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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Frigus followed behind most of the group, doing his best to ignore the masses of people around.

At one point they got another new arrival but he choose to pay them little mind at this time.  


A few minutes later another fight broke out between Satomi and Kusuke, he decided to let them sort their own issues out this time as his mind was wandering elsewhere.  That is until he felt a surge of anger, grief, and most of all a flash of dark power, he looked over to watch none other than Mirri standing over Satomi and then running off toward a side alley.


He decided the others could take care of anyone hurt and that following Mirri...from a safe distance was the best choice.

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Satomi had been practically blind with rage at Kusuke after the "mountains of corpses" comment, and accordingly she had got into something of a screaming rage... and then suddenly everything turned upside down, and faster than even Satomi could really process she was suddenly unable to draw breath-- and then-- her throat was closed off-- then she was choking-- and then she could feel the hand around her neck, she could feel herself being strangledchoked out, and all of the words and screaming of the others faded away with the colors at the edge of her vision as... the armored woman, maybe? continued to strangle her. Her feet left the ground, and Satomi couldn't, she couldn't-- Satomi fell to the ground again. She struggled to take in a breath, feeling the bruises forming, and coherent thought, even incoherent thought went away for a while as her entire world turned into getting oxygen back to her lungs. "Ggk-- nn-- nnhuu-- aah..."


So it took a couple of seconds for Satomi to realize that everything had boiled over inside of her, all of the fear and confusion and alienation she'd been feeling up until now bottling to a point, then pushed forward by Kusuke's hostility towards her and her country and her people and everything that she ever knew. And then, of course, she had been strangled and at that point Satomi couldn't take it anymore, and she suddenly moved her hand to her cheek to realize that tears were streaming down it, and that her chest was heaving with sobs. Oh no. She was crying, outright weeping perhaps, and Satomi didn't know that she could take such a big failure of her Honor and such a blatant showing of her emotional failure and her inability to keep up with the image of a samurai, not on top of everything else, she couldn't handle it! First she tried to wipe the tears off with her sleeve, then when that achieved nothing she batted away the hands of Arminius and Ren, and then she got to her feet and just tried to run, run as fast as she could, in whatever direction, just so that they couldn't watch her bawl and break down.

Edited by Powder Miner
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Arminius stares as Satomi runs for a bit. With a sigh he jogs off after her. No real point in running since she was recently choking, was crying, and didn't know the area. She'd be slower and, worse comes to worse, he could just ask people where the woman in a kimono went. He was going to have to sit down everyone involved later so they could just talk it out like normal humans... Arminius laughs slightly at the thought of trying to apply normal to these people.

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Ren blinked shocked as Satomi batted his hand away and then moved up. She was crying she was a mess and she was losing it...Ren had been like this before and Ren had always needed help for this..Needed somewhere to cry with maybe one or two people and as such Ren moved their hand's out to grab Satomi....and he missed panicking White marble like earth glowing in the street trying to perhaps Stop Satomi? But...It barely moves. Ren is not solid he is not stable right now and Satomi would be able to move past it in seconds maybe not even noticing it..it only looking like small stumps.


However, Ren did notice outta the corner of their eye...the armored person...It they did that didn't they?! Ren....felt themselves harden their body shaking and with as much energy they could muster they attempted to dome Miri into place. White marble like earth glowing and moving rapidly. Ren fully intended to trap Miri inside that dome of rock and Earth...if he was successful Miri would note that it wasn't pitch black there was some light a light glow. The rock itself was warm and smooth and tough though Miri may be able to do some damage to it certainly.

Edited by AbstractTraitorHero
Changing name to fit Rens ic better. He has not heard miris name.
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The dome of earth forms around Mirri with ease.  She doesn't even attempt to dodge it.  All is quiet for a few moments.


Then a brilliant blade of incandescent green punches through the rock and soil like a hot knife through butter.  It rapidly carves a series of disorderly, glowing lines through the dome, Mirri continuing to swing her lightsaber long after she'd cut herself an exit, before eventually falling to her knees, blade extinguished, in the center of the pile of rubble.  Unmoving, not making a sound, she kneels on the pavement.  The aura of rage is mostly gone, but the grief underneath all the more apparent for it.  So much so that even non-sensitives nearby might get hints of it.

