant, but that creation ability was absolutely insane! The Kaiu would have declared her mad if she ever told them of it, even with their reputstion, and she wouldn't even blame them! She grinned and let out a little bit of an excited sound, before turning to Armsmaster, her hands clenched into excited fists and held close to her chest. "OK OK OK, I just want to clear something up before I get too excited, your "nanolathe", it can create for me mechanisms that fit in my palm, right? As without having to worry about these mechanisms bending and breaking from the normal impurities of smithing? This could be VERY exciting for me. Could this allow me to create a body for a crossbow that is actually in one piece without having to find a sizable chunk of material? Because I have an idea..."

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She had shifted mental states almost as soon as they entered the lab, and almost instinctively, she found herself drawn to the various patterns all around. The cats toured the place idly all the while, with the girl occasionally jacking into their eyes and actually seeing the place in addition to her sound maps. Using both their vision and her own sense for the various esoteric properties of the machines, she made her way around to some of the more complex ones, where the sense picked up the strongest signatures... and she sensed that:



Much to her surprise, it reminded her of the computational technologies her own world once had- the shimmering tetrahedrons made of segmented crystal plates, bound together while dormant and split to reveal the unimaginable energies surging within it when. Each face of the construct would always with engraved with countless runic formulas so small they were nigh invisible to the naked eye, requiring great precision to carve. Formulas that linked together into a system, each section designed for a specific task with a specific trigger, and all it amplified by the crystal housings they were carved on. The inscribed sigils would work in tandem to create very small yet extremely precise changes in the realm of Animus, projected back into Materia in the form of wireless, nigh instant connections, blistering calculation speeds, vast storage of information, even special interfaces for those consumers not versed in Thaumaturgy, which for all the world resembled and acted like holographic controls. Hell, some even had direct neural interfacing, if one so desired and had the money for a higher end model with the needed enhancements... or was brave enough to try and make the modifications themselves.


For all intents and purposes, it seemed that somehow, someway, the one who had created this machinery had manipulated the smallest units of matter to perform many of the same basic functions as those formulaic diagrams, those meticulously inscribed invocations and instructions. They had made them work together in such an efficient system that she had felt almost certain that someone had to have used the same techniques of her homeworld to create and sustain it. But to even greater surprise, when she had actively probed the things by searching for any subtle ripples occurring in Aminus, there were none to be found coming from the devices themselves... well, at least none that would be caused by the invocation of a rune....


No, she had seen this before, and it was most definitely not the same as how a Rune resonated. Yes...


This... this was the process by which Alchemy, of all things, was conducted on Old Arganor. Intentionally causing reactions via Catalysts and other materials which would, in turn, create resulting sub-atomic structures not otherwise found, structures that by their very organization were so refined in their mathematical properties, so... nigh perfect that by their very creation, they caused ripples with Animus to propagate, and thus the products they were included in would take on various, wondrous effects. Effects that were nigh impossible without a Thaumaturgist's knowledge, effects that an ordinary, back alley Chemist could never replicate. Now of course, it wasn't limited to only substances such as medicine; Alchemical Metals also existed, ordinary compounds forever altered by the addition of various reagents during the forging processes, metals with highly specialized purposes, from kinetic-reflection to the absolute nullification of any thermal energy exceeding a certain amount.



Could these machines, or at the very least, their components, be made of similarly altered materials? engineered down to the smallest possible level in order to grant them absolutely extraordinary properties, which in turn worked together to provide the whole of the construct's functions? Could these people have discovered the most basic principle of Thaumaturgical Alchemy, without even realizing it?


Everything Lucille knew, everything the Maven's had taught her since she was a mere child back in the Enclave... all pointed to a resounding yes. 


And filled her with simultaneous admiration, and dread. They had already discovered the Art of her people, and yet they admitted outright they had no general idea how, why it worked, or how to replicate the results without the creator's help...


"W...who made all of... this, by chance?" She stammered as she heard around the room, listening in on the various conversations "this Machinery specifically, I mean... it's.... well.... I don't know what to say but... if your people have managed this type of engineering and you don't even understand how you did it...." she trailed off mid sentence, trying to sort through everything.


Maybe her decision earlier, to come here rather than parade the powers of a Thaumaturge to the ignorant, had been a pointless one after all.


