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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Hope is Overrated.  Have a primitive phone."  Soma Says, approaching around the back end of the conversation, She's got 7 Phones which look low quality, even by an older metric.


"I mean, unless you are just bad at The Force, or whatever it's called, you apparently have the whole of creation to bum around looking for potential students."


"I'd like to think you didn't get picked to help us out because you don't know what you are doing."

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"I have no idea what I'm doing," Mirri confirms, "My master was killed when I was still in the middle of my apprenticeship, and all I have learned since has been from experimentation on my own.  Most of that dark powers always ascribed to the Sith, and rarely if ever to Jedi.  I would not dare take a student when it is so likely that I would only lead them to the Dark Side."

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"I get that.  But I'm pretty sure every source of power or knowledge has a full capacity for cruel and unreasonable acts.  I might be biased though, considering that there is not a single parahuman aside from Panacea whose power isn't useful for killing others.  Most of them have the capacity for a lot worse." Soma Shrugs.


"I'm not even an exception."

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"She..." despite her misgivings about it, Lucille found herself speaking anyway. Figures how that worked... but after hearing more about how this "Force" operated and comparing it to what she already knew, coupled with how utterly certain the woman seemed that she was damned either way, she couldn't help it... and like that, she'd found herself going from merely watching to entering the conversation "She... has a point. It's never that black and white, despite what people might try to say. They just boil it down to it's simplest possible components because it either serves their purposes, or they just don't care about everything inbetween..." she was already slipping, she could feel it, and started searching for how to catch herself, when... something the woman had said earlier came back

     "Has... there really never been anyone who's used what both the 'Jedi' and the 'Sith' teach before though? Has there really been no one who ever managed to walk a middle road, without giving in? Because... well you don't seem like someone who's too far gone... um..." shit...again slipping "what I sensed from you earlier, what I'm sensing even now... this "Force" can't be corruptive, at least not on it's own, can it? It started off like a wave of the purest thing I've ever felt, and then all of sudden it was like that wave was just... carrying everything you wear feeling, and it's still doing it even now... but it never felt like it was forcing you to feel any of that, or trying to drag you down even further, or negate the power of choice, or... anything. It was... is... just there, as far as I can tell...So, is it inherently corruptive? Because if it isn't, how are you certain that you've already lost, that you can't try for redemption?"


Hmmm... even now, she was having second thoughts about speaking, from how... rough it all sounded. Would be just typical if this turned out as botched as before...


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The plates of Frigus's single armor clad arm rattled some as Ren shoved past him, how rude was it possible for this person to get?

He caught his balance but didn't speak any, he simply glanced at Jun and shot them the look of a man 500% done.


Soma then came from behind and spoke with Mirri some, then the blind woman came and spoke her piece, when she finished he felt it was his time to add something again.

So he hefted his blade and held the end with his other hand.


"Wars have been waged by the wielders of these blades.  Over light and darkness, 'good' and 'evil'.  For years they fought blindly against each other, each convinced that their's was the right path.  Do you know what happened in the end?"

He paused just long enough to let an idea from in their heads.

"They died.  And the worlds they ravaged were left in ruins.  Thousands of Appentices and Journeymen lead to their deaths because they only acted on their Master's orders.  They were only following orders.  Have you ever questioned your Master's teachings Mirri? or were you ordered that no one can be redeemed from the darkside?"

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Arminius takes a long drink from his beer, (A Guinness according to the label) before turning back to Calvera, tilting his bottle towards her.

"That's a pretty broad topic. Anything you want to know about specifically? The people for example, or the areas I've been to."

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Lilly in her search for interesting things, finds....

(10, 11) Lilly finds a large pile of broken glass. Goodie?

broken glass....
She ends up just kind of staring at it for a minute. gears turning. Maybe Adors light breath could do something with it? Ooooo or maybe she could melt it down and make something! but how to carry it? one or two pieces wouldent be a problem, but she would just hurt herself if she tried to carry all this in her arms. Lilly looks about and finds...


(18, 10) She finds a suitcase full of some weird green paper, which is the perfect size to put the glass in after dumping out the worthless scraps.

