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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Arminius smirks at that.

"What do you want to see? We have Mirri's ship near by, we have the guys working on the boats, we have a star in human form. Hell, I can summon up a minion based on that Squealer chick we smashed two days back right now."

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Satomi approached Kusuke hesitantly, the look on her face showcasing a mixture of anxiety and frustration at having to work with him and having to hope he didn't snap at her again the day after... all of what had happened yesterday had happened, but to be frank that ability of his was just far too useful to pass up for deconstruction like this, especially with that new destructive move of his, even if she would have to hope that shrapnel didn't mess her up too badly.

"Um... look. Your ability... I think it might work well if I provided some guidance on where it could be best used, given my knowledge. So, even if... yesterday... I think that we should... cooperate, on this." She got a little bit halting and sullen there, at the end, but still, she stood there waiting for a response, fidgeting.


Satomi uses Helping Hand: Structural Deconstruction, specifying Kusuke, and the North Boats if a target must be specified.



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Mirri considers Uber and L33t's request for proof, and then decides to take the simple approach.  With a hiss of released seals, she lifts her helmet off, revealing her face in all its red-skinned, horned glory.  "We're not from around here," She informs Uber, before scraping a finger across her cheek to prove she isn't wearing makeup or a holographic mask.  

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"Useful information is useful information." Kusuke headed toward the boats in question, waiting for Satomi's directions before he started using his new trick on them. He sighed after a few long and awkward moments of silence. "Look, about yesterday. . . I'm not going to take back everything I said. To be blunt, thinking only people from your homeland have souls is a pretty gross way to go about it. But, uh, wow this is probably the worst apology anyone's ever made. . . anyway, the whole 'mountain of corpses' comment, that was way over the line. Especially the way you took it; that's not what I was trying to say and I shouldn't have said it in the first place."


Temporal Slice with Satomi's assist.

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After giving Kusuke a set of instructions that would probably last long enough for her to speak, Satomi took in a deep breath and then began to speak, in a tone that came out way more laden with yesterday's sorrow and frustration and confusion than she thought it would, thick with it. "I... how did you mean it? Because, if, if you're saying... said, I suppose, that I should join a mountain of thousands of corpses that "died for their twisted beliefs", what does that say about what you evidently think of my clan, the people who have the "twisted beliefs"? I... people in my clan, the Crab Clan, they do die, sometimes thousands in a day in the great battles, and it's just to keep the rest of the Empire alive. Twisted beliefs... kkh. If you talk about m-"mountains of corpses", then, then who am I supposed to think you want me to kill myself and join?"

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"What I'm saying is that there are a lot of people who've died defending beliefs they thought were right and good. And they've put plenty of other people in the dirt because of it, too. And for the record, I don't actually think you OR your clan should die. You're the one that decided that ritual suicide needed to come up, I just got caught in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry. I'm literally trying to apologize for that right now, because it was way the hell over the line." He took a deep breath. Keep calm, Kusuke, you're trying to patch the situation over right now, not make it worse. "What I'm not apologizing for is telling you off for refusing to admit there might be something wrong with trying to dehumanize everyone who isn't born in a certain country."

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Satomi wrung her hands and nodded a couple of times. Okay. Okay. She could give him the benefit of the doubt on that first part. But the second part caused her frustration to flare again, and whatever calmness she might have been gathering kind of went out the window. "I... I never said anything about anyone not being human, though! K-kami, I can barely remember the-- the exact wording, it's almost a blur, but... I never said anything about people being "soulless objects" or dehumanizing, or, or anything such as that, all I meant was that if you're not in Rokugan, you're not in the Celestial Order, and so that means that you don't reincarnate! And-- maybe-- I think that, yes, I really could be wrong about that, with everyone else saying so, now, b-but..."


The emotion in her voice distinctly thickened as she spoke this next part. "Before... before yesterday, I hadn't even heard of anyone saying otherwise, when Arminius said he had taken soul pieces from someone, I, I just didn't understand. I didn't even know that people would get so angry about it, or that it would even be more than a little offensive, because I didn't even know that this was something people disagreed on! I-- I was suddenly in a world where I didn't understand anything about what anything was, or what people thought about souls and things, and what would enrage them-- and-- and I have been stumbling blindly this entire time, just trying to make sense of things one thing at a time! And I was trying to explain, but I didn't understand myself, and then suddenly I was being screamed at and then told to kill myself, and then I was being c-choked, and I was still figuring out why and-- and--" She cut off, not really being able to summon more words, but the notebook in Satomi's hands was shaking from how tightly she was gripping it.

