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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Dragon popped a joke of some sort, but even in her remarkably discombobulated state, Satomi knew both that she did not have the context for the joke but that she might want to pretend she did, so she let out a little titter that was... remarkably fake, fantastic.


Well, maybe Satomi could just brush it off. Flipping the page on her notebook and readying her pen, Satomi asked: "Um, could you tell me where some of the shops that sell these are located? We are new to this city, after all. Uh, we meaning... you know."

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By the time Lucille had finished, there were several miniature crates scattered along the ground, as if some of the full sized boxes above had somehow given virgin births but then deemed their offspring unfit to uphold the long, noble lineage of a cargo container, and had so decided to dash them upon the stones instead, tops knocked aside and their innards hollow. 

     And in the center of them lay a black stone and a staff, side by side.. The shiny, black disc she had somehow conjured earlier, and promptly shrunk down to be able to carry... just there, full sized yet again. The miniaturization trick... yet another case today of something being "Adequate" but nowhere near as "Good" as she preferred. First the damn plant, the oddities that had created the stone in the first place, and now this. The spell... it worked. It didn't work well, but it worked, period. Even drawing upon what vast reservoir of information regarding the sigil she had and trying to leverage it as much as she could during the scribing process, somehow the damn things kept coming out nowhere near what she knew she'd been capable of in the past, no matter how many times she tried... evidenced by the scattered mini-crates.


Eventually, she had given up on it, stopped toying with the containers, and turned instead to examining something she had already put through the ritual- the stone and her own staff -to scry them to see just what she had been doing wrong and somehow missing every time that she'd gotten right before.


And there, as she had been examining the stone, she sensed it... something... off, well, even more off than the things whole existence already was. The bits and pieces of information filtering in were enough to shake the foundation of what she had thought before however. This...this thing... it didn't absorb or radiate heat, no, this.... felt far too different, now that she wasn't touching it and scrying it at the same time. Had it been an illusion, earlier? Had whatever power this stone held, and she found so difficult to penetrate the secrets of now, been so complex as to manage to trick her own senses into detecting a temperature flux that was never there to begin with?




"It was..." She muttered to herself... and couldn't help but smirk, ever so slightly at the idea. She concentrated even now, and lo and behold... she didn't feel any of the tell-tale pressure changes on her skin that indicated a nearby shift in temperature. This thing, whatever it radiated, couldn't be heat. And at the same time as the prospect intrigued her, it did just as much to terrify her- what in the Maven's name had she created here? What was this thing truly capable of, if manipulating the senses was just the obvious tip of the iceberg?

     She'd come too far down this rabbit hole to stop now. Gathering herself, honing her focus once more, she again began to scry into the stone's true nature... 


And for her trouble, Lucille was shoved, shoved hard enough to lift her right off her ass as she sat there, pick up her like a ragdoll, and dash her against the far wall after colliding into a few crates on her short, but very disorienting flight, all culiminating in a loud, ungodly crash and the sound of a 15 year old girl screaming in utter terror that would've resonated throughout the entire warehouse. 

     Or at least... a shove was merely what the logical side of her had deduced the most likely explaination to be, accounting by the amount of force felt on impact... what she had actually experienced however, was beyond words. A cacophony of odd tastes and smells she'd never known in her life up to that point, shifting, intertwining, evolving, like a mass of snakes breeding in the bottom of some moist, dark pit. A cacophony that was equal parts sweet and bitter, pleasant and wretched... as if she had suddenly walked into a field of rotting corpses left over from the atrocities of the state, left their so long that eventually the most heavenly of flowers had begun to bloom, their sweet, alluring scent mingling with the stench of death and decay to form a sickening, insidious soup. 


Sickening in quite the literal meaning, as it had happened. For though the flight itself had only last mere moments, the sensation lingered far longer, and already bruised, disoriented, and quite frankly terrified of whatever the hell had just happened, there was little lucille could do to keep the venison from last night in her stomach, as she turned and wretched for a good few moments, until the gods forsaken assault on her senses of smell and taste finally fade, and the sense of nausea it had helped push over the edge with it.


