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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Team ?6? Junk Food to Think By



Leaving the area, Kusuke hears some last snide remark from the woman, before leaving at last.


Out in the alley, he has gained money, but perhaps lost face.  Having a place to go, he begins his rapid journey to where he needs to be.


(16, 4) Being who he is, he obviously makes it to the restaurant long before anyone else who planned on being at the meeting, standing awkwardly in the parking lot.


Eventually, Harry and two other women in plain clothes arrive.


Edited by Hal Henderics
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Seeing as the enemy went down fast, Mirri quickswaps "Meditate on the Lost" for "Force Lightning", and fires a bolt to deal 3 damage to the fleeing Shadow's constitution.  Hopefully, the non-physical nature of this attack will bypass the Shadow's evasive action.  However, thanks to her building rage, she's going to need to stop and recover next turn.

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Satomi chimed in when the PRT guy asked if Lucille was in charge, in a voice laced with fatigue. "Well... none of us three are really in charge, seeing as how we have not been a group for very long and seeing as most of everyone is gone, but she is in fact probably the one to listen to right now. I didn't touch anything in the warehouse, and Lilly is... mmm... maybe not the one to consult where careful, precise judgement is involved."


Satomi quite visibly stifled a yawn and turned to the blind girl. "...what did go on when I wasn't looking, anyway...?"

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"They tested this powder earlier," Lucille explained "Apparently, its not drugs or whatever they originally thought it was...but some type of plant spore. Things didn't go well, someone almost got burned to a crisp, and we ended up having to isolate the creature it spawned before it could wreak even more havoc. From there... well, its one crises that's been dealt with, that's whats important. Talk to Lilly if you want to know more, I left the thing in her hands after I rendered it harmless, and she was there to experience it from the very beginning. I just ran in after I heard the screaming and smelled the smoke."

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((I'm working off the assumption that we've got at least a few minutes before the meeting starts, since the plan was to leave for Goodwill at 1:30, and I doubt we spent more than a half hour in there before going on to the meeting.))

For a second or two, Harry was furious. So the man who had started a fight, and run off for two hours to who-knows-where expected to be incorporated back into everything without complaint? He'd indirectly gotten punched in the face due in part to Kusuke. And the fight had left everyone scattered, making any sort of coherent work impossible. But, it was not entirely his fault. Satomi, and to a greater degree, Mirri, had also caused similar problems, and Kusuke hadn't had an equal chance to explain himself. Harry remained annoyed though. He'd expected more from this time traveler. Even so, he was an asset that Harry did not want to make an enemy of.


"Not quite, we've got a few minutes. Could you come over here please? We need to talk--all of us--before this meeting starts." He waited for Kusuke to approach, and then walked a bit himself until they were far enough from the restaurant to hopefully not be seen or heard. "So, there's at least three things I need to say. First of all, you being here is problematic, Kusuke. We agreed to come to meet with unknowns, and said there'd only be three people. Did Proditor not tell you to skip?" Harry sighed. He had hoped to be able to rely on the ethereal to get this done.


"It might not matter though, due to the second point. The person we're meeting might be a mind reader. So they would know that we didn't mean anything by bringing four people. This brings up more problems than it solves though. Before going into a meeting like this, we all need to know anything that might cause. . . problems in there. Secrets need to be on the table, if they're something that could turn us against each other." Harry glanced specifically at Soma. He didn't think Jun had somehow been eavesdropping, and Kusuke obviously wouldn't know. It was something that she would need to mention.


"Oh, and the final thing. Those clothes you've got are going to stand out here. I bought more than one pair of the standard stuff here for myself, so if you're set on coming in to the meeting, please wear those, alright?"

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Jun had a thoughtful expression on her face as she wracked her brain to look for any secrets that might cause anyone in the group to turn on her. And after a few moments had passed she finally decided to reluctantly say "I am actually 80 years old". She then shrugged before she continued with "Also everyone here knows that pretty much everyone who holds the title of diplomat or ambassador is either a spy or an assassin right?".

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It was rather easy for Proditor to leave the building, thanks to the fact that the only guard believed that Proditor was a 'welcomed guest'. However, as he left, he tagged along with Kusuke, for the most part, informing Kusuke about Harry's decision concerning the meeting. The Ethereal didn't give a side of the problem though, simply letting Kusuke know that if there was a problem, he should try and work it out with Harry, but for the most part, Proditor was rather neutral in the entire stance. When they arrived though, Proditor simply gave a slight bow to the time traveler, then turned, heading away from the meeting place and Kusuke, searching for the rest of the group. Or something of interest, at least.

