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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"Quite the vocabulary you've got there. And an interesting fighting style, like one a cow would use; did you learn it from your mother?" Kusuke used a fairly similar tactic to the one he'd just used, with a few key differences; one, he timed it a bit less tightly to give himself more time to move. Two, instead of simply moving to the other side of the ring, he would turn around and go for a precision kick at the back of the man's knee, utilizing the skills he'd been practicing and training for a long while.

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Lilly briefcase of glass in hand, returns  to find Harry and Soma talking. And harry had something in his hands.

"Oh, what's that?" she leans in to get a look at it. "Aww its kinda cute. Where did you get this little guy? Oh, Ill just ask it"


Lilly reaches out with her mind, trying to form of connection with the little creature's, sending images of itself and a question in the form of basic raw ideas to its mind. 'Where did you come from?' If it had even a bit of intelligence she should get SOMETHING back in response. 

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At first, when she saw the Mandalorian woman approach her again, staring at her, Satomi's breath hitched a bit and she tensed -- was Mirri not done with her? Was the armored woman going to try to choke her again or something like that?! The answer, apparently, was no, as Satomi learned when Mirri, contrary to all of Satomi's expectations, suddenly dropped to one knee and devoted eternal service to her. "Uhh," Satomi began to reply eloquently, following it up soon after with a still-flabbergasted "Um," and of course an ever-diplomatic "Uummmm..."


See, this was actually something of a tight spot for Satomi, as the woman still did make her uncomfortable and she never imagined being in the position of being owed a personal honor debt in the first place, let alone one from the woman she'd near-homicidally enraged. However, rejecting Mirri out of hand risked being an insult to her honor, and Satomi, well, Satomi didn't exactly want to risk doing that at all. So, haltingly, she took a winding, careful way around it. She still winced when she spoke, though. "Uh, wellll... it... may be inconvenient for the... overall cohesion of our group for the task of aiding the many worlds against their enemies if I were to have your direct service, and... I don't think that I am really prepared for something like that, anyway, but... maybe... I could get you to speak with me at some point, about the earlier argument, and then the... one use I would have for you would be to remain calm...?"

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"Yeah, it takes some getting used to but it won't get you drunk quickly. As a word of advice, if someone gives you something that tastes good and is colorful at a place like this... or worse, tastes kind of off and is colorful, they're trying to get you drunk and you should be careful. Always go to bars with a friend unless you're fine with waking up to a mistake."

Arminius wags his finger as he gives this sage advice. One gets the feeling he may be biased against drinks with strangers though.

"Anyways... technically the lands I hail from are in control of the Reich... which means it's populated by racist assholes who think that people should die just because they're different... Well in theory. I'm proud to say that my team with the help of those who couldn't leave but are resisting from within we've successfully interrupted the Reich's hold of the area among other things. The people tend to be fairer skinned with simpler clothes. And, well, I mean, they tend to look and sound like me. The monsters there were there... before the Reich... tended to be ones that lived in forests, plains, and mountains. So you've have dwarves, Elves, all manner of werecreature... Holstaurs and the occasional minotaur... Domovi and Kobolds..."

Arminius stops suddenly, staring straight ahead. After an uncomfortable amount of time he turns to the bartender and orders a something strong. Sake perhaps.

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"Well, given I don't quite like the taste... I don't believe that'll be a problem."

Calvera chuckles, then Arminius began talking about the Reich, causing her to clench up slightly.

"They sound like a bad group of people-- The Reich, I mean. Not that I know what a racist, or an asshole are, but given your tone while talking of them. You sound pained, as if something happened to you personally... I won't dig. The land sounds rather... diverse and extravagant sounding, prior to their arrival. I'm sure you'd prefer that... hm."

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"[Query]" Lilly recieves in response.  A raw burst of vague concepts that might be construed as a questioning tone.




"Yeah, I mean, Vigilante Bylaws say we get a bounty for drugs and guns turned over to the PRT, considering we aren't actually supposed to keep those.  I mean, I personally have no intention of giving up any guns we find, but the option is there.  Tinkertech is probably doubly so."


She pauses, thinking hard.


"What if it rains? This warehouse isn't the most waterproof thing in the world, and we live right next to the ocean."


Soma looks at the little creature.


"We aren't keeping it at the warehouse, no matter what.  This place is already compromised thanks to Mirri and her spaceship." She says the name with something close to irritation, rolling her eyes a bit.




(16, 10) This is getting to be a bit irritating, Kusuke might find, as his kick dislocates the man's leg just a bit too easily.  He's too busy screaming to continue, and the cheering explodes, along with the boos for not making it a bit more brutal.  Someone comes in and drags his worthless hide out of there.


There's some other guys coming in.  Seems Kusuke WILL have to wait his turn.


