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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Look Calvera. Let's wait out here for two minutes. You can tell me what you want to do, I'll tell you why I think I should go in, and then you can go in, or let me go in. I can't stop you. But I'd at least like you to tell me what you're going to do so I can give my opinion on it, and whether it will actually be helpful for her emotional state. I may not be a psychiatrist, but I know some of the basics of the trade. I am a doctor, something which people seem to be forgetting. And anyway." Here he lowered his voice. "Sitting out here for a few moments gives Satomi time to brace herself. She didn't want people to see her crying, and going in there immediately would be bad. If she here's our voices out here, it will give her a bit of time to compose herself, okay?" For now, Harry remained stolidly in front of Calvera, a little outside and to the left of the alley.

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Calvera nods, sighing as she steps to the side alongside Harry.

"I... I admit I don't know exactly what I want to do. But I don't want to do nothing. I don't want to just sit by and let her be hurt... and I don't know why I have that feeling. I just do... call me crazy or whatever, but I think I'm discovering... emotions. I didn't exactly have them when I was my normal self. Kinda impossible to. But... I know I want to go in there and comfort her. I don't know how. I... I'm new to this. And I feel like I need to make connections with people because well... I feel like most of you are at least skeptical of me, and I want you all to be comfortable with me. And I feel like if I... if I make this right, then I may begin to mean something to someone, and maybe be someone worth having around. For more than my... explosiveness."

A tear rolls down Calvera's cheek, as she lets out another sigh, proceeding to scratch the side of her head.

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"That was. . . more personal than I thought. No offense Calvera, but sounds to me like you need her a bit more than she needs you right now. To be perfectly honest, I think standard comforting would not be that great for Satomi right now. She needs someone to explain things to her, not someone to make her feel better. I've known her less than a day, but she loves learning. That's what she needs right now. Someone to explain why Kusuke and Mirri got so unreasonably angry at her. Thus, I don't think this is the perfect time for you. She's also pretty proud from what I've seen, so having someone comfort her might sting." Harry pause here, thinking a bit. "However, I think we could both go in. If you were willing to follow with the idea of helping her understand rather than passively comfort, we could both go in. I can check to make sure she's not injured, and you, well, best might be to ask questions. Learn about her world. It will probably help you in the future and stuff. Might make you a friend, since that seems to be what you really want. You fine with that?"


Harry turned to Arminius, still keeping his voice down. "Look. Leaving someone emotionally broken in a strange city isn't a good idea. If this was her home country, there'd probably be a place she could go to settle down. But here, everything around her is going to stress her out if we do nothing. Best is to go in, get her comfortable with us, and provide help. When someone's suicidal, do you just say "Let the emotionally unstable person be?" No. Now, are you alright with us calmly discussing what we're going to do here, like civilized people, and then coming to a decision?"


And finally to Soma: "I'm from a version of Earth. It was never referred to as Earth Bet. Just earth. No one really knows about other universes there. So what are your thoughts on the subject? Assuming you meant that you wanted to discuss about Satomi?"

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"Okay... Yeah, okay. It just feels... right, to come to her aid. I'm sorry if it seems personal, I guess uh... I guess I'm just being a bit overwhelmed with my newfound body and mind. Let's go, I suppose."

Calvera nods, following after Harry as soon as he is ready to approach Satomi.

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"Well, in the spirit of sharing incredibly personal matters, I have experience being taught the belief that those not like me are soulless, or that they are less than people.  And with the consequences of breaking away from that."


"Do you understand?" She says, hoping that Harry will comprehend what she is trying to imply, too ashamed to say it outright.


"I think I might understand her situation better than most."

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"She's not "Emotionally Broken" though. She's upset that she lost control and doesn't want people to see her right now. And you two are trying to force her to interact with you guys despite that. It's just not a good idea. What is a good idea, is waiting until she's calmed down and willing to talk so we can arrange a time for everyone involved to calmly discuss the matter without blowing up... And we do need to discuss how to reprimand Mirri and Kusuke besides, what they did was uncalled for at best."

Arminius folds his arms, rather annoyed that he still has to argue this.

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"Okay, let's be honest, who honestly knows what is best for her? None of us. So, instead of arguing like we know what we're talking about, let's do something instead."

Calvera frowns.

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"Yes, but when it's a coinflip between making things better and making things worse you shouldn't "Do something". If we leave her to think things out on her own we can talk to her about this when it isn't likely to result and further upsetting her."

