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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"If not to help with the Boat Graveyard, to help with transport," Mirri re-affixes her helmet as she pauses briefly, "You say you've explored everything your powers have left.  Have you explored hyperdrive mechanics?  Particle beam generation?  Repulsor technology?  Particle and ray shield optimization?  Life support systems?  Time manipulation?  Inter-dimensional travel?  If not, I believe we are still in business.


"Sithspit!  I didn't know they'd brought demo charges!  We should probably head over to the bay.  I do not have confidence that most of my... compatriots can employ those charges without harming themselves."

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After taking a moment to assess the situation and sort out who needed her help, Eva tossed out two orbs of pulsing green Wave energy towards the injured. Since she had decent lines of sight for both of them, she was simply able to throw the pair of balls directly at their targets.


Eva uses two Ball Shots (Wave) to heal Ador and Frigus for 1d4+DEX[6] each.


26/26 HP. 2/7 Elemental Load (Wave). 2 Moves.

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After a brief glance determined that no one else was still terribly injured--they seemed to have a fair number of people equipped for magical healing, something to inquire about later--Harry put his tooks away in his bag, and stood up,walking back over to the group consisting of Uber, Leet, Tattletale, Arminius, and Mirri.


"Sorry about that. No clue how it happened. Guessing someone was irresponsible with their power? I don't have a clue how any of it works." Harry sighed with exasperation "Made some of this odd stuff though." Harry held one of the pieces of the rapidly shifting steel he had picked up, holding it through his sleeves. He offered the metal up for inspection.


"I was a bit abrupt before, but the duplicator sounds interesting. If you're willing, I've got a couple small things which I'd love to have duplicated."

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"Hm.  Maybe R2P14 will have more ideas," Mirri acquiesces, "He was always more interested in the research side of things."  Struck by sudden inspiration, she extends her Force senses, and gives a stiff poke to the place in the backs of the two parahumans' minds Master Yaddle told her can be used to test for Force Sensitivity if you don't have the usual equipment.  Uber gives a useful response, and L33t a strong one, that actually causes her to miss a step.  They're both trainable.  Hm.  On the one hand, she isn't sure how qualified she is to teach.  On the other, it would be a useful carrot to dangle, Soma had expressed interest as well, and Master Kenobi always said you learned more from teaching than you did from being taught...


"Did you know you are both Force-Sensitive?"  She asks the local cosplayers slyly.

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With that, Proditor takes a moment to inspect his arm, noting the damage before letting it fall underneath his robe again, the burned portions of it suddenly becoming enveloped in blue, fire like energy as it began to repair itself. As it did that, Proditor began to lift up yet another Southern Boat and move it to the beach.

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"I don't think anyone exactly anticipated that happening. And, hey, it did a pretty good job of getting rid of all this scrap. Don't start freaking out until someone's dead, at least." He rewound his clothes to a state where they weren't waterlogged. "I'm going to go see if I can help Proditor out; I'm not really sure we want to try that again. . ."


Kusuke attempts to dry off, and then donates his extra turn to Proditor via Doubleshift Another.




Essence: 5

Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 7
Resistance: 1
Strength: 1
Synergy: 3

Doubleshift: Kusuke adds his INT to his DEX for the purposes of calculating the number of moves he receives in a turn.
Take Two: Kusuke automatically rerolls any failed checks once. Uses per round limited to (number of worlds cleared +1.)
Take It Back: Kusuke has the ability to accelerate or rewind an object along its personal timeline if he can reach it. This can include moving it, or simply aging/de-aging it in place. Success (when not governed by an Action) is determined by Essence, Synergy for the raw magnitude of the shift, and Intelligence for finding the proper timelines to move it along. 
Flaw - Automatophobia: Kusuke loses 1 Essence every time he is attacked or otherwise negatively affected by a mechanical enemy until the encounter ends. 


Recall: Sets Kusuke's status back to what it was at the start of last turn. Only usable once per turn.
-Level 2: Can target people and objects other than Kusuke.
Temporal Toss: Kusuke attempts to throw an enemy into another part of a timeline, whether it be far forward, backward, or into a different parallel timeline, with varying effects including but not limited to debuffed stats or damage from advanced aging, losing proficiency with equipment due to lost training, or simply vanishing for a certain number of rounds (or entirely.) 

(Trick) Blink: The user spends one turn to nullify a wide range of physical status effects such as bind and slow by teleporting out of them or using it to enhance mobility. Out of Encounters, this technique allows for a teleport of up to Int+Syn Feet.

Temporal Slice (Trick, level 1): Kusuke attempts to cut or damage an object by rewinding or accelerating a small part of it. Can be used to clear debris, with precision and overall success determined by an INT check, or as a way to attack an enemy (opposed by Essence.)

