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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Team 1: Against the Dark ( Mirri & Frigus )



(4, 5)






Wandering around alone, Frigus's strong heart finally draws out enemies, seeking to capitalize on the Keyblader's supposed weakness.


Mirri and Frigus encounter a Soldier, and 2 Shadows, they seem to have adjusted to this world, their aesthetic forms altered to wearing Black Bandannas around their mouths, the Soldier seems to be wearing body armor, and a scarf tied around it's arm bears the heartless emblem.


Upon seeing the party, the Soldier sways, as if dancing, while the shadows simply lock eyes with them, twitching in relentless anxiety.


It is then that they march forward.


Strange noises erupt from them as they do so, as though a ruptured gas canister began to chitter like a bug.





Mirri: Fine

Frigus: Fine



Gang Soldier: Fine
Shadow: Fine
Shadow: Fine




Average Dex: 2


Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)
Gang Soldier (3 Dex: 1 Move)
Mirri (1 Dex: 1 Move)

Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)
Shadow (0 Dex: 1 Move)
Shadow (0 Dex: 1 Move)

Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)





Team 2: Bar-room Blitz ( Calvera & Arminius (& Fingers) )


(19, 16)  Calvera starts the fight off right, firing a streak of fire towards the gangbanger, who leaps to the ground as the entire bar erupts into screams and running.  He is caught by the blast already, taking some minor damage!  Someone is thrown into a jukebox by the scrambling crowd, turning it on.  The song is catchy, though not as fitting as possible...


"I didn't come here for some glowy bitch! But if you want a faceful of buckshot, then I'm your man!"






He kicks up a table that a couple was once sitting at, sending them both to the ground in a panic and using it for cover.


The Barkeep by this point has already ran into a backroom, though whether he is calling the police, PRT, or more likely, the ABB, is currently unknown.


A few plainclothes ABB members immediately reach for their Submachineguns, making this situation all too complicated.


They shout some things to each other in an undecipherable language.


It seems you have roughly Five Minutes or so before SOMEONE comes in to deal with this problem, that much can be said if he's running for a phone.


((GIMMICK: Don't hit Civilians!, Time Limit, Cover, Threeway))





Calvera: Fine

Arminius: Fine

Fingers: Fine



(3) ABB Thugs: Fine



Mercenary: Singed




Average Dex: 2


Mercenary: (4 Dex: 2 Moves)

Arminius: (2 Dex: 1 Move)

Fingers: (1 Dex: 1 Move)

ABB Thugs: (1 Dex: 1 Move)

Calvera: (0 Dex: 1 Move)

Mercenary: (4 Dex: 2 Moves)




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"Try not to kill him, we might as well make him useful."
Arminius hops behind the bar, using it as cover now.

Fingers rushes the table, using the Merc's cover against him.



Finger's loadout
Protect the master!: Takes damage from one attack in the place of Arminius.

 ‘Ere we go!: Pumps herself up, giving +STR to her strength next turn.
The master protects! :) :When Arminus’ health is over 50% Finger’s Res is doubled.
Da little waagh: Free Action. Doubles Finger’s attacks for 2 turns.  Usable once per plot.
 Bashin’ stick: A surprisingly nasty looking club… if it wasn’t made for a goblin. Deal 1d4+Str damage.


Arminius' Loadout

Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

      More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.
Barbed Wit: Viciously mock an enemy, dealing 1d4+Intelligence damage.
Minion, help!: When Arminius is below half health, his Minions gain +½ Essence Res.
Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

AK47: Deal 1d12 damage, split among 10-Dex enemy targets, minimum 1.


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Calvera also takes cover behind the bar.





By The Stars-  Whenever the Calvera would gain Syn without spending merit, they instead gain 1 More.


Radioactive By Heart- RX Calvera, being a dying star, is highly radioactive. This allows her to use her own HP to boost her attacks. +[SYN/8] (rounded up) Damage per 1 HP spent.


Actions (6 action slots):


Solar Flare- Sends out a massive wave of heat, hitting all enemies in the area for 1d6 + SYN. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

Sun Boil- A bolt of fire flies out to hit a target, dealing 2d6 + SYN damage.


