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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Coil has the ability to chose a timeline between two decisions he makes, dropping the other one at will."


"He's used this to prevent any escape attempts until now, since he can just drop any timeline in which I escape, and use timelines to discover any plans I make to do so."


"Your Group seems to have a minor anti-thinker effect surrounding them, so none of his timelines accounted for you until he knew about you, and there is no force on earth that can get him or his influence near me now."


Tattletale explains simply.




"Hello, This is a Fragment of Dr. Melina Ebon, Scattered around the Multiverse in Ebontine Flowers between worlds."

"If you are looking for (Visions Of The Future), Please Dial 1 Now."


"If you are looking for (Visions Of The Past), Please Dial 2 Now."


"If you are looking for (Visions Of Other Worlds), Please Dial 3 Now."


"If you are looking for (Prophesy), Please Dial 4 Now."


"If you are looking for (Representative), Please say "Representative"."


"If you would like More Options, Please say "More Options"."

"To repeat this explanation, please dial #, or Hang Up, and Call Again."


The flower speaks aloud, despite Prodditor having held the phone to his head.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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When everyone had been getting onto the bus, Satomi had had questions, questions including "where did these two other dragons come from, and why do all these minion creatures keep coming out of nowhere", but once the bus was warped to another world, those questions were driven out of her mind. See, the bus had ended up in a realm of shapeless darkness, and the realm Satomi knew that was said to be a shapeless realm of darkness and suffering... JIGOKU?!


Satomi shot up into a standing position, then suddenly froze up with a squeak, her hands on the hilt of her sword as she looked around at the void outside the bus. It took until the others left the bus and then weren't horribly mutated or shredded by the environment outside that she began to calm down, though for the most part that just meant she slowly sat down, her small height allowing her to shrink down easily behind the seat and try not to let everyone see that she was kind of shaken up.

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"Huh. So he can probably only control his own actions in one of these worldlines, right? Otherwise he'd be unstoppable, and probably already in complete control. He still has one hell of a safety net though. . . If we kill him completely in one timeline, does it collapse to the other timeline, or does he need to consciously drop a timeline? Basically, would a sniper a half a mile away who catches him unexpectedly be able to defeat him?" This already seemed like quite the formidable opposition, a man who would already have reason to fight them, since they had helped Tattletale escape.


"Otherwise. . . We need to catch him immediately after he collapses his timeline, when he's got no safety net. Any possibility of that? Because we're going to need you if slash when we go back, and if we can remove Coil-- though we do have to account for that balance that you were talking about earlier--then you'd probably be a lot safer. No lead implants in the brain."

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Proditor is met with the Flower beginning to sing a lovely melody of some kind, as he is put on hold.




"That isn't a feasable strategy.  Him dying in a timeline collapses it into the other one.  The only way to kill him is to know where he is in both timelines, and coordinate an attack on two fronts that he cannot escape from."

"He knows everything that his other self is doing in the other timeline, and has full control over himself in both."




Soma, meanwhile, is experimenting with her power, bringing out sparkles and holy fire alternating.


"This seems wrong.  My power never let me make something that wasn't already there before, even if it is mostly homogeneous energies."


"It's confusing, but I think interacting with you guys is making my power grow, somehow.  It might also be affecting my mind."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Hmm. So it'll really have to come down to outmaneuvering him? Setting up two attacks in such a coordinated way that both of them have a high chance of succeeding. . ." Tattletale hadn't addressed the part about Coil being vulnerable when collapsing his timeline, so Harry made the assumption that the man knew about that weakness and compensated for well. Best option right now seemed to be too organize attacks far in advance, and then use a spy of some form to determine location and which attack to use.


"Any other people you know about who might have it in for you, or us if you've got some clues that way, when we get back? The merchants are definitely one, but there's probably others."

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Jun would quietly sneak around the magic school bus for quite a while as she carefully inspected each and every single part of it in a vain attempt at understanding how someone would be able to control the odd thing's movement. And she quietly wondered if anyone on board the vessel had absolutely any idea about where they were going. She would then meander around the place a bit more before she finally decided that it would be much better idea to sit down and talk to someone who seemed vaguely interesting enough. And of course that person would obviously be the woman who seemed to be talking to some form of dragon.

Jun would immediately disable her cloaking device before she walked up to the dragon lady and said "Hello, I don't believe that we have ever met before, but my name is Jun. And it is a pleasure to meet you".