Refresh: Send a person a short distance back in time without affecting their memories. This reduces all of their cooldowns by one turn. 

Doubleshift Another: Use a bit of time travel to allow a person to be in two places at once, granting them an additional action this turn.



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"It is something I intend to check," Mirri admits, "But I hadn't thought of it before talking to the two of you.  The Force can make one a better engineer and pilot, so I wondered if it might be able to help with your duplication problem.  Or at the least, allow you to circumvent it.  Fair warning, I was only a Padawan when the order and the Republic fell.  But I suppose that still makes me the foremost expert in the world, doesn't it?"

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"Well, back to work I guess."

Frigus says this to Ren as he starts carefully walking across to bay to where Proditor dropped the boat and gets to work breaking it apart.

He works on the boat with haste, cutting and slicing through steel with his Keyblade as if it were far softer than it was.
With continued work he even seems to speed up making more and more progress in shorter amounts of time.


Frigus uses his two actions to dismantle the Beached boats with Keyblade attacks, and develops the tricks Combo+(which he equips in his empty slot and uses) and Air Combo+.


New Loadout:



Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.  

Restore 1d4+[Int] HP of one target.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Blizzard(Blast): Send out a cone of ice magic that freezes those affected.  

Deal [Key dmg]+[Int](in place of Str) cold damage to three targets, reduce their Init by [Int]/3, cooldown=2.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Barrier: A magical wall of force that impedes incoming attacks.

Reduce the damage dealt to one target by 50% until this Init slot next round, this action cannot be take more than once per round.


Keyblade Glide (trick, augmented, level 1): Frigus can use his Keyblade to fly with up to one other passenger, in and out of combat. He cannot attack with his keyblade while flying on it, but while flying both Frigus and his passenger have a 10% dodge chance.




Combo+(Trick): Once per round when you make a basic Keyblade attack against a target you may follow up with an additional basic Keyblade attack against the same target as a free action.

Sea Legs(Trick): The user freezes water their feet come in contact with, creating snowflake shaped pads of ice to walk on. They cannot have more than 3 pieces of gear equipped when using this, or they instead become stunned when entering water as they sink and freeze their legs.


Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Str]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:

-Bound: Keyblades are very particular about their wielders.  Anyone who tries to wield/pick up/steal a keyblade who hasn't been properly initiated/isn't deemed worthy will find that the keyblade disintegrates in their hand.  A keyblade may be summoned into or out of existence by its owner much like one would sheathe or unsheathe a sword.

-Growing Power: May spend Merit to increase the size of the dices by one tier(d6>d8>d10>d12>d14 etc), and to add threshold bonuses.

-Keychains: The form and power of a keyblade is drawn out by the keychain you attach to the base blade.  Attaching a bauble(“keychain”) to this weapon grants it bonus damage/powers based on that bauble.  No more than one keychain may be attached at any point in time, though they may be changed out for one another.  The keychain does not take an action slot.

Int Threshold:

-5 Lockbreaker I: You may use your Keyblade to open mundane locks with relative ease, the GM may prompt an Int check for more difficult locks.


Name: FrostFell

Description: A keychain to be attached to the keyblade to draw out a new form and power.  FrostFell was made with a bitter cold magic, and so the keyblade will take on the form of pale blue, semitransparent ice crystals cobbled together to make up the shaft, handle, and head.  The entire blade is rough and natural looking, save the grip and cutting edge that have been ground smooth.  The charm itself appears to be a shard of ice wrapped in silver wire.

Type: Socketed

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to “Keyblade”

-Icy Bolster: Increase damage by two dice, damage becomes cold.

Int Threshold:

-5: Reduce Init of struck enemies by 1.


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HP: 24

Moves: 8
Stats: (21/21)
Essence: 4
Constitution: 2
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 6
Resistance: 2+8
Strength: 2
Synergy: 1
Weirdness Censor: The Ambassador has a Dex*2 chance of dodging an attack by simply causing the attacker to suddenly be overwhelmed by the ambassador's darting movements and increasingly incomprehensible appearance that they just mentally file the Ambassador as somebody else's problem.
Beyond the Veil: Grants the perk backed ability "Void of Incomprehensibility".



C.H.O.K.E. System: An unsurprisingly complex series of modifications allows the Ambassador to somehow store the power generated by his rapid movements and use it to power an excessively hard to use gravity manipulation device stored in his gauntlet. In essence this allows him to lift objects and people up from a distance, and he can attempt to lift a single target up and hold them in place painfully with an Int v Essence roll to try and stun them. One round cooldown.


