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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Frigus calmly walked over to the side of the boat where Lilly had just jumped off.  He slowly pressed his fingers against the ridge of his nose while leaning his elbow on the railing of the boat.

"Lilly, would you please return to the boat before someone decides you're an areal threat and shoots you down?" Frigus shouts this out over the water towards Lilly.

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Frigus sighed and then took a step back as he threw his hands in the air "You know what?  Fine.  Fine fine fine.  I won't try the help keep you from getting in trouble, just don't expect any help getting out."


After that he finds a quite place to sit on the boat, pulls out his reports book, and starts making notes on what has transpired since they got to this world.

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Kusuke, meanwhile, is belowdecks, having at some point located some tools for the sharpening of knives; he sat on the floor in a corner of the area with a somewhat alarmingly large pile of knives, paying painstaking attention to each one to ensure it was properly maintained; it'd been far too long since he'd done any work on them, and while he typically tried to avoid conflicts or use his hands and cuffs to subdue the ones that wouldn't leave him alone, having a lethal option was something you just needed sometimes, if only for the threat of it.

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Satomi had mostly been fiddling around with her mess of a crossbow until now, fussing over it to make sure that it wouldn't need repair before she went through whatever testing that the people here intended to put her through. But now, on the boat, satisfied with her maintenance job, she suddenly looked at Arminius with a smile that was half triumphant and half smug. "If you will notice, Arminius, none of us that went to help out with Lung are dead, and we are missing noone. ...actually, we appear to have one more person than we started with, apparently, even. In the future, you ought not assume that any acts showing a little bit of spine are insurmountably deadly."

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"I'm going to not listen to that advice because you're comparing not fighting something making giant pillars of fucking fire to "showing a little spine". I know your country is a little different but giant pillars of fire tends to mean you stay away for your health in mine."
Arminius is a little nettled at the comment.

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"The problem with your approach here is that we were not, in fact, stupid. We kept engaging Lung himself to a minimum, and instead we directed our efforts to helping those whom he would have placed in danger. And we were successful. We were actively avoiding being suicidal, and had you been there I'm sure that you would not even have been wounded at all. I do not believe that more than one or perhaps two of us even received any burns at all. That is what I meant by the situation not being insurmountably deadly, because it was not, and we surmounted it."

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"He helped stop several million dollars worth of drugs from being shipped god knows where by The Merchants.  I don't think our decision to refrain from a fight you apparently won with ease was a wrong one."


"If there's one thing I know, it's that you got extremely lucky.  Lung has survived fights with things stronger than all of us put together by orders of magnitude."


"An exception to the rule does not disprove it."


"I'm very pleased you managed to get that fucker put behind bars, but everyone there was a mistake away from death."


If it is possible to look haunted in a full suit of armor, Soma manages it with her tone.

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"And while you lot were fucking around fighting fire spewing monsters, Soma and I were looking for gang activity which ended in all of us almost getting killed! They shot my fucking goblin! Who does that, she's not even that threatening!"

The aforementioned goblin pouts cutely at having he threateningness insulted.

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"Pfeh, you say, um, "fucking around" and I say saving lives and preventing damage. But you are missing the point, um... Sooomato... trope? Somatotrope." Her name was kind of hard. "It was not a fight, because except for one or two people we avoided engaging him, as I have said. Lung was captured because Armsmaster arrived to take him in, at which point Kusuke did bravely go after Lung to weaken him and aid Armsmastee, but I hardly believe that is something to be condemning. It probably prevented many problems."


Her expression changed to one of pensiveness as she addressed Arminius again.. "I suppose that if you did find another duty to fulfill, it becomes harder to criticize you, but I still find this attitude of criticizing people who had the Courage and Duty to stand up and help people, and successfully for that matter, infuriating.


...speaking of goblins, though, where did the second one come from?"

Edited by Powder Miner
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"Stole the essence from one of the gangers. Apparently she has a high amount of proficiency in making personal vehicles... Also, she's a Gremlin, not a goblin."

