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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Satomi had been fooling around with the nanolathe, tossing frequent questions at Armsmaster while she did her best to translate her crossbow design from her notepad into the strange device in front of her. She had been content -- the thing in front of her was completely confounding, and she was barely managing to operate it even when her questions were answered, and it was really quite the challenge, but for all of its confusion it had a potential large enough to have her giddy and almost dizzy. She had been completely absorbed in her task, even.


So she hadn't quite registered that Lucille was talking until suddenly a strange and awful sensation at her ears put her off her balance and got her to stagger. Then she picked up what Lucille was saying, a long rant about the apparent dangers of what Armsmaster was doing, or at least the dangers of something in her world, a long rant where Lucille made no attempt to hide her alternate-dimension nature, and where she in fact actively used it to chide Armsmaster.


Satomi felt a very ugly stab of anger pulse through her, then. She knew that Samurai were meant to abide by honor, to not be ruled by such things as emotions, that they must present a face of one whose very existence worked off of Bushido. But... she had been trying very hard not to give the group away, not to make them all look afflicted by madness. She had been trying not to reveal the fact that this world was one utterly, irresolvably alien to her, that it was a world where nothing was familiar. Trying not to show that this was a world where even their most mundane things were beyond familiarity, where even their tools they wrote with were small bundles of miraculous discovery. Trying not to react too tellingly the fact that they had buildings which must have run off of miracles, glittering spires of glass and roaring metal devices and where even the poor lived in veritable little blocky fortresses. Trying not to give away the fact that she found this unfamiliar world as terrifying as it was utterly, fascinatingly beautiful, down to its mysterious, colorful box library devices.


She had been putting a very stressful amount of effort into this task, and Satomi figured that she had been mostly succeeding in it. Sure, there were moments of uncomfortable silence, there were moments where she had to ask Harry or Kusuke (that would be harder now) or someone else about some strange thing, there were moments where she knew she was shaming herself and failing her efforts, but she felt like the effort she had been putting in had been worth it. And now this girl was going off on Armsmaster, spoiling the entire effort because apparently despite being actually familiar with many of the things on this "Earth Bet", she could not find it in her to even try.


It was unseemly and a (typical) failure of her Honor, but Satomi couldn't help but let some of that emotion out, her face warping into a teeth-clenched grimace. "Maybe," Satomi let out, a word said with a tight voice and more than a little bit of bite, "You should not antagonize the man with your... your... ramblings, when he is letting us use his machines." His beautiful, fear-inspiring, fascinating, incomprehensible, wondrous machines.

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<"Going very well, thank you for asking. I can parse the file, I am sure."> The words scrolled across the screen quickly following Harry's greeting. Dragon was polite, and very business focused, Harry found himself thinking. He keyed in a phrase on his compad, sending the data on the molecule to Dragon. When the upload had completed, the formula and structure began to scroll across the screen, and a quiet hum arose from the synthesizer.


<"This machine works by using precision electron beams to shove molocules around, so it's uses are fairly decent. It is much more complex than Armsmaster's Nanoforge, but only because it requires more accuracy."> Oh, interesting. Harry found himself thinking about the logistics of such a machine. It probably wasn't close to an accelerator, since that would liekly destroy any molecule that was in the process of being built. Additionally, it would be exceptionally slow if it simply worked on one molecule at a time. Perhaps some form of metamaterial latice? Vacuum deposit the skeleton onto this material, then perhaps the material could create syncronous beams of electrons on multiple molecules at once? That left the problem of getting the electron beam to strike from multiple directions. . . He was probably overthinking it, and it seemed more likely that the machine simply wasn't that fast.