A.G.I.L.E. system: The Ambassador's power armor comes equipped with the ability to climb up walls and "fly" in short bursts when inside a planet with Earthlike gravity, he can choose to temporarily overcharge this system and add his Intelligence to his Dexterity or Strength stat for two rounds. Three round cooldown.

Level 2: Two round cooldown


(Gear) MS-MUN3 Plasma Blade: A basket hilted plasma sword with the ability to quickly retract and extend it's bright red plasma blade in the blink of an eye. The fact that the plasma streaming out of the hilt actually follows the hilt when you swing it and remains in the shape and form of a blade is a small miracle of science. The fact that it only deals 2d6+Dex damage with the damage being treated as fire damage is...disappointing to say the least. The Ambassador can change the color of the blade by simply fiddling around with the settings, but he really doesn't see the point in doing it that often...it is mostly meant for ceremonial purposes after all.

Level 2: This weapon is now Bound

Level 3: This weapon now deals 3d6+Dex damage

(Gear) R.O.L.L. Defense System: The durable suit of power armor has been designed in such a way that lets blows glance off the user if they were fast enough to get out of the way, adding +Dex/2 to their resistance stat rounded down.

Level 2: This item is now bound

Level 3: This item now grants +Dex to Resistance.

Crafting Roll Upgrade I: This item now has a 10% chance to grant a bonus of +1 Dexterity


(Passive) Ambush Hunter: By exploiting a target's complete and utter inability to react to his presence quickly enough the Ambassador can deal an additional 1d4+Int damage when he attacks a target that was already attacked this round or if the Ambassador currently has Void of Incomprehensibility up, in which case it also grants him first strike.


(Perk Backed) Void of Incomprehensibility: The Ambassador can choose to over charge his personal field of chaos to the point where absolutely anything can be used to distract others enough to trigger mass change blindness and cause him to effectively disappear and become unable to become the target of any single target actions. Rather unfortunately every single time the ambassador does something extremely noticeable (For example, attacking an opponent or being the target of an AOE attack) he must make an opposed check to stay in stealth, and he takes a malus for every single success. He can choose to immediately end the stealth effect at will, and this ability can only be used once per encounter.

Jun drops out of stealth a couple of paces behind the U&L group as he had panicked and ran towards the nearest available piece of cover earlier when he heard the sound of a catastrophic explosion. He would then continue to follow after the group as he quietly wondered if the rest of the party was alright as well.

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"Well, there was one hell of an explosion, and then, based on my determination from shape of the wound, the amount of blood, etc, you got smacked in the forehead with a large metal pipe. Probably hurt a bit. Can't say anything else, because I've not got a clue what caused the explosion. . . You said you make explosions, right?"


"So, Leet, Uber, on that note, are you willing to help us out a bit? With the docks yes, but on a more important note, with travel to alternate worlds?"

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Lucille's next, and final stop, was perhaps the largest store of them all within the outdoor mall. According to what Do saw, it was a beige stoned, simplistic facade, held up with square columns and elegant glass work beneath a mighty sign spelling something out she couldn't read, orange and blue letters blazing in the morning sun. Unlike the other stores however, this one didn't seem content to leave its interior open for just anyone to walk in, nor did it's signage provide any imagery beyond its bold fonts. Not that it mattered, considering one Scrying later, and Lucille had obtained both a name and general idea of what was sold...


"Hobby Lobby"... an arts and crafts vendor, among other things. Sounded.... useful, to say the least. 


Do's sight reported that the interior was spartan in decoration, but in the same instance, far neater and more organized than the other places she'd visited. What it lacked in personality or individuality, the store more than made up for in efficient navigation- something Lucille honestly didn't mind, considering it didn't matter how nicely gussied up a place was when you were blind. Though....

    Something about the place made her feel... off. The air was sterile, the faint scent of cleaning chemicals lurking just beneath- faint, but still more than heavy enough for her to pick up. Almost like someone went around the place each night, scrubbing nigh religiously to keep everything spic and span, and by the time morning came and they opened, the fumes would fade to the point where most customers probably didn't even notice. That on its own wouldn't have been worth much note, but coupled with the monotonous, calm music playing overhead, the way that the attendants kinds just… stared at her as she'd entered and hadn't stopped even now, and the general atmosphere, it was hard to suppress the on edge feeling she'd known so many times in the forests back home, when some predator or soldier was traipsing about the area and the chances of avoiding a violent run-in were quickly becoming slimmer and slimmer.

