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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Neat." Kusuke began to fairly quickly fill the bills into a few of his pockets. "And you guys wanted me to change. No, I'm not taking it all for myself, so don't bother freaking out," he said over his shoulder to the rest of the group. His attention returned to the individual speaking to them. "Glad to stop people from being cooked - you might want to track down the bug girl yourself, though. Dunno where she went off to." He leaned back, putting his hands in his pockets. "Anyway, I'm willing to hear you out." 

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"....Oh...." Lucille muttered. Not really in any mood to think about that fuck up earlier in the day however, she simply rolled with it. If this stranger had connected to the lab at that time, chances were lucille had been too.... occupied with other matters to really bothering to pay attention. At the mention of payment for the drugs however, the memory of the conversation she'd overheard during the plant abomination crisis surfaced, and it wasn't too hard to put together "You were the one Harry was talking to earlier, then? Anyway, yes, Two Thousand sounds perfectly fine, I suppose. I'll be sure to let Harry know when he gets back."


Of course, she had no actual idea just how much 2,000 of these supposed "Dollars" was worth by the standards of this world's currency, but she had already slipped up on that front enough for one day, and wasn't about to embarrass herself by asking about it now. Besides, she hadn't even known they were going to be compensated for this, period. 2,000 was far better than the zilch she'd expected.

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When Proditor began to narrow in on his target, he couldn't help but feel a bit... Confused. He had seen a glimpse of something, completely immense in size, dwarfing the size of most countries on Earth, but remaining extremely simple, like small, all while being completely formless, it's nature staying just out of reach. However, before Proditor could push further to investigate, a sudden jolt of pain in his right arm snapped him out of his concentration, causing him to look down as a familiar clang sounded underneath him. Moving slightly back, Proditor could see the source of it... A knife.


For a second, the Ethereal stared down at the knife, feeling his own wound quickly closing up. Then, having pieced together the events that had just transpired, he knelt down, picking up the knife in one of his unwounded hands, before straightening and moving away. He'd have to answer these questions later on, but for now, there was a certain task that needed doing. They had to get to work on that graveyard.


Proddy finally gets a move on and heads towards the Boat Graveyard

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"I'm willing to hear you out. Though, whether you'll admit it or not, this smells a bit like a bribe. People have a tendency to want to reciprocate when they've been given something, whether or not you call it a bribe. Pretty standard piece in the repertoire of a con man. . .I don't mean to imply anything by that." Harry's scan of the restaurant had revealed nothing, so either this place was used to this sort of thing, or anyone watching them was well trained. "So, what is this proposal? Something nice, I hope?"


"And, do we get to keep the lunch box?"

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Ador, sits himself down on the ground and starts scratching out a little message. Normally he wouldn't bother, but this strange metal dragon had his curiosity.


 He looks up at dragon and awaits a response to his simple message. He had heard her voice before at the meeting, so it stood to reason he might learn something interesting, or helpful. He idly wondered if she could breath fire.

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Team ?6? Junk Food to Think By



"Oh it's simple, I'd like you to escort me out of Earth Bet.  In return, I'll offer my services in gathering information."


"You see, I'm psychic, and I can tell you without a doubt that if you say no to this offer, I'll disappear in a few days, and if I'm lucky, my dead body will be found shortly after that."  Putting her hands into a finger pyramid, her tone brokers no disagreement.


"What?!" One of her friends shouts, getting up from the table.


"What is this, Tattletale?"


She just shrugs with a smile that, while completely self assured and smug, doesn't hold any feelings normally associated with smiles.


"A man named Coil gave me the choice of a 2500$ Retainer, and a place on the Undersiders, or a Transoccipital Lead Implant and a warm bodybag on the side of an unmarked private road.  I'm not exactly in possession of the strongest moral obligations, but you understand how a decision like that would lead a girl to a life of crime."


"His thinker ability prevents me from making any plans of escape, since he somehow knows them in advance.  When I saw you all, I managed to put two and two together."


