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[IC] TTG Interlude: Virtue


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Koizumi faced down her opponent. Koizumi, not Kagari. For this fight, an analytical mind was key. Spears... they favored a similar type of weapon. Of course, the opponent was a god. That made everything harder. It was best to assume that they had access to some power or other, and that Koizumi was at an immense disadvantage. Making the first attack would be a grave error. She deployed her bits, then took up a defensive stance with her spear, readying her cables to launch if necessary. Then she steadied her breathing and waited. Watched, and waited.

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Slumbering Giant VS Bear


Mommo gulped. This was going to be a fight unlike anything she'd faced before. She found herself hesitating to respond, but she gripped the controls. Bear could finish her in one strike if she wasn't careful. On the other hand, she possessed the range. "I'll show you all of it. I won't hold back."


She replied, sounding determined. On the other hand, she was trembling, but what for? Anticipation quivered on a field where no movement was visible and where both fighters carried a weight to themselves. She could not compete with Bear's weight, she could only grasp the gift he'd brought her from Aries and stand firm. A hatch opened up from the Giant's back as she walked forward slowly, releasing a shower of grenades into the air around her, bombarding the field, leaving dents and holes all across it, but never reaching bear himself. Stopping about halfway down the slope, she readied her main cannon, aiming it at Bear.


"Take this-" She shouted as a mighty blast of purple lit the arena up like fireworks, going directly at Bear.

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Gryffin spun around immediately, reaching with one of his legs to grab his opponent were Supernova somehow still intact. This precaution proved unnecessary, as Supernova was clearly down for the count. Lain dismissed his mech and ripped off Blink's stupid tape. He considered saying something, but rapidly discarded the idea. There was no point, Supernova had barely even put a scratch on him, the weakest of the Gods. The best Tai had mustered was an obvious bait-and-switch to get behind Gryffin and melt his wings a little. If he was among the best Tempest had to offer, then Tempest was screwed.



With those despairing thoughts to occupy his mind, Gryffin silently left the arena.




Seeker didn't budge, she waited. The two fighters stared each other down, each waiting for the other to make a move. Or so it seemed from without. Seeker had no qualms with taking the first strike her opponent had so graciously offered her, she was simply taking a moment to size up her opponent.


After a few long moments of nothing, she finally made her move. Javelin, launch. Though Seeker remained seemingly motionless, the javelin she held by her side flew forward, rapidly approaching HUNTER while trailing a chain.




"That's good to hear." Bear answered, sounding genuinely pleased by Mommo's confidence. He then cut his comms and began to meditate. He blocked out everything around him, save for the two combatants. He became acutely aware of every tiny sound or movement between them. His eyes and ears numbered in the hundreds, yet he perceived each with perfect clarity. Giant's grenades were of no concern, he had no need to cross the arena. And though her cannon did char and weaken his heavy golden-brown armor, one shot wasn't yet enough to be a threat to the integrity of his hull.


With everything in place, he began his assault. The massive swarm of miniscule drones Bear called his bees quickly closed the distance between Bear and Giant, surrounding her in a cloud of yellow and black that peppered her with tiny lasers and bullets. Individually and spread out they were essentially harmless to her armored frame. But they did not act individually, they moved with perfect cohesion and teamwork. Thousands of drones firing thousands of attacks, and each on was focused extremely precisely on one spot: The Giant's eyes.


(OOC: Just to be clear, you said she had a screen to see what's happening, so I'm assuming she has cameras of some kind in the mech's helmet (based on your description of its design) and Bear is targeting those)

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Koizumi immediately leapt to the right, out of the path of the javelin. Ordinarily, she would have deflected it with her own weapon, but the chain was bad news - she'd used a chained lance for long enough to know that. If she tried to deflect it, it was likely the chain would wrap around her, or otherwise that her opponent would use the chain as an anchor to initiate some sort of attack and abuse an opening, or perhaps it was electrified, or some other possibility. Until she had a good gauge of what her opponent could do, taking any attacks head-on was a bad idea. Naturally, going on the offensive was also a terrible idea. She landed a fair distance away and crouched low, keeping a careful eye on both her opponent and the weapon.

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Turn left. Seeker tugged the chain to the left and, despite the chain being attached at the back of its handle, the javelin's path changed accordingly. Having flown past the HUNTER when she dodged, the projectile was now flying behind her with the chain poised to wrap around her.