Blinding Light (Trick)- RX Calvera's body lights up bright, blinding a target, 50% chance to stun the target. Out of combat, it can be used as a strong source of light.



Flare Up- When RX Calvera goes below 50% HP, she enters her Solar Form, granting her double SYN for the rest of combat.


Size Matters (Trick)- RX Calvera gets +10% SYN in combat.


Randomness (Trick)- RX Calvera unintentionally sends out a jet of fire sometimes. Each turn she has a 10% chance to deal 1d6 fire damage to a random enemy.


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Mirri seems to relax as the obvious enemies approach.  No complicated philosophical dilemmas or social minefields here.  Just her and something that needs a good killing.



Loadout:  Lightsaber Duelist (2d6+essence pure damage per swing, allows a free action that perfectly blocks the first attack aimed at her each round, sending projectiles blocked this way back to sender), Riot Shield (+essence/2 to resistance while equipped), Flamethrower (inflicts a burn that does [int] damage for [syn] rounds, 3 shots per encounter), Quickswapping (swap out an equipped action or item for another as a free action, 3 round cooldown), Meditate on the Lost (grants a +[int] bonus to synergy or essence, her choice, for up to 3 rounds.  Cooldown = twice the duration, so it's always unusable for the same amount of time it was active), I Have a Bad Feeling About This (If things are about to get really dangerous or bad in some way, Mirri has a Bad Feeling About This.  Occasionally misfires.)


Seeing as she's already revealed she has it fairly publicly, and she has the sneaking suspicion Darth Vader can't find her here, Mirri draws and ignites her lightsaber, casting a pale green glow over the area.  Then, she uses both modes of Lightsaber Duelist, to slash at the Heartless Soldier for 2d6+essence pure damage and set herself to block or reflect the first attack aimed at her before her next turn.

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When Harry noticed Satomi walking towards them, finger stuck in her mouth, he reached the proper conclusion rapidly. "Alright, just a moment." He stepped over to the docks, and took a cupful of water. He then pulled a few choice items from his kit out of his bag, and took her hand. First he doused it in some water from the bay. Obviously not sanitary of course, but this was just to get the blood away. Then he liberally applied disinfectant, which probably stung mildly. Working quickly, Harry then applied a clear viscous liquid from a tube, which hardened somewhat into a pale foam. "Don't pick at that. For the next minute or so, it'll be delicate, but then it should be hard enough to withstand some abuse. It's porous agent, and will be degraded as your body heals. Shouldn't take more than an hour before it's gone completely." Harry stared at her sternly. "You do know proper knife safety, I hope. Don't cut towards yourself, hold the handle and not the blade, no juggling? I don't want to have to supervise you every time you draw that sword."


Harry looked down at the bloody knife, before wiping it on the edge of his shirt. "Shouldn't be rusty, so I wouldn't worry about tetanus. . . We definitely need to get you vaccinated though. It's a simple thing, by the way. Basically, I'm going to at some point either have myself or the PRT give you a few injections with a needle to prevent you from catching a disease and dying. You good with that?"

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Frigus smiled slightly when the three Heartless appeared, partly because it was something for Mirri to let off some steam against, but also because it was something familiar and despite all the reading, training, and preparing for traveling worlds, he was starting to feel homesick already, worried that he'd do something(or let something happen) that ruined a world more than helped it.


Banishing that train of thought he summoned his Keyblade and took advantage of the grouped up enemies, blasting them with shards if ice and frost.  He followed up by casting a defensive ward on himself, then striking the Shadow the Mirri didn't.


First action: Blizzard(blast) on all three Heartless dealing 2d6+6 to each and rreducing each of their Inits by 2.

Second action: Barrier on himself reducing incoming damage by 50%.

Third action: Keyblade attack on the second Shadow for 2d6+6, reduce their Init by 1.




Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.  

Restore 1d4+[Int] HP of one target.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Blizzard(Blast): Send out a cone of ice magic that freezes those affected.  

Deal [Key dmg]+[Int](in place of Str) cold damage to three targets, reduce their Init by [Int]/3, cooldown=2.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Barrier: A magical wall of force that impedes incoming attacks.