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Frigus waited behind a bit, thinking about how exactly to approach the problem of the boats.

He watched several of the others and decided it would be best to leave Kusuke and Satomi to work out their problems on their own and only step in if things came to blows.

So instead he found Proditor, he hadn't talked with the strange person much, and though they had proven themselves a powerful asset to the team they seemed to be struggling some while trying to lift the massive boats.  Thus he decided to give them a helping hand, either by attempting to float the boats with blocks of ice or cut them down to size with his Keyblade.

Using Sea Legs Frigus makes his way to Proditor and assists them any way they can.



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Kusuke felt that feeling one gets in their gut when they know they've screwed up, when a situation falls into their lap and it is undeniably their fault. He sighed again. "Damnit. . ." He tilted his head backward with his hand wiping across it as if he was wiping sweat, and then placed the other on Satomi's shoulder. "Okay. Look. I fucked this up. Without getting into a long story. . . I assumed you thought like someone I know. A bad person. I didn't even think about how. . . I guess you've just never heard otherwise, ever. I got angry, and I spoke without thinking." He hadn't really realized how rough it had been for the girl. All the variance in tech and magic and such just hadn't fazed him; it's not like there wasn't plenty of both flying around back home. And. . . her belief that foreigners didn't have souls didn't exactly go the direction he'd assumed it did. "I just want to say again that I'm sorry.


. . . You're still the one that brought up suicide, though." He realized roughly half a second after the statement that it proooobably wasn't the best time to make jokes about. . . anything really, but especially suicide.

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Satomi clutched her notebook even tighter for a moment when Kusuke put his hand on her shoulder (something that she looked torn between throwing off and letting stay), but she didn't burst into tears or anything -- still, if Kusuke looked very closely, he could see Satomi getting a little bit misty-eyed for a few moment. "Th... thank you for apologizing, at least. I..." Satomi struggled a moment with the idea of potentially showing weakness before she continued. "I was kinda of terrified at the idea of this conversation because I didn't know if I'd get yelled at again, and I don't know what Mirri's going to do when I have it with her, but... it... it makes things a little less hard if that's one less person that hates me."


"I didn't bring up suicide, though, I brought up seppuku, which is different. And I didn't really suggest that I go through with it. Even if you didn't mean it, I guess..."

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"Oh good, you've never done wet tinkering? If you end up satisfied, I might ask for your help on some stuff that way. Is there a sort of planned obsolescence for your stuff? Because if it has enough time, and you weren't to concerned, couldn't you just make the tools to mass produce other stuff? Or would that definitely count as something you've created before and result in problems?" Harry glanced around, surveying what the others were doing.


"There might also be some people with powers that we know of that might work well with yours? I've got no clue about a lot of the specifics of tinkers, but from a safe distance, it'd be worth a shot, right?"

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Proditor remained almost entirely focused on his task, when he had gotten distracted checking those who were around, causing his grip on one of the ships to falter. After a second of refocusing himself, he began again, trying to lift the same boat out of the water.

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Early Morning


 Kusuke uses Temporal Slice with Satomi's Helping Hand guiding him, Cutting several of the northern Boats in half!


Theme Alteration

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The way he did it, the boat's halves were rewound into each other, causing a massive Explosion.  Flaming incredibly dense fragments of steel scatter for miles around, along with a huge wave of water and a cloud of steam that fully encompasses the area.


It seems Satomi's calculations were perfectly usable, if lacking in safety precautions.


(15, 18) Frigus is blasted by metal as he stands in the middle of the bay, taking (1d20=16) 16 damage as a chunk of metal punches him in the stomach and knocks him flat on his ass in the water.


His ass, not being enchanted to freeze water, slips beneath the waves, hanging him upside down in the water by his feet.


(7, 14) Satomi takes (1d20=11) 11 Damage as a fragment catches her in the stomach.