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Frigus watched the event unfold in disturbed awe. Specifically this newcomer flying into the middle of it all, attempting to force something onto Satomi, then turning around and raising a dome of earth over Mirri.

He decided enough was enough and walked up to Ren.

"I don't know who you are or where you're from, but I would suggest you stay out of this from here on out.  You've already done enough extra damage."

Despite the fact that Frigus was much shorter than Ren they wouldn't be able to shake the feeling they were being talked down to, much like you would to an overly selfrighteous child.

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Jun felt extremely awkward as she impotently stared at the events happening all around her for a rather disturbing amount of time. And while any other man or woman would presumably freak out at the idea of someone alternating between throwing lightning at people or choking a certain someone out. Jun's coffee enhanced reflexes allowed her to duck into a conveniently nearby piece of cover long before she realized that she was invisible and that she could have just speedwalked away from the scene with absolutely no repercussions earlier. And so the ambassador did what anyone else in her position would do (after a moment's deliberation and a lot of hastily trying to remember things about the three teammates who are for a lack of a better word. Acting out). She did absolutely nothing. She quietly justified her course of inaction by reviewing the notes she had written about the two of them, and she hoped that at least one of them would choose to try some measure of reconciliation before they had to rely on each other in a stressful situation. (Although there was a fair chance that the attempt would either end up being fruitless, or that it might never happen in the first place due to how stubborn the two of them were.)

Jun let out a sigh of relief after he saw Satomi break away from Mirri's hold, and she quietly muttered a underneath her breath at the tactless winged person in some unknowable alien language when they tried to stop Satomi's escape. As while it seemed like a perfectly reasonable course of action, it was an incredible bad thing to try and do to someone who seemed so obsessed with honor and self sufficiency. This is why the ambassador worried the most about Satomi's state of mind, as she slowly started to realize that the actions of the party was enough to torment the samurai to the point where she openly wept and fled in what seemed to be disgrace. She quietly hoped that Satomi would choose to try and ignore everything that her world's pseudo Japanese and seemingly feudalistic culture had told her would be appropriate to do in this sort of situation. And that she would simply spend some time to sulk alo-Damn it Arminius!.

But of course the ambassador did not have the time to try and stop the man from trying to solve all of the problems of someone who didn't seem like they wanted to have somebody else solve those problems for them. As he was too busy staring at Mirri as he started to break out of the dome of earth that someone had decided to seal him in. And so with great trepidation Jun finally decided to turn her cloaking device off, but only after the plasma sword wielding mercenary managed to tucker themselves out. She then slowly approached the mercenary to say "So you can wield a plasma sword too huh?".

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"They're all children. Children! I don't even know their ages, but mentally, god damn it!" Harry watched the entire scuffle go down. They were on the docks for Christ's sake! People were here, whether or not the docks were operational. And here they were screaming at each other in the middle of broad daylight. On the plus side, everyone was already up and about, so they wouldn't wake anyone up! "If the PRT catches wind of this. . . And, shit. Kusuke was supposed to have two people go with him to meet someone later. Shit, shit, shit."


Harry turned to Soma with an extremely pained smile on his face."Excuse me, Soma. I'll try to get to work on something for you later, but I have to deal with this bullshit, because APPARENTLY the only other people here that I considered competent besides Proddy have proven themselves to be imbeciles. Could have at least found themselves an empty warehouse to scream in." Harry was torn between following Kusuke, or Arminius. He had very little confidence in Arminius' capabilities in this regard, and a one on one talk might be impossible with his minions. He did settle on something eventually, though.


"Proditor! Go find Kusuke, and tell him I'm going to have to send someone else to the meeting later. If he asks why, protests, or gets angry, I dunno, send him after me or something." He then took off at a sprint, hoping to catch up with Arminius. "Arms! Mind if I do that? Might need medical attention after getting choked, and no offense, but I don't think she has the best opinion of you." Harry called out.

Edited by Strider
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Arminius stares at Harry like he's stupid.