Reduce the damage dealt to one target by 50% until this Init slot next round, this action cannot be take more than once per round.




Freezing Aura: Release waves for freezing magic that seems to slow even time itself.

Increase your Init by [Int]/3 if you took no damage last round.




Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Str]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:

-Bound: Keyblades are very particular about their wielders.  Anyone who tries to wield/pick up/steal a keyblade who hasn't been properly initiated/isn't deemed worthy will find that the keyblade disintegrates in their hand.  A keyblade may be summoned into or out of existence by its owner much like one would sheathe or unsheathe a sword.

-Growing Power: May spend Merit to increase the size of the dices by one tier(d6>d8>d10>d12>d14 etc), and to add threshold bonuses.

-Keychains: The form and power of a keyblade is drawn out by the keychain you attach to the base blade.  Attaching a bauble(“keychain”) to this weapon grants it bonus damage/powers based on that bauble.  No more than one keychain may be attached at any point in time, though they may be changed out for one another.  The keychain does not take an action slot.

Int Threshold:

-5 Lockbreaker I: You may use your Keyblade to open mundane locks with relative ease, the GM may prompt an Int check for more difficult locks.


Name: FrostFell

Description: A keychain to be attached to the keyblade to draw out a new form and power.  FrostFell was made with a bitter cold magic, and so the keyblade will take on the form of pale blue, semitransparent ice crystals cobbled together to make up the shaft, handle, and head.  The entire blade is rough and natural looking, save the grip and cutting edge that have been ground smooth.  The charm itself appears to be a shard of ice wrapped in silver wire.

Type: Socketed

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to “Keyblade”

-Icy Bolster: Increase damage by two dice, damage becomes cold.

Int Threshold:

-5: Reduce Init of struck enemies by 1.


Name: Balloon Letter

Description: A folded piece of paper tied to a red balloon, this simple enchanted device allows its user to send a message to anyone no matter where they might be.

Type: Active

Effect: One target gains [Int](of user) [Ess] for two rounds, usable once per combat.


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Team 3: Criminals Against Fashion (Somatotrope, Harry, & Jun)







After their business is concluded, the Trio head to the nearest clothing store, a Goodwill stocked with mundane, cheap, and most importantly, Very Cheap clothing.


The Receptionist looks done, as she fails to react to the Two Armored People walking in with what appears to be a soldier.


"Good afternoon." she says blandly, like toast with a spread of paste.  Paste which has not even been given the literary flavor of a title, such as potato paste, or perhaps gruel.



Team 4: tfw V& (Lilly, Satomi, Lucine)







Eventually, after everyone else has left, a few subtle vans park in front of Mirri's Starship, which is still there.


A squad of PRT troopers come out of one, and a commander comes out with them.


"How do you do M'am.  Commander Jason here, I was informed you'd be turning over some Illegal Tinkertech?"


The Commander says politely to Lilly, before being interrupted by a glare from the small blind teenager next to her.


Lucile might not be pleased, certainly, at her being mistaken for some kind of responsible authority.


"[Agreement]" it says to Lilly, before retracting that as she tries to bury it alive, it is most certainly NOT in agreement with being entombed in soil.



Team 5: Nazi Sympathy







"Uhh, Yeah, sure." the guy says to Kusuke, before the Cape Healer from before gets in his face.


"You don't harass people just because they owe you money.  You can back off my patients or get out, Champ." she says derisively to him.


Arms crossed, the cape seems the picture of skilled intimidation. 


(10, 9) She knows.  And She knows that Kusuke knows.


This could be bad, obviously.

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Harry followed Soma to a Good Will on the way to Fugly Bob's. Upon entering, they were greeted--if that was even the correct word--by the woman at the counter. They made their way into the store, and Harry wandered off to browse a bit before searching for clothes. He only spent a few minutes at it before taking a look at a book claiming to teach magic. It wasn't anything that could be mistaken for what party members did, simply some type of vague spirituality nonsense. Harry tossed it back on the shelf, and made his way over to the clothes section. He grabbed a belt, two pairs of plain pants, 2 t-shirts, and the same number of pairs of socks and underwear. Shouldn't be too pricey. He headed into a small closet to try them on.

