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Movement Error


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Sorry that I have been asking so many questions recently, I am new to RPG maker and I can't find a lot of fixes by searching. Anyways, I have an issue when trying to make some characters move. So I am trying to make the player move up a space and look down, and a npc to move up to where the place was and look to the right. The player has been moving up and looking down, but the npc won't move afterwards. I tried using wait for moves completion as well, and it froze the game. I have a the script attached. 


Edited by Matthatter03
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This usually happens when an event is about to move on another event. In your case I believe Sara1 is about to step on the event that caused the movement. You can avoid the non-movement by making Sara1 through. To do so, in Sara's Move Route, before the instruction "Move Up", you should add the instruction "Through On". When the movement is completed you might want to return the event to its previous state by adding "Through Off" at the end of the Move Route.

I hope this helps :)

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