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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Soon enough, Proditor found the signal he was searching for, picking up his floating speed to find them before they moved away from the location he recieved. It only took him a few minutes, and soon enough, he had spotted Soma, Arminius, and Fingers, floating down behind them while picking up the end of Soma's question, "I assume things have been going well on your end?" Proditor asked after a few moments, giving Arminius time to respond to Soma's question, since that was the likely recipient of said question.

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"Shouldn't need to, just give me one moment." Kusuke hurries toward Jun, trying not to look too hard at the unpleasant nature of the man's broken and burned body - though at least this was evidence that he wasn't a robot. He places one hand on him, and attempts to rewind him to the few seconds before he'd been horribly mauled by the rage dragon person. 


"Anyway, I'm willing to answer any questions you've got, within reason."



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Using the raw power of time, Kusuke easily manages the stable time warp used to consistently rewind targets backwards a bit.


It's like Jun was never attacked at all.


Armsmaster nods in a way that is clearly pleased at kusuke's abilities.


"Good.  Would you like to come now, or later? I can arrange an appointment."




"Yeah, Me and Arminius have been walking around, looking for Drug Dealers."  Soma responds, restraining the flinch at suddenly being approached.


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Following Kusuke's statement regarding questions, Harry stated, "Probably shouldn't need to take them to a hospital. If the kid's thing isn't sufficient, I'll be able to help him. Briefing's fine by me, at any point. Though we might need to send out a message to some associates if we're going to be out late." Harry thought a moment, recollecting something from earlier. He couldn't ask the man his name out right. . . "What's your cape name?"

Edited by Strider
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"I'm assuming that you didn't hear me explaining to Satomi... well, if my guess is right and she has a similar culture to Zinpangu, Satomi-san, me and Fingers were fighting in a war against a genocidal empire called the Reich. Don't really know what happened with them beyond some crazy dude telling them that they had to purge the impure for the Chief God. Anyways, my country fell in with the category of being impure and they ended up steam rolling us and then murdering millions. So we're working under one of the Demon King's daughters as saboteurs, due to my natural charm," He smiles and winks at Soma and she could almost swear that she heard a light chime as the light sparkled off of one of his surprisingly clean teeth. "And occasionally as military commanders... Well, military commander and bodyguard."

Fingers looks happy at being included.

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Proditor listened into Arminius's response, understanding the entire explanation. It was the first time he really paid attention, but it was oddly similar to his own experience. Even before ADVENT took over Earth, "I did not hear anything about you being a military commander. What was your rank, when you were in that role?" Proditor asked, his head turning to Arminius.

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"Well, depending on how you count it I'm either a hoped up shit head who's getting people into trouble for no reason, or I'm a captain who led a small group of men before they had to run from the paladins and I was apparently burned to naught but ash by a fire elemental... Do you lose your rank when you die? Because that might mean I'm officially a civilian now that I think of it..."

Arminius ponders the question before shrugging. Bit late to ask that.

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"It would depend by the culture, but one only loses their rank if they are flat out demoted from it. Generally when they're alive. In your case, you would still be classified as a captain" Proditor replied, "Most ranking officers I dealt with kept their rank when they passed away, as per human culture. It was the same with my race, though our expiration was not as common" 'Or wanted', Proditor added silently, "I myself used to be the leading tactician of ADVENT, a planetary peacekeeping force led by my race to keep the peace on Earth. Because of my rank, my word was second to only one on our military side, which during peace times, I simply had to limit resistance movements from getting too out of hand. Overall, not as difficult as most of my tasks."

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Kusuke looks about at the group. "I've got nothing else to do, but I don't really speak for everyone else here." He thinks for a moment. ". . . I don't suppose you've got coffee back at your station or wherever, do you?" He was already starting to feel tired from the exertion of his power so many times in a short period. Normally, if he was in a fight, it'd be quick bursts to shift either his opponent or himself around to keep them unawares; rewinding buildings and angry dragon people wasn't standard fare.

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Now that the encounter seemed to have ended, Satomi took her hand off of the hilt of her katana and approached the group, satisfied with her handiwork on the buildings. When she approached the group, and Walters talking to the man from Earth Bet who had arrived during the fight, she elected not to speak just for a little while, while she oriented herself in the conversation.

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At that, Proditor's attention returned to the streets, "If they did so, they wouldn't be around for very long" Proditor commented, thinking to himself for a bit, "... And they would likely be even more hesitant to act with my presence" he added. He honestly was having difficulties thinking of how to go forward with this, as field work was something he was not used to. Especially when searching for drug users, as he normally left that to the ADVENT troops stationed in the cities.


"I doubt I would be able to find their activity using my psionic capabilities, unless I began reading the minds of every soul nearby" Proditor eventually stated, his voice rather quiet, mostly due to realizing that there could, in fact, be people listening in to what they were saying.