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Lucille rolled her eyes as the captain of the squad had started out with Lily- as if she, from what lucille had seen thus far, was really fit to be responsible around here. With more than a bit of annoyance, she broke into the little conversation- it was time to get this stuff, whatever the hell it was, out of this place, preferably as far away as it could be taken. She couldn't speak for the other two, but she mostly certainly didn't want to be sleeping in the same place as a bunch of powder that apparently spawned horrible little plant abominations that spewed fire.

     "Ahem," she began, to get the officer's attention. Mostly though, she just unimpressed by the small talk he attempted "Yes, they're right this way. Follow me."


And with that said, and before any of them could even bother to ask why they should follow a blind person, she turned and led them to right where the palletes were, picking her way through the aisles and crates just as well (if not better, honestly) as any sighted person could've managed.

      Remaining silent once they got to them, she stood aside and looked at the PRT troopers expectantly.... well, looked at them as well as a blind girl could.  They'd doubtlessly have a few questions as to the exact nature of the substance. That, at least, was something Lilly would be a bit more qualified for, given she had been here to experience the entire story behind them firsthand.

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"Relax, nurse. He doesn't owe me anything." And Kusuke knew that she knew that he knew, and etc etc. "I just want to talk, not that I expect one of you people to get that." Kusuke did his best to hide his reaction of abrupt alarm. 'You people,' i.e., a group he didn't belong to, i.e., he wasn't supposed to be here.


Something told me he wasn't going to be able to get information from Joe here, much less try and convince him to not be a Nazi. "We should probably leave soon. Gotta hit that meeting anyway, right?"

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Before Leaving, Soma makes sure that she gives Satomi a Phone.


"Bear with me here, see this button here? If the phone starts making a loud noise, press the button and put it up to your ear, it's for communication." she explains.


"As long as you don't take it apart, I think it should be safe for you to fiddle with it."

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"Yes... I can handle my swords... I suppose that I may not seem like it, what with recent events, but I am a proper samurai..." Satomi sighed. She could see where Harry was coming from, but nonetheless her swords were what she'd received upon her gempukku graduation from her samurai school and they marked her as a samurai in service of the empire, an adult and ready to perform her duty. Harry probably hadn't meant it to be the way she took it, Satomi actually realized that much, but, well... "like a child", she had already thought when she had cut herself, and Harry probably wouldn't miss the flash of genuine hurt that went across her face after his joke, even if she tried to disguise it afterwards by going on as if it hadn't happened. "I am not really sure what you mean by injections, but I'll trust you on this. It is your area of expertise, after all."

Later, Satomi was leaning against the wall of the warehouse; not because she needed to cry out and wallow in her weakness in an alley, not because she felt terrible (though she did), but because she had been awake by her estimation most of a day and a night now. Sometimes she nodded off for a couple of seconds, but tried to stay awake afterwards because he three of them had been entrusted with watching the warehouse, sometimes she looked at the phone she had been given and thought about it, and sometimes she just stared blearily at her surroundings.


Then the PRT officer came and started to talk with Lilly about the contents of the warehouse (huh, Satomi actually hadn't learned anything about what was going on there), and Satomi was about to internally laugh before she realized that the only people at the warehouse WERE in fact her (the terribly alienated and emotionally weak samurai), Lilly (the crazy reckless girl with the little dragon), and Lucille (who Satomi thought was younger than her, even if she wasn't sure, and who had gone off on Armsmaster earlier in a big coverblowing rant).


Satomi ended up falling in near Lilly and Lucille, but she ended up letting out a little bark of sardonic laughter and spoke: "Oh Heaven... we may actually be THE worst choices for dealing with this."

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1 hour ago, Hal Henderics said:


Team 3: Criminals Against Fashion (Somatotrope, Harry, & Jun)




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After their business is concluded, the Trio head to the nearest clothing store, a Goodwill stocked with mundane, cheap, and most importantly, Very Cheap clothing.


The Receptionist looks done, as she fails to react to the Two Armored People walking in with what appears to be a soldier.


"Good afternoon." she says blandly, like toast with a spread of paste.  Paste which has not even been given the literary flavor of a title, such as potato paste, or perhaps gruel.