    The constant sound of foot falls which mimicked her own starts and stops, as she checked things out, did not help her mounting paranoia. They were too slow and too clumsy for her to have remained unaware of the person following her from several meters back, trying to duck out of sight whenever she turned around, despite sight not mattering and Lucille always managing to catch them on her sound map. But they were just as persistent at following as they were incompetent, and that was the real problem. On more than one occasion, she'd turned fast enough for even Do to catch them in the act, wearing the khakis, red smock, and name badge of a sales associate. She tried to scry them, but having your heart pumping ever quicker in your chest wasn't exactly the most conducive to entering the type of Zen-like focus required to pierce the veil between realms and draw upon the vast seas of knowledge and truth coursing in-between their boundaries. The most she got out of it was that it was a man, and his name was "Joe".


She walked the aisles. Joe continued to shadow, but never advanced beyond a few meters. Soon enough noticing it herself, she eventually convinced herself that whatever he was doing, if there was going be a confrontation like the types she was so used to, it would've already happened by now. Still didn't stop the anxiety, but she continued browsing for a while longer. Eventually she heard a crack of static coming from Joe's hip, a voice calling out something she didn't quite catch given the distance and interference. Joe picked up whatever it was, gave a quick response, and with some reluctance, turned and headed in the opposite direction of Lucille. And as he walked far enough away that it became clear he was done with her, she finally felt herself relax a little, and for the first time since she'd entered the place, she actually devoted her attention on what products adorned the shelves.

       A Set of silver bells caught her… well, not her eye, and she put them into the handbasket, much like the Kazoos, they could prove useful in their own right later on. Next was some type of modeling kit- a Dragon…. Of all things. Apparently the box contained several sheets of metal with precut shapes one had to poke out and connect into the actual model. She put it in too. Finally, she came across what appeared to be, much to her surprise, some kind of kit for growing various varieties of crystals, along with refills for several of the materials it included. She tossed all of it into the handbasket.


Nothing else stuck out; she made her way to the regiester, unloading the items onto the counter and using Do's eyes to count out the money… when something on the upper periphery caught the cat's sight, and more out of curiosity than anything else, she had him look up from inside the bag, ever so slightly.


And there, now manning the counter and scanning the items, was none other than Joe. Yet despite the earlier circumstances, the sense of vulnerability had severely diminished by now, after spending so long without him trailing him, and now all Lucille really felt was curiosity.


"That will be Seventy-Five dollars, Mam…"

     "Why were you following me earlier?"

      He stayed silent for a moment, obviously surprised from the quick flash Do caught in his eyes "…standard policy, Mam." he finally replied "minimize company losses. I was just making sure you didn't do anything here you'd regret… from you're accent, you're probably not from around here, so I'll tell you- we're a rather high end establishment, for this particular…. neighborhood, you see. Occasionally some patrons from said neighborhood enter with less than forthright intentions for their visit, and try to leave without paying."

     "You thought I was a thief."

     "I did," Joe admitted, quite readily infact. "And I'm quite glad you proved me wrong, Mam. It would've been a shame if a young lady such as yourself strayed from the Lord's path, and had to have an unpleasant encounter with mall… security."

      Yes… proved him wrong indeed. Hell, even if she'd wanted to steal something from here, his constant pursuit alone would've been enough to shake that resolve- and now that she had Do take a closer look, she realized that Joe… was actually quite an imposing man. Easily 6"6, barrel chested, a tattoo of a golden cross gracing his right arm and a another, actually real, golden cross adorning the nicely pressed, plaid shirt beneath his shirt. The man looked like he could've easily snapped someone like her in half, if he wanted to. But that wasn't even the worse part- first the bitch at the clothing store, now he was talking about mall security like it was something particularly nasty, that one didn't want to have a run in with if it could be avoided.

     "Um…y-yeah… me too. Um, do you have to call up security a lot, by any chance?"

     "Depends how bold the Ne'er do wells are feeling, Mam. Sometimes they see me just happen to appear around the corner of the next aisle, we stop and have a nice little chat, and they put everything down and walk out of my store. And they don't come back. Other times though, weeeell… let's just say the braver, or the more foolish ones, tend to learn painful lessons about how theft harms the economy for everyone. But not as much as it'll harm themselves…speaking of which, Mam, you still owe Seventy-Five dollars."

     "Uh-huh…" she just nodded, got out the appropriate amount, and slid it over for him to complete the transaction. It was sounding more and more by the minute like the supposed "security" force was actually just a bunch of thugs kept on a leash, rather than actual officers. There were other things she couldn't help but wonder about though… "What's with the plus marks, by the way?"


"…." He stared at her, partly indignant at first, but quickly giving way to surprise as he realized, this girl had asked it as a genuine question, not some sarcastic quip. And so he responded with one of his own "Mam, do you mean to tell me you've honestly never heard of Christianity or seen this symbol before? Or Jesus?"

     "N-no…not really. Who?"