"You think I don't know that? I'm going along to make sure no one bothers her since that's gonna make things worse. I'll admit, her Samurai are different from mine but it's likely they both have problems with asking other people for help... also no need for medical attention, the weird dude obviously was using some variation of lay on hands. Anyways, the best thing to do is to wait for her to calm down and then get everyone involved to sort things out in a safe enviroment. It's what I did when stuff like this happened."

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8 hours ago, StormLord said:

Frigus watched the event unfold in disturbed awe. Specifically this newcomer flying into the middle of it all, attempting to force something onto Satomi, then turning around and raising a dome of earth over Mirri.

He decided enough was enough and walked up to Ren.

"I don't know who you are or where you're from, but I would suggest you stay out of this from here on out.  You've already done enough extra damage."

Despite the fact that Frigus was much shorter than Ren they wouldn't be able to shake the feeling they were being talked down to, much like you would to an overly selfrighteous child.

Ren actually heard this. Looking down at Frigus Ren's face....solidified. This man was the dumbass here and Ren for one had been trying to prevent anyone else from getting hurt. Ren's voice came out scolding their wing's spread slightly their horn's shimmering and their tail hitting the ground with a thud.


"Ren simply was stopping someone from going off on their own alone and trying to stop the person who threw lightning at Katana Girl. So no I have not done extra damage. I was solving the problem."


Ren...was a bit shocked at their self at the end. They had referred to themselves as I. That was rare and worried Ren just a little bit. Ren only did that when they were especially angry and Ren needed to watch themselves now. Ren had no intention of letting their.....well they are going to do their best to not let their emotions get the better of them.


" Ren is Ren Alexander Hertlend and is from Valmasia. Ren is a holy mage."

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Before Calvera had a chance to respond, a sudden shouting match seemed to break out between Kusuke and Satomi, which the Ethereal managed to make out as relating to the entire 'soul' problem. Instantly, Proditor knew that this wasn't going to be something that would end well, and sure enough, it did, with Kusuke storming off, Satomi running off in tears, and Mirri... Well, Proditor couldn't put a finger on it, but something was off about her. An aura of rage, manifesting through the air around her. It felt like something that Proditor SHOULD be familiar with, but the fact that Mirri had telekinetically choked Satomi and then fired lightning from her hand made Proditor rule out psionic power. The fact that Ren decided to try and 'help' only seemed to make things worse.


When Harry spoke up to Proditor, however, the Ethereal didn't even look his way, "I was already planning on doing that" he stated, then began to float up, moving quickly above the group, all while sending out a psionic ping to try and locate Kusuke. Not just to inform him about Harry's decision, but also because he may (or may not) need someone to talk to.

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"Professionally, I'd have to disagree a bit. First of all, I don't know what laying on hands is, but it didn't appear to be completed. And even if it was, I'd like to assure myself that there's no lasting damage. Secondly, there were samurai in my world once, though long enough ago that I don't know much about them. However, I expect that if they were wounded, someone would treat their wounds, and it wouldn't be an insult. Be stupid not to let someone specialize in medicine, while other people specialize in fighting."


Harry glanced back at the group receding in the distance, then said, "And a final point: I don't think getting everyone involved is a good idea. Twice today, Satomi has had multiple people gang up on her, and even if that hadn't happened, our party is pretty bad as far as tact goes. Best chance, in my opinion, is to talk to her now, honestly, without attack. Once she's calmed down a bit, and had some things explained, then reconciliation can begin. Does that make any sense?"

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Though Soma doesn't speak during this exchange, she is touched in a very specific place by the contents of this discussion.


Someone being judged for the company they kept, even though their education and upbringing would have allowed no deviation from the narrative presented.


She feels odd, and in any other circumstance, she would have suspected yet again that she's under some kind of master effect.


This must be... Pity? No, that isn't the right word for it.  She can't think of any other though.


Somatotrope walks over to stand next to Harry.  It seems she's finally accepted the situation as real, and it's starting to settle in.


It isn't like she has any family worth protecting, or any friends other than the ones here, so this gesture shouldn't matter much.  It might not even matter to these people.


