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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Not even a second after Proditor finished his statement, Kusuke would be sent another bit of info, "Found something. Three Parahumans, counted. Two of which are on the ground floor, in close proximity to each other. I'll give you more information if I find any" Proditor stated, keeping up his search for anything of note.

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Interesting. A concept it was unable to properly Relay? or perhaps a concept it itself didn't really understand? 

  What Kind of place would a newly born plant creature like this want to go? Perhaps if she could get at least a rough idea or close approximation to what the newborn was craving....


[Query: Destination?] [Image of soil, and other plants, rooted in the ground]


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In response to Dragon's brief response, Harry said, "Do you have an ETA for that? And there's also the question of compensation, since I believe that was mentioned in the papers we signed. Is that some prearranged amount, or doe it scale depending on the danger/quantity of the item in question?"


Harry watched Lilly quizzically as he spoke through the earpiece, but she seemed engaged in her own conversation. It would be interesting to see whether she came up with something.

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"I'll cut you a check when they get there, I'm sending a drone, but it will get there a while after the trucks do."  She affirms.


"It mostly depends what it is, but any amount of Tinkertech is going to at least let me give you 500 to 2700 Dollars.  It's not glamorous, but it should help your group, right?"

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"Pretty sure the guy up top is Hookwolf. I'm doing my best not to piss him off; he's not exactly an easy target if I ended up fighting him. As in I'd run the hell away. One of the parahumans on ground level is Othalia. I don't know who the third one is, though; maybe the current target of her healing?" Kusuke worked his way toward Othalia again; if they were clustered, then he should be able to find out whoever the other one is, right?

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"Alright, that's perfectly fine. Could you possibly make sure that the drone doesn't get here until after five? I've got stuff to do, and so do the other people I'd trust to properly take care of a check." Harry stared at the creature.


"Just remember Lilly, this was a black market transaction, and is a cape created thing. If you're going to plant him, make sure it's in a small pot, separated from other dirt. Keep a strict eye on it, and stay a few feet back if you can."

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"[Agreement]" it says, with something akin to anticipation coloring it's "tone".




Kusuke would find Othalia granting the guy Kusuke just beat up some regeneration.  The one she healed before is laying on a bench nearby, the Burly fellow who got stabbed.  His eyes are open, and he's figiting a bit.




"Absolutely, See you then, Harry."  She responds.

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"A pot Is acceptable to him. Hand him here and ill go looking."

It was interesting, normal plants weren't something Lilly could talk to, so it was interesting to see what a plant based creature would do if planted. Maybe it would be like one of those..what were they called again? Those talking trees that were really wise, but never really did anything but talk? She really needed to meet one of those one day.


Lilly takes the plant from harry, and looks around the warehouse to see if she can find a suitable pot, or something that would make a good pot.

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Frigus was somewhat surprised at Mirri jumping up and swearing an honor debt to Satomi, at least she wasn't trying to kill herself now though.

He hung around for a bit and heard Harry talking through an earpiece, something about people coming to get the "drugs".

"I'm pretty sure there are some Heartless wandering around here somewhere and I'd like to go deal with them before they get into to much trouble.  Anyone feel like tagging along or am I on my own for this one?"

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Lilly finds some of the van wreckage would make a good pot for the time being, and locates some workable soil. she proceeds to plant the little creature and pour some of the water it had been in into the pot. She proceeds to place in the sun. Putting it right outside the warehouse Door, as a test of the setup.


[Query: Acceptable?]

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"I'll watch your back, Frigus," Mirri volunteers.  She'd still kind of like to hit something, and to feel useful again.  Not that she knows what Heartless are, but they're probably no match for blaster bolts.

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After a little bit, Proditor decided to try something out. If Kusuke was paying attention, he would feel like an entirely new soul had entered his body, smaller yet somehow stronger than his own, simply existing there. As this happened, he would get another update from Proditor, "I'm attempting to pinpoint the Parahumans for you. This may be a bit uncomfortable" he said, just a second too late, since he was already seeing through Kusuke's eyes, seeing if the time traveler was looking at the right people.


Of course, Kusuke would still have full control over his body. Proditor wasn't that influencing right now.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Lilly plucks the plant creature out of the glass, at which point it catches ablaze, spewing liquid fire and flaming itself, Lilly takes (1d10+5=14) 14 damage from the flames, and more on the way from the liquid fire still attached to their hand.