(14, 19) Lilly takes (1d20=19) 19 Damage, as a spinning pipe bashes her in the temple, sending her to the ground!


(4, 18) Ador takes (1d20=12) 12 Damage as the cloud of Steam washes over him, boiling hot.


(14, 7) Ren avoids being harmed, the metal fragments peppering him failing to do much.


(6, 5) Proditor takes a reduced (1d20=5(/2=2.5)) 2 Damage, as one of the red hot flakes smacks into his unprotected arm.


(14, 7) Kusuke, despite being at the epicenter of the explosion, takes only (1d20=1(/2=0.5) 0 damage.  He somehow avoided nearly all harm by simply diving beneath the water like mythbusters told him to.


Every single piece of metal in the Boat Graveyard is pulped nicely, taking 50% of their health in damage as the honest to god explosion rips through everything nearby.


(3, 7) Even the Giant Tanker at the mouth of the bay isn't immune to this assault.


(100) The ground is littered with glowing pieces of extraordinarily heavy steel, they constantly cycle through their entire lifetime at random, turning from ore to rusted clumps to shining and perfectly polished steel rapidly, sometimes multiple timelines overlap one another, flashing between bright and dark colors rapidly enough to make someone dizzy just looking at them.


Proditor and Frigus attempt once more to lift one of the half ruined boats out of the water, (17, 2) This time, they succeed with ease, the power of teamwork shines in them.


A heavily damaged boat now sits safely within Proditor's Psychic Grip, the edges of it's new damage flash like the glittery metal caused by the previous explosion.



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(4, 7) While L33t is Ecstatic at seeing Mirri's face, Uber remains Skeptical.  


"Oh, u-uh no, not specifically, none of my stuff decays away or anything like that, but I can only maintain my tech, I can't replace any parts that break."  L33t Responds, trying to get his head in the game despite seeing an honest to god mandalorian in front of him.


"And you're right, two of my earliest inventions were a Star Trek replicator and a costume machine.  It lets all of our costumes be made out of textured graphine."


"Uber's been doing nearly as much "Tinkering" as I have with some of my more useful junk since I've started burning out.  Our latest Sly Cooper stream didn't even have any of my tinkertech in it, just carbon fiber stuff and textured graphine."


"I'm really not sure about trying wet tinkering though, considering I can't make something more than once, and a catastrophic failure in wet tinkering gets you kill-orders."


He sounds nervous.


"You know we're not exactly big fish, right?   Heroes won't want anything to do with us, and neither will any villains significant enough to have their own tinkers."


"Toybox laughed us right out of one of their conventions."  Uber says with no uncertain amount of spite.


And then the bay exploded.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Wow, that's certainly--" And then the bay exploded. "Okaaaay then. Yeah, sorry to hear about your stuff. If you'll just. . . excuse me a moment? Maybe come help out?" Harry stated after the explosion went off. Even over here, small pieces of steel were raining down. Quite odd steel too, for that matter. Harry grabbed a handful, and dashed off to where everyone else was.


"Alright, who let Lilly play with the gr--Oh." Harry cut off the quip when he noticed that everyone had in fact suffered some injury. He could figure out the cause of this later, and berate those who needed berating. For now, he had a job to do.

Harry enters the encounter. Loadout:

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Harry will use Slap on a Bandaid and call it good enough on Lilly and Satomi. He will use the rest of his turn to contact Dragon and try to smooth things over.

"Projectile penetration, to the gut. Slight damage to the large intestine, should be fixable." Harry carefully removed the embedded shard of metal, and applied a set of regenerative compounds directly to the wound, then a set of coagulents and skin regeneration treatments, and a psuedo electrolyte replenisher supplied orally. He then moved on to Lilly, who seemed to have caught one of the pieces of metal on her head. Bleeding, like most head wounds, but it seemed to be a blunt force trauma injury, and there was nothing embedded at the wound site. Harry administered the standard skin grafting treatment, alongside a specific set of anti-inflammatory agents to hopefully prevent a concussion.


Somehow, he'd need to get to Frigus out in the middle of the water. Perhaps someone else could bring him over? "Anyone got Frigus?"