She stood, shakily, wiping her mouth of the bit of bile still clinging to it. And she listened... listened closer than she ever had before in her life. Listened for any sign of danger, anything approaching, anything else being fired at her. But she heard nothing besides the usual sounds of the warehouse. Whatever had attacked her, whatever had picked her up and tossed her with enough force to easily send her through the air, yet somehow also enough restraint to prevent her walking away with little more than what felt like a minor bruise or scrape on her elbows... it was gone... or hiding... she didn't know. She didn't care. 

   A shaky step forward, and another. She kept an incantation ready, just under her breath, the blades of sound practically already conjured and ready to end yet another life, just encase something leapt out at her. But it didn't.


Nothing did. 


Eventually, she found her way back to the area she'd been practicing, back to the scattered, shrunken crates on the ground, where her staff, and the stone- oh that wretched, horrifying stone, sat. And once she did, she simply slumped against a crate, sliding down to sit on the floor, facing it... the stone, no, the thing that had somehow, for some reason, outright attacked her when she had merely tried to examine it- which, by the way, she had done just fine when it was originally made, and mere moments before it had reacted so violently. 


And, as well as a blind girl could, she "stared" at it... contemplating her decisions up to this point, the queasiness she still felt in her gut, the minor ache where she'd landed. 


But most of all, she contemplated how she would destroy this bedamned artifact. Or perhaps more aptly, if she could destroy it... whatever it was, it had become very obvious, nothing good was going to come out of it... if that was the type of reaction it apparently gave just from a simple scrying. She could only thank the mavens that despite her utter fuck up regarding... just about everything related to the stone, she had at least been prudent enough to try to examine it first, instead of recklessly turning right around and combining it with something.


If it hadn't been for that, who knows... she might well have been dead right now, instead of merely stunned, disoriented, and slightly sore.


"What am I even doing anymore?" She closed her eyes in defeat, after a long day of fucking up one thing right after another, and sighed inwardly "What have I done? What did I make- How did I make it? You... you shouldn't exist...you hear me? I don't know if you're... somehow sapient... but either way, you shouldn't exist..."

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"That's good. It saves me the time explaining things, thankfully. Ren and I aren't the only ones in this world, there are 10 others, though they're off doing their own things. Once I finish what I'm doing here, I shall bring you to meet them. You'll be working with them quite a lot in the coming days" Proditor said. Then, with that, he floated forward, moving past Eva and Ren, until he was right on the dock's edge, starting out into the boat infested waters. For a bit, Proditor simply listened to the waves, the sound of society happening around him, and watched the boats rise and fall with the tempo of the sea.


Then, his helmet suddenly snapped open, bright orange light beginning to shine underneath.


It was time.

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Tomorrow- Early Morning


(Random Event Roll)  (16, 14) The Merchants apparently firebombed the building last night.  A Metal Building.  Fucking morons.


Nobody even noticed, those who sleep having slept soundly.


Those who plan on clearing the Boat Graveyard begin to do so.  All of them stand before the docks, the morning waves crashing up and spraying mist into the air, which glitters in the early light.


It's time to go to work.


(Characters can opt in or opt out of this Combat At Will, there is No Initiative, though Move Count is respected.








Average Dex: 3



Massive Tanker: 100%

Southern Boats: 100%

Northern Boats: 100%

Eastern Boats: 100%
Western Boats: 100%

Central Boats: 100%

Beached Boats: 100%

Southern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Northern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Eastern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Western Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Central Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Sandbar: 100%




Phone in hand, Tattletale texts someone, then waits, then texts again.


"Ok, I've got a meeting set up with Uber and L33t early tommorow.  Apparently we'll get to look in on one of their shows."