     He suppressed a slight sigh "You really never heard of Jesus? Well, I suppose, you are pretty young, and lord knows what the world is like nowadays. The basic gist is that Jesus is the central figure of christianity, and his followers, people like me, believe he was the son of god- think of him like a creator, who made everything -who was sent to earth to redeem humanity for its sins and give the opportunity to earn eternal life. he walked on water, turned water into wine, calmed stormy seas just by scolding them, healed the lame and the sick, resurrected the dead and even returned from death himself after sacrificing himself. The last feat is the most important by the way, since it directly relates to how he redeemed humanity."

     Lucille suppressed the loudest 'hwat' in those moments as he explained everything… that was who Jesus was? A guy who went around, doing a bunch of stuff, that, honest to the mavens, sounded precisely like the type of feats a crafty Thaumist would be able to manage with ease… well, the walking on water and turning blood into wine, maybe the calming of storms… the stuff about death was a bit harder, but still!


"Could he have been…?" she muttered the words without even thinking about it, only catching herself when Joe sighed and held up a hand to halt her, shaking his head

     "Mam, I think I know what you're already going to say, and let me tell you… If I hear one more person make up a theory that Jesus Christ wasn't the son of god, but infact just some type of proto-parahuman, who went around using his powers to curry favor with the poor and amass a cult following…. I may well die right here on the spot."

      "Oh…" Lucille didn't bother to correct his assumption. What she had almost let out would've been far more asinine sounding to him than what he'd expected to hear… "Uh, sorry, then. Nevermind…. I should probably go now…"

      "Yes mam," he said, backing the goods, tearing off the receipt, and handing them to her "You should. Have a nice day, and stay out of trouble. I meant it when I said it'd be a shame if a young lady like yourself got in trouble with…. Security."

      "I'll…. Keep it in mind" by that, she meant she'd get the hell out of this place the minute she was beyond those doors. "thanks…"


And with that, she took the bags, walked out, and started off with a brisk pace towards the warehouse, making a mental note that if, or probably, when, she went out shopping again, to head in a different direction or go further out…


Lucille bought the following items, sent to reserve


Silver Bells- a set of 5 or so silver bells, about 6 inches tall each with thin black handles attached the silver faced bell tops.


Silver Dragon Iconx 3D metal model kit- a model kit consisting of several laser cut sheets which the builder can pop out in order to assemble a particular shape. A rather niche, but popular item nonetheless. This particular set builds an effigy of a Dragon.


Crystal Growth Kit- a chemistry kit containing all an inquisitive young mind needs to start growing their own crystals, including beakers, utensils, chemical packets, etc. 


Crystal Growth Kit Packets- a rather expensive box containing packets of chemicals to be used with the crystal growth kit. useful for when one runs out of the included supplies


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Calvera is laying down in the warehouse, awaiting the return of the group. The memory of last night returns to her mind; Arminius shutting down on the ground, unresponsive. She didn't quite understand what to do in that situation, and felt lost. It felt all too real in her mind right now, as if it was happening again. A tear rolled down her cheek, meeting the floor and instantly soaking in. There she continues to lay, motionless.

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Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.

Light Samurai Armor: A set of light, rectangular armor plates across Satomi's shoulders, thighs, and chest, it's hardly the most heavy or thorough armor, but it does the job of giving her some protection while also not encumbering her. +3 RES when equipped.

Iaijutsu Strike: Satomi performs a strike from the Rokugani art of Iaijutsu, drawing and striking with her sword in one lightning-fast movement. This does the damage of the weapon she is using, but First Strike. If she is using a weapon that merely enhances damage, this deals 2d6+STR.

Daisho: A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter.


NEWLY CREATED: Structural Disassembly (Trick): (INT+CON)d2 damage done to an inanimate structure. Can not be used in a hostile situation. Has a chance of either providing useful scrap or damaging the user for 1d2 damage or more, whose element depends on the target.


Satomi sighed kind of glumly, and then nodded. Well, unless someone died she supposed she hadn't really failed... but she was not going to make any sort of attempt to do that again, that was for sure. "Well... I cannot let this get in the way of performing my Duty. Time to get back to work, then." 


Satomi made her way towards one of the boats, pulling out her wakizashi and looking at the wreckage and its weakpoints herself; the flashy strategy earlier had worked, but... maybe it was time to just buckle down and do some good old-fashioned engineering, that way she wouldn't end up maiming everyone like a fuck-up. So, she got to work manually on disassembly...


Try to make the following trick: Structural Disassembly (Trick): (INT+CON)d2 damage done to an inanimate structure. Can not be used in a hostile situation. Has a chance of providing useful scrap.

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Early Morning


Eva uses two Ball Shots (Wave) to heal Ador and Frigus for 1d4+DEX[6] each.