Maybe this world was on an even faster track to it's own self-destruction than Arganor had been. 

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"Go ahead" Proditor replied, barely moving from his spot. To be completely honest, Proditor was glad to be given an excuse to practice his powers again, and outside of a life threatening situation. Before he was brought to do this "task" of stopping the Trespassers, Proditor was always on the run, keeping his psionics to a minimum to avoid attracting attention. Now he was able to freely use them again.


And it felt great.

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Lilly, in contrast to Calvera, was not calm. She was twitchy, and constantly shifting. Visibly eager to get started.
Ador however is just calmly watching, not seeming to particularly care that much, though its hard to read the expression of a dragon.

The others did have Interesting and useful powers, hopefully there new allies would be pleased.

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Calvera steps forward, her turn had come. She thought for a moment, then asked for several target dummies. Her skin glowed a dim orange light, as she released a massive wave of fire, horribly scorching and partially melting the metal targets. Her skin started slowly turn more bright, the skin turning orange and firey like the surface of a star. Her eyes glowed bright white, as she sent a massive ball of fire at another dummy, melting the top half. As she continues sending out fire, her body slowly becomes more star-like in look, but never comes to full fruition. She closes her eyes, spiraling flame leaving her body, letting out another, even bigger wave of firey plasma. Suddenly, it clicks. Her body erupts violently, her whole body now like the surface of a star. Plumes of fire randomly shoot out at the various dummies. At this point, the room becomes too bright for people to look straight at Calvera. In a final crescendo of brightness, Calvera becomes bright white, blinding those without protective eyewear. Her body shrink suddenly, becoming a small grain of bright white light. The commotion stills, until a giant white beam strikes the last remaining target, leaving nothing but a scorch marks on the floor. Calvera returns to get normal human form, looking very exhausted.

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"I can certainly try.  I know it has something to do with powers because I've met people who use it to increase the magnitude and directionality of their powers.  I'm fairly sure my armor and certain parts of my weapon are made of a similar but more refined material.  I know that it gets better the more power you pass through it or force into it.  I also don't know where it actually comes from."

He pauses to think, rolling something over in his head for a moment.

"You know, I'd like to try using some of my power to 'energize' the artificial stuff.  If it works I'll make something, if not I'll go back to the drawing board and make something else."

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Armsmaster stands stock-still, listening to the various comments and responses.


"Yes.  My nanoforge and nanolathe do not suffer from things like "errors".  If the object designed is made from molocules, I believe it can accurately produce it."


"I produced all of the technology you see here.  Tinkers such as myself have the ability to produce technology not possible in the modern era, with several stipulations."


(4, 2) The Nanoforge begins extruding a dowel of some red-hot substance, which cools into a brown colored stone.

Several more are slowly extruded one after the other, resulting in a final product of 17 Dowels, each one a full kilogram in weight.


"My Workshop is too cramped for what you seem to intend with this.  I will have what you need brought into room 24 B, Would you like to produce this supposed Metal first, or help me complete my Micro Fusion Core?"


(17, 1) At the same time, the Nanoforge Extrudes a silvery metal, grey and glittering.


Armsmaster, looking at Frigus for a moment, points at the dowel, which eventually cools enough to handle.


Frigus would find that the metal's structure is already filling with magical energies from the air nearby, it seems that the internal structure of it is the key to the magical metal's nature.  It is clearly different than Mythril, however, due to this lab's magic being different than the magic that was used to create the mythril on Frigus's own person.




Proditor is presented with 3 Boxes now.


A cursory glance at each false mind shows several different effects.


One effect seems to be simple chemicals, introduced to manipulate thoughts through hormones

Another seems to take control of the electrical activity found in the brain, resulting in certain thoughts constantly being inserted, along with impulsive actions


The third is actual rewiring of certain parts of the brain, which is used to remove memories and implant hypnotic suggestions and commands, which can have specific conditions tied to their activation.

(14, 8) The third is... Different.  Proditor nearly misses it.  It seems that the entire brain has been rewired subtly, using physical manipulation of it, the entire mind is hardwired to become aggressive and homicidally misanthropic once very specific conditions are met, or when the brain receives a sufficient amount of satisfaction or stress as the result of being in a position of extreme power.  The strange thing is that this rewiring would never work unless the person doing it knew exactly what conditions the host would be put under, long in advance.  This simulation would never work, as is, but it seems to have been intended to cause an individual to seek high ranking positions, and then snap, causing mass death or harm to others.