Harry then flicked on his earpiece, and contacted Dragon. <"We accidentally caused an explosion at the bay--created a strange type of metal if you want to test it--, but we've got things under control, as far as injuries go. They seem to be only our people. I was hoping you could smooth one or two things over to keep Piggot from trying to lock us up? The explosion thing yeah, but also the fact that we've enlisted the help of criminals. Uber, Leet, and Tattletale. It seems like we might actually manage to get U&L to put some of their energy into a constructive project, and we've got a deal with Tattletale that should keep her from causing trouble in the city, if she's done much that way. Think you can make those work as defenses if someone decides to come after our asses? We really are trying to do good here, and we've made some fair progress on cleaning up the boat graveyard.">


<"And on a completely different note, could you send someone with a complete set of all currently used vaccines down here?">

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Proditor, despite the explosion sending flakes that burned straight through his robe, smacking into one of his arms underneath, managed to keep his concentration, keeping the boat that he had just lifted up in the air. He barely paid attention to the others, keeping all of his focus on the boat so he didn't drop it, as he moved the floating wreckage to the beach to place down for later deconstruction.

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When the boat's go, Ren, is caught off guard peppered by metal shard's and with the sound of ripping fabric. Ren froze up thinking for a mere moment that he had just gotten filled full of metal. After a few moment's the sound of metal hitting the ground make's Ren opened his eyes looking at his slightly cut up dress revealing some of his tan flesh and revealing it to be unharmed Ren smiles looking relieved.


Before he realizes that others damn well might not be his green eyes moving upwards and taking in the scene and it wasn't the greatest a lot of people had gotten hurt and Ren could see someone...Frigus perhaps? Beneath ICE!?


Why was their ice here!? Ren shook his head clearing it of this questioning he needed to get whoever was underneath their and prevent them from drowning.


"Ren is going to get person drowning! Bring to the dock and heal them!"


So Ren focused his stability...Letting his aspirations solidfy. Letting his desire to protect grow and solidifying them fully making them unrefutable something solid and strong combining them. His body lightly increasing in his glow and the diamond-like earth protrusion's perhaps growing in size perhaps the earth around him turning into something resembling marble either way.


Ren Activate's Holy Earth making multiple tendrils of Holy earth carefully grab Frigus and set him down beside Ren.

Edited by AbstractTraitorHero
Fixing things for Real this time!
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Arminius, after a moment of staring at the bay, claps with a slightly impressed look. After a moment he turns to the villain pair.

"Oh, out of curiosity, could you tell me if stuff from my world at least sounds or looks familiar to you?"

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(Boardwalk Mall Theme)


After a quick break to get food from one of the vendors, the place the girl and the cats visited was the shop selling what Lucille could only guess were playthings for children. Curiosity had driven her inside, more than anything else- she didn't know what even half this stuff was, as Do peered out from the satchel at the many shelves. Who knows though, maybe she'd find something interesting to fuse later on. Certainly didn't hurt to at least look.

       She picked a random aisle and started heading down it, and as she walked with Do sticking his head out, Lucille couldn't help but wonder, just maybe, if her scrying might prove useful here. It wasn't like the thing was actually restricting to Thaumic matters, if anything it was meant to be used on one's surroundings in general- that was how the Thaumist of old had gotten past the age of mere Incantations, at least. Taking a few deep breaths, she cleared her mind and let her consciousness float above the confines of the physical world, feeling a boundless flow of information surging by her as she peered through metaphorical eyes of crystal clarity, right into the realm of Animus itself, overlayed over top the material realm:

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And with the floodgates of knowledge cast wide open, she moved her focus all around the aisle, as the cat shifted his gaze, focusing on the many different products lining the shelves. Just as she'd thought, all of them were meant to entertain children. One particular thing grabbed her attention however- a package containing a good five or so small wind instruments.... "Kazoos", her scrying managed to deduce; apparently they weren't true instruments, but merely small playthings capable of making a few notes. Thinking it over for a few minutes, she eventually reached up and grabbed them off the shelf. They would have their use yet, that much Lucille was certain of...