Eva begins this round by firing Ball Shots (Wave) at Ador and Frigus, healing them for (4+6=10) 10 health apiece!


Proditor repeats his previous trick, lifting a boat into the air and moving it to the Beach, transferring 20% of the Southern Boats' Health to the Beached Ships.


Kusuke Donates one of his turns to Proditor, allowing him to lift the last of the wreckage out of the south side.


(15, 15) He manages to rewind himself a few seconds into the past, leaving the water out of his jump and resulting in a mostly dry outfit.


The Southern Side of the Boat Graveyard is completely clear of boats floating around in it!



Frigus attacks the Beached boats, smacking off plates of steel from them with his keyblade as he goes through a rehearsed maneuver of strikes. The Boats take 16% of their health in damage!


Satomi uses her Structural Disassembly ability on the Northern Ships, swimming out there with her pure unadulterated human gumption.


(10, 2) The Boats immediately take 40% of their health in damage as she piles plate after plate on the shore.




  Hide contents




  Hide contents

Average Dex: 3



Eva: Fine (Wave)

Harry: Fine

Frigus: Perfect, Cold and Wet

Satomi: Fine, Cold and Wet

Lilly: -4 Health, Lightly Concussed

Ador: Perfect

Ren: Fine

Proditor: -2 Health

Kusuke: Fine, (2 Moves Per Turn)



Massive Tanker: 50%

Southern Boats: 0%

Northern Boats: 10%

Eastern Boats: 50%
Western Boats: 50%

Central Boats: 50%

Beached Boats: 80%

Southern Underwater Wreckage: 50%

Northern Underwater Wreckage: 50%

Eastern Underwater Wreckage: 50%

Western Underwater Wreckage: 50%

Central Underwater Wreckage: 50%

Sandbar: 100%



(50) Timefucked Metal Fragments

(16) Dented Steel Plates

(5) Assorted Boat Nonsense




"Yeah! I'm game.  After this, We'll bring over a truck with some of my kit on it, and we can hash out the details.  I definitely think we should get some footage for our stream, just think of it Uber, we'd shoot up to the top of Youtube with real footage from other worlds!"


L33t says, as Uber slowly comes around to the idea.


Activating his Blue Lightsaber, Uber leaps over to the boats, and joins in the encounter, while L33t pushes buttons that make holographic storm troopers begin to appear.  He's typing something on a console.


<"Stream delayed for now, but don't worry folks, we've got BIG things in the works, we don't normally upload other people's let's-plays, but I think you guys will enjoy our next video when it comes out ; ) -L33t">



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Mirri tells R2P14 to get her X-Wing in the air, and hooks her cargo cable to the bottom before he lifts off.  The droid carefully manuvers the fighter over to the Massive Tanker, where Mirri attaches it to the hull.  Then, she starts cutting out a large section of metal with her lightsaber, for R2P14 to carry to shore.

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"Good to have you on boa--" Harry, hearing a splash, had glanced over, and stopped when he realized that it was one of their actual humans who had jumped in. "Did she just. . . That water has to be freezing!" Harry looked around. "Anyone got a way to make a decent size fire? Otherwise, we're gonna have a samurai with hypothermia on our hands in just a little bit."


Harry meanwhile, pulled out the spare pair of clothes he had collected at goodwill the previous day, and laid them out on the ground. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he shouted out into the bay, "Satomi! Come back to shore!" If she couldn't here, Harry would try to get someone else's attention to get her back.


"Tattletale, where are we, and what month of the year is it?" If this was simply a colder day in a generally warmer part of the year, then he had less to worry with about the samurai (though he'd still have to tell her what hypothermia was). If it was an actual cold month of the year, then, well, the preparations he was making might see use.

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It is at this point that Ren breathed he was trying to spread his holy magic over the area, unfortunately...Ren lost his focus and his magic surged and flowed...downward into the ground radically changing the area. The Soil became a blinding holy colour and the bay turned a rather bright if perhaps nice looking gold it was certainly an interesting area now...But...uh judging by the sheepish and surprised look on Ren's face this was not his intention.


Quietly he moved over to lilly silently kneeling trying to....uh ignore his failure of an attempt until he gets yelled at giving a nervous smile at Lilly.


" Lilly...Ren is going to try to patch you up from any remaining damage alright? "


Turning to harry Ren yelled.


"Bring them over here! Ren can warm them up pretty easily!"


During this ren just so happens to try to suck away the magic preferably dispersing or reabsorbing it.