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Armsmaster looks suprised at Harry's Question, slightly irritated even.


"My cape name is Armsmaster."  After a moment, he continues. "A member of the Brockton Bay Protectorate."


He pauses, then nods at Kusuke's Suggestion.


"Yes.  Though I have a Coffee Maker on my Motorcycle.  If you are all able to come in tonight, that would be adequate.  I Admit, I've never seen or heard of your group before tonight.  What do you call yourselves?"




"Well, could you check for specific emotions or thoughts? There's a kid in the Wards who uses empathetic senses to look for crimes, or so the rumors say."


Soma butts in with a comment.

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"We're new to the area. Don't have a collective name or anything, unless everyone else got together and chose one in the last hour when I wasn't watching. You going to take these guys into custody?" Harry inquired, gesturing to the unconscious gangsters on the ground. He stepped over to them, knelt down, and began patting them down, searching for useful things. Weapons, identification, papers with. . .interesting info, really anything.

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"A good suggestion, and worth a try" Proditor replied. And with that, he went to work, his mind expanding (along with his helm), as he begun a rather long reaching search for specific emotions and thoughts. For thoughts, he searched for the obvious ones, ones related to drugs, criminalistic activity, and worry at the sight of the group. For emotions he searched for, mostly, worry and satisfaction, specifically of the smug variety. 

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Mirri exits her building when the sounds of fire abruptly vanish along with Lung's angry emotional signature, in time to hear Armsmaster speak.  "A debriefing.  At your station.  And we would be free to leave afterw-  You have coffee?  Like, actual coffee?  And you'd just give us some?"  Mirri's voice abruptly raises an octave and gets far less growly, making it much clearer that there is in fact a woman under her armor.  "Erm, I don't believe we've decided on a group name as of yet.  We just sort of arrived together," She improvises quickly, "We saw the gigantic pillar of fire, and figured we could help with search and rescue.  Ran into each other in transit, and decided to work together.  The dragon man was a bit of a surprise."  A lot of a surprise.  "But assuming you aren't trying something as foolish as arresting us, I would be willing to cooperate."

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"My own Coffee is a Tinkertech Synthetic Coffee I derived from work done by Asclepius in Oklahoma, though that on the Rig is simple storebought.  Why, do you have a sensitivity of some kind?"


Armsmaster looks at what Harry is doing, but understanding full well how Independents work, He seems to not care that much, as Harry grabs two handguns and 156 Dollars off of the Gangsters.


"You all clearly have heroic, or at least vigilante leanings.  I noticed your work on the buildings and evacuees.  I have no intent on arresting you for helping arrest one of the most dangerous capes in the city."


Armsmaster walks over, spraying Lung with some sort of chemical, which expands into a massive bubble of foam.


It's around this time that a Van comes in, and Armsmaster does some motion with his head, before wincing.


Out of the Van come several individuals in armor who scrape the once-Lung off the ground, and into the van, before walking around the area and talking over radio.




With great Ease, Proditor finds a fairly decent concentration of worry and smugness in equal measures, along with thoughts of drugs en-masse nearby, behind a building they just passed.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Mr. Arms, are you alright? I'm a practicing medic. If you were injured in the battle, I can probably help. If it's something from before, I can at least take a look." Harry makes this offer as he pockets the cash, and dismantles the pistols, checking their workings and ammo size before reassembling them, and stashing them in his pack.

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By the time that Armsmaster asks for their names, Satomi is already distracted by his gear, and she is interrupted in the middle of peering intently at his motorcycle, with the notebook and brush and ink pot back in her hands. "Uh, my name is Satomi, Kaiu family," she mutters as she takes a step closer to his cycle just to get an easier view of it with her nearsighted eyes. She has started to scribble in her notebook.

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"Stop" Proditor said abruptly, turning around and looking towards one of the buildings, specifically one they just passed, "I found some. Behind that building. Plenty of drug related thoughts coming from there" Proditor stated, a hand being lifted from underneath his robes and pointing towards the building, "I shall go above it, and ambush them from above. If I notice anything worth noting, I shall contact one of you" He added, and with that, Proditor began floating up towards the roof of the building, wanting to move to it's side and look down at where he was detecting those thoughts.

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"Good enough for me. I'm. . . Slipstream." It wasn't technically a lie; while he didn't have a superhero name like the people around here seemed to (unless their parents had incredibly odd naming conventions,) it was the name that had been given to his Drive; since Drives were more or less unique, it could be said that referring to Slipstream referred to Kusuke himself. He had to admit it was a bit of mental gymnastics, but hey; it would help blend in, right? "That guy seems like a real piece of work. . ." 

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