      As they continued walking and she kept scrying, Do reached out as they passed one display, pawing at something dangling on a small string. Before Lucille had even known it, the Cat had leapt out of the bag, grasping onto the fluffy little bauble with both paws and pulling it out of the display and to the floor. She turned on a time at the disturbance, only to find him playing with it. She focused on the toy and almost instantly, a basic idea of it's purpose formed in her head- apparently it was meant to entertain cats, nothing more than a small metal rod with a strong line and fluffed or feathered trinket attached. Sending a quick few clicks down either side of the main aisle to ensure no one had been around to see Do jump out, she scooped the feline bag up and put him back in the satchel as she picked up the toy. He mewed in protest as the thing was taken away, to which Lucille sighed and dangled it over his face, and went right back to batting at it

     "Alright, alright... just stay inside the bag from now on. We're gonna get kicked out if someone sees you..." Why she was even talking to him like he would comprehend the meaning of her words, she didn't know. She could've easily commanded him to stay in through the bond, and as she heard someone- an old granny voice coupled with two other, far younger ones, coming from behind her, she did just that. Do stopped playing with the thing and sunk right back into the satchel, as the old woman and her grandchildren passed by and turned into one of the aisles up ahead. Lucille simply stared blankly at where she held the toy in her hand, before shrugging and putting it with the kazoos "well, not like it hurts anything... and we've got more than enough money, so..."


He poked his head back out as she relaxed her hold on the command, and they went back to browsing the aisles. The only other thing that caught her notice was a package containing some type of spinning top... looked like it was heavily advertised and perhaps had some tie in with... a tv show(?) she didn't really know, the information was there to be scryed, but without the full context of how media was in this world, some of it was lost on her. Luckily however, a boy also in the aisle, no more than maybe 11 or 12, was more than happy to explain a bit more, after she came up with the story that she was buying the things as a gift for her younger brother.


What he told her was vexing in parts, explaining that yes, the tops were indeed tied into a popular show or "anime", and laying out the full premise of it- apparently the characters in the show would have full on battles in special arenas with the tops, and they would call upon the....spirits(?) residing within to aid them in said battles. But no one got injured, most of the time, and it was mostly for sport in setting. At that point, a woman's voice down the aisle called out the boys name, and he left, apologizing for not being able to explain more and suggesting Lucille watch it herself, waving farewell. Though Do was the one who saw it, and not her, she returned the gesture, just to keep up appearances... it seemed very few people she'd run into at this mall thus far had actually noticed she was blind.

      She was quite certain she wouldn't be seeking the show out at any point, but she did put the tops in with the cat toy and the kazoos. They were tops afterall, and one way or another, she could probably find some use for them. And though she... didn't want to admit it, something about the fictional story behind them involving sapient spirits taking refuge in the things also peeked her curiosity. 


Nothing else interested her, and so eventually she found her way to the front counter and checked out. The Total Came out to around 30$, with the "Beyblade" top making up the majority of the cost, given both the cat toy and the kazoos were selling for a mere pittance.


Lucille buys the following items, sent to her reserve:

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She paid the man behind the counter, stowed the plastic bag in her satchel, and walked out. Just as with the clothing store, the other 2 cats fell in line after her, and they began searching the next place to visit. 

      In all honesty though, it was becoming more and more apparent that perhaps she didn't really need three felines, considering how well she'd gotten by in the stores with Do alone. She supposed at this point, it would make more sense to just break the bonds and release them, though.... part of her didn't want to just break it off and shoo them away. They'd been rather useful kitties, and she had more than enough money judging by the general scope of the prices around here. Why not do something nice, the three of them had certainly earned it. Perhaps a little fair well gift was in order.

     She walked back to the area where the food vendors gathered, the same place she'd fed herself earlier, and stopped at one vendor in particular. The sign above it had images of fish and strange text that was actually quite different from most of what she'd seen around here, like it was in another language compared to whatever was the standard. Didn't matter, she could smell the scent of the sea, among other things coming from the vendor. She called the man over, slid him a five, and when he asked what she wanted to order, how she'd like it prepared, she simply gestured at the cats and told him to bring something out for them. 2 minutes later, he came back with a small platter with 3 filets of vibrantly pink, raw fish, and handed it off to her. Nodding in thanks, she went and found a secluded area in the food court to sit, and put the tray on the ground in front of her. Almost immediately, the cats eagerly rushed up to the plate and began to dig in. She sat there, leaning back against the table, and poked through the minds of each of them, as she listened to their feast.


