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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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With the woman not answering, Arminius shrugs and just fills out the forms as best he can.


Are your powers dangerous?
Not really.
Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
Yes. I'm willing to pass along stuff we don't need but the team comes first.
Team Info?
I don't even remember half of these guys' names. 
Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)
If my minions can do it then I can pretty much.
Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?
Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
Don't act like that's a fucking casual thing. And FUCK NO!
Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
Ignore them if they do.
Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
Soma might since they're the only one from here. 
Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.
If we don't have a use for it, sure.
Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?
Let me ask Mini. She says yes.
Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
If it's not a ten I don't want anything to do with those people.
You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.
Not a Question
How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
I don't know. I don't have any ways to really assist with that.
Anyone on your team a minor?
No clue.
Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)

I mean, you can see all the minions we have as far as I know. So uh... no.

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Lucille simply stared at the stack of papers, mind drawing ablank. Though through the cats' eyes she could perceive perfectly well what was printed on them, it didn't change the fact she understood none of it. And not in the manner that the vocabulary used was too complicated or went over her head either, she just literally did not know what any of the symbols before her even represented... period.


How would she? She "saw" by hearing and touch afterall, and it wasn't like ink printed on dead trees was very conducive to either of those senses.


"Uh...." after a few minutes, with the sounds of hurried scribbling from pens and pencils soft illustrating the space around her with their noise, she dropped the paper in her hand back onto the stack, looking around at the sources "So uh... hey, quick question: is anyone here feeling nice enough to help a poor blind girl fill out this paperwork?"

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Not saying much, Lucille slipped down and took a seat beside the girl, still staring at the paperwork. How the hell a blind woman could even "stare" was still up for debate, and the jury would be in deliberation for quite a while, but it wasn't important.

    "So, what does it say? And thanks, by the way. I'm usually pretty good with functioning on my own, but uh... well you can probably guess why I never became literate..."

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and with a bit of help, Lucille answered the following:


Are your powers dangerous?



Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?

"Only if they have something interesting or useful on them. And only if you have something interesting or useful to trade in exchange."


Team Info?

"This isn't that great a question, could've really benefited from some elaboration."


Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)

"Long story short, if you've got a wild animal or a monster going on a rampage, I can get it under control. I've learned a lot of things that most people thought were lost forever back home too, but uh... well those are probably easier to show than tell a bunch of people who probably wouldn't understand."



Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)

"I've only answered like 3 questions so far, so yeah, probably. Shouldn't this be at the end instead of near the beginning?"


Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?

"The answer is maybe, I guess... I'm gonna need a lot more context before I go agreeing to anything specific though."


Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?

"Giant monsters that blow up cities... ya know it sounds familiar, but um.... I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that one. Quick Question though- are they Sapient?"


Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?

"Don't know, I only met any of them last night... I guess I'm alright with it though."


Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?

"Read the first part of my above answer."


Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Since you guys are so hung up about looting or whatever, yeah, if I find anything really crazy, I'll pass it on to you... It's just too bad that I have no idea what even passes as 'Crazy' for you."


Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?

"What? I'm really lost here....uh, next question, lilly."


Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.

"One guy wanted to set up a bobby trap with an explosive... I think you guys actually confiscated what he was gonna use when we got in here, truth be told. So yeah, from that, you tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how child friendly you think some of these guys probably are...."


You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.

How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?

"What? What 'Boat Graveyard', when was this? For Mavens Sake, I'm really freaking lost here... next question."


Anyone on your team a minor?

"Look, I'm not even sure of my own age, let alone how old some of the others are...."


Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)

"That control ability I mentioned earlier doesn't work on anything that can think for itself. If it's capable of reasoning and isn't just driven by the instinctive drive to eat, sleep, and reproduce, I can't control it. So that means no, I don't use Human Minions, and even if I could... that's kinda messed up."


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"That works for me."

Calvera nods, talking through the answers with Arminius after handing over the forms.


Are your powers dangerous?
I'm not sure the full extent of my powers, so I suppose we'll see...
Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
I don't do that, no.
Team Info?
Not sure what to say. We're all reasonable people, I suppose.
Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)
As far as I can tell, I control fire? I can light up my body very bright as well.
Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?
As long as it helps innocents.
Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
Again, as long as it helps innocents.
Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
No clue.
Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
No clue.
Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.
Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?
I can't speak for our... 'Tinkers' but I assume so?
Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
Depends on the kids. I'm not good at reading emotions.
You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.
How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
I'm sure the others will figure something out.
Anyone on your team a minor?
I am not.
Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)



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Jun sneakily started to write down on the forms after he realized that it would presumably be a bad idea to not do so.