Edited by AbstractTraitorHero
Adding action.
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Lucille walked into the Warehouse and found the place relatively quiet. It was nice to see the place hadn't either burnt up or been blown to smithereens. She found a box for Do to sharpen his claws- and subseqeuntly his hunting skills -on as she went and laid her bags down, taking out a peice of charcoal from her pocket and begining to set up a fusion circle. 


Do's action

Feral Tactics- [deals 1d6+Dex damage. When fighting Rodents or Avians however, deals 2d6+Dex instead]



Changes to the the following due to his training:



Feral Tactics- [deals 1d6+Str damage. When fighting Rodents or Avians however, deals 2d6+Str instead]


     Yes, yesterday was not her proudest but... there was no reason to let it scare her out of trying again. She'd just... have to make sure to never touch the dreaded stone again, yes, hopefully that would work. 


Once the diagram was complete, she'd gotten one of the backs, took out the pack of Kazoos from the toy store, and removed one from it before placing it in one of the circles, extracting a container of salve she'd made back home and putting it one of the others. The third remained empty. With the preparation done, she took out her Stave, spoke the trigger word, and watched as it grew from about the size of a small wand into it's full length as nearly as tall as she was. And she spoke another word, tapping the quartz crystal to the black lines she'd drawn.


The glow from the wonder-working was bright as always, and Lucille went to work, breaking the two items down and picking apart the traits she needed most- the power to heal, the nature of sound, musical instruments, and ease of use- but the power to heal more than anything. Soon enough, she'd worked it out to where she had a strong enough feeling that the marriage would work, she finished up the ritual, and let the light die as the raw traits extracted merged into a new form, coelescing in the centermost circle to reveal...


A Kazoo.


"Eh...." Lucille focused once more, and Scryed the thing before she picked it up. Upon getting the results however, she couldn't help but smile, just a little, it was actually the first time she'd smiled about a ritual since getting nabbed. The thing was simple, but, simple had been part of what she was going for, and it seemed like it would fulfill her purposes rather well.


Healing Kazoo: A special root in it's paper vibrates with a healing tone. [When used, restore 3d5% of the target's Health.]

She'd been a bit worried about how she'd replicate the galdur salve, once it ran out... up until now, she'd not used any of it, but that could easily change in due time. And once it was gone... it'd be gone, she didn't know if this world, or others, had any roots with equivalent properties to it, so there was little sense holding out hope to just stumble upon a suitable substitute...

    With this though, she wouldn't need one. It's restorative potential was about half that as the salve, true, but.... it also had the advantage of being completely reusable... which meant not only could she freely use the healing energy produced in future fusions, but she could also administer it with far less weighing of whether or not it was really worth burning up valuable resources. 

    "Alright, now we're getting Somewhere...this'll make a nice basis for later things," She took the small instrument, and played a single, quick note on it, just to see how it would sound, what the energy would feel like...

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Proditor... Didn't really budge when the bay and beach suddenly turned into a golden color, nearly blinding in color. This was probably due to the fact that he was wearing a helmet that protected his eyes, and the fact that he was more seeing with his mind than anything else, and because of that, Proditor simply kept working on bringing ships to the shore to be dismantled, fcusing now on getting the scraps way under the sea.


Begin lifting the Southern Underwater Wreckage to the shore

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With her healing duties done, Eva had intended to switch to a defensive state. But before she could do so, she heard a request for fire. She switched over to the fire element and approached the man making the request. "Hi." She held up her hand, an orange ring glowing in her grasp. She hoped this would sufficiently demonstrate that she could at the very least set something alight.


Eva uses Element Switch (Fire) and offers assistance to Harry.
26/26 HP. 2/7 Elemental Load (Fire). 2 Moves.

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Finding the tone to be pleasing, Lucille had pocketed the kazoo and moved on to a new project, dismissing the circle. In it's place, she drew a different, a Transfiguration Sigil, nothing more than a single circle with countless equations write out in runic symbols. But she didn't activate it at the moment... 


no, first she had to build what she was going to alter.


She reached into the bag and took out the metal modeling kit, getting work with the many pieces. Before long, with a little bit of Scrying the instructions, and calling Do over to look more than a few times, she had finally managed to get it right- as in the thing eventually resembled the picture on the package, rather than some horrible metal mess assembled by a blind girl relying primarily on sound to dictate her hand movements. 

     "Well, let's see how this goes..." She was silently praying to the maven's wherever they might have gone, that this didn't turn out as some catastrophic collapse that resulted in something.... less than living. And with that prayer uttered, she took up her staff once more, tapped it against the circle's parameter, and activated it. With the metal model inside, the thing flared to life instantly, and before lucille the many traits which made it up became clear. Using her scrying and a bit of mental exertion, she managed to grab hold of the properties would could prove problematic- Metal, Model, Fake, etc, and cast them aside from the greater whole, feeling it as they left the circle, and the moment they did, dissipated into the ether, reduced into nothingness now that they were unbound and had no force to induce them to recombine into something new. What remained in the circle on the other hand, was something that lucille, as she gazed upon it through Do's eyes, could help but let out a little cry of adoration as it sat there. 