Just as she'd always gotten, there was the surge of wild instincts, a few vague concepts that made up the basis of emotions for all beings, the strongest among all of them in the cats right now being happiness and content, but beyond that, there was nothing more. She could see through their eyes, smelled what they smelled, taste the fish they were eating, or even peer back through their memories, if she really wanted to. She could send emotions and receive emotions from them, calm them down or rile them into a feral rage, and just everything in between.... but just as she'd come to aceept over the years, the one thing that was impossible, was to have an intelligent discourse with any of them. 

     They could feel, they could act and respond to stimuli based on how natural instinct wired them, but there was nothing in these minds that could ponder the reasons behind why they felt as they did, or why they were wired to react in certain ways. there was nothing but an empty spot, and in truth, she was lucky it was this way, for it was the entire basis of how her power worked. Beasts lacked sapient minds, and so all she had to do was reach out, split a part of her own mind, and place it into theirs, forming a link through which she could perceive through their senses, view their memories, and even remotely control them with relative ease. The fact that she'd been able to bind and control these three in the first place meant that there was nothing worth talking to, inside those cute little heads of theirs. She didn't even know why she kept wishing there was- it wasn't gonna change anything.


And she most definitely wasn't going to use the Thaum to try and grant Sapience to lifeforms which did not already possess it. That was a mess, if not potential disaster, just waiting to happen.


Sighing as they finished, she finally did it. She called Do up onto the table, to stay by her side, but turned her attention on the two females- Re and Mi, she'd named them. She exerted just a little bit of mental pressure on the bonds tying them, and like that, she rescinded the small parts of herself she'd instilled in them, severing the connection and leaving them to their own feral devices.

      "Welp, it's been fun I guess...." she said, "Go on you two, get out of here, go do.... whatever it was you were doing before. I'm afraid I don't need your services anymore"


They looked at her for several moments, but stayed right where they were, tails swaying. Then they walked up and started nuzzling her legs. Lucille sighed, before reaching out- this time not to establish a bond, but peer into their minds, and she sent the memory of the docks, where she'd first found them. And with the memory, she sent the strong emotions of home and the awkwardness of being so far removed from it for all these years, a type of basic, simple desire that even the animals with their lack of higher functioning minds, easily took to heart. And before lucille knew it, Re and Mi had given reluctant mews, withdrawn from nuzzling her, and wandered off, heading in the direction of the docks. 


Lucille releases Re and Mi! 


Once they'd gotten far away enough to where she could no longer hear their pitter patter, she turned to Do, the only one remaining "Well, guess it's time for the next place. Come on, lets see what we can find-"


She stopped, and turned her attention to the horizon, where the massive burst of sound had just resonated from. It sounded fairly close, maybe a few blocks at the very least- which would put it right in the docks... 


but too far away for it to have been in the direct vicinity of the warehouse. She let the tension in her muscles relax, sitting back down and sighing. Whatever it was, it probably... hopefully didn't involve any of the others, or the supposed firebombing that had been attempted and failed last night. Probably just some demolition work... or a few indigenous gangs fighting each other. And even if the others were involved, she was.... decently certain they could handle it. Maybe...


Okay, well if Lilly happens to be there, and be involved, things might be dicey buuuut.... what could she really do? Run over, all those blocks, only to find out that she was wrong and they weren't even aware there was an explosion cause they were off somewhere else? Yeh, no. She couldn't let simply paranoia move her to do something stupid like waste so much energy for something she had no evidence of.


"Uh.... anywaaaays. Come on, Do, time to get moving again..." She scooped the cat back up, and they set about walking again, searching the store fronts.

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"Kuso-!" Kusuke cursed before dropping beneath the water; he came up, waterlogged and irritable but unharmed, to see the devastation his attempt had wrought. "That's never happened before. . . damn it. Shit, shit shit shit. . ." That kind of blast, judging from the damage the other boats around had taken, had probably not left the people gathered around the bay alone. He focused for a moment, and was suddenly on land, albeit in a swimming position. After standing, he rushed over toward Satomi. "Here, just give me one moment. . ." He placed a hand on her shoulder again, and then sent her body back through time a few moments; i.e. when it didn't have a gut wound caused by flying shrapnel.