"I guess this is goodbye.  It's been fun."  She says to her former companions with something anxious in her tone.


"I suppose this is the part where you show me where you guys are squatting?"


Harry Eventually purchases a ton of junk food from there, bringing the gang a feast of epic proportions, and tomorrow, Tattletale joins a few people to meet with the infamous Uber and L33t near the Boat Graveyard.  It seems they are preparing for a show.  A flying camera shaped like the Snitch from Harry Potter buzzes around, while L33t is trying to get on what a savvy individual would recognize as Storm-trooper commander armor.  Uber, Meanwhile, is fiddling with a Lightsaber and robe.


They haven't yet noticed those approaching.

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Harry yawned as he awoke, pleased that he hadn't over slept, even in this strange new world. After some normal stuff getting ready for the day, he grabbed his stuff, and headed out with Tattletale to meet Uber and L33t. As he stepped out of the building, he'd stumbled as he noticed the burn marks on the side of the building. "What the hell! Someone tried to burn the building to the ground? While we slept? And complete and utter morons by the looks of it. . ."


"Well. . . I guess we got lucky. Know who they were Tattletale? Not quite sure how your power works, but you said you could gather info, so. . ."

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Lilly, had enjoyed her meal last night, it had been quite the feast, but she regretted having to throw out the Vinson leftovers from before. because rats.

 Regardless, it was time to clear out the boat graveyard. That woman at the meeting had said her voice wouldn't be very helpful, but she figured she would try anyways. It might at least be fun to watch.  Lilly enters the encounter, with Ador in tow.

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Jun would slowly but surely sneak away to a discreet corner of the docks to put on her ambassadorial stealth suit once more....and to quietly dismantle the plaid monstrosity that Soma had made for him by hacking it apart with a plasma sword.


And he would then follow after Harry and Tattletale as they went out to meet Uber and L33T. "Perhaps a gang felt that we were muscling into their turf and decided that we needed to pay for our actions?".

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Mirri wakes up bright and early, and gets to checking her X-Wing and kit over for salvage operations with R2P14.  When she notices the scorch marks, she does a brief perimeter sweep, grumbling about "idiots with Nar Shaddan cocktails and too much time on their hands."  When she sees the group heading out to speak with Uber and L33t, she asks where they're going, and decides to come along.  She'd like to meet our new allies in person.  R2P14 is left to do final equipment checks and top off her spare oxygen tanks.


When she sees the local tinkers, she does a double take, but manages to contain her fight-or-flight response (which really only does the first part) long enough to realize their outfits aren't authentic.  "So, what's with the cosplayers?" She asks no one in particular, "No sane bureaucrat would put a convention in this city."

Edited by DragonRage
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Arminius just sort of followed the group of people heading towards the meeting. As he passed the burn mark he nearly cringed before recovering his composure. He turns to answer the doctor's question.

"Well, considering we're in Merchant territory, and considering that we may have done something to anger them, I'm thinking it might have been the Merchants."

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Satomi woke up and rubbed at her eyes -- as tired and loopy as she had gotten there, she had slept incredibly heavily, even if it had ended up being on the floor shortly after she'd entered the warehouse. There was a part of her a little annoyed at the thought of sleeping on her kimono on the floor, but she wasn't a little prissy Crane so she wouldn't get too put out about it. Crab had to make do all the time in pursuit of Duty, after all.


Thinking too closely about bushido got her thinking about some of the events of yesterday, causing a frown to flicker across her expression, but she distracted herself by stepping outside and ending up starting a little as she saw the scorch marks. "Really? We got attacked?!" Satomi pursed her lips, a look of very real frustration and annoyance crossing her face this time. "How could they just do that to this building? Ohhh... if we have the time I have to repair it later. That's awful." She let out a little huffy sigh. "Still, I do have a different duty to do for now, I suppose. This boat graveyard... just let me get my hands on it, and I'll see what I can do!" And therefore she dashed off to the boat graveyard.