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"He did. Did you get the memo that you're not actually in charge? We're working together, last time I checked; I'm not your damned lackey, and you had better figure that out real quick. Don't pretend like you can actually tell me what to do - especially what to fuckin' wear. That's just unnecessary." What was this guy's plan? Some sort of weird establishment of dominance by making him change? Sure, the clothes would help him blend in more, but offering it as a sort of "do what I say or do what I say" choice wasn't exactly pleasing to the time traveler. "If you're that worried about us having too many people, then leave. Otherwise, can we get this over with?"

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This actually shook Harry a bit. He had the nerve to bitch about this after what he had just pulled? But the one thing he had said was certainly true. He couldn't tell Kusuke what to do. He had no way to do so, and neither did anyone else in the group from what Harry knew. It would be best not to push this into a confrontation.


"Look. I know I'm not in charge, Kusuke. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't control you." Not strictly accurate, but it was at least mostly true. "You've got to consider, you ran off, and I didn't know if or when you were planning on coming back. And even if you did, tensions would be, and obviously are, high." Harry was doing a decently good job of keeping his annoyance in check. Even though he was genuinely pissed that the time traveler had started a pointless fight, and then run off for a good two hours to who knew where, leaving everyone else to clean up in his wake, he had to consider how tired the guy likely was. Harry knew he was extremely exhausted himself, so who knew.


"What's the problem with the clothes though? You understand why I wanted you to wear them, right? It's fine though. You're better than most of us were as far as standing out. . . maybe." Harry glanced him up and down, frowning at the inordinate number of zippers and belts. "Anyway, as I said, we need to be prepared for possible mind readings, and since we've got time. . . As for me, I don't think I've got anything I'd be averse to you knowing. There's small lies that I've told people over the years, but I--I hope--don't have anything that should piss you all off too much."

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"I was letting off steam. Sue me. And I don't want to strip in the middle of a parking lot. I would also question your timing in asking me to reveal whatever secrets I might have, but suffice to say none of them are going to be anything anyone here would care about, let alone understand the significance of. Unless you consider bounty hunting for a living to be a secret." He sighed, trying to not wind himself up again. "Now can we just go in and be done, please? I would at least like my next screaming match to have air conditioning."

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"Fine. Try to not do that though? Unless they attack us or something?" While it was obvious that Harry wasn't being serious, there was certainly a small hint of vexation in his tone. "I'm ready when everyone else is." Harry directed this towards Soma and Jun.


"So. . . mind telling what you spent the last hour or two doing?" That seemed like something that would provoke a sort of 'is that any of your goddamn business' type remark, so Harry followed up with clarification. "Or, at least, is there anything that we should know?"

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Watching the last Heartless dematerialize into a puddle of black goo, Frigus relaxed a little.  Not enough to let his guard down, but the majority of the threat was neutralized and there was no need to rush as no amount of fretting would make this creature reveal itself any faster.

So he wait in ambush for the thing to come out.


Delay all three moves until after the Shadow's move, attacking with three Keyblade strikes (2d6+6 damage each) if it surfaces.

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Lilly sits the little creature on top of the pot and ask if it will stay around for a while, warning him it might be dangerous to leave. Not really knowing what else to do at the moment. The hours were catching up and she could use some sleep... She could feel that Ador was tired as well. She reached up and scratched his chin.

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Team 1: Against the Dark ( Mirri & Frigus )



(4, 20) Striking the shadow with force lightning immediately blasts it into nothing, but as it does so, Mirri feels a cold chill grip her chest, where normally a blank heat would have coated her thoughts with rage.  It seems in an effort to prevent it's escape with the passionate lightning, she left herself vulnerable in a different way.


The Chill remains, even after that, an unpleasant buzzing in the background.


As a result, she obtains-



(Level 1) (Consumable: 1 Use) Unknown: While equipped, the next time the user touches someone, something will happen.
Always Equipped.
Does not take a slot.


The colorful substance left behind congeals into a pile of Munny, which flies towards Frigus's pouch, practically forcing it's way in.

There are also Three items, A Lucid Shard, a Power Shard, and a-



(Level 1) (Consumable: 1 Use) Potion: A plain jar containing what appears to be a Green Star, held in a glittering clear jelly.  Made through Synthesis.
Level 1: Restore 30% of one Target's HP.



Team ?6? Junk Food to Think By



"We can talk about it more in depth later, but if there really is a mind reader in there, My power turns anything made with animal or plant products into abominations, and I'm a former neo-nazi.  We can talk about those later.  I'm only telling you now so they don't use it to try and turn negotiations against me." Soma says in a plain uncaring tone, like someone talking about the weather.


