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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"My species did not originate on Earth, no. But for unknown reasons, even I do not know, our biology is similar enough to humans to be compatible with most medical tools" Proditor replied, "Though, the last time I had any form of medical work, it was with more advance tools than what is currently available here" he added, waiting for anything Harry wanted to finish up with before floating up slightly as the hole in his robes began to re close with the purple flames from before, slowly closing that hole, "You need not worry about replacing my blood, however. My body is capable of recovering most blood loss, due to the fact that my body is meant to run on lower amounts naturally. Still, I thank you, a hole like that would've been problematic if it wasn't taken care of" Proditor added, bowing his head towards Harry.

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"Certainly. And if they had certain tools here, we probably could have had you fixed up within half an hour. In any case, it was my pleasure to help. Are you going to remain here, or head back to our friend? We've scheduled a session for testing our parahuman abilities for eight o'clock this morning, if that matters to you. Since. . .the PRT might not let you leave if you don't agree to getting analyzed."

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Having wanted nothing more than to rest, Arminius wasn't very happy with the intrusion of a new figure, especially one that was menacing and unknown. The blind one would hear him as he switched the safety off his gun and held it ready for them to react.

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"I plan to leave and regroup with the rest of the group. An analysis is... Acceptable, considering what current events in this world have shown" Proditor replied, turning towards the door, "I'll make sure to inform the ones in charge that I will be attending this test as well. In any case, I shall see you again at that time" he added, before floating out of the room.

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After Proditor had left, Harry glanced at a nearby clock. Five thirty. They probably would want to get going around seven-fifteen, just to be at the Rig--presumably the large structure in the harbor--a little early to get things set up, and to avoid any inconvenience that might occur along the way, what with the early morning rush hour. Knowing that he had a few hours, Harry found a corner, and settled down on his backpack to take a quick nap. The military had trained him well, so he knew that he could awaken when he needed to. So he slept for an hour, before wandering back to one of the computer terminals he had been using earlier.

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The figure stayed there for a few moments, letting an awkward silence settle. She had sensed the form now looking at her, and something else accompanying it, small, quadruped, with wings and a tail and head profile that reminded her of a


"...Drake?" the words came out almost unbidden, curiosity getting the better of her. One of those little fire breathers, here? Did that mean other places had facsimiles to the beasts of her own world? 


Did that mean things of myth, things her people ran from, hid from for so long and fought constant wars for survival against, also existed in this place? It didn't quite matter, she had made the mistake of speaking, of engaging. If this were still Arganor, it would've been easy to vanish back into the woods, to navigate the undergrowth and lose the strangers before they could even think to follow. She shuddered again, reminded of just outside of her element she was now...


"Um...h...hi?" It was more of a question, than a response. But she wasn't quite sure how else to respond. It'd been the first time in literally years she'd encountered another human face to face, and the event hadn't immediately resulted in some form of shouting, vile verbal exchanges, or bloodshed... usually that of the strangers. This one though, it... She didn't sound hostile, nor did the motion and body language Lucille detected suggest she was reaching for a potential weapon. She still felt unease crawling over her skin, but at the same time an odd sort of relief began to replace it- had she really forgotten what it was like to talk to someone without being ready to take their life at a moment's notice? Had Yuzon's machinations really made her this paranoid?


Yes. But simply because if she had allowed herself to be complacent, she would've already been dead, and the fucker would've won, one way or another.


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"When did you get here? I didn't notice you come in. You hungry? I'm Lilly, this little guy here is Ador"
The little drake like creature gives a cute Rawrrr sound. 
"Is that a deer mask or something? I cant really see it from here"
she talks fast jumping from questions, to intrudctiotions to questions without stopping to breathe. she clearly had a lot of energy, and the figure had sparked her interest.
"Whats your name? Do you live around here? how...."
 This clearly wont end until she says something.

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A loud slap rings out as Arminius' hand impacts his face. At least this wasn't like her rushing off without any support...

"Lilly for fucks sake, didn't your parents ever tell you to not talk to strangers? Or at least not pester them with questions like that."

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"I don't know. Did your parents ever tell you not to be rude and bossy? I caught and made you all dinner...Breakfast...or...whatever time it is! I think that demonstrates I can take care of myself. Your welcome by the way."
She returns her attention to the newcomer, patting ador's head.
"Anyways, what where we talking about again?"