Satomi will enter the encounter.

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 Ren was quiet...boat graveyard. This was a boat graveyard and Ren could see how it was pretty bad and Ren thinks they remembered that this was something that needed fixing. Perhaps he could try to make a platform to lift the Boats? Failing that he could try to make really big hands and manipulate them to lift the boat up and set it aside somewhere?


Was their somewhere safe to even put them if he did that?


Either way for now.


Ren will enter the Boat Encounter.

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"Local gang makes sense, and. . . Oh. Right. The drugs were being shipped by the Merchants. I'd be willing to be they're our attackers." Harry said in response to Jun's statement, almost simlutaneously as Arminius gave his answer. "Yeah, them. Sorry."


Harry made a mental note that if they remained here another night, they'd need to keep a watch up. In response to Mirri's exclamation, Harry said, "Pretty sure they go by Uber and Leet. Leet's a tinker that Tattletale said might be able to help us get off world."

Edited by Strider
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Lucille awoke to the mewing of the cats and a decently hefty, warm weight on her chest, purring with obvious content at its position. Reaching up to pet the thing before she rose to a sitting position, the memories of the day before groggily began to filter back in- cheif among them all how the damn rock had nearly killed her some reason that, try as she might, she could find no discernible reason for. The method she'd used to examine it before that point had been precisely the same as when she had that time, and it hadn't gone ballistic then. She had briefly considered that maybe it had something to do with the miniaturization, but with the utter mess it had assaulted her smell and taste with, that theory made no sense- the runic formula had absolutely nothing to do with it... even now, the running hypothesis was that somehow, for some reason, the thing was sapient.

    She shook her head free of the thoughts. She wanted nothing more to do with the thing, didn't even want to ponder what it might be capable of, what she had done, what she had made. It was gone now, anyway, shrunken back down, wrapped up in some spare cloth one of the cats had found around the warehouse, and pocketed. And in all honesty, if Lucille never had reason to ever take it back out again, she would be perfectly happy. The synesthesia still gave her chills, as the mere thought called back a similar sensation in her mouth, the feeling of about to wretch right where she was, a feeling that only be quelled by taking a few deep breaths to keep the vomit down.


Not like there was anything left to vomit up at this point though. Where the food that had been brought last night came from, or what was even in most of it, she didn't know. But it had smelled more like chemicals than anything actually edible, and in the state she'd been in- and still was a bit now -she doubted she would've been able to keep any of it down, from how the smell alone had begun to trigger a nasty response. So she hadn't even tried, just curled up and went to sleep. Infact...

     "Did I even tell him about the money?" She muttered, before turning to the source of the mewing on her lap. It was simple to peer into its memories, and from what she could tell, no one else beside her even knew it was here, considering the cat had neither seen nor heard anyone messing with the case. Cutting off the flow of past events, she gave the feline the order to go and get it, if it was still where it had been, and lo and behold, mere moments later Do leapt off her lap and came back dragging the case behind him. She didn't have to jack into his vision, the sounds of the metal scraping on the concrete, and the way said sounds reverberated throughout the case itself was confirmation enough for her that it was indeed still there, and still full. So much for 'letting him know'.

     "Well... whatever..." She sighed, resting her head on one of the crates. It really didn't matter in the end. And at least the light bruising she'd gotten had stopped hurting, infact it had probably faded away by now. 


She finally got up, and walked around as she took care of a few things, overhearing the talk of people apparently.... firebombing them.... in the middle of the night... while they slept in a structure than even a blind girl like her could easily tell was metal. She didn't know whether the criminals around here were touched in the head, or simply so focused on trying to intimidate that they were fine with wasting perfect opportunities to march into where they knew someone they had beef with was sleeping, and slitting all their throats. One way or another, didn't matter. The only thing they had accomplished was ruin whatever element of surprise this knowledge had given them.