When the gang enters the establishment, they would smell grease.  That is most definitely the smell of the day at this diner.  It's a quiet time of day, but one large group are all seated around a table.


The minute the party enters, one among them locks eyes with the group.  A young teenaged girl with eyes that radiate confidence of the worst kind, smug confidence.


She knows you know they are the ones to call you here, and she knows you know she knows that.  That much is certain, though recursing further might not be useful for anyone involved.



Team 4: tfw V& (Lilly, Satomi, Lucine)



"We'll keep that in mind" the commander says as the last of it is hauled off.


"Again, Thank you all for your help keeping this stuff off the streets.  You've done a lot of good people a favor, judging from what this might have been used for up in New York."


About an hour after that, A gleaming dragon made from metal arrives on wings of fire, as far as Lucille can tell.  That's certainly what this entity has made itself out to look like.

It stands about the size of a horse, and upon plopping down, immediately begins speaking.


"Hello again Lucille.  Nice to see you." It says in Dragon's voice.


"[Agreement]" it confirms, Wandering nearby.


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"Guh.  Kusuke, I think that thing did something to me," Mirri informs Frigus with forced calm, "I feel a sense of cold, kind of like what you get from a place heavily tainted by the Dark Side, lodged in my chest.  It feels very wrong."  Mirri focuses on the light side of the Force, attempting to flood the cold presence with positive energy and feelings.

Edited by DragonRage
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At some point, Proditor paused, suddenly remembering something. There was a thing that had been peaking his curiosity, and that he'd almost forgotten, somehow. The psionic residual that lingered everywhere he went, centered around the many parahumans in this world. With a quick look, Proditor looked around, making sure that the empty street he "stood" in was truly alone, before relaxing his body, his mind going to work on the mystery he was finally wanting to solve.


Why every Parahuman had a strong psionic connection with... Something.

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Lilly having been satisfied by the response, had went to take a nap in a nearby tree. resting on a particularly large branch near the top. it was a small tree, but it was comfy enough, and had justttt enough sunlight flitting through the leaves. So spear stuck in the ground, she slept with ador in her lap, also of course, sleeping.


 Then about an hour into that, Dragon showed up. Ador opened his eyes, ever alert, but considering no one was doing anything threatening, deigned to leave Lilly asleep. The metal dragon that had lighted down was a curiosity however. So Ador hopped off Lilly, and the branch, and flew over. Where he began sniffing dragon and flying around her, curious.

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Frigus dismisses his Keyblade with a flash of light, then walks over to the three items sitting on the ground and picks them up.

When he turns around to look at Mirri he has a thoughtful expression of his face, hardly even looking at what he just picked up.

"I'm not sure what to tell you.  It may have something to do with being a what you call 'Force sensitive'.  I've heard that some worlds are structured in ways that interact more with the powers of light and dark."

The expression on his face turned almost grim for a moment before he started speaking again.

"Here take this, it's the least I can give you for the help."
He passes her the Potion. 

"Also, my name's Frigus."

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Lucille had gotten up from the crate where she was meditating, once the violent, incredibly loud peel of something spewing fire and light caught her ears. Simultaneously curious as to the source and on-guard, Do was at her side in nearly an instant once the signal went out, as the other cats retreated to the higher echelons of the crate stacks and watched from above. Through his eyes, she saw it, a strange, armored figure descending from the skies, perfectly matching the thunderous noise which light up the sonic image of the area in her mind like a miniature sun. 


And as the figure touched down and began to speak to her, the curiosity she had felt turned to utter perplexion...


"Um...hi?" she responded to the towering green figure. She quickly cycled through every single voice she'd heard over the past day or two, and within moments had come to the concrete conclusion- it wasn't there. She'd never heard it before. "have we... met before?"


It was a stupid question, really, one she already knew the answer to. But it was also the simplest way to start unraveling just what this stranger's visit was about.

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Satomi hadn't taken the hour to sleep or meditate like the others had -- the fact that they were resting meant that the warehouse would be vulnerable to anyone up to no good, especially considering it was just being guarded by three not-particularly-massive girls (and a really small dragon, Satomi supposed). So she'd taken up a position of watch, walking around the warehouse and occasionally flipping through her notes just to try to stay awake. She wasn't passing out on her feet, not quite, but the diminutive samurai was close -- even if she was a Crab, to be frank she didn't have the best stamina.