(8, 11) The little plant creature is dropped on the ground unceremoniously, and with no other impetus, begins wandering around, leaving a trail of molten asphalt roughly the size of a person's fist.


Lilly's Hand is now on fire.




Prodditor, using kusuke's eyes and his own abilities, would see that stabbed-nazi is indeed the new parahuman.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Lilly of course, immediately darts for the water with a squeal of pain and panic. Shoving her hand in as soon as possible.

Ador briefly considers attacking the plant, but decided to refrain for the moment, not knowing what might happen. You know, that and the fact he's more worried about Lilly, who he follows.



The last thing they needed wandering around was a fiery plant creature.

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With Mirri seeming to have eventually shaken off her self-doubts, Lucille had seen no point staying any longer- if anything she had likely stayed too long already. Weaving her back through the docks surprisingly well (well not that surprisingly from her perspective, but of course, ignorant sighted folks would no doubt find it fasciniting who she managed to walk without bumping into anything or falling into the sea) she soon came upon the warehouse, and as soon as she entered she had found a relatively quiet spot among the rows of forgotten crates. The cats had been left to their own devices, as she relaxed her control as loosely as it could go without just outright cutting it altogether, and they had busied themselves chasing each other among the stacks, weaving in and out, up top and down below, like the agile little beasts they were. 

     Lucille meanwhile had begun to focus, bringing herself to a higher plane of thought almost instantly as she reached out her senses like a fat man reaches his hand out for a jelly donut, and taking in all the small life forms inhabiting the place. Small things, mostly, the token rats, and a variety of different critters, the spiders were by far the most common of which, in such an open space with so many dark nocks and crannies. With their signatures in her mind, she had set about practicing something she'd seldom back home- use the insects around her, control them as she did any other creature. and by the end of it, she found herself only vaguely satisfied with the technique- she had succeeded in managing to scatter a single part of herself among multiple bugs, but it was... crude, rough, she couldn't accept such a spotty job, she knew she could do better if only she tried, but....


but she was tired. After the fuck up in the lab and the strange altercation on the docks, she'd hoped this would help take her mind off things, but clearly, it hadn't-


10 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:




Lilly's voice cried out from the front of the wherehouse, and almost instantly, both Lucille and cats perked up, and were on their feet heading towards the disturbance. It was through Do's eyes that she saw... it.


The flaming, writhing plant abomination making its way towards the entrance, leaving a trial of flaming pitch as it went. But that wasn't even the strangest part, for...


Lucille could pick this thing up on her senses like any other beast. This, whatever it was, was close enough to animal that if she tried, she may very well be able to reach out and bind out. She could see the flames it had started and left behind, could smell burning flesh, whatever it was, it had already done damage. Stop the threat first, ask questions later; that had been the key to her survival after... after...




"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" she called to harry and lilly as in the same moment, she triggered her inborn command spell, extending a Bond to the creature as it crawled away and exerting every once of restraint against it she could; she didn't know what she was dealing with, afterall, and it was better safe than sorry. Lucikly however, it seemed the bonds had taken hold well, and mere moments later she commanded the beast to stop in it's tracks, and just like that, it did, going still....



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". . . I didn't think I'd get this far. Now what?" He chose to not comment on the sensation of having Proditor hijack his senses; needless to say he wasn't entirely fond of it. "Having another neo-Nazi parahuman running around isn't a great thing. Try to get intel on him, maybe? Or make him, you know, not a Nazi somehow?"

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Harry poured out the water from the glass onto the creature, in the side closer to the warehouse, hoping to deter it from heading that way. "Nicely done, Lilly. Least we know what it does now though. Someone try to find some sort to throw on it." Harry flipped back on the earpiece that he had been intending to put away. "Dragon, just so your prepared, the creatures that this powder makes spew a lot napalm like substance when removed from water. So make sure to take adequate precautions."

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For a good second, Proditor was silent as he himself thought. Then, a single response came from him, "I'l take care of the Intel portion. If you want to attempt to stop him from becoming a neo-nazi -" Kusuke could probably note a certain disdain for that word from Proditor there, "-, then go ahead" Proditor stated. Then, a good portion of his mind began to narrow on the wounded parahuman, beginning to go through their mind, picking out almost everything it could. At least, whatever was of use to him.

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