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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Kusuke would find that signing up is as simple as writing your name down on the board, and looking intimidating enough to quell any complaints.


Nobody stops him, and a few seem approving.




(--, --)"Uhh, head on in boss..." The guy says, in a dazed state.  And Proditor naturally does, coming into a back room which leads into the building proper.


On the other side, Music and shouting can be heard.  It seems the building is packed with individuals.

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Once Proditor was sure that his task was complete, he floated down from the rooftops, his cloak barely touching the ground as he now moved past the guard and into the back room. He wasn't that surprised when he heard music and shouting, muffled through the walls. However, instead of going through and seeing what was going on physically, Proditor moved to a spot where his tall, narrow form would be rather... Hidden, preferably in a break of furniture that he could fit his form into. If not, then he'd just move to a corner.


As he did so, his mind began to expand once more, pushing through the walls of the building to see what, exactly, was going on in the rest of the building, and what Kusuke was up to.

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Satomi did, at least take the offered knife, picking slowly through the contents of the handle for a little while. While she wasn't exactly perked right back up by being given various things to toy with, she did at least appear to be suitably distracted from feeling sorry for herself for the moment while she put the contents of the knife handle out in her hand for a while. Inspecting each of the pieces for a good few seconds (incidentally to the point where she wasn't exactly paying attention to her walking, something that would be riskier if she wasn't fairly agile), she eventually seemed to draw interest in the multitool. She took the little device, and put the other pieces back into the handle in the exact efficient layout she'd found them in, except with the matches' angle adjusted so they wouldn't slide around without the multitool, then she handed the knife back to Harry. "Here... I think that this thing should be able to occupy me for a while."

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"To be honest, I don't care whether it occupies you, or entertains you. I care whether it's something you can either learn from, or improve. So figure out whether there's anything useful there, try to figure out what the different tools do. Though I'm a bit surprised you didn't pick the compass or the matches." Harry glanced up, and noted that they were approaching the other group. Proditor hadn't found Kusuke yet, it seemed, and Arminius and Calvera were gone. Whoopdie-doo. The rest of the group seemed to be centered around Mirri; hopefully giving her a bit of a lecture. Didn't really matter though, Harry supposed. "Satomi, Soma wanted to speak with you at some point, so figure that out, and talk to her in private or something. Also, probably talk to Mirri sooner rather than later. The longer you let things ferment, the worse a confrontation will be."


Meanwhile, Harry tapped Soma on the shoulder. "Brought Satomi back, but I'd like to speak with you myself first. That alright?" Harry was getting to the point of considering how he was going to deal with the scheduled meeting. It was an hour after noon, and while that gave two hours till the appointment, it was definitely nearing that time. He had to consider whether Kusuke would make it back in time, and prove himself to be collected enough for something sensitive like this. The second person--or well, nor a person, but nevermind that--Harry would consider was Proditor, and he'd sent him off to find Kusuke. Everyone else here was out of the question except perhaps Soma, who might have troubles if this Tattletale was a mindreader, and Frigus, whom Harry hadn't talked to enough to be certain how useful he could be in this sort of negotiation. . .Negotiation. Huh. Harry had almost completely forgotten about the ambassador in their midst. That would definitely be his pick, now that he thought about it.


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"Need money or something to get more? Picked some up from Lung's lackeys, if you need any. Anyway," Harry muttered as they moved away from the group. "I got Satomi back. She's a bit shaken, feeling guilty, etc. Bunch of self pity, and disappointment in herself in there too. Worried people will blame her. Just thought it's stuff you ought to know before you talk to her."


"Anyway, that's not the main thing I was going to say. I scheduled a meeting at three o clock, probably going to leave around 2:20. I was planning on having Kusuke go, but that's not going to work. I'd invite you along, but I'm thinking that the person I was scheduling might be a mind reader, so I didn't know if you wanted to risk it. So basically, do you actually want to come, and if not, any ideas for what I could do for insurance?"

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"Sure.  I'm game.  We'll probably need some less conspicuous clothes.  We can pick those up on the way."


"I think I might be done hiding information, mind reader or no."


Soma says, helmet still in hand from before.


"I don't really see a downside if this is the last I'll see of this place for a while, when we get some way off-world."




Prodditor would find the same information Kusuke did, in his own way.  He would also find Kusuke himself, apparently signing up for a match.

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"Oh. Glad to have you then. If we're going to go clothes shopping, we'll need a bit more time. Half an hour enough time for you to talk to Satomi?" Harry asked, genuinely surprised, and rather happy. "I'll need to ask Jun if she's willing to come with us and take off her armor, since some people are just kind of in love with their aesthetic." Harry smiled, pleased to have someone reliable. Though, he knew he couldn't put too much trust in appearances of reliability. "I'm thinking either we find some cheap clothing place near here, or one near our destination, so that we don't need to spend more than necessary. Thoughts?"