"And I'm very good at putting two and two together..." She pauses, looking at Harry's face for a moment, looking for something.




Her friend, a tall African American fellow, looks stunned.  Her other two companions however, look unimpressed.

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Harry stared, not quite processing what she was asking. So he simply responded to the final remark first. "You know, the whole calling someone by their name when you don't know it thing isn't half as effective when we suspect you're a psychic, and you admit it beforehand. . . It just kind of loses some of the flair, you know?" Harry sighed. So the option was letting the girl either come with them for at least a bit, or die. She was a criminal, but that didn't lessen the guilt he expected would be felt if they didn't bring her along.


"Well, why don't you tell us what the two and two you put together equals then? Might be good to give us an idea of how much you can help us. You're obviously serious about this, since you basically just made an all or nothing bet, revealing everything to your friends. A bit troubling though, that you're willing to lie to these people who seem to trust you."

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Jun vaguely glanced at the direction of the money that Kusuke had pocketed before he quietly said "Well you do fuck around with time don't you?". Before he turned to address this "Tattletale" by saying. "And what makes you think that we even have a way out of Earth Bet in the first place?"

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"The conclusion I've arrived to is a pretty simple one.  You all are trying to make Earth Bet a better place, but it has nothing to do with any of you living here, because you don't.  Aside from Soma over there.  You are currently looking for a way off world, with the implicit knowledge that you can find it, despite public records indicating that the only contact with another world is through Dr. Haywire's breach to Earth Aleph."


"Oh, and you plan to do the same to other worlds, to prepare them for a threat of some kind?"


"Honestly, your powersets, mannerisms and technology make it obvious."


She takes note of Harry's comment, shaking her head lightly.


"Like I said, I was on a time crunch, if I waited too long, Coil would discover my plan, if I told the gang, his thinker ability might have let him know even earlier, and telling them would have done nothing anyway."



Team 4: tfw V& (Lilly, Satomi, Lucine)



Nodding, a compartment on it's side opens up, extruding a suitcase, which is dropped on the ground.


"Two thousand, you can count it if you like."


Looking at the message, Dragon looks at the dragon.


"Hello there." she says warmly.

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Picking up the suitcase and putting it on a nearby crate, Lucille popped it open and took out one of the stacks within. Though she wasn't able to read our write, neither in her own language or whatever one they used in this world, equations and numerics...well those were most definitely her forte. And luckily, determining the value of each of the soft, cloth-like paper bills was as easy as glancing at the numbers in the circles up in the corners. All she had to do was hold it up for Do to see with his own eyes, and she got the same visuals as him as she counted through the stack in front of him, one bill at a time- from the looks of it, it was comprised entirely of 20 dollar bills, 10 individual bills deep. She had Do turn his head and peer into the suitcase, and through him saw that aside from the one she held now, there were 9 more stacks. She put this one back and got out another, quickly flipping through, confirming it was also a stack of 20s that were 10 individual bills deep, and then another, and another. After around half of them though, she seemed satisfied.


10 stacks comprised of 10 bills of the 20$ denomination each.... each individual stack amounted to 200$ and together all ten came out 2000$. Of course, that was assuming that the other half of the stacks weren't just 9 1$ denominations with a single 20$ on top, but.... well she found it unlikely that the stranger would've tried to stiff them, considering her talks with harry earlier and her connection to the sovereign organization of this area. And so, deciding to act on good faith she put the stacks back into the suitcase and clicked it close, nodding at the suit of armor


"Yes, this will indeed do. Thank you." She said, Though she couldn't help but notice as Ador starting trying to get the suit's attention....well, not her problem, whatever he was doing. He was lilly's beast, afterall, not hers.