Taking her helmet off, she holds it at her side.  Her hair is brown, and her eyes are green.


"Harry's Right.  This needed to happen.  There were too many tensions mounting.  We need to clear the air, if we are going to work together as a team, and this is the result of that."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"She can still runaway so she's not hurt enough to worry about. The best thing to do is let them cool down on their own and crowding Satomi isn't going to help like Harry just said."

Arminius shoots a glare to Soma who blatantly adding to the number of people trying to crowd Satomi.

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"Don't assume things, Arminius. Both that being able to run means that she's fine--that's not necessarily true--, and that Soma is here to intrude. In any case, if Satomi is fine with receiving medical attention, neither of you will be allowed to be close. No offense to either of you, just how I prefer to work when given the choice." Harry peered down the docks, watching Satomi turn inward away from the ocean. "Now, if you'll both excuse me. Feel free to follow, but if you're going to be around, make sure to stay at least. . . fifty feet away, and out of sight. Unless you have a legitimate reason that you would be particularly useful in this scenario?" Harry directed this at Arminius. After waiting for their response, Harry would jog off, in the direction of the alley Satomi had turned down.

Edited by Strider
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Calvera didn't stay long, as the fight broke out. She had this urge, after Satomi left, to run after her. So, she did. For unknown reasons to herself, she ran after the bawling girl, hoping for something. She wasn't sure what. But she followed quickly, and only focused on that. Getting to Satomi. Her boots sounding off against the ground, her hair flowing behind her.

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Arminius was going to continue telling Harry that trying to bother the emotionally compromised person who was running away was a bad idea, but then the person less suited to it ran by, causing Arminius to grab at her arm.

"Bandit, leave the girl alone! For fucks sake, I was just explaining this to Harry..."

When Harry starts to go again Arminius makes a rash desicion to acomplish his goal. And he decks Harry with the full force of a man not thinking hard.

Edited by kj1225
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Satomi had ran deep into this alleyway, which, being an alley with two buildings on each side, was a rather large one. This meant that the scuffling three, especially Calvera, could probably see Satomi, the small samurai sitting against a wall with her legs curled up to her chest and her head buried into the silk fabric of her kimono. They weren't quite close enough to hear her, especially with the commotion happening over there, but it wouldn't take a genius to guess what exactly Satomi was doing (crying). Caught up in her emotions as she was, and being all curled into a ball, she didn't notice Calvera approaching, at least not yet.

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Harry felt the hand on his shoulder, and almost immediately knew what was coming. He curled he head downward, and braced to take the brunt of the punch. As soon as it was over, he continued running. He'd taken punches before, and to be honest, that one was really quite weak. So giving no thought to the mild pain, Harry sprinted after Calvera, calling out to her as he passed her. "Calvera! Mind waiting a moment? I'm a doctor. I just want about two minutes or so, then you can talk to her all you want, and she might even be happier with you if you waited!" When he reached the entrance of the alley way, he slowed to a walk, waiting to see how Calvera responded. If she was alright with this arrangement, he would enter after she answered in the affirmative.

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Lilly, Would have followed after the crying girl. If she wasent being followed by far to many already. knowing flooding her with to much at once, at that everyone seemed to have someone going after them lilly decided to head on over to the boat graveyard. And well...inspect and explore. Its not like she had anything better to do at the moment.

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Mirri doesn't turn to face Jun, but she does start talking.  "Yes.  My lightsaber.  Many of my clan have taken them from our fallen enemies, but this one is mine.  The weapon of a Jedi Knight... and a weapon I am no longer certain I am worthy of.  No Jedi would act as I have."

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Arminius' hand twitches towards his gun before stopping and letting out a forceful breath. He turns to face Soma after taking a few breaths.

"Yes, but bothering someone who doesn't want to be bothered will just make things worse! Am I really the only one who sees that?"

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"Oh believe me, I know."


"If you can't convince them of that without resorting to fists, then we aren't really solving a problem so much as causing more of them." She says.


She follows after Harry.


"I'd like to discuss this with you as well.  You are from a version of Earth, right? You sounded like you were."

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