Following an answer, Harry would approach Jun, tap her on her shoulder plate, and gesture that he wanted to speak in relative private.


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"Got a meeting at three. We're going to leave in maybe a half an hour to get some stuff done in prep. I wanted to know if you'd like to join. You'd need to ditch the whole invisibility suit for now though, since I want to keep things as nonthreatening as possible." Harry muttered to the diplomat. Hopefully she could hear something that quiet through the armor.

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Harry would hopefully not be too disturbed by the sight of Jun's visor approximating a conspirational wink in the most disturbing ways possible to not be able to hear her mumble the words. "Fine, but I am not taking off the suit until we actually get something to wear. And it would be a good idea to assume that I am taking a hidden weapon with me. As you are probably planning to take one with you yourself. In response to his own mumbling.

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By now, Soma's Helmet has fully disintegrated into a grey ashy substance that drifts away in the wind, and she walks over to Satomi.


Her face is set in an odd way, like someone who hasn't kept in the practice of schooling their expressions.


She notices the odd tools Satomi has occupied herself with.


"Harry informed you that I wanted to talk.  Right?" She says, in a neutral tone.

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Satomi's lips pursed in annoyance briefly when Harry said his piece about not caring that the multi tool would occupy her, and that he cared only if she would get something... because that was what she had meant by "occupy" in the first place, give her something to analyze and learn from. But that flash of annoyance was just a flash, because she had a couple more things to think about. The first was how sad and frustrated she still was, which she did manage to somewhat alleviate by starting to extend the various pieces of the device in her hands, and the second was that Mirri was right there, and Satomi worried a bit that Mirri would choke her again, not that she would mention it. Satomi... didn't exactly look forward to that conversation. 


The state Somatotrope found Satomi in, therefore, was alternating between hunching over (still looking rather dejected) and looking at the tiny little tools in Harry's multitool, and looking up in Mirri's general direction with a trepidated expression and then hurriedly looking back down. Given that it was the former action when Soma actually came up to her, Satomi was startled, and accordingly jolted a little bit, but she didn't yelp or anything (which the samurai would consider a victory for now). When she saw that it was Soma who was approaching, and that her helmet was gone, Satomi looked at Soma's uncovered face for a couple of seconds and the startled tension left her body completely. And then Soma asked Satomi if Harry had told the small medieval girl that she was coming. "Um..." Oh yeah, he had mentioned that, but before suggesting that Satomi talk to Mirri... so it had kinda gone in one ear and out the other. "Oh, um, yes, he did."

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"Then let's talk." Somatotrope says, making sure nobody else could hear them.


"I have a group I used to be a part of.  I was born into it, taught by it, and until two years ago, that group was everything.  My peers, family, and friends."


"Their goal is a simple one.  Fourteen words. 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.'She quoted.


"I had lived in that world for so long, it seemed second nature.  We believed that there were simply sub-humans, people not like me, who were simply less."


"I'm not sure I even have a point to make, honestly.  They were bad people, who believed that foreigners were an evil force, willing and able to tear down society and good if they were not held at bay.  It took me a long time to see that nobody is like that, that people aren't different or evil or less than me, just because they are from a different country, or are a different race."


"It was mostly because I never knew anything else." 


"Your story isn't like that, and your people aren't like that."  Soma affirms.


Soma pauses, trying to figure out what she wants to say, or even why she is saying it.  She realizes she has been rambling, words tumbling out of her mouth before she can word them properly. 


Eventually, after a few moments of silence, she comes to a visible conclusion, something she can give that no longer holds value to her.


"My real name is Julie Anders."

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Kusuke looked around for a brief moment, locating where they wanted fighters to leave their weapons - a small plastic tote near the entrance of the pit. Good enough. He pulled out a knife from each of his sleeves, and dropped them in. He then moved to a spot just behind his shoulders and pulled out two more. And then moved to the backs of his legs, and so on until there was a startlingly large pile of the things sitting in a neat pile inside the container. He then cracked his neck, did the same for his knuckles, and proceeded to the pit when his turn came up.

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"Good. Be ready to leave in half an hour. It's not too much of a secret, but. . .Anyway, I suppose we can ask the rest of them to get started on figuring out ways to clean up the bay while we're gone. . ." Harry trailed off, and it was obvious that he was done with what he needed to say. He waved his hand in a gesture of dismissal before turning and heading to the most conspicuous warehouse on the dock, the one with a space ship parked in front of it. He entered, and scanned the area.

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Satomi didn't really know how to respond to that at first. Though Satomi was a smart girl, she had just had a massive blowout (disastrous on multiple levels) around what had to at least in part be a misunderstanding, after all, and Somatotrope (no, Julie, now) hadn't really had much of a clue herself, from the sounds of it. But she could figure it out. For now, Satomi had a reason to have just a slight little smile on her face, as Julie here had not only gotten rid of her helmet but had fully revealed her name to her -- Satomi did feel just a little bad about feeling disdainful towards the crinkly-armored woman earlier, but that was overshadowed by how much Satomi approved of getting to really meet Julie, and how kind of touched she was by Julie showing her that trust. "Um... thank you, Julie." Haha whoops, Satomi still wasn't 100% sure how to respond. But if the other woman was going to show Satomi that trust...