Clockblocker happily takes Kusuke's hand, at which point he feels an odd sensation of being completely frozen in time.


(9, 1) Being Kusuke, he simply starts himself moving again, while Clockblocker is in the middle of pulling out a sticker.  It seems the sticker reads "Clockblocked!", and has a rather humorous cartoon Clockblocker on it, who is giving a thumbs up.


Kusuke can practically see the moment where the young man's mirth turns to cold sweat as the handshake completes, un-clockblocked.




"-Apparently nothing to you, big guy." he says, throwing hands to air in what is probably supposed to be nonthreatening.  The sticker flies into the air from the rude motion it is subjected to.


It is at this point that Calvera explodes into white hot fire, turning what once was a beautiful sticker into a floating mist of ash.


Dummies and machines are completely eradicated, and the barrier protecting Linebacker sags with heat, though, strangely, nobody is hurt.


Calvera is promptly sprayed with fire retardant foam and containment foam, while alarms blare loudly.


Linebacker rubs his eyes, groaning lightly.


Pulling out his phone again, he requests someone to bring in the counter-agent for the containment foam.







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Kusuke had started to laugh, when it transitioned to a rather loud and staccato series of profanities in mixed English and Japanese. He looked around for a few moments, eyes settling on the blob of foam where Calvera had been standing previously. Exhaling a breath he wasn't quite aware of holding, he spoke. "She, uh, never mentioned that one. Would have been nice to know. . ."

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Arminius looked quite surprised at Calvera's display but eventually went to being casually nonplussed as the warnings kicked in. He goes over to speak to the woman.

"You know, in hindsight it makes sense that you can do that with the whole "star in human form" thing. Anyways, they just overacted Bandit, would have thought they'd have the equivalent to Dwarven architecture in a room for testing potentially dangerous powers..."

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Mirri consider her options.  "Let us get these fusion reactors working.  You don't usually see them this small in my experience, but you did say your specialization was fitting more power into a smaller space.  That way, there'll be time to get what I need to work bes'kar to the vacant room."  Plus, it didn't feel right to receive such a wonderous gift as a share in that much bes'kar without offering advance payment.


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Proditor, once the boxes are presented, had his helmet open up again as his mind began to work his way through each, his voice echoing in the training room as he relayed what he was getting,


"If you wanted to know exactly what I was getting, then I shall go through each box, one at a time. The first... Very simple. Manipulation of thoughts. Something that is easy to do, but rather difficult to reverse or counter, unless the mind itself is resilient to that sort of effect. The second is a form of mind control that controls what the mind is doing, though not as powerful. Which, unlike before, is rather-" As Proditor speaks, the second box will suddenly find a sudden switch in control, the constant stream of thoughts being implanted suddenly being blocked out, along with it's "actions" being halted as well, "- Simple to counter. And the last is a simple rewiring of the brain for..." Suddenly, Proditor's voice faltered as his mind narrowed on the final box, the Ethereal suddenly becoming stone silent, at least until he spoke again, "... Making someone suicidal and send them off to assassinate and kill a ranking person, with disregard to their entire being. A near perfect infiltration unit, who would seem perfectly normal until certain conditions are met" Proditor stated, turning to Linebacker again, "... That effect is something I would be unable to reverse. At best, with time, someone with their memories altered this way would be capable of having those 'conditions' removed, but it is doubtful they'll be the same person again, due to the rewriting of their memories."


That was where Proditor fell silent again, though mostly as he waited for Linebacker's response. There wasn't even a reaction to Calvera's sudden burst of fire, as if Proditor somehow managed to completely ignore the fact that she basically became a star.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Lilly is delighted to take her turn, shaking off her amazement at Calvera’s impressive display she darts into the testing area as Ador takes off.
“OK!” She sounds pretty eager and happy as she gives her spear a twirl. “First off, Let me explain Ador here. He’s my familiar, we have a constant psychic link that transcends all distance, and we can combine together to alter how our ma-“ she catches herself, remembering that this world didn’t quite have magic and that the others didn’t seem to want their origin known. “powers work. Sooo were just going to get started here!”