Harry vaguely heard the cat girl speaking to Armsmaster, and noticed the sudden glow in the room. He watched quietly, taking note of what she said. He frowned at her mention of her society falling, a little annoyed at this stretch between her society and this one. It seemed to be a bit much extrapolation, but who knew? It was the blatant admission of being not from this world that annoyed him more. They had been trying to keep a low profile, hadn't they? "Oh boy. Doomsday prophesizing, my favorite. Even got a bit of the good ole folly of man in there too. A real classic. Didn't hear any fire and brimstone; can't be forgetting those. . .  Nice cat though,." Harry muttered, before taking a deep breath, and turning back to the machine. This wasn't something he'd be able to fix, and he wanted to hear how Armsmaster and the others would react before he intervened. <"Can you manifest yourself pretty much everywhere? Or is it limited to things like Armsmaster's lab and the main board in the meeting room?"> Harry sent this off, before sending off the following a second later. <"Basically wondering how much you know about what else is going on in this room?">

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"No, no, nothing like that, it's just that your breaker state was a bit more than our equipment could handle, you probably exerted, what, a few billion degrees of heat?  Thank god it's manton-limited."  Linebacker Genius says to Calvera.


"Your ability is one that could do pretty darn well with some more kit.  If you are willing, you could probly' receive a pretty good amount of money powering a reactor if you do that on demand."


"You two seem to have a pretty good handle on your tricks, how good is your rope control? I might have an idea for later." He says to Lilly and Ador.


"As for you, Kusuke, I'd like you to try and pop a Grey Boy Bubble ASAP, Ol' Clockblocker here is a risin' star cause of how good his power is.  As far as we got on record, he freezes something, and it isn't going to be 'Moved' at all.  You can, so I'm a bit exited about that trick."


And indeed, the fit lab-coat wearing hero does have a relaxed and pleased posture.


"Yeah, Armsy brought in a mini-nuke one time, as part of my extended power testing, didn't even scuff the paper I froze." Clockblocker says, on the back foot after seeing his power rendered completely impotent.


After this, Linebacker looks to Proditor.


"I'd like to ask you to allow for additional testing whenever is possible, if you believe you can cure victims of the Simurgh or Heartbreaker, Then it warrants further testing.  There are no shortage of people who would pay any price to see a cure for that Endbringer's power over others, even an intensive one as you claim."




Armsmaster bears the verbal lashing from Lucile rather well, in all honesty.


"It's fine Frigus, Satomi. Protocol dictates that to prevent alienating potential allies, that certain unorthodox beliefs not be challenged, so long as they do not interfere with procedure or allude to future illegal acts.  Myridian is a well respected member of the Protectorate, after all. He too believes his abilities to be magical in nature, due to their aesthetic, and for all we know of powers, his stance is unfortunately no more inaccurate than any other we have developed."  Armsmaster says politely.


"I will say however, it is odd to claim that parahuman abilities are 'discovered'.  I personally would not describe a Trigger Event as a discovery, aside from possibly in the most literal sense."


"I approve of your design, Satomi.  Given nothing but analogue components, it may well exceed anything I myself would have designed, under the circumstances. I look forward to collaborating with you more directly in the future, even if it is only in a small capacity due to the limited overlap of our abilities."


Finishing his speech, he turns on his heel, gesturing for Mirri to follow.


It is at this point that Dragon decides to take a screen over entirely, she has a bit of a sour look on her face, like someone who caught a lemon flavored fly in their mouth.


"Well.  That was certainly something."  She comments.


"As for your question Harry, I have a program running right now that lets me monitor goings on in the Rig and Armsmaster's lab.  I can monitor everything currently active here.  The Protectorate and Guild work in very close tandem, myself especially.  Why do you ask?"




(12, 1) Forced to knock on her door instead of sneaking up behind her, Piggot answers the door to her office, looking disgruntled in the same way an atom bomb explosion seems "warm".  Jun speaks at her, to which she responds.


"Is that so?  Then give me an explanation for why I have to file papers that are clearly the work of liars, madmen, or the single most dangerous parahuman group that don't have a kill-order or Protectorate Punch card?  None of you even have your stories straight, only half of you are willing to even pretend being functioning human beings, and all of you seem to be in agreement that you know better than us regarding the safety of this city."

"Or did I imagine the mix of Unstable Masters, Tinkers, and other horrific powersets among you all, any of which would cause massive problems on their own, who appeared from nowhere, with unknown goals and vague allusions of being a force of good?"