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In response to Arminius, Harry gave a sort of are you serious look. "I guess you didn't hear the part where I said that what she needs right now is someone to explain things to her, not to comfort her, or comment on weakness. Here. I'll explain my thought process. I think that best for her right now is a small group of people. Group therapy doesn't work unless it's moderated. Otherwise it tends to blow up. I don't trust anyone else to moderate it, because I don't think they could control it, and I can't control you, and you seem to have a tendency to disagree with my professional opinion. That throws group therapy out of the question, without even considering the question of finding a good place for it, finding time, and convincing everyone to sit still together without talking voer each other. And the reason I think that it's okay to go in there now is because I've made sure to talk loud enough at times that she's aware of our presence. She has a chance to put up a show of strength, without getting her pride hurt anymore. Final two reasons are one, she needs someone to explain why Kusuke and Mirri got upset at her, because we can't just let her be tortured by confusion while we try to find Kusuke, and secondly, as I've already said, I want to ensure that she's actually okay. Does. That. Make. Any. Sense."


Back to Soma once more, Harry said, "I don't quite get what--. . . Oh." His eyes widened a fraction. Relating to Satomi's ingrained borderline bigotry. Primitive discrimination. It was a surprise, and it caught Harry off guard. "When--If. . .you mean what I think you mean, it's definitely. . .relevant. Want to do this as a sort of stagnated thing? I'll go in with Calvera first, and if everything's going alright in five minutes, you can pop in and say something about just coming over? I dunno. . ."

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"I heard you just fine. I just think that talking to her now is a stupid idea, which you apparently haven't gotten through your skull. I don't think she really gives a shit why Mirri and Kusuke are upset with her right now because they were beyond out of line in how they reacted. If anyone needs an explanation right now it's them. What Satomi needs is time to process this on her own so she can gather her thoughts, which she can't do if people are harassing her for frivolous reasons."

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"Did you miss my other points though. The possibility of her being injured. The fact that this is an unknown and frankly dangerous city. Group therapy not being really an option. And the fact that based on what I heard in the argument, Kusuke and Mirri both sprang sudden challenges to her worldview on her? Please tell me why any of those are not good reasons to help her."


Harry glanced over at Calvera, who seemed to be edging away. "Don't. Not right now. If you rush in, things will only go poorly. You'll fail in what you want to do. You have the best chance of becoming her friend, and gaining that friendship you crave if you wait. So, on consideration, I think you should stay out for now, as a compromise. Because either you go in with me, which is too many people by Arminius' reckoning, or you go in alone, which will not work."

Harry turned his attention to Soma. "I'll do that, Soma. Arminius, are you alright with me waiting here outside the alley? And you all can go back if you want? It reduces the number of people, which is something you wanted, but it allows me to ensure that she's not injured, and that no random people on the docks stumble across her. A good compromise, I hope."

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Arminius folds his arms.

"... Well, I'd rather not because of those guys that kidnap women. Part of the reason I followed Satomi actually... but also you seem like you do need to talk about this."

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Calvera nods that she does, and turns to Arminius.

"Look, Arminius, I'm a living star. I can shrink to the size of a grain of sand and explode. I think I'll be okay. As for talking... no, I don't need to. I want to be by myself right now. Now you can either respect that, or if you insist on trying to follow me, I'll just blind you and run away. I don't think you necessarily want the latter."

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The people standing at the end of the alleyway squabbled, and then they left, but Satomi barely registered, seeing as she was kind of curled up and crying in the middle of the alleyway. While they argued, and then for a good few minutes after they left, Satomi just hysterically sobbed and sobbed into her kimono. Her not understanding things had been a problem for every single hour of the time she'd spent since she'd been suddenly summoned out of her world, and it had occasionally given her a spot of trouble or caused a stab of emotion to run through her, but she'd never thought that it would get that bad. In fact, before that incident, Satomi hadn't even thought that anyone could get more than maybe mildly offended by the concept that gaijin don't have souls.


But then she tried to explain things to Kusuke, and it just got worse, and worse, and she couldn't explain anything, and every time she tried, it got worse, and worse, and worse, until he said her clan should die, and she was screaming back at him, and then she was being strangled, invisible hands tight around her neck... no matter how much she thought it over, it didn't stop being horrible to think about. Now they all hated her, enough to choke her, and she didn't even know what to do to make it better. She didn't know anything. And it was all going to ruin because of that fact, that fact that no matter how much she thought she knew, how smart she thought she was, she still just didn't understand.


It didn't help that she'd burst into tears in front of everyone, either; it was nearly as gross a violation of the tenet of Honor as one could imagine, and she had always been bad with her Honor. She wasn't sure if it was the aftermath of the strangling, or the result of her own failing, but she felt sick, and weak, and it all just fed back into itself. Still, though, even with as bad as things were for Satomi, she did eventually cry herself out, and shakily she stood up, red-eyed and leaning against the wall. She sniffled a time or two, and tried to wipe at her tears a couple of times with her kimono sleeve... then she looked down and saw the wetness of her kimono around her knees and sleeves where she'd bawled into it. "D-dammit all... I really am a failure at Bushido..." she said to herself.

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