"Fucking morons..." she sighed, shaking her head upon hearing the news. Soon enough, the others began to leave out for the day, where they any of them were going, she had no idea, but... she didn't really care to ask either. They apparently had capital now, after all, and she still had no actual idea how much $2000.00 actually was here. Back home it would be a mere pittance, the type of thing a parent might give as an allowance- could get you a few trinkets, some food and tat, but not much else beyond that. But she doubted the authorities would've handed out so equivalently little, in return for odd tech they seemed very intent on deciphering (which lucille already had, at least for armsmaster, but.... well she prefered not to dwell on that outburst). 

     Not like she had anything else to do... so why not take a small amount, maybe a single stack, at the very most, and try to experiment, see what the prices were like in this world, maybe pick up a few supplies if it turns out the cash was a generous amount here. It was better than staying in here all day, at least waiting for the others to come back from doing... whatever... and dwelling on her many failures yesterday- being blasted into a wall by something she'd never even intended to create being chief among them.





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Proditor himself... Never actually left the dock area. He simply stayed there, scanning the area, seeing what he could do in the most efficient way. He did make sure to give Eva directions towards the warehouse where the group stayed at, so she would have somewhere to rest if she needed to, but the Ethereal did not tag along himself.


... It was only when the rest of the group began to arrive did Proditor truly begin to get to work, his helmet snapping open as he began to use his psionic power.


Proditor joins the encounter!

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Calvera awoke from her place on the warehouse floor, groggily wobbling as she stood. She wiped the crust from her eyes, and yawned. Stepping out to the main large area, she saw the large burn mark that she made the night before, and sighed. She wasn't too sure how Arminius was now, but she hoped he was better. She felt bad about what had happened, but it was in the past, so she had to let it go, even if it still affected her friend. A feeling of dread fell over her mind, as she realized how many people might actually be... afraid  of her. This gave her a moments pause, and a frown. Her mind wandered, as she stared at the floor of the warehouse.

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She approached the briefcase from yesterday and popped it open with a click, feeling around and pulling out a single stack of bills out of the ten or so contained within. Stowing it into one of the pockets of her garbs, she snapped the container shut once more and put it back in its hiding place behind the crates, called the cats over to her side, and headed out of the warehouse with the three felines in tow.


Where she was going, she didn't precisely know- in all likelihood she would stop at the first place that looked like a store and check it out. For now though, she let the sounds of the early morning docks filter in and gradually map out the world around her, clicking her tongue a few times to speed up the process. With her own bearings in check, she channeled one of the cats sight, taking a look around the area, and settled on a particular path that looked like it led away from the docks and into the city proper. Without a word, the girl started walking, the cats following behind. She occasionally took control of the sight of each of them, as they went, having the felines browse the building facades they passed.

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As they approached the two costumed men, Harry waved. "Uber and Leet, I presume? And. . . which is which?" He pointed between the two accentuating his question. "Nice to meet you. Name's Harry Walters." He held out his hand to shake with the two in turn.


"So you can make stuff, Leet?"

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Kusuke heads to the boat graveyard, to see how he can help out. 


Kusuke, to prepare for this, attempts to learn the trick Temporal Slice by practicing on some random, easily-accessible debris.


Temporal Slice (Trick, level 1): Kusuke attempts to cut or damage an object by rewinding or accelerating a small part of it. Can be used to clear debris, with precision and overall success determined by an INT check, or as a way to attack an enemy (opposed by Essence.)

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While at the boat graveyard and waiting for the others (and really uncomfortably glancing at Kusuke every now and then when she didn't think he was looking), Satomi had decided to prepare for the work there herself, glancing at the boats in front of her and taking out her notebook. While she had planned to start taking notes on the composition and structure of the boats, from what she had seen... she soon found herself looking at the notes she had written on Dragon's dragon while barely able to stay awake, and considering the blurry memories of what Dragon was using last night... the mechanisms that clearly must have went into its movement, the wings of fire, they were fascinating and she found herself trying hard to remember what--


Oh, uh, yeah, she was doing something. Shaking her head to clear herself out of her fascination for dragon's machine (and not entirely succeeding, whoops), Satomi scrawled down a general set of ideas on what to do to disassemble the boats more effectively, aaaaand then even merely a few of minutes after finishing (and then glancing uncomfortably at Kusuke again a couple of times) she looked down at her notes and only half remembered her thought process. Uh oh.