Arminius shrugs. Depending on your point of view, the casualness of his statement is horrifying.

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Satomi's expression morphs into narrowed eyes and a frown at Arminius' statement, and she speaks more slowly. "...what do you mean by that you "stole the essence" from one of the criminals...? Their blood?"

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Kusuke, having finished his task, was climbing back up for some air and maybe some conversation. Maybe talk to that samurai girl who kept calling him a gaijin, figure out what that was about. He supposed he looked like a gaijin to someone who was from something at least resembling feudal Japan, but . . .


He came up just in time to hear this last line from Arminius. A line that prompted a faint blurring of the air in front of the man before an incredibly angry-looking Kusuke abruptly appeared in the space, having blinked from where he previously was to a position in front of the man. "You did WHAT, now?"

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Jun simply stared at the slightly heated argument happening in front of him with a great amount of interest, and a mind that was furiously typing out a log of what everyone around him was saying. It seemed like it would be decently useful for learning more about how the minds and cultures of the people around him worked later.

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Satomi's reaction to this, perhaps surprisingly, was not a shift of expression to anger, or fear, or even further suspicion. Instead she tilted her head ever so slightly, and her face screwed up into what was clearly honest confusion. She then speaks up without even the earlier dangerous speed of speech, her slowness now instead being occasionally halting. "Um, but that can't be it at all, though. I'm sure that, um, whatever this "essence" is, it isn't their soul, um, because..." Satomi got a little bit awkward then, as could be probably divined from the "um"s peppered into her speech, because she was well aware that she was talking to a bunch of gaijin. But what Arminius had said just didn't make any sense. Her voice wasn't malicious at all, just perhaps dismissive, but given the next words out of her mouth that probably wasn't much of a comfort. "Um, the criminal wouldn't hae had any soul to steal. Gaijin don't have souls."

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Arminius shrugs at Kusuke's question.

"I take a bit of soul, you know about as much as when you touch fluffy tail, to speak euphemistically..."

He'd probably continue but Satomi's statement makes him laugh.

"Oh, gods. Did you really just say that? Does Gaijin mean something else on your world? Because nothing is without a soul, hell sometimes things without souls develop them out of rage or gratitude."

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"What the hell is wrong with both of you!?" Kusuke nearly shouts, looking back and forth between Arminius and Satomi. "You can't just rip pieces out of the souls of things, that's. . . I can't even begin to put into words what's wrong with that. It's heinous, it's like. . . Have you ever SEEN what happens to someone whose soul is damaged? They may as well not even exist any more. And YOU." He turns from lecturing Arminius to face Satomi. "How can you just think that some people don't have souls? That's. . ." Kusuke's face screwed up, seemingly utterly at a loss for words for a moment as his mouth worked a bit without actually making a sound. "It's a hideous way to think, not to mention being just incorrect."

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Satomi was outright taken aback for a little bit by the sheer explosiveness of Kusuke's reaction. She'd expected maybe a little bit of indignation, but he seemed downright outeaged by what was just a simple statement of the way thungs were. Still, eventually most of the surprise faded from her face, replaced with a mixture of confusion and bullheadedness. "But um, uh, it's not just what I think. It's-- well, it's the way things are. If you're not Rokugani, you're not part of the Celestial Order, and, um, that means that you don't have a soul. And since noone around is Rokugani, that just means that noone around here, um, has a soul to steal. That's, um, just how it works."

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"Um, guys... can we stop this fighting...? I think it to be silly to have um... in-fighting like this."

Calvera nervously scratches the side of her head, then proceeds to fix her hair.

"It doesn't accomplish much at all... if anything it divides us. And since we're all from different worlds, I think maybe there are different beliefs and such that we should respect..."

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The unioned being of Lilly and Ador fly by. "We assure you we have souls. Without them we could not wield our magic"
They sit down on the boats railings, swinging there legs idly.
"But what's her name makes a good point, its possible souls work differently depending on the world they come from. But we highly doubt that only one group of people in your world have souls."

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