"If I had even the slightest inclination that any of you had done anything illegal worth noting, we would not be having this conversation, you would be in a Master/Stranger testing cell to see which one of your teammates is controlling all of you, and my peace of mind wouldn't be shot to hell."

"But I don't, So instead, I have to register a new Parahuman Independent team with a ridiculous name and aspirations to demonstrate the lowest group cohesion in a parahuman team since the Archer's Bridge Merchants were formed."


Finishing her rant at Jun, Piggot Firmly closes her door, and locks it.

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"Just curious how much of a Big Sister figure you were. I was curious if you heard all that, and judging from your reaction, I'm guessing that you did." Harry spoke quietly, with the purpose of allowing those left in the room to talk amongst themselves without distraction. "So tell me, what's your opinion on the molecule I uploaded? Going to cause the end of the world any time soon from what you can tell?" At the same time, Harry resumed typing. That way he could keep the conversation somewhat private for now, and if at some point he needed to reveal the truth about their mission, it could be done in a tactful way, without the chaos of four or five people offering conflicting explanations.


<"Mind if I keep some of this private? It might keep things a bit more. . .confidential? Not sure what the word I want is. Anyway, I'm curious what. . . your opinion of what just happened is."> He tentatively probed, to see what conclusion Dragon came to about this possible revelation.

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<"Armsmaster has a bit of a... touchy ego, when it comes to his technological ability.  He likely needs a bit of time to cool off, your friend is very passionate."> She prints on screen, while also speaking,


"Well, I'm no Biologist, we will have to send it to some of our thinkers, tinkers, and maybe Panacea, for testing it's effectiveness and safety.  After that, I believe I can devise a way to produce this substance without Tinkertech.  That's my specialty, after all.  It will take a few hours to produce the necessary doses to send for testing."




"Machinery, Gear, Kit, Equipment, If we could get something that can withstand that, you might be able to increase your destructive abilities, M'am."

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At Linebacker's request, Proditor gave the faintest motion of a nod, "I would be glad to try, whenever possible" he replied, his helmet snapping shut as he did so. He'd heard a bit of these 'Endbringers', though not much. All he truly knew was a bit about Simurgh, an Endbringer with near perfect future sight and powerful telekinesis. He also knew that he needed to stay as far away from one of them as possible.


"Though, while I do know of 'Simurgh', I am unfamiliar with 'Heartbreaker'. Who are they, exactly?" Proditor asks after a brief pause.

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<"He didn't seem that upset. In fact, I thought he handled things quite tactfully. But, I was more curious about your thoughts about us, what the girl said, etc. Maybe your thoughts on the others' abilities? How threatening we seem? Stuff that's not classified of course. I won't take offense to anything you say."> Meanwhile, Harry glanced around the room, and noticed that Armsmaster was seemingly comfortable with them being alone in his lab. He'd expected the man to be slightly more protective, but perhaps he was simply satisfied with Dragon's watchful eye.


"Panacea does healing, right? So would testing this require giving it to a test subject, and then having her attempt to determine whether they require healing, or would she be able to determine it's capacity without using a test subject?" Dragon had mentioned her specialty. Armsmaster had mentioned her being a tinker, and it seemed her tinker skill was to make tech without tinker tech? That seemed a bit odd. Might be something worth looking into. "Think I could meet Panacea some time? As a Doctor, ithe healing power is something I take a great interest in, regardless of the fact that it's nothing that could be taught."

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"Magic doesn't exist," Mirri states, "It's a label people put on sciences they don't fully understand.  Or occaisonally," She continues in a much softer tone, "A way of looking at the Force."  Having dispensed that cryptic bit of scorn and mysticism, she follows Armsmaster.

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"I see," Kusuke said diplomatically, trying and largely succeeding at hiding the bit of smugness he felt. It was odd to be proud of the power, considering it was something he was born with, and that he had no particular reason to want to best Clockblocker (other than him trying to put a sticker on him, he guessed,) but what he felt was what he felt. His face settled into a somewhat more naturally serious expression as he continued. "Yeah, I'll help with those loops if I can. Worth a shot, right? Although I should mention, my-" there was a slight hitch as he dodged around the term Drive "-power doesn't really affect the flow of things. I can't slow down time or stop it for anything; best I can do is kickstart it, apparently. Though I've been trying to work out how to stop things. . ."