A suitcase full of money. Of course Lilly, being from a world that used metal coins, and other valuable things, only saw odd paper. Which, after deciding It had been abandoned and was clearly of little value, was dumped out and replaced by a large pile of glass. Ador and herself carefully putting in each shard.

Edited by Endlessblaze
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Prodditor and Kusuke get the same result, Kusuke hears someone say the first password, "Soup of the Day: Pudding" and Prodditor reads "Sweet and Salty Popcorn" from the Bouncer's Mind.


Oh, it seems that second password is what the Bouncer says back, to insure that it is actually him.  Like some crude Master/Stranger Protocol.


That seems to settle that.



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Almost instantly after the next person goes in, Proditor sends another message to Kusuke, "Same password on my end. The Bouncer simply repeats 'Sweet and Salty Popcorn' in his mind. I would suggest trying the password you overhear those entering say, see if that works" Proditor states, "I shall look for my own way in"

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Kusuke simply nodded, and walked up to the bouncer, doing his best to imitate the mannerisms of the others going in. He said the password just loud enough for the man to hear, and then proceeded inward - assuming nothing stopped him, of course.

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The Bouncer just stands there, Menacingly, before letting him pass.

"They just let any kind of weirdos in here nowadays."


Kusuke hears, as the door closes behind him.


Inside, Pumping music plays as several hundred folding chairs, and actual chairs are set up around the ring, an emptied swimming pool rimmed with barbed wire for aesthetic.


A guy sits in an upper balcony area, where several promiscuous women appear to be making themselves useful, a few bodyguards are near, but it's clear they are just for show, as the man wears a Metal Mask, shaped somewhat like a wolf or dog.

Several people wander the crowd, taking bets on matches, while a small whiteboard is kept up to date.

The current fight is just now ending, between a burly fellow and a rat faced individual, It seems despite his size, the big guy isn't very stable, as he is being carried out of the ring, while the rate faced man is getting disarmed and dragged into a backroom, for having drawn a knife on his opponent.

The knife is still in the big guy's gut, and he is wheeled out to a woman who looks rather disgusted to be here.  She is wearing a skintight red bodysuit, and white eyepatch.  Another cape.



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For a second, Proditor's head peeks over the side of the roof to make sure Kusuke entered the building. When it became clear that he did, Proditor pulled his head back, relaxing his body as his spirit began to expand, his mind reaching out around the area around him, focused entirely towards the "locked" building, searching for any entry ways he could exploit to get himself in undetected. If there wasn't, well, he'd just have to switch his position to the top of that building to make sure he could act if Kusuke got into any trouble.


Hopefully he wouldn't get shot through the flooring again though.

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(18, 19) Prodditor finds two entrances perfect for getting in, the only issues are that one of them is better suited to someone not as large as himself, and the other is guarded by another sleezebag, one who seems to be tripping out of his mind on some recreational drug as he shirks his duty.


It seems a choice is to be made.

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With this new information, Proditor's mind quickly returned to it's original state, urging the Ethereal forward as it went out once again, targeting the tripping guard. There was no mind control, just an attempt at entering his mind and altering it slightly. Specifically, letting Proditor through without any quarrel. To the guard, if Proditor's work succeeded, it would seem that the alien figure was a welcomed guest, and should be let into... Whatever it is that is in that building he is guarding.

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A few thoughts flit through Kusuke's mind. The first was to try some sort of grand breaking-up of the fight club, but something tells me that pissing off a roomful of white supremacists was probably a bad plan. Especially with two recognizable capes in the crowd, plus who knew how many lurking. The second. . . Something about signing up for a fight in this place felt off, but what he really wanted to do was beat the shit out of somebody and not feel bad about it. He looked around for any sort of signup location, and slipped toward it, pondering what name he should use along the way.

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Satomi twisted her hands more as she walked, a motion that was both idle and still rather upset. "Okay..." Satomi said to Harry's assurance that she wouldn't be blamed for misunderstanding things or not realizing things, in that remarkable slightly-tired tone of voice where a teenager agrees with someone in a position of authority in order to satisfy them -- and while not believing it themselves, half-heartedly trying to sound like they do. After all, Satomi had already been blamed for a misunderstanding and not knowing something, as she saw it, and that's why she'd ended up sobbing in some random, dirty alleyway in the first place. Plus with how they'd acted, Satomi really doubted that they'd forgive her for it any time soon.