She dashes at a dummy, bare feet kicking off the floor in a leap as she drives her spear into it, easily piercing it. A surge of glittering rainbow light flows down and erupts from the spear tip in a brilliant explosion of light and color. The cloth is torn to shreds, and many of the technological parts and scanners are broken. It’s all too easy to imagine what that attack could do to a human body. As she removes the spear a perceptive enough person might note a change. She seems to be slowing down just a little, growing tired. But she keeps moving, she stabs several dummies normally, before preforming the explosive stab again, pacing herself, so that she never grows to tired. Ador comes in wreathed in a shimmering but less colorful light, slamming into a dummy, just before Lilly stabs it. Then Ador starts breathing light and crystal shards onto the dummies, messing with optical sensors.  “I would like to point out…haa….I can also heal wounds.”

Lilly leaps back, in a defensive combat stance, as if fighting an actual opponent, but it doesn’t last long, she’s going through the words of union, and quickly fuses with Ador. where any sensors targeting their minds at this moment, they would detect a deconstruction of their minds, and the construction of a new one, as the pair cease to be individuals.

They leap up and spread their wings, taking flight. They start by breathing out light and crystal shards, as Ador had previously done, but its stronger now, there’s more, and it swirls around the target like a storm. The union being goes back to basics, lilly’s basics. As they cast forth a cord made of shimmering rainbow light, it wraps itself around the now blinded dummy as the being takes hold of the cord, and pulls themselves in a little bit more as they bring themselves down on it, running a spear through it. They leap off and touch down on the floor, staggering back, crystal claws clicking on the smooth surface. Breathing heavily. They take a moment to steady themselves, backing up in a defensive stance, before breathing in deeply…. And unleashing a rainbow surge of destructive energy, that washes over a small group of dummies, disintegrating parts of them. Their body is shaking but there not quite done yet. The leap into the air and fly as high as the ceiling allows, before they come crashing down with immense force on an unlucky target, with a devastating foot dive. Afterword’s they stagger back, having exceeded their limits they drop to the floor, legs shaking. Panting.

They have one more demonstration though, all people present, who are not protected from mental powers, hear a voice in their heads.
 ‘O-ok..T-that should do right? J-just give us a min…’



Trick Get!
Mana cord: the user creates a cord of magic which interacts with things and forces as if it where matter. The user may use this to attempt various fiatable actions, or to attempt to bind a target for one of their moves next turn


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Satomi began to write something down in her notebook with the pen she snatched from Piggot's office (she was getting ideas about making something similar to her gempukku project, a repeating siege crossbow, but miniaturized to infantry crossbow size), but one or two lines into drawing the body of the crossbow she was suddenly once again utterly fascinated by the writing device she held in her hand. Even in this little writing tube, the technology was far beyond the bounds of what her homeland of Rokugan was capable of. So she found herself distracted from the nanolathe and its potential for a couple of minutes, proceeding to disassemble her pen instead of work on her design.


But this sudden bout of curiosity had dividends for Satomi, as among the parts of the pen she found a coiled piece of metal, which exhibited force opposing her when she pushed it, or when she pulled it... with the thinness, poor material, and size of the spring, it wasn't a lot of force... but it was enough to garner Satomi's interest. It reminded her of some of the kinds of metal she'd seen when lucky enough to meet some of the greater Kaiu engineers -- wires or rods that would pull back when used in a siege weapon thanks to the treatment of the metal. 


She suspected that the coil of metal was in fact one of those components, just... more advanced. It did, after all, provide force in a single direction, from force provided in the opposite direction, and when she twisted it she could see that the force worked with torsion as well. Fascinating... and in the mundane piece of technology that these people wrote with!

Satomi had an idea! She had already been planning on making a repeating crossbow, but one mechanic that she had taken as a given with a repeating crossbow was that the winch had to be pulled after each shot to pull the crossbow. It had been the case with the repeating o-yori that she had completed for her graduation project, after all. While it had had its uses she recalled that, with its size, it took either two men or an incredibly strong man to pull the reloading lever, and that had limited it.