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Frigus nodded as Armsmaster finished, "Alright then." He then turned around and went back to finishing what he was working on, a chain of protection.


About ten minutes later, he was left with an ornate chain about nine inches long with a small ball on one end, he pressed a finger against the weight to finish the enchantment.

The resulting artifact wasn't of as high of a quality as he was used to, though it would get the job done.  The idea was to create an aura of force around the wearer, helping to protect them from attacks.  The Mythril, artificial though it may have been, helped to maintain the enchantment by fueling it with ambient magic, basically creating a less powerful but constant version of his barrier spell.


Afterwards he clipped the chain to his belt and made his way to where Armsmaster and Mirri were working, he did his best to avoid interrupting and simply stood off to the side watching, helping if beckoned in.

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"A parahuman based in Montreal, his power allows him to manipulate the emotions of others, he maintains a harem using his abilities, including several parahumans.  Though his is a major threat, all attempts to capture him have failed, due to his parahuman force and various moles giving him more than enough forewarning to prevent anyone getting the drop on him, assuming his current compound is even found."  Linebacker answers Proditor.


"Well, I noticed that your Energy Rope is especially weak.  You need to use it more intelligently, try stringing it between two points, low to the ground.  It might make a powerful area control tool, or a method of disrupting speedsters.  Many of them rely on being able to move over the ground."  He says to Lilly


Linebacker Proceeds to Coach Lilly in creating Mana Rope to trip foes.



(Trick) Mana Tripwire: The user lays a magical trap. 
(Level 1)Deal 2 Damage to an enemy each time that enemy takes an action which involves them moving.  This technique does not work on targets who can hover or fly. 3 Turn Cooldown, 1 Turn Duration



"As for you Calvera, consider utilizing things which react violently to heat."


He walks outside for a moment, before returning with a can of soda.

"Like this."



(Item) Can of Soda: A simple can of Crush Soda
(Level 1) Convert an attack's Damage to the Water Element, as the canister explodes from the blow.



"No pressure, there, Kusuke, there is only positives to be gained from attempting.  Any possible effect would be better than their current state. Lastly, do you believe you could rewind an object?  If so, I think you would be best served using vehicles or other temporary objects to your advantage, Those are often limited by fuel, which you can simply renew."


Clockblocker eventually leaves, bored.




<"Well, I'm not one to gossip.  You are all certainly an interesting bunch, it's refreshing, quite honestly!">


<"As for your threat levels, I get the feeling none of you are very up to date on Earth Bet's History, considering how blase many of you are about your capabilities.  The ability to manipulate human minds, create minions, and advanced biological powers, all of those are terrifying in general for many.  Some of the world's worst S-Class threats are related to those Classes of effect.  Your Team is certainly very worrying, no matter what threat levels you are assigned.  Bonesaw, Biological Tinker, like your own ability, Nilbog, Master who can turn living biomass into minions, who have their own powers, Heartbreaker, controls the emotions of others, and has never suffered a lasting loss due to having a harem of parahumans protecting him.  Simurgh, Telekinetic Precog who has the power to produce a scream that slowly reprograms the minds of others, turning them into ticking time bombs, waiting to cause mass death after trying to achieve high positions of authority or power.">


<"Each one is an S-Class threat, the worst possible threats to humanity as a whole.">


Then, Out loud.


"Well, it might be either one, I am not sure how her power interacts with noncellular proteins.  Visiting her should not be an issue, she is usually working at the hospital in much of her waking hours."




Those that Follow Armsmaster would find themselves in a large empty room plated in some unknown metal.


"Tinker Testing Area.  We don't normally use it for creating tinkertech, but it's large."


He gestures to the Blacksmith's shop, which has been brought in rather quickly.  A simple Tungsten-alloy forge with an array of tools, tinker or otherwise.


"Frigus, I am not normally in the habit of producing jewelry.  I imagine there is some unknown effect caused by that metal of yours?"