"I... I think... there might be a couple of similarities in our stories... Um, Rokuganis aren't bad people, but... I also have had the, um... ...I also don't... um, know some things. I guess... I guess that there's no excuse right now not to try to learn, but I had never met someone not from Rokugan before..." She rubbed her eyes, suddenly aware of the time that she had been awake and that her exhaustion wasn't all from being strangled, "So... I don't get a lot of the ways people think, I suppose. ...and I don't know what of what I know is wrong, or not." Satomi paused again. "I... am not sure what I am trying to say either. Um... I suppose... I think you are then the most likely to understand, right...? I think I just need someone to... to understand. And help me understand."

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"Well, I guess I'm a bit further along in my story, if nothing else." Soma laughs silently through her nose, her own eyes looking a bit bleary, like inclement weather.


"Any time, I'll be happy to help."




Various people look unsettled or wildly impressed as Kusuke dumps off enough knives for a small gang, much less a gangster.


"Rip him up!" "Kill Him!" "20$ On skinny!" the croud shouts, Kusuke honestly can't even tell who is being cheered for.  Blood, that's probably what they are cheering for.


Stepping into the ring, Kusuke is pit against a big fellow, pockmarks on his arms indicates either a love of exercise and drugs, or more likely, a simple love of steroids.


Barbed Wire Tattoos spiral up his chest, wrapping around a stylized Swastika.  Could this fellow be any more of a cliche'?

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"Wow, you've really got the whole nine yards, huh. Barbed wire tattoos and 'roids. Did you just kinda, get into a spiral because you couldn't see your dick without a mirror, or. . .?" Kusuke waited for the man to charge him, using the time to try and think of some more insults to throw at him. Hard to get going without the guy actually doing anything. When and if he did charge, Kusuke would dodge around him at the last moment, and them move to the other side of the ring, trying to bait the man into attacking again.

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Mirri stares at Satomi inscrutably for a few moments, and then drops to one knee, head bowed, greaves clanking against the pavement.  "I have done you a grave disservice, Satomi of Clan Crab, one that I do not possess the weregild to repay.  So I swear my sword to your service, until the end of time, or you see fit to release me.  My cause and life are yours until my debt is repayed, and the shame I have brought upon Clan Av erased.  This I so swear."

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Harry, after entering the warehouse, glanced around, looking for items of interest. In a pile in a corner was a large supply of weaponry, from which Harry took a grenade. A bit of insurance perhaps for the meeting later, though the fact that they were meeting in a public restaurant made him hope he wouldn't need it. Following this, he walked over to what appeared to be sacks of white powder, sitting unlabeled on wooden pallets. Having nothing else to do, Harry decided to occupy himself by trying to determine what chemical these drugs might be. Not by using them himself of course.


He pulled out his field medics kit, and using the utensils and containers in there, he took some of the powder, and after first giving it a visual inspection, put a few grains into some water. Almost immediately, the granules condensed together, and grew into a small green creature with pale beady eyes. Harry jumped back in surprise, for a moment, then leaned forward just a little to inspect it. That came from the powder? Just a few granules? So, the question was whether more granules would create multiple creatures, or just one large one, and. . .Huh. Harry took a few steps back from the powder as he realized what it generally was. Spores of. . .something. He picked up the container holding the small green plant thing, and, keeping it far out in front of him, headed out of the warehouse back to where the others were.


Still holding the cup out in front of him, he called out, "Soma! That powder you have in the warehouse, you know what it is?"

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As Harry got closer, he held up the glass with the plant animal in it. "It's some type of desiccated egg or spore for weird plant things like this. This was from just a pinch of the stuff, so if all of it was used, it might either create a really large one of these, or maybe a big set of them. Probably not a good idea to swallow or inhale any of it. Seem like either one of Accord's employees work, or Blasto's?"

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"Oh fuck, that looks like Blasto alright.  I never met the guy, but papers say he's a wet-tinker.  Makes minions out of plants and animal parts with some kind of cultivation tanks and stuff."


"Hmm.   I have no clue what it IS, though." she continues.




"Kill!" the guy shouts, rushing at Kusuke with his head bowed in a charge.


Who let this guy in here? For his safety, if anything.


(17, 19) He crashes into the barbed wire ring, before turning around and charging Kusuke again, this time, fists at the front instead of his head., he isn't That scuffed up by it, but it looks like it didn't feel too good.

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"I see. Something we should tell the PRT about? It's probably not something we want getting out of hand, or them finding in your warehouse or something. Though, you might want to keep the warehouse a secret or something?" Harry was honestly entirely uncertain how to address this.

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