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Despite the cloaking device, and the fact that both the dragon babe and her pets seemed to actively try and ignore whatever it was, Lucille had kept her attention trained on Jun's position the entire time she'd snuck around the bus, while idly talking to the newborn coiled on her shoulder. The faint, almost intentionally lightened footsteps were what mostly drew her attention to it, and the fact that upon clicking her tongue, there was indeed something vaguely humanoid for the sound to bounce back off of. Soon enough, that vaguely humanoid thing had turned towards her. What in the goddamn...?

     "Um... hi?" She said, well, more like asked, rather hesitantly. The voice sound like a woman's, and the footfalls had reminded her of a certain Hobbylobby security manager...this woman was just far more adept at it than Joe, from how much quieter about it she was. But then again, what Joe lacked in raw stealth, he more than made up for in stature and intimidation factor, so it probably evened out. Still made her rather leery that someone felt the need to actually slink around in such a small space though, considering they were all supposedly "allies" and there was no real logical point to it she could see...

     "you can call me Lucille, I guess..." she continued, "by the way, why were you... sneaking around the place until now? That was what you were doing right? the way you walked definitely sounded like it."

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At first Jun would respond to Lucille's question with nothing but a shrug as she really didn't think that much about it. But after a short moment had passed she would finally say "It's a force of habit. And constantly practicing is a good way to keep my skills from becoming rusty...although the fact that you could hear me coming is quite...worrying to say the least". 

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"Oh, ok then..." it was lucille's turn to shrug. A bit of an odd response, but she didn't really care enough to press it.... for now. Jun might've noticed the girl's eyes, now that she was up close; irides of a sterling platinum that almost seem to shimmer under certain angles in the light.... that also had no pupils to speak of whatsoever. Infact, from how blankly lucille stared at the woman, eyes simply fixed directly in front of her, it was hard to even say she was 'looking' at jun at all. More like she'd simply turned her head in the general direction of the woman

       "And I mean, just because I did, doesn't mean anyone else here could. I hear what other people either choose to ignore, or simply don't even know is there to begin with. I kinda have to, since I'd never be able to tell what's going on as I can  otherwise. Well, I guess I could, but constantly having to scry through these guys is a chore-" to clarify what she meant, both Do and Astra, cat and western dragon, turned and focused directly on Jun, now that her field had dropped and nothing was there to discourage them. It was faint, but there in their eyes was the same, shimmering quality Lucille's had to them... then the shimmering faded, and they seemed to lose interest in the woman, curling up next to their mistress, just as they'd been before.

      "Anyway, did you just come over here to talk to me or...? Sorry, but it's been awhile since I've really.... talked to another person. Until I came here, the most I had were either enemies, or beasts; Enemies tend to just want to see you dead, doesn't matter why or how, and inside a beast's mind is just a bunch of instinctual impulses and basic emotions, nothing that you can actually have, you know, a real conversation with. so... uh... if you were looking for someone to chat with, I'm probably not that great a choice, just heads up."


Of course, even Lucille herself knew only part of that reasoning was true- in all honesty she had never been a very big fan of socializing, people always either turned the topic to unwanted pity over her defect, or disgust over the fact she'd been allowed to live despite said defect, when tradition clearly stated her first breath should've been her last. Or they simply didn't hold her interest with anything they talked about. She honestly preferred to eavesdrop on conversations, rather than engage in them- at least that way she could drop out whenever she lost interest, and not face any passive aggression over the other person getting offended.

     Being out alone for... mavens know how long, had simply made that disposition even stronger. Eavesdropping on potential enemies and never talking to them had it's cornucopia of benefits, and even though beasts weren't capable of intelligent discourse, and occasionally tried to eat or mangle her, they also never tried to patronize her, or call for the old laws to be upheld and her existence be put to an end in order to prevent her defective genes spreading to future generations.

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In all honesty Jun hadn't notice how...special Lucille's eyes were earlier, and in all honesty it would presumably be considered a bit rude to comment on it right now. This of course meant that Jun would have to resort to the good old diplomatic tactic of attempting to change the course of the conversation with something that is technically related to the current subject. Or at least this is why she said "Actually I sort of saw you create that tiny little dragon earlier with what honestly seemed to be some form of magic, and I was wondering if you could do anything with this". She would then gingerly hand Lucille the temporal katana that she had asked Mirri to make out of the timefucked metal earlier before she continued by saying. "I asked Mirri to make this for me earlier out of a weird metal we had found all over the damn bay after something exploded. It seemed to shift uncontrollably in a way that would have been painful if I didn't wear my gauntlets. I feel that anything you manage to learn from this would make for a good conversation starter".