Jun had quietly followed both Harry and Soma to the goodwill store, and she quietly noted how little good will the receptionist displayed as he (quietly) snuck away from the rest of the group to (quietly) look for something else that seemed interesting enough to (quietly) buy. He eventually found something in the form of a completely and utterly ruined katana that was somehow priced at a measly 2.99 dollars. This came as quite a surprise to him as the metals in that sword would presumably be worth a lot more...and of course there was still the fact that a proper smith could presumably refurbish it.

And so he (quietly) took the broken katana with him before he left to try and find something that is a bit more appropriate for a casual enco-meeting between several people who are definitely not (quietly) sneaking in several deadly weapons. He eventually settled for quietly taking a pair of long pants (one white, one black), a single t-shirt, and a black buttoned shirt with thin horizontal white lines with him...along with the same amount of socks and underwear. And of course he quietly snuck inside one of the store's changing rooms to try on the clothing he had (quietly) brought with him to see if they fit.

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Lilly finding the plant creature not enjoying that, gently removes the creature from the soil. She would respond to the PRT guys, but the other girl is already leading them away. 

 Mmmm how to deal with the tiny little thing? she couldn't quite plant it...


This would be so much easier if she could get more complex strings of concepts through. Maybe as it grew? Would it grow?


[Query: Desires]
[Query: Preferences]

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Team 1: Against the Dark ( Mirri & Frigus )



(4, 5)



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Actions taken



First action: Blizzard(blast) on all three Heartless dealing 2d6+6 to each and reducing each of their Inits by 2.

Second action: Barrier on himself reducing incoming damage by 50%.

Third action: Keyblade attack on the second Shadow for 2d6+6, reduce their Init by 1.



Activate both modes of Lightsaber Duelist, to slash at the Heartless Soldier for 2d6+essence pure damage and set herself to block or reflect the first attack aimed at her before her next turn.




Frigus quickly flips his weapon out, using Blizzard to blast all three of the heartless with magical ice, dealing (6+4+6=16) 16 Damage to each!


Their Initiative is reduced by 2!


Mirri then slashes the Soldier with her Lightsaber, dealing (1+2+5) 8 Damage!  The soldier, sliced in half, bursts into black smoke, releasing a torrent of colorful and strange energies and matters.


Frigus activates his Barrier, reducing incoming damage by 50%!


Finally, he attacks the Second Shadow, dealing (5+1+6) 12 Damage, and exploding it into a glowing red heart, which floats up into the ether, and the shadowy smoke clears to reveal more strange colorful substances.


The last remaining foe Seeps into the shadow, rendering it immune to nearly all conventional attacks.  it skitters around on the ground as immaterial as a real shadow.



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Mirri: Fine

Frigus: Fine



Gang Soldier: Defeated
Shadow: Defeated
Shadow: Mortally Wounded



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Average Dex: 2


Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)
Mirri (1 Dex: 1 Move)

Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)

Frigus (6 Dex: 3 Moves)
Shadow (0 Dex: 1 Move)



Team 3: Criminals Against Fashion (Somatotrope, Harry, & Jun)




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Jun would find that his clothing fits, but not as well as she would like.


The katana, however, that fits rather nicely.


Harry's new pants are all a bit too large, but then, that's why he got the belt.


The remainder of the clothing fits more or less perfectly.


Soma, having been wearing normal clothing under her armor, simply dismisses the tinfoil in the changing room, leaving her in Blue Jeans, a bright red Sweatervest, and a Belt with several pouches attached.  She shoves a wad of tinfoil into one of those pouches, and that's that.


She also finds a Knife, it's a rather poor example of rust, bluntness, and worn away design patterns, for 6 dollars at that.


Walking to Harry, Soma looks at the book he put back.


"Ancient Magic Lore"


"Probably bunk, but it could be useful, We've got real magic users in the party, apparently, Harry."



Team 5: Nazi Sympathy




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"Sure thing slant.  Why don't you go ahead and get the hell out of here before Hookwolf wants to talk." She says, referencing his earlier assertion of only wanting to talk.


How rude.


The guy behind her looks even more nervous, glancing between the two in front of him.