Blink to shore, Recall Satomi.



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All of a sudden, everything exploded. And then, before she could really process what was going on, Satomi felt a blinding pain in her stomach, tears coming to the corners of her eyes just from the sudden shock of the pain. The fact that she felt a sudden wave of nausea didn't help either, and though she managed to avoid being sick, it felt like a temporary thing. That didn't stop her from speaking when Kusuke started approaching her, though. "Th-this is my fault, rgh..." She had to pause for a moment so as not to throw up. "I... I had be--" It was at that point that Kusuke promptly warped her back in time, removing the problem of the awful gut wound altogether. Satomi took a shaky breath. "This is all my fault, I had been getting distracted earlier and I didn't really know what I was doing as much as I acted like, I-- I had just come up with some destructive calculations, and I didn't think..."

Satomi won't do anything for now, while the situation settles down a bit.

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Although far enough away to be unaffected by the explosion, Eva was still plenty close enough to witness its effects. Tossing aside the risk to herself, she ran forward to help. She switched her element to Wave and tried to figure out who needed healing first.


Eva enters the encounter and uses Element Switch (Wave)


26/26 HP, 0/7 Elemental Load, 2(?) Moves

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At the first sign of something amiss Frigus attempts to summon a barrier of protection between himself and the explosion.  However even his above average reflexes aren't quite enough and he was hit in the stomach with a large piece of a metal plate, he did still manage to summon the barrier in time to create a bubble of air around himself as he was fliped upside-down and thrown under water by the force of the explosion.

Not even seconds later several earthen tendrils wrapped around this globe of protective eneregy, making each of the many hexagonal plates glow brightly with Frigus barely visible within.

After several obscured motions a bright green and gold glow came from within Frigus's globe.

By the time Ren's earthen tendrils had pulled Frigus to the shore the glow had dissipated and Frigus was left standing there looking far less wounded than he had any right to be.


"Thanks for that." he said to Ren as he started walking over to pick up some of the strange steel.


Frigus uses Barrier on himself and follows up with Cure restoring 1d4+6 HP to himself.

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Early Morning


Harry slaps bandages and goop onto Lilly, restoring her health by 15, and leaving her in much better straits.


He then contacts Dragon, who informs him that the area was already cleared out a few hours ago in preparation for your demolition.  Thankfully.


She also informs him that she doesn't exactly have the world's hospitals laid out before her.  He'll probably need to go to a clinic like anyone else.


Proditor, meanwhile, drops a boat on the beach, Stocking the Beached Boats with 20% more health, and removing that health from the Southern Boats.


(12, 3) Ren plucks Frigus out of the water, setting them next to himself, and as a result, allowing him to regain his icy footing.  It seems Ice is not ideal for keeping one's balance.


(14, 13) (11, 10) (11, 4) Kusuke is able to rewind Satomi, leaving her with nothing but disorientation and ghost pains of the previously disturbing irritant of bleeding internally.


Kusuke gains a Bloodsoaked Timefucked Metal Fragment in the process.


Satomi Waits patiently, recovering and removing her Nausea in the process!


Lilly uses Mend on the Ailing Ador, recovering 5 of his health in the process.


Eva Enters the encounter, and switches to Wave Mode.


Frigus meanwhile, surrounds himself with a protective barrier, and then heals his health, recovering 10 Health!



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The pair look startled at the new developments, but L33t Deigns to answer Arminius.


"Heck if I know, your minions look like some kind of generic fantasy fet-" He's stopped by Uber, who uses his power to gain a mastery of Tact, and forcibly shut up L33t.


"We're unfamiliar with wherever you may be from."


"It looks like they are having at it.  Are we still having this meeting about commissioning L33t?" Uber fairly asks.

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Arminius shrugs.

"We might want to move inside someplace but I think the others will be fine.... unless you want to help. They probably have some idea of what you can do. To be honest this is wholely unexpected so I'm just kind of hoping they don't make things worse."

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