But with usage of a spring, she could provide the crossbow with force to reload itself on the rebound, with the spring pushing back a clasp which would remain closed when pushed, pulling the bowstring back as it went until it caught at the maximum pull. Then, when fired, the clasp would open up and push back down onto the spring, with the spring one interval less compressed, with a number of intervals equal to the bolts in the box. The fact that the nanolathe could produce strong mechanisms, good string, and a strong spring would help as well. This would have the disadvantage of making loading in each box of bolts harder, but that was an acceptable loss for a crossbow that could fire on each trigger pull uninterrupted.


She moved to write this idea down while she was still freshly calculating what she would need in her head, but then promptly remembered that she had just in fact disassembled her pen, and took back out the ink-pot and brush, writing down the schematic in something of a fury until finally she had completed it. Then she excitedly walked up to the nanolathe, grinning almost goofily to herself and bursting with energy. "Armsmaster, I've completed my design! Ooh, this will be a significant improvement to the honestly junk crossbow I made last night! I am very, very excited to try making this out! This beats even my gempukku project solidly! It would be the most complicated thing I've ever made, but with the offer of practically perfect materials, and one or two other discoveries, I think I can make this work!"

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Kusuke cleared his throat. "Uhm. Anyway. You stop time, I move stuff around in time. I think that little demonstration got the point across, yeah?" Looking at his rather alarmed reaction was. . . honestly rather amusing to Kusuke. "You look like you just saw a ghost. It's not that big of a deal, is it?"

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Jun quietly continued to snoop around the tinker testing room, and he carefully examined each and every single material that was still in stock...up until he finally got bored of watching everyone else work and snucked out of the room to try and track down that rather peculiar Director Piggot person. But of course he made damn sure to deactivate his cloak before he was anywhere near where Piggot was supposed to be as he really did not want to be the one to explain why he tried to give her a heart attack. This is also why he made damn sure that she would be able to hear him coming before he calmly said "I must say that I apologize if any members of my team have already done anything to infuriate you, I am sure that they did not actively try to find ways to offend you".

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"I...see..." Lucille said. Rather than elaborate further, she moved to one of the empty counters around the room, the cats following in tow, one of them, the black furred male named Do, snatching up a peice of iron as he did so. Whatever she was doing, she seemed to be too entranced to bother explaining, taking a peice of charcoal from her garbs and going to turn on the table top, hand moving with nigh frightening speed and precision. Despite her lack of sight and her illiteracy, she seemed to have no problems whatsoever writing countless symbols and calculations at savant like speeds, the exact meaning significance of the formulas she ran through known to her, and only her, mumbling all the while.


Within barely a minute, she was done, stowing the charcoal away again and seeming to come out of whatever daydream she'd experienced, the end result of her mad writing an expansive sigil lined with various runes, forming a diagram of interlocking circles. She turned to face the voice that had called itself "Armsmaster" earlier, while Do dropped the peice of Iron in one circle, and took his place in the opposite one, on her command.


"You have no idea the true potential of the principles you have employed here..."



She put it flat and dryly, there was no point sugar coating things if this was apparently a common occurrence in this world, "You are taking subatomic structures and somehow rearranging them in such a mathematical order that it causes an anomaly within the very fabric of reality itself, and these anomalies are what, in turn, grant your machines their functions. This process, in a way, is essentially the same as how my own people once conducted Alchemy; by combining various substances and using specialized catalysts, we too engineered such precise subatomic structures like you have made use of here, and through these complex structures, we created countless objects of wondrous power. Symbology, Harmonics, and Alchemy- they were the three roads of a true scholar's discipline, all focusing on the same basic principle- by seeking out, comprehending, and finally replicating the same mathematical patterns which occurred within the twin realms of our reality during it's birth, we could control our world like never before. Imitating these patterns in the physical realm of our world caused a response in the that of the divine, and in turn, the response in the divine would induce a change in the physical world corresponding to the pattern."

      She turned away from him, from all of them, and to the sigil, uttering some foreign phrase that made the ears of anyone in earshot feel as though an ungodly pressure was beginning to form in the space around them, senses of balance being put off, but whatever she said was soon over, and the sensation faded with it. The runic diagram on the counter now blazed with a soft, off-white radiance, and Lucille reached her hands out, again chanting something. The radiance only grew stronger, and before long, both the cat and the peice of iron were lost within the fires of holy union, their physical forms fading into motes of stellar light that left their respective circles and followed the lines of the diagram until they reached the innermost circle, and began coalescing. Lucille rescinded her hands, and turned back to them.