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"Thought it seemed like a load of self help bullshit. But if you say so, I guess. Probably not much money in the long run, and I suppose we could always use it to fuel a fire if it's useless. . . And if all our magic users are gone." Harry picked up the book, stuck it in the bag with his clothes. "So, what would actually happen if you did your thing on this book? Do you just get a bunch of extra paper? Would the words repeat? Or would it just make the  paper thicker or something?"

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Soma looks around.


"The more complex an object is, the more unpredictably my power reacts to it.  something like a phone might become a supercomputer, but since it's been grown past modern wireless signals and language, it's hard to use, a Gun might grow larger and longer, until it's closer to a cannon."


"My power cannot affect living organic things." she says, Harry, being a doctor himself, might immediately notice the distinction.


"I try my best to avoid accidentally using my power on things derived from plant or animal products, especially if they still have definite biological structures, as the results can be shocking.  I learned that when I tried to extrapolate printed Stock Exchanges, Thought it might be an interesting experiment."

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Kusuke made a disgusted noise. "Just because you're a violent criminal doesn't mean everyone is. Someday. . ." He didn't finish the thought, simply turning around and heading back to the place he'd stashed his weapons. He was already cutting the timing of this way too close, and he shouldn't have shown up in the first place. Hookwolf wasn't exactly the kind of person he wanted to piss off at this point, either; that was just begging for bad things to happen. 


Kusuke collects his weapons and heads out as quickly as possible without using his Drive.

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"What'd the stock exchange papers do, if you don't mind the question?" Following Soma's answer, Harry nodded, and headed over to the checkout to pay for his goods. He handed over a sum of money that would pay for his pairs of clothes and the book that he had picked up, and headed outside to the front of the store, waiting for Jun and Soma to exit.


"So I'm thinking we get a taxi to a block or two from Fugly Bob's and discuss the game plan, in a sense, on the walk from there to the restaurant?"

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Jun slowly approached the rest of the group with the items she had purchased earlier in tow, and she gingerly dropped an uncomfortably heavy pile of power armor on the floor. She would then scratch her head for a moment before she hands Soma a regular plastic bag. "Can you make this tough enough to carry my power armor without breaking? Because that would be great".

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"They erupted into a mass of dead plant matter, colored bright yellow and purple, and covered in a strange powder.  It was dead, I know, but no less horrific."


"It smelled like chemicals as well.  I ended up burning the warehouse down to prevent anything else happening."


She looks haunted.


"I don't think I'll ever forget the sight, honestly, and I'd hate to relive the experience."


Still too out of it to think about the matter, she shrugs, and Extrapolates the Canvas Bag.


(8, 14) The Canvas bag becomes a small forest of rotting tubes of plant matter.


Soma hasn't noticed, nobody tell her.



Team 2: Bar-room Blitz ( Calvera & Arminius (& Fingers) )




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The Mercenary Shoots his shotgun, Peppering everyone for (1d6+Dex=5+4=9) 9 Damage!


(11, 11) Arminius is peppered with it as well as can be expected, taking 1 less damage


(4, 16) Fingers isn't so lucky, taking the full damage.


(1, 7) Calvera is treated much the same, taking full damage.


Arminius Leaps behind cover, reducing ranged damage drastically!  A bit slow to the draw, but his heart is in the right place.


Fingers, meanwhile, rushes the Man's cover, doubling her damage next turn as she corners him!


The ABB Thugs all leap behind their own cover, in a much saner move.


Calvera takes cover behind the bar, tumbling expensive booze to the ground.


The thugs shout at her for wasting good liquor with a flashy jump over it.


The Mercenary Backs up from the Goblin trying to make him a formerly healthy individual.



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Calvera: -9 Health

Arminius: -8 Health

Fingers: -9 Health



(3) ABB Thugs: Fine



Mercenary: Singed



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Average Dex: 2


Mercenary: (4 Dex: 2 Moves)

Arminius: (2 Dex: 1 Move)

Fingers: (1 Dex: 1 Move)

ABB Thugs: (1 Dex: 1 Move)

Calvera: (0 Dex: 1 Move)

Mercenary: (4 Dex: 2 Moves)



Team 4: tfw V& (Lilly, Satomi, Lucine)




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"Oh, sorry M'am, you're the one in charge?" he says, turning to Lucille tactfully, as though he didn't just make a fairly major faux pax.