(Level 1) (Trick) (Consumable) Helping Hand: "Structural Deconstruction": The user has come up with a strategy that they feel... uhh... yeah, allies can... yeah.  Sure. 

(Level 1) An unknown but effective effect occurs when used against constructs with nearby allies.  Specify an ally when using.

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It didn't very long or walking very far from the docks before Lucille stumbled upon someplace that seemed suitable for her purposes- bustling with sound, people walking and talking, sitting on nearby benches as they rested, the scent of something that smelled like food wafting from over yonder. She had turned and walked towards the source of the liveliness, having the cats peer around the place, and come to find out, she'd gotten rather lucky- this wasn't merely a single store, from what they saw, but it seemed that it was actually many smaller stores housed within the same structure overall, all connected by the central boardwalk. 





Walking in with the cats in tow, she let the felines roam free for a few moments, deftly avoiding ankles and walking feet as they maneuvered the light crowd and peered up at the many establishments. Though she couldn't read what their signs said, from the wares the cats glimpsed within each, she was able to create a fairly decent idea of their inventories. And while the cats did that, Lucille couldn't help but overhear some of the conversations in the distance turn their subjects towards the strange girl standing near the entrance dressed in furs... nor could she ignore the subtle turning of people's heads she sensed on the sonograph, as they passed her by. She had the cats turn their attention to a few of the strangers wandering about, and upon comparing their attire with her own, guessed that... perhaps it was a bit strange to be standing here in full fur vestments. At the very least, it drew more than enough unwanted attention to make lucille shift a little under the brunt of it all. 

      And so it was that the store that seemed to sell clothing was the first place she decided to visit. 


And was promptly denied entry when the sales associate saw the cats following behind her.


Well.... five minutes later, with 2 of the cats waiting outside on the boardwalk and Do smuggled inside of her shirt, she was inside, and as she passed through the racks she searched for the tags on each peice of clothing, letting the cats eyes gaze upon the prices and committing them to her memory. For the most part, the store associates seemed totally unaware, and she was free to browse as long as she wanted. Some of the fabrics felt particularly... cheap, as if they'd been shat out in massive droves with little care for quality, most of these cost somewhere between 10-15$, with some of the very.... knackered fabrics going for as little as 5$ a pop. There were also quite a few pants, made out of quite the tough material, far superior to the fabric of the upper body wares, though oddly enough they were generally in the same range of 10-15$, with a few ones that felt like they had special adornments- smooth rocks or special embroidering on the pockets, serving as outliers at 20$.


That however, was simply the basic stuff. Going deeper into the storefront, she gradually began to find things of higher quality, silken textures, warm wools, and other textiles bearing exquisite feels, all of them ranging anywhere from the upper 20s all the way to over 100 dollars, in some of the more isolated cases.


Ultimately, lucille felt it was a good and worthwhile reference experience for her- she'd at least learned that, in this world, a mere 5-20$ was apparently enough to easily buy one a single article of decent feeling and made clothing, while the more luxurious pieces could easily go for over 5 times that amount.... interesting, just as on arganor they seemed to place quite the discrimination on the quality of clothes, enough that the prices begin to wildly vary, depending on the echelon of quality one chose from. 