When all of a sudden a metallic dragon descended from the sky on a cloud of fire and noise, Satomi practically jumped out of her skin, literally jumping a couple of inches and scrabbling briefly for her sword hilt before she calmed down. "Wh-whoa..." Satomi said eloquently, before she grabbed her notebook and pen instead and started to roughly scribble things down. Her notes were still actual notes, but they were a whole lot less neat and crisp than her usual work, and if one watched her they could see her literally swaying on her feet, her eyes into a squint of half trying to see Dragon clearly and half exhaustion.

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Jun confidently strode towards the teenager she assumed would be one of the group of people that they were supposed to meet up with. She would then discreetly look around the group to try and notice any details about them before she introduced herself by saying "Good afternoon everyone, my cape name is the Ambassador, and the three people behind me are known as...". Jun gestures using a white gauntleted hand at Somatrope before continuing with "Somatrope.". He would then gesture at Harry before saying "Dr. ABNW.". And finally she would vaguely gesture at Kusuke before she finishes with "And finally that young man over there is known as Timefucker. And we are here to represent the P.A.R.T.".

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". . . Is this for real right now? Like, seriously, this is what you're doing? Making up lies to tell to the FUCKING mind readers immediately? Just, please, seriously, don't talk if this is what you're going to do. Holy shit." If "doneness" was a physical object, it would probably be overflowing and bursting through the windows of the structure at the rate Kusuke was producing it. "I need a damn break. . . Anyway," Kusuke turned his rather tired and frustrated-looking gaze to the person who'd met his on his way in. "Hi. We helped beat up Lung. What'd you need?" he said simply.

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As they entered the restaurant, Harry swept it over with his eyes. He was searching for anyone suspicious besides the group with the cocky teenager. If anyone spent too long--or at least longer than might be expected from the oddness of Kusuke's attire--staring at them, he would make a note of it. In a similar way, he made note of those who spent too little time staring at them. The first was the sign that someone's curiosity had been significantly piqued by them, while the second action would imply that someone was already expecting them. Either a spy, or insurance for the group they were here to meet.


When they had sat down, Harry had considered leading off the conversation. He hesitated though, considering what Kusuke had said earlier. The guy's temper had been over the top, and Harry still felt what he had done was justified, but there seemed no harm in letting someone else take the lead. He could hopefully talk things over with Kusuke later, but in the meanwhile, he hoped that remaining silent would alleviate tensions a bit. And then Jun spoke, and that hope departed rather quickly. Harry couldn't help but agree with Kusuke's sentiment. His volume was far too high though.


Harry peered past the individuals on the opposite side of the table, trying to determine how many people had taken notice, or might be eavesdropping behind the opposing group. Then on the pretext of glancing at the menu above where people were being served, Harry did the same thing for the people behind them.

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Team 4: tfw V& (Lilly, Satomi, Lucine)



"I was with Armsmaster via telepresence earlier today.  I'm here to give you your payment for the universal tinker bounty for criminal works?"


"Knowing what I do now, I'm willing to offer a sum of Two Thousand Dolllars in cash, on behalf of the Protectorate."


The machine says.



ProditorQuest V1: Psychic Shenanagans



Clearing his mind in an empty street, he reaches out, trying to see where these psychic connections lead to.


(6, 12) Poking at one of the psychic connections more deeply, a knife bursts from his right arm as he catches a glimpse of something immense and simplistic, like the mind of a dog, whose size eclipses cities, countries, even.  This result breaks his concentration.


That one was connected to the man at the pit fighting ring.



Team 2: Bar-room Blitz ( Calvera & Arminius (& Fingers) )




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The Mercenary, trying to avoid getting bashed by the Angry Goblin crawling over the table, fails to notice Calvera opting to set the bar on fire, flinging a massive ball of burning plasma at the table.


Everyone who was previously running in panic panic even harder, including the Mercenary, who by now has ran out the door.


It seems Calvera has ruined what would have been a perfectly good fight with the magic of arson.


It may be time to leave, as the ABB Thugs who were previously neutral to your plight are now less neutral.



Team ?6? Junk Food to Think By



The lady who was formerly smug now looks apprehensive at their responses.  Maybe this was a bad idea.


"Well, before anything else, I'd like to thank you, if it weren't for you and our mutual friend, the Bug Girl, Me and my friends would likely have been crispy."


She slides a lunchbox over to the party, some Superhero looking person is printed on it.  It looks to be a collector's item.


"And this is how people like us say Thanks."  She says.


Opening the box, the party would find a large amount of cash in large bills, packed into the small lunchbox in neat packs.


Probably around 7 Grand.


"Along with that, I've got a proposition for you all, if you'd hear it.  The money is yours either way, but I would like you to consider what I'd like to say"


Her friends look confused.  This is off-script.


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