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<"Oh, I see. . .Thank you for the explanation, Dragon. I genuinely appreciate it. I suppose that our capabilities would definitely be worrying. Were you by chance watching while we filled out the paperwork? I'm guessing Director Piggot's sudden departure had something to do with that?"> Harry typed out, pausing as he considered the events. <"I'd really like to find a way to reassure you all that I don't have biotinkering capacities, if they're at all similar to regular tinkers. Not really sure how that type of reassurance would be possible. . . Any ideas? At the very least, perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that I can't create these things without your assistance.">


"Interesting. If instead Panacea were to instead test a programmed virus, you think she'd be able to detect the function of that? Since it's a bit more complex, sitting on the border between living and nonliving and everything. Sounds like quite the altruist though, so I look forward to meeting her."

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Mirri asks Armsmaster for his preferences for testing, and then gets to work.  First, she melts and blends the iron, nickel, titanium, and bes'kar together; since they're already extremely pure thanks to his synthesis process, the smelting process is takes ten minutes instead of the day it would take to process mined ore.  From there, creating a block and a thin plate is extremely simple.  Cast the metal in clay and wax molds, fold the ingot three dozen times for strength and to work air and carbon into the metal, and beat it into shape.  She places it in the tempering oven, and asks Frigus to cool the quenching oil as much as he can without freezing it before submerging the metals within.  Most metals would shatter under such a treatment, but in Bes'kar it helps the crystalline structure that resists energy so well take shape.  With those finished, she turns her attention to drawing bes'kar wire.  She makes two grades, a thin one suitable for wiring electronics or weaving into cloth, and a thick one for creating rings of mail.  Drawing wire is a long and arduous process, and bes'kar is a finicky metal to work with, and Mirri draws heavily on the Force to keep her hands absolutely steady and her focus unwavering as she works.


As a side effect, it would become blatantly obvious to outside observers that she's been hiding exactly what she can do when, as she finishes with Armsmaster's samples and starts crafting herself a suit of Bes'kar mail with which to augment her armor (training resistance with assistance, as her resistance stat comes from her armor), she begins moving faster than an un-enhanced human should be capable of, riveting the mail together with astonishing speed.  The Force guides her hands, and deep in active meditation, she doesn't notice her slip-up.

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"Ah yes" He unclips the small chain from his belt and passes it to Armsmaster, "Once I started looking at the metal made in the lab I noticed that it had somehow already energized itself within seconds of leaving your nanolathe, I left a small piece in your lab for you to examine later, the design I have here uses the energy within to produce a sort of shield against attacks.  My last attempt was more powerful, but I believe that was due to having material with a higher energy content.  It also only seems to really work when used by someone with powers."

He takes the chain back once Armsmaster is done looking at it.

"I doubt it would make much difference against a giant monster, but if someone comes at you with a knife or club I think it would help significantly.  We can test it when we're done here helping Mirri."

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Kusuke nods. "Yeah, it's a trick I use pretty regularly. Never really thought of using it on a vehicle, though, huh." The seithr-powered engines on the craft used to travel between Hierarchical Cities rarely had power as a concern, and for the rest he rarely had occasion to use or need for one. He waved absentmindedly at Clockblocker's back as the other time-based hero walked off. "Don't suppose you've got any test subjects around here? I've got an appointment I've gotta make later." He could, actually, be in two places at once, but he doubted he could manage to safely jump the amount of time needed to actually make the appointment and be shipped off to who knows where.

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<"Unfortunately, no, Piggot certainly would not allow me to have surveillance in her own office.">


<"Unfortunately, the best way to prove that you cannot do something in this city is to simply have a completely unrelated power, or a branch of your company devoted to PR.  I get the feeling your group is not suited to the finer nuances of Public Relations anyway.">


"It's worth testing!  I am sure she is up to the task, she is very diligent and experienced with her ability, and curing viral infection is certainly within the scope of her power." Dragon says to Harry, her projected image nodding.




The Mandalorian rushes through the process of Forging and smithing with ease and speed, samples going to Armsmaster for testing, while Dragon's watchful eye examines through a camera.