He receives 389$ for what was essentially a warm up though, so that's nice.  He may want to hold back even further, or they might get suspicious.


The guy on the balcony sure seemed to enjoy it, laughing at the poor fool who got in over their head fighting Kusuke.

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Lilly is delighted to have received a response from the little guy. She was of course, used to talking with things that didn't really have a grasp on language. Not everything one encountered spent a lot of time around humans. That in mind she focused on concepts, images, and raw ideas. [Concept: self, in reference to Lilly] 'Im' [Concept: name] 'Lilly' [query: 'You'] [concept: self, in reference to the creature] [Image of the creature as seen through Lilly's eyes] 'Here' [Image of location as seen through Lilly's eyes.] [Concept: arrival] [Concept: Time] Lilly of course provides a useful measurement [Images, positions of sun in sky at various times of day] [Concept: measure] [Concept: Time]


[Concept: self, in relation to Lilly] 'Curious.' [Concept: Curiosity]

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"As you wish," Mirri tells Satomi, standing again.  She'll just have to make amends some other way.  She turns off her helmet's speakers, and comms R2-P14, telling the droid to cross-reference Satomi's garb with local cultures and his own databases, and start a preliminary draft for a suitable armor design, before turning the mic back on.

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"Let's not think about it..."

Calvera set the palm of her hand gently on Arminius' cheek, to which he instantly notices how warm and comforting it is. After a moment, she retracts it slowly, setting it back in her own lap.

"Tell me, what comforts you?"

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Arminius looks down at his booze before turning to Calvera.

"Drinking mostly. I also like petting animals... or animal people I suppose. Feels about the same, you know?"

He thinks for a bit more.

"... Also just laying my head in someone's lap."

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"Getting anything?" Harry directed the question at Lilly, before turning back to Soma.


"You fine with having the PRT come pick it up, since they probably know where your warehouse is anyway? Might be a good bit of cash to stock up before we get offworld. If so, I can call Dragon." Harry waited for a response as he shuffled in his backpack, pulling out the earpiece that had been given to him.

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"[Nothing]"  It responds.




As Calvera and Arminius talk, someone kicks open the door.  They have a shotgun slug to their side, and a disfigured face, one eye, or perhaps socket, hidden behind an eyepatch which does nothing to disguise the gruesome scars surrounding it  Their shirt is purple, and their leather jacket looks stained with some kind of white substance.


"I heard some Bastard were here what broke up our fun a while back.  Where is he?" the fellow croaks out, years of smoking having ruined any chance of not having the voice of a gravel gargling champion.




"Yeah, I don't have a problem with it.  It could be dangerous, it might be useless, and Clean money is neither of those things.  You're the science guy though, So I'll let you make the call here." Soma says to Harry.

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"Yes. Try to figure out if anything interests it. Food or something. Has to have a purpose, probably a built in instinct that Blasto gave it to make it useful. And yeah, I think I'll call the PRT in. I'd perform tests on it, but I've never seen anything quite like this, and I don't have the necessary equipment. This was supposed to be a drug shipment, right?" Harry turned on the earpiece, and listened for a moment. A recording, with options to continue from there. He selected the one that seemed likely to put him in contact with Dragon.


"Hey, Dragon. Harry here. Wanted to tell you that we intercepted a drug transaction being carried out by the merchants. It's a powder made by Blasto meant for New York City. A bit of investigation show they're eggs or spores, and grow into some type of small creature in water. There are a bunch of uses for that type of thing, quite a few of them dangerous. You want to send some people over to pick this stuff up, and take it back for analysis? We've got three wooden pallets with sacks of the stuff on top of them."

Edited by Strider
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"[Destination]" it responds, after a long while.  Then after the pause before answering, it swims around again, without a care in the world.


It wants and needs to be somewhere?  Maybe it simply means it wants to be anywhere but here? Or maybe it is trying to convey that it needs to be in a specific location?




"Absolutely, I'll have a truck come by to pick it up." she says, strangely not requesting a location.







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Kusuke simply takes a bow, and turns to walk out of the pit. The winnings go to a pocket on the inside of his hoodie (where do you think he was keeping all the knives?). He reaches out mentally toward Proditor, unsure if the psychic alien was still connected. "Found anything interesting?" 


He takes the time he has until the next fight - because this is easy money and beating up Nazis is satisfying - to scope out the rest of the place, looking for potential sources of whatever that flare earlier was.

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Kusuke would quickly find out that Proditor was still listening in on Kusuke, as the Ethereal's response came almost instantly, "Not yet. I was focused watching your battle. You're rather skilled, I must say" Proditor replied, his mind now working it's way through the building, trying to pick out something of note. Once he was done with that, he would then begin to examine some of the minds in the building, keeping his psionic presence as low as he could while he was doing so.

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