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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Arminius raises his hands.

"Fair, but you're still full of feelings you don't understand right? Do you think you'll somehow understand them better by wandering aimlessly through the city? Even if I can't fully explain, talking about things might help."

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Calvera turns, starting to continue off on her own, then stops. She turned to Arminius, and spoke, "I'm... I'm sorry. You can come with me, just... I just need to think things through. You're just trying to help. I shouldn't act like that."

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Calvera nods, turning and starting to walk. She didn't haven't any place in mind, just wanted to get away from everyone else. She needed time to think, and as she walked, chuckled at the thought that she also ended up needing help. Well, granted, it wasn't as urgent as Satomi's problems, as those were more complex. Hers was more of... trying to figure out what was happening to her. These complex feelings she was suddenly having. Her sudden desire to help someone she hardly knew, but knew needed help. The annoyance that she couldn't help due to others denying her that. It... hurt, but not physically. At least, Calvera felt hurt. It was odd to her. She looked at the buildings she passed, several thoughts racing through her mind. What was her purpose? She wasn't more than a star before all of this, and now she's here to help people... but she couldn't. The others didn't view her worthy of it, or something. Her mind moved to her memories of the creation of the universe, the formation of herself. How... simple and natural it was. She yearned for that simplicity again, but knew she likely would never return to it. And she found herself not wanting it, knowing that she was only a few seconds from dying in her normal celestial form. Her natural form. Maybe this was the universe's way of sparing her. Or maybe this was the afterlife. She didn't know, nor did she care. She was clearly summoned one way or another to help, and that's what she was going to do. It was what she wanted. She would force herself to learn what she could, to become useful to her group. Somehow. She looked over to Arminius as they walked, and thought why he took a liking to her. She wasn't any outstanding and rich individual. She was... bland. Just learning what it means to be a person. She smiled, thanking herself for taking a second to allow the company. A can found its way onto the tip of foot, sending it clattering against the ground softly, as they continued on to wherever they would end up. Calvera was silent.

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Harry sat patiently at the corner of one of the buildings making up the alleyway, staring off into the bay for a few minutes. He listened for the faint sobs that he had noticed as soon as the others had cleared out--apparently she had not composed herself on hearing them approach--,trying to pick out the faint noise from the quiet splashing of the waves. It was definitely a good thing then, that they had waited a bit. The sobs meant she could breathe, and it would have been a mistake to jump in immediately. After a bit though, it sounded as though the sobs were diminishing. Once he was unable to hear a thing, he counted to thirty in his head, before rising to his feet.


He rolled his shoulders, contemplating what to do. He was having some difficulty thinking of a way to open the conversation. Each way seemed to imply comfort, and from there, that Satomi needed comfort. Anything that would not feel like an admission of her weakness in front of everyone would come across as harsh. After a moment though, Harry simply gave up on searching for an easy way to open conversation, and just set off down into the alley way, slowly approaching Satomi with his hands in his pockets.

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"Actually that was more getting at having been boring in the past, but I suppose that's true."

Arminius chuckles to himself.

"Actually, one time this flame elemental came into the bar with her boyfriend right? So they're being fairly normal, staying away from anything high proof when a fight broke out by them... anyways, someone threw their drink and damn near burned the place down!"

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Now that she wasn't bawling her eyes out, Satomi did in fact notice Harry's approach. She took a couple of deep breaths, and shut her eyes tightly for a moment -- she was well aware that she must look terrible, and that everyone had seen her weeping, and that she really couldn't hide any of it, what with having JUST stopped crying maybe thirty seconds ago, and with how rumpled she was both from sitting there and crying and from being lifted and dropped. But, for now... well, maybe she could just act as if that weren't the case. Taking another deep breath, she spoke, in a quiet and remarkably defeated little tone of voice. "...did you see anything...?"

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Soon enough, Proditor got his ping, causing him to turn and float towards the signal, moving at a faster pace than before. The signal WAS moving, rather quickly, through some alleyways, and Proditor had to catch up before the signal faded away... Even though he could easily find it again. Sure enough, Proditor managed to make it to the rooftops above Kusuke, his helmet angled downwards to look at the moving time traveler, "Kusuke. I need to speak with you, if you're willing" Proditor called out, beginning to float down to ground level with the human.

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There was a slight hesitation in Harry's step, perhaps a sign that he wasn't certain how to answer the question. However, after a not inordinate pause, Harry shrugged. "Sure. I've seen quite a lot of stuff in my life. I've seen people die, seen people born, seen my planet shrink to a small speck behind me as I left it never to return. Plenty of sentimental shit. You're talking about yourself though." It wasn't a question of course. That was obvious. Harry sighed, hand straying absentmindedly out of his pocket to his hip.


"You'll have to be a bit more specific, Satomi. Would have been hard not to see your fight, so that's probably not what you're talking about, and of course after that, you jogged over here. Since there's probably something you don't want found out, you don't need to tell what it was. Just say what time it was or something. When it was in relation to other stuff. And I'll tell you if I saw whatever it was."