Are your powers dangerous?
I am willing to say on record that I have absolutely no powers and that I am not really looking forward to changing that anytime soon/
Do you loot people, how much are you willing to budge on that?
I take whatever I need, or think I would need soon. I am pretty sure that wouldn't be a problem...right?
Team Info?
I am pretty sure that I have already told you everything that I know about this team, and yes I really do think that all of us just wants to do our P.A.R.T. here...heh.

Are your powers useful, if so, explain how, (we might have more paperwork for you)
Which part of "You do realize that I don't have any powers" made the rest of the sentence unclear? Or did you just not read a single word of it?

Are you withholding information? (We won't get mad if you are, but it will kinda suck for everyone if we find out the hard way.)
I am literally wearing a set of full body power armor right now. So yes I am in fact with holding information from almost everyone in the group.

Are you willing to help us fight the Incredibly Deadly Bad Guys that kill heroes like a groundskeeper mows a lawn?
Well judging by the fact that I almost died in the last fight I would say that is a solid "Maybe". It all depends on how dire the situation was and whether or not it looked like I could be of any help. Do not expect me to try and fight "Robotman, the super powered robot with the ability to nullify all forms of technology around him and also throw people through walls".

Are you willing to help us fight the Endbringers? Those monster things that blow up cities more or less?
To be brutally honest I would say that my answer would come in the form of me dashing away while wishing the lot of you good luck the moment you ask that question. Because while I would love to say yes, that sounds like it is way above my admittedly small pay grade.. Athough again, if the situation looked dire and it seemed like I could help...

Anyone on your team object to parahuman healing?
I don't think so, although I must admit that I have yet to actually broach the subject with any of my teammates yet.

Anyone on your team have a criminal record that we could feasibly prove?
And again I must say that I do not think so, as we didn't exactly perform a comprehensive background check on every single member of the team.

Serious about the looting thing, we know you do it, but like, can you at least pass us the crazy shit to look at? you might blow up the city or something by mistake.
Of course it would, but would it be fine if I asked for some form of compensation for my work?

Are your Tinkers willing to arrange playdates with our Tinkers?
Now that seems like something that you would need to ask them specifically. Although I would personally love to get some advice or modifications on my power suit.

Rate how friendly your team is with kids on a scale from 1 to 10.
10/10 I am pretty sure that Lily actually is a minor, and the fact that we have kept them alive so far should be a good way to prove that we actually want to keep children safe. Although to be fair it would be nice to have some time to prepare and hide away the really dangerous stuff we have before you asked us to keep another child alive for an extended period of time. 

You wanted to do some shit with the Boat Graveyard, congrats, you now own those boats if you just get them the hell out of here.
Quick question, how much are the boats worth? And do you know of anyone who would be willing to buy them?
How do you plan to get the boats the hell out of here, and will that cause other massive problems that you have just been coy about until now?
I honestly feel that you overestimate our ability to come up with plans on the fly after we have spent most of the time here figuratively putting out any fires we find. But I do know that the only massive problem we are planning on causing would be the massive headache the port authority would have when they finally have to get off their asses and actually do some work.

Anyone on your team a minor?
As previously mentioned the only person on this team that may or may not count as a minor might be the human....Striker/Breaker or Changer known as Lily? I am not actually sure about that one.
Do you use Normie Human Minions? (We kinda have a problem with using those, and if you do, they all have to sign an even larger stack of papers)
If by using minions you meant "Tasking people who genuinely wish to help us in our efforts by their own free will that is left...ahem *free* from any threatening attempts at coercion". Then yes we do in fact use a decent amount of human minions, and we are in fact planning on utilizing a lot of them all over this city. But if you meant something more along the lines of mind control or anything that seems like a super villain would do, then I would say that we do not in fact use any 'minions'.


Edited by Cronos5010
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(Kusuke) : (13, 13) Kusuke seems to have everything in order.


He gets another form.