"I... suppose that it wouldn't be unacceptable to see what you have to show me, though... as long as it's not as incomprehensible as that 'computer' before. I don't know if I could handle another thing I can't understand at all right now." Satomi didn't actually turn and bend over to peek into the backpack, though, as she otherwise might -- the last hour had taken quite the emotional toll on her, after all.

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Agiliulf taps his bottle against his chin in thought. After a bit he shrugs.

"Well, right now there's four important countries. To the south you have the various... queendoms I guess? They're ruled by pharaohs... anyways they're pretty much all desert so you don't want to go through them without monsters to guard you. They're directly at war with the Reich and are allied with Zinpangu and the North. The people there are nice, tend to have darker complexions... lots of linens and precious minerals used in the clothes there. Uh... oh, the native monsters are sphinxes, cat girls with a thing for riddles.... Mummies, Zombies wrapped in cloth badically... Anubises- no, Anubi? Whatever. Basically Jackal girls with the biggest boner for manegment... Kephri, bettle girls that... actually, I have no idea what they do. Then there's the Pharaohs that run the kingdoms. Also don't know much about them... oh, and Apophises. Purple Lamia that make potions and are apparently rivals of the pharaohs."

Arminius takes a drink, giving Calvera time to speak.

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"That's very fascinating. And which land do you hail from?"

Calvera herself takes a drink of her beer, making her squint and tighten her lips. She swallows it, and as it travels down her throat, Arminius can spot a mini light show, as her esophagus lightens up bright orange as the liquid travels down.

"A very... interesting taste. I'm unsure if I'm a fan or not."

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Harry groaned internally. The fact that she didn't believe him was obvious; she had barely made an effort to hide it. It annoyed Harry a bit, certainly, for two reasons. In the first place, it meant he had sort of failed at what he set out to do. In the second it meant she was probably still wallowing in her own self pity, which was never a good thing.


As Harry shuffled through the pack, he came to the sudden realization that he didn't have that much to show off. What interest would the girl have in a canteen, and once the criterion of explicability had been established, that didn't leave a ton. For a moment, he contemplated letting her take a look the two guns he had recovered, but it might seem an insult when she had recently created what seemed to be an exceptional crossbow? Could probably be done later. Rations pack might be interesting, but the interesting things, involving self heating, would again be stuff she could probably not understand right now.


"I've actually got no clue what to show you with that stipulation. Guess this might not be boring per se, but. . ." He took the knife from his belt, and handed it to her, handle first. "There's a cap on the handle that you can unscrew." Inside, extremely efficiently packed, was a set of strike anywhere matches, a small multitool with it's own blade, in addition to the numerous other fold out attachments on it, and a compass.

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On 10/16/2017 at 8:49 AM, StormLord said:

The plates of Frigus's single armor clad arm rattled some as Ren shoved past him, how rude was it possible for this person to get?

He caught his balance but didn't speak any, he simply glanced at Jun and shot them the look of a man 500% done.


Soma then came from behind and spoke with Mirri some, then the blind woman came and spoke her piece, when she finished he felt it was his time to add something again.

So he hefted his blade and held the end with his other hand.


"Wars have been waged by the wielders of these blades.  Over light and darkness, 'good' and 'evil'.  For years they fought blindly against each other, each convinced that their's was the right path.  Do you know what happened in the end?"

He paused just long enough to let an idea from in their heads.

"They died.  And the worlds they ravaged were left in ruins.  Thousands of Appentices and Journeymen lead to their deaths because they only acted on their Master's orders.  They were only following orders.  Have you ever questioned your Master's teachings Mirri? or were you ordered that no one can be redeemed from the darkside?"

Jun could only muster the effort required to shrug in response to Frigus's glare. As there really wasn't anything he could do about the winged person's rudeness. And in truth there really wasn't anything he could do or say at this moment other than to glance at Lucile's direction before saying. "So basically none of us here think that you have actually succumbed to the dark side. And personally I still believe that the fact that you seem to still have a sense of remorse should be enough to prove that you are still capable of redeeming yourself and finally embracing the light side of the force.".

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