Armsmaster, meanwhile, Nods at Frigus's explanation.


"Very good.  I believe we have all we need, unless any of you have further revolutionary replicate tinkertech to share with us.  I look forward to more joint Projects of this nature.  I'd like to retain any leftover Bescar for testing of my own."




"Unfortunately, no, The closest Grey Boy Victim is a few states away.  I believe this was a good testing session.  Remember my suggestions, if you would.  Lilly, Leverage your powers more, they are being used too directly, for how fragile the constructs are.  Calvera, use your environment and tools to your advantage, a force multiplier of any kind in your hands is a lethal tool.  Kusuke, look into things which are not re-usable, such as guns, vehicles, or something as simple as CO2 powered objects.  Your ability to rewind time should allow you to use them indefinitely."  He claps his hands together.



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Proditor, as he listened, nearly sighed in disappointment. One had a very powerful ability, one that could solve a manner of emotional trauma and such things, and they use it for crime and making their own harem? The Ethereal had worked with, and studied, humans for 20 full years and still had yet to truly understand how their line of logic worked at times, "I see. Additional testing is no problem for me, though preferably after we get our work at the Boat Graveyard done" Proditor replies, after a small pause at least.

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<"Director Piggot's a rather private woman then?">


<"That's pretty accurate. Maybe even a mild way of putting it. I was more curious though if there was any way I would be able to assure you of my. . . Not harmlessness, since everyone can be dangerous, but perhaps. . .relative harmlessness in comparison to others. Probably not something that could easily be done though. On a rather different subject, you mentioned being part of the 'Guild'? Since you're already quite aware of my ignorance, there's probably no reason not to ask. Mind telling me a bit about this organization?">


Harry nodded along, pleased. "That's good to hear. Will the PRT require anything of me before meeting Panacea, or what?"

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Satomi wouldn't be honestly able to say that her anger with Lucille had completely dissipated, but thanks to the reassurance by Armsmaster that things hadn't been completely ruined, it had settled into more of a twinge of annoyance with the girl. Still, with that problem more or less avoided for now, and Satomi's efforts not gone to waste, she decided to focus on something else... specifically, Armsmaster's compliments, which caused the little samurai to practically puff up with pride; she very much enjoyed having her engineering work given compliments, especially from such an evidently miraculous engineer as Armsmaster. "I would greatly enjoy working with you in the future! Even this brief opportunity opened up an incredible window for me! I do think that I am about satisfied, for now, however."


After she finished speaking, Satomi immediately got to looking over the crossbow she had created, and it gave her both reason to be proud and to frown ever-so-slightly. The crossbow was absurdly light, and Satomi briefly amused herself by balancing the entire thing on one finger, but she had to imagine that its structural integrity would be rather poor. She supposed that's what she got for so eagerly having the material weight setting cranked down. Part of that had been getting the opportunity to create perfect materials, but still. This also meant that compressing the strong spring when reloading without breaking the device was going to be a long and arduous process. The mechanisms of the device themselves, however, were a smashing success, and she figured that if she hit the trigger enough times she could absolutely pepper any given target with multiple crossbow bolts, a thought that got a triumphant grin on her face instead of that little frown from earlier. And it would beat her scevenged junk crossbow by miles.


  Reveal hidden contents


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"This session was very interesting, I look forward to working with you folks in the future." He nods, as the Gang Leave the Testing Area.



<"Very Distrusting, yes.">


<"The Guild is Canada's Protectorate.  We do a lot of the same things, but in addition, The Guild does not have a Wards Division, and Furthermore, we often work to hunt down and attempt to kill S-Class Threats, or Contain them.">


"Nothing but Forewarning, I'm sure.  Panacea isn't exactly a member of the Wards, after all.  She is aligned with New Wave, who would be good to contact if you wanted to get into contact with her.  I can give you their business line, if you like?"




The Gang eventually make their way back to the city, It is now around Noon, and a few party members may be growing tired, if they weren't already.  The group attracts a great deal of attention, phones flashing to take photos, and a general murmur of interest and curiosity.

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