At the end of her foray, she'd gone back to the cheaper sections ((for there was utterly no way in hell she was spending half of the money she'd brought on a single peice of clothing, or even a full outfit, when she could easily buy a cheap one for somewhere in the ballpark of 20-40$)) and chosen a few articles whose textures she found pleasing and through the cats eyes looked functional and non discrete enough:

      A vest with some sort of splotchy design on it, alternating between olive green, dull brown, and black, obviously tailored for a woman's figure at the waist and bearing a generous amount of pockets both on its front face and it's interior; a pair of the pants that were made of the tough, durable material stronger than common fabrics (and a few pairs of less than mentionable items); a simple black t-shirt; and last but certainly not least, a strange type of satchel she'd found in one of the accessory aisles, made of some fancy material that felt reassuring tough, like it could survive the apocalypse. 


One trip to the changing rooms later after convincing one of the associates she was merely lost rather than a little blind girl, and she had changed out of the fur garments she'd made so long ago and altered as needed, and was sporting the new attire, with Do the cat stowed away in her satchel, quietly mewing before she told him to quiet down, lest they be found out. She left the changing rooms looking for all the world like any ordinary american high schooler... well, except for her eyes. But Lucille didn't really like to cover them up, why bother? Her sense of thermal changes was acute enough that she could easily tell where the sun was, it wasn't like she was going to accidently stare into it, and even if she did- what would be the real consequence, losing her vision?

     Ha.... as if she had anything to lose to begin with. Besides, not hiding her eyes forced people to actually notice them, acknowledge her as she was, blindness and all. And she preferred to keep things that way. 


Besides, Mavens know how long it would take before she lost a pair of those little dark tinted glasses somewhere or simply forget about them because of how used she was to going without. Really no point wasting the money on something she'd neither want nor keep track of. 


"60 dollars, kid," said the clerk manning the register, an utterly, miserable woman who sounded to be in her mid 20s, probably pursuing a philosophy degree and working this dead end job to try and fend off the mounting weight of the crushing student loans she had to incur simply to get a higher education in her country. The crushing, futile defeat she carried in her voice actually made Lucille feel somewhat sorry for her, despite the two of them being perfect strangers... and the fact that she could feel the vibration of the woman's jittering even from where she was standing. It was minor enough for most customers to likely not even notice, but not lucille... "well, c'mon, you're not the only customer to deal with...God I need a fucking smoke break."


"Ring the girl and the other customers on the floor up, finish taking inventory in the back," a mans' voice form farther behind the counter, coming from an adjoining back room according to lucille's sound map, answered her gripe "then you can have five minutes for a smoke break... and not a minute before. We've gone over this-"

       "Yeah, keep your fucking panties in a bunch ronnie, you might be assistant manager, but you're still the biggest asshole I know." The cashier turned back to her "You gonna pay kid, or do I have to call mall security. They're not sheepish about strip searches you know."


And with that, any sympathy for the woman vanished, as lucille pulled out the stack of cash from the satchel, held the bills up for Do to see on the way out, and deftly dropped 60$ exactly onto the counter, giving the woman a venomous glare 

    "Yeah, I bet you would know all about their searches, hell, you're probably an expert on them... you definitely sound like it's been a good while since you had your last pick-me up. Wonder what they might find if they searched you right now~" and turning and leaving the store as the woman sat there, mouth agape at how a little girl not even out of highschool had just told her off, and Ronnie proceeded to laugh his ass off in the back office, loud enough that just about everyone outside could hear it.


Do started mewing almost immediately after they were out, and she opened the satchel, letting him poke his head out into the sea air. He purred rather contently, as she scratched him behind the ears and collected the other two. It was time to determine which shop they'd go to next- this had been a decent learning experience, but there was still cash on hand, and plenty of more places to gather information from...


plus she was starving.



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Feeling a little overwhelmed already, Eva had opted not to join the others for the night. Instead she had simply logged out. She had been rather surprised to find the logout function intact, and less surprised when she wasn't returned to her home. Instead, when her avatar dematerialized, everything simply went dark. She experienced something similar to a dream, but slightly off, before sleep claimed her entirely.