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Kusuke tried to avoid glaring at the Ethereal as he appeared. Kusuke failed miserably at this, of course, having been fruitless in finding any obvious criminals to beat the hell out of. Shockingly, even criminals dumb enough to do anything in broad daylight were smart enough to avoid trying anything near very angry-looking capes. "Willing? Yes. Particularly keen on actually doing so? Not really." 

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Satomi blinked as he described the things he'd seen, but what she ended up responding to was his indirect inquiry as to what he'd seen or not seen. After a moment of hesitation (she really didn't want to open up the likely comments on how she was weak or something like that, but she'd be dying to know if he'd seen her lowest point so far on this strange mission), she spoke up. "Um... I... um, ever since the end of the argu-- of the fight, I guess..." She had been strangled, after all. "But... mostly I meant for the last few minutes, in the alleyway. Did you...?" Yeah, he probably saw. Heavens, she was pathetic.

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"Understandable, considering the situation" Proditor replied, the end of his cloak barely touching the ground now, "Most would rather be alone when something like this happens, but nevetheless, talking is sometimes better than hitting something. Like a wall, or another person" Proditor stated, having picked up the frustration Kusuke was practically radiating at this point, and with a slight mind read, picked up Kusuke's want to hit something, "I do have to admit, I am surprised you and Satomi were at each others throats so much, especially since-" Proditor continued, then suddenly paused, his head suddenly turning to the side.


There was a sudden psionic pulse, a REALLY big one. Something Proditor couldn't exactly put his finger on, not without enough concentration towards the task. All he knew from the sudden pulse that it was large, and potentially dangerous... Which, in this situation, seemed almost perfect, 


"... Tell me, are you still wanting to hit something?" Proditor asked, his body not moving a centimeter as he spoke, head still turned towards the psionic flare.

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"Yes. Even if I hadn't heard, people's faces tend to take on a fairly recognizable appearance after they've been crying. What's your point?" He asked brusquely. Harry decided he might as well be blunt about it. She was embarrassed about crying, which implied a fear of seeming weak. So any change in his usual demeanor would be considered sympathy and recognition of her weakness.


As he stood, he performed what assessment he could from afar. No bruising on the neck, it seemed, and she could talk without rasping. "Came over to make sure that you were okay. Hippocratic oath stuff, not important. Tell me, does it hurt at all to breath, does your neck feel weird, any dizziness, etc?"

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4 hours ago, DragonRage said:

Mirri doesn't turn to face Jun, but she does start talking.  "Yes.  My lightsaber.  Many of my clan have taken them from our fallen enemies, but this one is mine.  The weapon of a Jedi Knight... and a weapon I am no longer certain I am worthy of.  No Jedi would act as I have."

Jun slowly but surely approached Mirri's current position to try and prevent any misunderstandings that might arise from him mishearing anything she said. "I am afraid that I do not know much about the Jedi Order or the Sith...but I feel that an explanation for your previous out burst would be much more important".

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"Oh." She said flatly, when Harry revealed that he had heard her crying, and she wilted a little bit, placing her hands into the kimono sleeves of the opposite arms for a moment. Then she heard him asking around about potential injury or side-effects from the strangling that the non-ambassadorial armored woman had dealt her. Well, she didn't feel any lasting dizziness or damage, thankfully -- well, it felt like her rear end might in fact be hurt a bit, considering that she had been half-dropped half-hurled onto the ground right onto it, but she was hardly going to mention that. "Ummm... no. It took a lot of my vitality and stamina out of me, I believe, but... there isn't any other kind of effect any more, so far as I can tell..." He hadn't shunned her or anything upon revealing that he'd heard her weeping, but after a pause Satomi felt a need to justify herself anyway, at least half-heartedly. "You... you know... it's been difficult..."

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"Well, yes, that tends to be why people cry." The conversation had started when Harry was still a few paces off, but now he was fairly close, at least close enough for a decent conversation at normal speaking volume. He leaned up against a wall. "Well, good to hear you're unhurt. So, I guess. . . tell me what in particular has been difficult? Besides the whole getting yelled at and then choked thing." Harry stopped, considering where to go on.


"Maybe you should tell me a bit about your world. You've got some pretty backwards ideas about things, and that's what started the fight. I'm not saying Kusuke and Mirri did nothing wrong. Course they did. But you did a pretty shit job of explaining and justifying yourself to them. So talk to me a bit. About the stuff that they didn't understand."

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Kusuke nodded at the offer, somewhat glad to have the topic changed from Satomi. "Of course. What've you got for me?" He was still annoyed that the other members of the party felt the need to chase him down; he was probably safer here than most of the damned natives, even without counting the fact that he'd spent a fair amount of free time skulking around places a lot more dangerous than some city streets. A minor factor next to discovering left and right that his party members held such insane views and/or thought little of others holding said views.

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