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Kusuke hesitantly headed outside the bus, his first step out being rather slow as he tested for the potentially nonexistent ground. "This is new. . . Is this some kind of . . . space, in the Boundary or something?" It couldn't be in the Boundary itself, otherwise they'd be rapidly dissolving into seithr at the moment, and something told him that he would probably notice that particular process.

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"Eh? Oh, you mean... nevermind" she said, taking the katana. No point letting slip out she'd only intended to make one, and in truth had no fucking clue how or why the other, little sapient drake had come about. Actually she should probably bring that up to someone at some point- probably Harry, out of all of them. He seemed to have at least some professional knowledge from what she'd gleaned thus far, and he'd been there to see the stone's creation in the first place. She'd also have to tell him where she'd stowed the money on here too, considering she'd still yet to do so. But those were concerns for later, as she let her senses transcend the physical realm and scried the blade...

      "This is um..." what was the proper way to describe it? She could tell from information flowing in that the work done on the blade itself was, no offense to mirri, shitty. But the metal used, now that was an entire, boundlessly more fascinating topic in and of itself "Well, it could definitely be better. You said you had her make this out of weird metal you found? After an... explosion...?" She paused for a minute, sighing every so lightly Dear Mavens it was you guys afterall...


"Is there any more of this weird metal? How much of it did the....explosion I heard make? And what were you guys even doing that caused it in the first place?"

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Arminius turns to Kusuke with a shrug.

"I mean, my world has rumors of a great void beyond the stars where creatures on par with gods reside... but they tend to have stars. And maids I guess, but they kind of rebeled because they wanted to have lovers like the gods."

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"Doesn't sound much like the Boundary to me. And why does everything you talk about seem like it relates to some kind of fetish?" He looked back at Arminius with an expression with some degree of incredulity. "I mean, seriously, all these monstergirls running around everywhere, and now void maids?"  

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Arminius holds up a finger as if he was going to reply angrily but pauses and shrugs.

"... On one hand, I want to yell at you for how racist that sounds. But on the other hand you kind of hit the nail on the head since the new Demon Lord took over. I mean, it's an improvement over them murdering people and they're still people, but they're influenced by the demon lord being a succubus. But again, they're good people, they've really improved the quality of life everywhere just be being less agressive."

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"Hello. I would like to speak with Yamato Jules, if you can get her on. There is an update that I want to inform her of" Proditor said, once his call was answered. Doctor Ebon may have been the name most people called her, but her real name was simply easier for Proditor to use.

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Satomi, by now having composed herself, pops up over the seat in front of her, and Lucille hears a sigh before suddenly her question is being answered by the short samurai, who is a few seats behind her. "...the explosion was entirely my fault. See, I had been trying to come up with a plan to disassemble the boats faster, but seeing as I was distracted... well, I was only really half-aware of what I was writing. And... heh... what I had made was guesswork from watching Kusuke do his practice with his new technique, but as it turns out I had more been thinking of... well, it seems I hadn't been thinking with safety in mind. So what happened was I ended up having him merge two boats together, which blew up half of the boats and wreckage, but also... violently blew up half of the boats and wreckage."

Edited by Powder Miner
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"You are currently in one of Dr. Ebon's various experimental storage worlds.  The only reason you were here is to receive crucial mission information, in the form of cryptic visions, which are the most efficient mode of communication for her, and as an intentional delay on your journey to facilitate plans which require you being delayed briefly."


"Will that be all, sir?" the man says, forcing out the final word as though he'd rather not.

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"Nothing else. Thank you for your cooperation" Proditor stated, before hanging up the phone, nearly sighing out of annoyance. It was annoying to deal with people who didn't seem to want to do their job, though the Ethereal COULD at least get the boredom of said job. Still, it slightly, VERY SLIGHTLY, aggravating to be treated with thinly veiled disrespect. Said deskman should've been thankful he wasn't dealing with Angelis...


After a few seconds though, Proditor picked the phone back up, waiting for the automated message to finish it's directions, before dialing in "1".

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"Not someone likely to be formulating plans in the shadows for your return or one to put a bullet in your brain on sight?" Harry nodded unthinkingly. "Do either Coil or Faultline know your face? If they discover Uber and Leet's broadcast, we might have to deal with attacks when we get back." He stretched his legs out a bit, contemplating getting up. However, there wasn't much to do. He couldn't leave, and he was already at the back of the bus near where he'd stashed the medical equipment. Nothing else to do but keep talking.


"So has your power given you any juicy details on the drug deal?" The question served two purposes. First, to see whether Tattletale had actually been able to deduce that something had happened that way, and the second in case she had info on the merchants or the Blasto person the bioweapons had apparently come from.

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