Are you willing to get shipped around to see if you can pop Grey Boy Loops? (Insert Generic Explanation of what that entails)




(Mirri) : (20, 2) Mirri's work is phenomenal.  One might jokingly suspect her of having a paperwork themed thinker power, she's managed to phrase "Fuck you, fuck off" into a pallateble block of flowery and efficiently filled out forms.  +1 Merit




"(Trick) Paperwork Genius: The user may automatically pass low level checks involving filling out paperwork of any kind"

to inventory.)




(Proditor) : (9, 3) Proditor managed his paperwork nicely.




(Satomi) : (6, 7) Satomi makes a few mistakes...  She has apparently filed herself as a "Noncombatant Aid" under the PRT files.

She will be required to stay out of direct combat with S-Class Threats, and the Endbringers, if she even bothers to listen to the authority trying to ensure victory in those cases, and treated differently by the PRT and Protectorate in addition.



(Harry) : (3, 7) Harry is required to sign the fat stack of normal human Minion Papers, due to being a normal human.

-1 Int Next combat from wasted time that could have been better spent engrossed in study and thinkering.




(Lilly) : (8, 3) Lilly surprisingly manages her papers nicely, for what it's worth.




(Frigus) : (4, 15) Frigus manages to botch his paperwork, apparently, he signed up for power testing against Ash Beast at some point, due to his cryogenic tinkering ability.




(Arminius) : (2, 3) Piggot Leaves the room after looking over his papers, it takes a few minutes before she returns.




(Lucile) : (12, 12) Even limited by her problem, Lilly manages to get a vague approximation of what she answered onto the forms.




(Jun) : (16, 5) It was never in doubt that Jun would easily navigate the forms.  Clean, Crisp, and Correct, they are submitted with the grace of an ambassador.

Add one "Politics Token" to inventory.




(9, 19)


(13, 12)

Piggot finishes preparing all the forms with a smooth grace.  Once all of them are filed away for later review, she sits there, an indescribable expression on her face.  Everyone sits there awkwardly, or stands, if there is no room to sit.


She takes a long look at everyone in the room.  before her eyes land on Kusuke, who stares back unblinking.  A mug of Coffee in his hand mirroring the one on her desk.


Finally, she blinks, a forlorn look appearing for a moment on the previously stony eyes, finally, a decision is made.


"Get the hell out of my office."


Not one to argue, the party leaves, and with a simple motion, she slams the door shut.


Armsmaster, Linebacker Genius, Assault, and now a new figure, the one who was paired with Assault in the previous meeting, stand awkwardly nearby.


"That went very well, I feel." Linebacker says, clapping his hands together with a smile.


Now, it seems the party has some decisions to make, regarding what they do now that they are officially sanctioned for operating in this world.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Ah, I thought she was upset about something on my forms. Already had some other people in the group get upset about my powers so I thought it could have been that."
Arminius lightens up slightly, but this was actually him finding out what about his papers set off the office lady.

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"I'm pretty sure I've met automatic weapons that were friendlier than her." He idly waggles his extra form about, the paper seemingly already filled out. In it, he'd stated that he was willing to help investigate these loops, and attempt to break them, though with some fair notice of when he was expected to do so.

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"So what are these 'tinkers' people keep talking about?" Mirri asks, "From the forms, I assume it's some kind of engineering specialization, but I've never heard of someone getting a degree in tinkering before."

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Arminius looks at Squealer as well. Then he switches to Soma again. Mini looks between them before shrugging. Arminius looks to the Mini one more time before looking to Soma.

"You know, I get the feeling that this is something you really should have told me before it was a problem."

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Satomi, despite her earlier unsureness thanks to the argument on the boat, has a note of eagerness enter her voice when the topic of Tinkers starts to be brought up, speaking excitedly. "Oh, I really do greatly hope they let me attend the tinker meeting. There's so much that I could learn...!"

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"Lovely woman, that Director. So what now, Armsmaster? Power testing for just the people who claim to have powers, or are you going to need to ascertain that those who claimed to be unpowered, are in fact, the boring humans that they claim to be?" Harry addressed this question to the halberd man, curious about what came next in general.


Harry perked up when he heard the question about tinkers, torn between annoyance at the ignorance that the question revealed to Armsmaster--better would have been to look it up personally, or question Soma later--, and curiosity, since he himself had not learned much about tinkers. "So, no offense, but if you've got tinkers, why's all the general tech here so. . . ahem, lacking in advancement? Seems even with a few tinkers, you could just go around trying patch up infrastructure and market new tech around the world."

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