     An all white, gleaming dragon whelp, a bit on the overweight side and panting with obvious exertion just to draw in air. Pug-like, one could almost say. Though it's expression seemed content enough, the longer Lucille gazed at it through Do, the more and more her adoration turned into pity, and pity beginning to give way into Guilt. 


She had come so close, the thing was alive, but nowhere near as healthy as it should've been. As she could make it.


But unlike yesterday, where she'd merely accepted her failures and wallowed in self pity, she shook her head


"No, no... I can fix this, I know I can-" and with that resolve, drew another Transfiguration circle around the pug-like little dragon. Once more, she activated it, and searched with her mind's eye, until she finally found the offending quality hampering the beast's function- something she had, in her eagerness and focus on just making sure the thing would come out alive, as some sort of coherent being rather than a horrible mess, she had missed. But now she grabbed hold of it, and just like the others before, tossed it out of the circle, letting vanish into nothingness. 


When she was done, she shut it off, and the Dragon Whelp recombined, this time, in a far healthier, lithe form that looked up at her in confusion at what had just occurred. She reached out and pet it gently, sending a few emotional impulses of calm, causing the creature to relax a bit, wander closer. And when it did, Lucille moved to the final part; sending a peice of her own mind over and letting it find a firm place within the beast


Lucille Binds the Dragon Whelp!


Sex: ???

Race: Draco Eburnea ("Ivory Dragon")

-A dragon species created by Lucille Blood using nothing more than a metal modeling kit and the judicious use of a Transfiguration Circle. It is a lithe creature, about the size of a common house cat, with scales of a brilliant, soft white that seems almost reflective in nature. A soft light can be seen when it opens its maw, and while it is capable of breathing lasers, they are nowhere near strong enough to cause actual harm.


HP: 17/17

Essence: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Resistance: 5
Strength: 5
Synergy: 5


Feral Tactics- [deals 1d6+Dex damage. When fighting Rodents or Avians however, deals 2d6+Dex instead]


Hunting- [This unit gains a 10% bonus to their stats while tracking or using stealth, with a minimum boost of 1.] 


Mirrored Ivory- This creature's scales are blank and devoid of concept. While this renders them a beautiful, nigh mesmerizing reflective white color, it also makes them less robust. [This creatures has -3 to its mHP.]


With the thing calmed and now under her control, Lucille picked the young whelp up. And through it's eyes, she saw her own face, looking down at it with those blank eyes, and the expression of mixed pride, and a hint of uncertainty...


She had done it. She.... had actually DONE it. The talk with Joe about his supposed Messiah had gotten her thinking about the Transfiguration circle and it's potential, and the walk home had given her plenty of time to, after mulling things over, come up with a mere theory, a hypothesis- the idea that if she was clever enough with it, she could potentially manipulate the traits of an inanimate object in such a way that it would cease to be inanimate, and become a functional life form. Just as this "Jesus" she'd heard of had likely done something similar to change the chemical properties of Water to match that of Wine... she had accomplished something here that was simultaneously quite simple at it's core, but infinitely complex in the potential branches of the idea. What if Jesus had used similar methods when he supposed resurrected the dead, hell, what if, somehow, he had managed to even Transfigure himself at the moment he died, discarded the newly acquired trait of death, and therefore found a way to cheat it altogether...


The man she had heard of today, he had to have been a Thaumist. There was no doubt in her mind. She had no idea how, or why, or even when a magus from her world had found his way into another entirely, but... with all the similarities, she couldn't help but find the conclusion the most concrete of any that her mind could conceive. She had been called for this, afterall, along with all the others... whose to say there wasn't need to call more in the past, before all this... perhaps he was a remnant from such an occasion...


In the end, she didn't know. And she found it unlikely she'd ever known. But the truth behind whether or not her idea was correct was not what was important here, what was important here was the new life form, the new soul, in her lap. What mattered here was what the idea, and the drive to pursue it regardless of initially flubbing it up, had allowed her to accomplish...


Had she always been this... inefficient? This weak of resolve? Had her failures always discouraged her that much, before all this? She'd never thought till about it till now, but... how she'd chosen to take things yesterday certainly ticked a few boxes on that checklist. Maybe she'd been looking at things... quite wrong. 


Maybe it wasn't the destination itself that mattered, but moreso the journey...


Maybe her failures, both recently and in the distant past, were only as big a roadblock as she let them be....


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