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"my...name..." Lucille responded hesitantly after what she hoped was just a bit of banter and one of the figures- the girl -approached and held something out to her. She had backed up instinctively at first, but after picking up the clear scent of venison off the dish, had managed to accept the meal. Whatever the two had been going on about exactly, she had no idea, but it didn't particularly matter compared to everything else. 


"...Lucille." she finally answered. "My name's... Lucille." 


The same awkward silence from moments before began to settle in again. Even as she stood stock still though, her mind was at work, evaluating the situation. The food was even more enticing than she thought, and as her stomach rumbled she realized how long it had been since she'd last had anything. Not quite knowing what else to say, she sat herself atop the nearest crate and slowly removed the Cervidae helm, revealing a young woman's face framed by dark blonde locks as she entered the fire light. Even from this distance, even a total laymen would've been able to tell that something was wrong with eyes as they reflected the dancing glow...if they hailed from a world of sufficiently advanced anatomical knowledge. 


She had no pupils whatsoever. No area for lightwaves to pass through and be processed. 


setting the mask down beside her, she took up the food again and began to eat... keeping constant attention on the other two even as she did. That was one benefit of having no sight to speak of. You could keep a bead on your surroundings regardless whether or not you were looking at them.

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Lilly begins to eat her own food, while cooking more. There's to much to cook at once.
If Lilly notices anything wrong with Lucille's eyes they don't mention it. Ador however, after tearing off a bit of Lilly's meal. leaps up onto the crate Lucille is sitting on, and starts to curiously sniff her as he eats.
Lilly pauses for a moment "So what are you doing here?" then resumes eating.

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When the woman takes off the helmet Arminius finally puts away his gun.

"Well, given she doesn't look like anyone from this world, and she hasn't tried killing us... I'd say she's a new recruit."

He turns to Lucille.

"You're here to prepare people for trespassers right?"

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"Um... that's what the....recording mentioned, yeh...I still have no idea... what's really going on though, or why they... chose me" it was not long after answering the man however before her attention was grabbed by the Dragon. She reached out and patted the beast on it's head, seemingly absentminded given her eyes were still focused on the other two. But Ardor would've known better...


"My binding attempts so far have been rejected on you..." the message would've entered Ador's mind in nigh the same instant as it was formed, followed by "I suppose you have some sentience in you then, despite not looking like it. What can you tell me about these two, little drake?"

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The little dragon looks up at her, Lucille would note a link between the girl and the dragon's minds. The dragon, Ador lessens the information stream a little, so they can talk in something akin to privacy. 'Lilly, kind. eager. Master.....other is unknown. met today. followed by little thing. define binding?' As the fragments of sentences flow into Lucille's mind, images and emotions follow though. Ador and Lilly playing. Lilly darting from interesting thing to interesting thing as Ador watches. The room they and the others they had been gathered in. flashes of the days events.

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"I see.... oh, Binding? it's... something I do with the animals back home. It lets me control them, like an extra arm or a leg, almost. It doesn't really work on anything that can already think for itself though."


Lucille momentarily broke away from the dragon to listen to the man's response, something between worry and exasperation plastered on her face at his mention of possible... random selection. Before she can say much however, another voice breaks into the conversation, and she becomes aware of someone new in the space, turning to them.


"...hi..." was all she responded to Calvera with. She went back and finished eating the last bites of her meal before asking to no one in particular-

"How... how many of you are there?"

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Arminius looks up at Bandit's making herself known. He nods politely as he stares for a bit. It's unnerving almost until he finally speaks.

"We need to get you some more modern clothes. I mean, apparently even plate armor isn't that odd, but not even satrys wear togas."

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"You haven't seen what the things back in my home will do to a person if given the chance, or how vicious they can be even when unprovoked. I don't have a choice but to do it if I want to live, most the things running around wouldn't hesitate to eat me otherwise. And they aren't like you; they can't think for themselves, they wouldn't even be able to conceive of the concept of free will if they wanted to..."


Someone finally answered her question about the numbers, and she had to wonder... 

"And where are the others? There's only 4... 5 heartbeats besides mine here... counting the dragon"

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"As child, Lilly talked bears. played. wolves. all understanding. Tired talking like this?"
She feels great skepticism from the little dragon. "If attacked, why not kill"

"Probably scattered about doing there things. we have a meeting soonish so...wait you can hear our heartbeats?"
Lilly looks curious now.

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