     "This art, this science, was known as Thaumaturgy," she continued "where I came from, it served as the cornerstone of our civilization for countless centuries, and it pushed us to technological heights far loftier than anything I have seen on this world... even your machines here in this room, impressive though they still are. But just as it pushed us to ever greater achievements, it also pushed us ever closer to our own destruction. There are some things mortal man is not ready to handle, but he yearns to have power over them regardless. Such is the fate that took all my people had made, and crushed it into ash and dust as our world ended in a brilliant display of fire and light, storm and shadow... and finally, nothing. Much to my dismay, I have little choice but to inform you, Armsmaster... somehow, someway, your people have discovered Thaumaturgy, or at least something so similar, they may as well be one in the same. And just as it led my home to ruin, it could very well do the same for yours. We, afterall.... actually understood what we were doing, poured every ounce of time and energy we could into advancing it. But you, by your own admission, have stated your world understands little, if anything at all, about how what you are doing works. I didn't want to go with those who opted to demonstrate their powers because I wanted no one else to be inspired to repeat the sins of my kind... but it seems that quite obviously, that was a moot point... you were all already going down this road." 


The marriage, by that point, had finished. In the center of the diagram was a single orb, and soon enough, this orb took on the shape of a feline, and as it's radiance died out, there, standing unscathed and looking just as he had prior to the ritual, was the Feral Cat named Do...


(10, 7) (11) (68)  The result, to Lucile's consternation, is a cat which indeed possesses the strength of iron.  Iron which is nearly completely pure.  One Cat gains +4 Str and +1 RES, along with the action 


"(Passive) Iron Eternal: Substances which were once a part of the user possess the qualities of iron, and the target is considered Iron for several effects."


The Cat loses 1 CON, due to the highly reactive nature of pure iron.


Or rather, the FerroCat. For the moment the sigil lost it's radiance and the power surging through it ceased to be, he stepped out of the diagram, extracted his claws, and dug into the table with deep grooves, far deeper than any normal claw on such a small creature should've produced. They even seemed to shine with a silvery hue, before he retracted them and began to clean his paws.


"This is just one of the many things that was possible for us..." Lucille went on, giving Do the unheard command to to leap to the counter in front of her and sit front and center for her point. "What you see before you appears to be an ordinary cat, but what I just did to him was... an expedited form of Alchemy, you could say. Normally altering an organisms biology like this would require a specific mutagen to be engineered and administered, but what I've done instead is essentially taken qualities from Iron and this Cat, and through the power of that sigil, directly dissembled and combined their very beings in such a way that it spawned the same types of complex structures that would've been present in a mutagen created for the same purpose. But as I said, this is merely the tip of the iceberg, as are all the machines you've made; What 'tinkerers' have stumbled upon through their powers can, and likely will, end this world if it continues to go uncomprehended." 

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When Frigus took the dowel of artificial Mythril he was surprised, he honestly hadn't thought that it would charge itself with magic.

"Interesting." He said while moving over to one of the tool boxes, he cut two small pieces of the dowel off then went and found some sort of extruder to run the rest through.

It was at this time that Lucille had started to draw her sigil and by the time he had the metal down to a wire like size she had already finished and begun her rant.


Nine links, he managed to put together nine chain links and start working one of the small pieces to turn it into a weight for one end of the chain before he picked up some of the rant and heard Lucille mention "Her world this" and "Her people that". 


Frigus simply sighed.

He knew the facade wouldn't last, there were simply to many pieces left behind for them to cover and he knew that the people here would eventually figure it out, but he had hoped that they would at least be able to make it through the day without someone blowing their cover strait out.  Honestly he figured if it did happen it would be Lilly's doing or perhaps an accident by Satomi, not one of the others just walking out and saying it.


"I take it you missed the memo then." He said to Lucille with well suppressed irritation, "It's alright, I doubt you've done anything like this before."

He looked directly at Armsmaster now, having set down what he was working on.

"And what do you make of this?"

Edited by StormLord
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