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"Well, I can't deny any of that. Now, I'm curious. Will you be wanting us to take your companions off-world with us? Since they might also be in danger from this Coil person? Interrogation, punishment and the like." He gazed intently at the mind reader, curious. This would reveal  a fair bit about how she treated her allies. Would she try to protect them, even if they personally didn't want the protection, or would she leave them to deal with the problem themselves? There wouldn't be any firm conclusions simply from her answer, but it could give at least a bit of info.


"Since the lunch money is supposed to be ours no matter what, I'm guessing you've got a fair stash somewhere? Basically, are you okay with either spending that yourself, or letting us spend it in order to get off world? Finding someone who can get us out of here is gonna be expensive and difficult, not to mention stocking food for the trip." Immediately following this, it occurred to Harry to wonder whether the teenager knew that they were working with the protectorate, and whether she, as a criminal, cared. However, he soon recollected that she had mentioned knowing about their 'playdate' last night.

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Ador gives a little "Rawr" then looks at Lucille expectantly. Recalling her ability to talk to him with her power. 
A far better and less disgusting use of it. It didn't matter what life was like in her home, she couldn't just go around subjugating the will of life and violating minds.

Lilly would have to have a talk with her Later.

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Proditor would find his way to the Boat Graveyard, a den of decay, once the symbol of Brockton Bay's Prosperity, now it remains a symbol, one of it's slow descent into the grave.


A lot of the boats seem to be quite far out, and a large tanker vessel blocks the mouth of the bay, preventing any entry from sea.


It's quiet, only a few psychic signals from fishermen and homeless dot the water before him.






"They aren't in any danger.  Between their personal circumstances, Coil has nothing to gain by ostracizing them or threatening them, and everything to lose in resources doing so.  If they want to abandon their home to come on a jaunt across exotic worlds, that's their prerogative."  She says, after a moment of pensive thought.


"Nah." Her other friend says, dismissing the notion.


"No." The burly girl says.


The last one, the one that was so shocked previously, thinks for a moment, before clearly and crisply shaking his head.


She looks torn, but puts no serious contemplation towards the alternative when asked about the money issue by Harry.


"I'll pay my way aboard, if that's what you're asking."


"As for someone who can help you.  I know a couple of people, unless you can convince Armsmaster, of course."


A very short pause.


"You got off on pretty good terms with him, as far as I can tell."

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"Paying your way isn't quite how I'd put it, but I'm glad to hear we can count on that. As far as Armsmaster goes, I think we should be able to secure his cooperation. Might require a bit of bartering, maybe if you've got some info on this Coil person, or. . . How big a criminal do you think you are in their eyes? If Armsmaster isn't too keen to hand over dimension hopping tech, we might be able to leverage the fact that you'll be leaving the city?" There were logistics to work out certainly, but it seemed that this might work. So long as Proditor was capable of reading her mind, she'd be a reliable source of extremely useful information. Proditor might even be able to wipe this Tattletale's companions' minds, though Harry doubted they'd agree to that.


"So, if you don't mind, who are the other options? Are they even worth thinking about if we've got contact with Armsmaster and Dragon?"

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Lucille did nothing, as the dragon stared at her as if it expected the blind girl to pick up a visual cue. Do and the other cats had wandered off a bit, after the money had been counted, and with nothing there at her side, she seemingly just... sat there, staring blankly ahead at Dragon's suit of armor. Nor did she really look as though she was going to call any of them back to have a look; even now she left them to their own devices, as they began to chase each other among the many crates in the warehouse.


Of course, that was simply how things appeared to be on the very surface. In truth the girl didn't need sight to tell which way an object was oriented, if it's profile wasn't perfectly symmetrical on all fronts. And she may have been inept socially, but no so inept as to miss a very obvious audio cue coupled with something changing its positioning to directly face her. But given the general disdain the drake's master, and the drake himself, had consistently shown her whenever they so much as talked, she didn't particularly appreciate the idea of potentially opening a direct channel to have yet more self-righteous shade cast upon her this day. For she was all too sure that was where it was going to lead.


And so she didn't give it the chance to go there, right now, simply remaining silent, both mentally and verbally.

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