"You heard the lady, move out and get that stuff out of here, use whatever caution she tells you to for god's sake."


He looks a bit tired for it being the middle of the day.


The Plant simply replies "[Disagreement]" to Lilly's probing, not having preferences or desires beyond aimlessly wandering around.  It seems Biological weapons grown wholesale from spores don't tend towards wild ideas like that.


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"Sounds terrible. I know how sickening that stuff can be. Took a while to get over it myself, and it was really only exposure, and knowing what to expect." Harry glanced down at the thing that Soma had created. She hadn't noticed. Somehow. Well, no need to cause problems now, so Harry said, "Shall we get going then?"

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"Whatever you do," Lucille warned the troopers as they began to collect the contraband "keep this stuff as far away from water as possible; the powder apparently spawns little plant abominations that spew fire once you remove them from it. once the reaction starts, it'll be too hot to just douse it, and smothering probably won't work either. We had enough trouble neutralizing just one of them earlier, so uh... use extreme caution."


Speaking of which, Lucille couldn't help but wonder just what Lilly had done with the little abomination, once she'd made him about a thousand times less deadly. Probably tried to plant him again or whatever, going off her panicked answer from when she'd initially asked what was going on. Not like it really mattered to her though at this point... the thing was nowhere near what she'd hoped to accomplish, effectively immortal or no. What good was such a property on a non-sentient creature who could contribute nothing more than creating stringy trails of garbage when it moved? And hell, even with the ability to pass on some of it's regeneration factor via direct contact, from what knowledge she'd gleaned by examining it earlier, the damn thing would've done so at such a sluggish pace it wouldn't have made that much a difference in a critical situation. It was, by her standards, and compared to the life-saving plant species she originally intended to create, an utter failure. And she honestly didn't want to be reminded of said failure.

     Hmph....but what rubbed her even worse than it was an initial failure, was that she knew she could've corrected it, had Lilly not been right there at the time. Without her present, Lucille would've immediately said to hell with it and tried the ritual again, extract the property out of the little plant horror and make it into something that could actually benefit people... but she'd already gauged from Lilly's general regard of her that such a path wouldn't have been without its fair share of resistance. She seemed far too attached to the damn thing, considering it almost flame-grilled her... and after all that had happened today, she honestly hadn't felt like getting into a potential fight when the other girl, in all likelihood, would've overreacted.




But what?


She didn't even know, at this point. The past hour had been spent thinking about how far she'd come, what she could've done differently on the first attempt, how she could've avoided such obvious mistakes and poor synthesis quality. But all in all, The operation had... fine. Satisfactory.... good.


Maybe not good enough for her, but probably good by most standards. The thing was no longer at risk of burning everything down, and well... she had effectively created something immortal today. And that something had been small and relatively non-threatening enough to not warrant immediate destruction.


...It could've gone much worse. So she supposed it was time to stop sulking about it. 

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Calvera casts Sun Boil on the merc!





By The Stars-  Whenever the Calvera would gain Syn without spending merit, they instead gain 1 More.


Radioactive By Heart- RX Calvera, being a dying star, is highly radioactive. This allows her to use her own HP to boost her attacks. +[SYN/8] (rounded up) Damage per 1 HP spent.


Actions (6 action slots):


Solar Flare- Sends out a massive wave of heat, hitting all enemies in the area for 1d6 + SYN. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

Sun Boil- A bolt of fire flies out to hit a target, dealing 2d6 + SYN damage.


Blinding Light (Trick)- RX Calvera's body lights up bright, blinding a target, 50% chance to stun the target. Out of combat, it can be used as a strong source of light.



Flare Up- When RX Calvera goes below 50% HP, she enters her Solar Form, granting her double SYN for the rest of combat.


Size Matters (Trick)- RX Calvera gets +10% SYN in combat.


Randomness (Trick)- RX Calvera unintentionally sends out a jet of fire sometimes. Each turn she has a 10% chance to deal 1d6 fire damage to a random enemy.


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