In the morning, Eva rematerialized near the docks. She had a moment of darkness while her avatar reformed, but her consciousness was quickly thrust back into the multiverse. It seemed that the tall avatar's friends had gathered during her sleep. She considered introducing herself, but as they seemed to be dealing with the boats (and in turn, water) she decided against it. Instead, she actively took several steps further away from the edge of the docks. She would just watch for now and introduce herself to the rest of her new companions afterwards.

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Early Morning


Satomi, Lilly, Ador, Ren, Proditor, and Kusuke enter the encounter!


Kusuke Starts by lashing out at some nearby Debris with his newfound Chronofragging ability.


(13, 15) Beached Boats nearby clang angrily, shrapnel flying off of them as parts of them are rewound into one another.  They take 3% of their collective health in damage as one of the boats is eventually reduced to a pile of scrap metal.


(3, 6) Kusuke's overdesigned coat blocks the majority of the metal fragments made as a result of this.


(4, 3) Prodditor tries to lift a boat, exercising his psionic power, his grip slips, and it crashes back into the waves.  Southern Boats take 1% of their collective health in damage as one of the boats is jostled around, rusty plates falling into the water.



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Average Dex: 3








Kusuke: (2 Moves Per Turn)



Massive Tanker: 100%

Southern Boats: 99%

Northern Boats: 100%

Eastern Boats: 100%
Western Boats: 100%

Central Boats: 100%

Beached Boats: 97%

Southern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Northern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Eastern Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Western Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Central Underwater Wreckage: 100%

Sandbar: 100%




The pair regard the party with surprise, scrutiny, and intensely nervous and shifty behavior after that.


"Uhh, Yeah."  One of them says, looking to tattletale expectantly, she takes the guise of a cat who just got the cream as she walks over and talks with them privately for a moment.


(7, 10) (19, 12)  A short period passes, before she walks back.  The one in the Jedi Getup looks suspicious, while the other radiates a posture which is absolutely giddy.

"Good news! Uber and L33t are going to be helping you clear the Boat Graveyard!"  She says, clapping each one on the back as she names them, providing the needed distinction.


"It seems they already planned on running a little show with the party as the centerpiece, and, with some discussion, I think we can come to a suitable agreement before they get started."  She says, pointing looks at both of them that seem to cow them into line.


"Yeah, I make things, when they work, they work pretty well."  The now idenitified L33t responds to Harry's Question.


"I can't really duplicate anything I make without it failing horribly though.  So it's a bit hit-and-miss."


Tattletale decides to explain quietly, considering the importance the gang before her seems to place on trust.  (For whatever reason.)


"They saw you all running around on the news, and mistook you for imitators yourselves.  Apparently their half baked plan was to one-up you with an impromptu competition-slash-robbery of the scrap."




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"A suitable agreement? What does that mean?" Normally, Harry would have given some options that had come up in his mind, but he felt that if they hadn't intended to ask for money, suggesting that was what they were after was probably a sure way to get them to bargain for money.


"So, anything preventing you from making something that's close to but not quite a duplicate? How close can you go with a reasonable chance of not blowing your face off?"

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L33t explains.   "Well, it USED to be that I just couldn't make the exact same thing twice, but eventually, it kinda branched out, I couldn't make a Fire Gun, and then also make a flamethrower, I couldn't make anything that had a part in it I used in something else, as long as it was tinkertech.  Now I mostly try to re-purpose what I have, when I can't think of anything entirely new to make."


"Sometimes that doesn't work either."  He sounds spiteful as he says this.


"I could probably count on one hand things I haven't tried yet.  Frequency Tinkering, Software Tinkering, Wet Tinkering."  he just shrugs, giving up on that line of discussion.


"Tattletale said you guys were for real.  We want in.  You give us communication and recording rights for our stream and personal use, you get our services."


"I'd like some proof first though.  She's never burned us on info in the past, but this is beyond what I'd call believable."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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