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Slumbering Giant VS Bear


Mommo glanced to the comm as it buzzed off. She knew she wouldn't hear Bear's voice for the rest of the fight, but she didn't mind. What she did mind was the bees. Her eyes widened slowly as the swarm directed itself towards her. When they began to fly towards her, she raised the cannon up into a horizontal positioned and fired at the bees, a blast of energy growing in both intensity and radius as she poured as much of the Giant's energy into it. As she did so, she also rotated the mech's torso to the sides in order to damage as much of the swarm as possible. Those that managed to reach her, if they even managed, would illicit a panicked response from the girl when she realized what they were aiming for.

They wanted to blind her.


She lowered the plates on the Giant's head above the eyes, closing them off and leaving herself in the darkness. She didn't want to let them do what she could do on her own. While doing so, however, she also ceased firing the cannon, and instead pointed it down at the ground slightly in front of her feet. Switching the ammo to explosive, she fired and the ground and air around the Giant lit up into flames. Her plates could handle it as it wasn't a direct hit, but the explosion that enveloped the immediate area around her mech would surely ensnare Bear's drones, hopefully destroying another portion.

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Mommo severely underestimated Bear's reaction time. The swarm of drones smoothly moved around the Giant's laser without breaking their assault. Bear noticed the cannon drop and the bees backed away to avoid the explosion, though he had anticipated an exploding ground launched up by a laser and not a proper explosion, causing some of his bees to still be caught by the attack and fall from the sky. The swarm continued to pepper her with attacks from afar, focusing its attacks on the Giant's wrists and eye covering.

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Slumbering Giant VS Bear


Mommo was being too laid back. This was one of the gods she was fighting against. And even if it was only for sport, and Bear would probably want to be doing anything but work at this moment, he was going to drag this fight out. Make it a battle of artrition. Mommo was blinded when she lowered the armor over Giant's eyes. She had no input about what was going on with the bees around her, and the darkness was overbearingly heavy, if only for the sole weight the entire situation carried. She was panicking too much, even if she didn't outwardly show it. Her attacks missed the bees. They reacted as Bear willed it. And Bear willed it as he felt it. Mommo couldn't do that. How could anyone do something so advanced?


Yet she was the one who'd built the Giant. Why? To overthrow this man. But she couldn't if she couldn't at least stand her ground against him. The drones were a nuisance but not an immediate one. The Giant could hold out for a while longer against their assault. The bigger obstacle to victory or at least a defeat she could be happy with was her own mentality; the fact she had no idea what was going on outside her shell.

If Bear could beat her without doing anything. Then who would she be to beat him by doing something?


Wasn't she of sloth as well? The amulet could help her focus. If she could focus, then she could see the bigger picture without the need for sight. If she could see the bigger picture, she could find a way out of the dark.

Mommo closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and waited...

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Well, fine then, if she doesn't want to dodge. . . Her slightly blustery thoughts were mostly Hiroki shouting over her own doubts mentally. There had to be a reason that Lord wasn't even attempting to move - but whatever that reason was, there had to be a way to overwhelm it. She wouldn't get anywhere by ceasing her assault, and there was only a chance that continuing her attack would turn out badly. She shifted about and spoke a few quick commands to her mech; the spread of fire emanating from the Knight tightened up into a narrow cone spraying almost directly at Lord. She still made sure that the spaces to the left, right, and above were covered, but the majority of her barrage moved directly toward the god. She continued to strafe sideways, figuring it was better than trying to retreat directly backward and getting pinned against a wall.

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After the initial few seconds, confusion turned into cringe at the gods choice of a low level taunt, and just as quickly, cringe turned into annoyance, and annoyance turned into the seeds of cold fury....


"You first." It was the only thing the mechanic said, and the only warning Swag would've received, before Ragnarok came flying out across the field with a deafening, ear shattering boom behind it, it's oscillation frequency set high enough to make mince meat of heavy armor and carrying enough raw force behind it crush a lightly armored mech like it was absolutely nothing, all of it directed at the god of lust in a devastatingly fast streak of amber and crimson as the air itself ignited in it's wake, not unlike that of a meteorite. 

      Of all the gods who could've chosen to face him, it had to be this douche, didn't it? Of fucking course it had. At this point though, Solomon really couldn't bring himself to care any less than he tried; he hadn't had any real purpose in participating in this whole thing besides shits and giggles, a laissez faire attitude with the pathetic sub motivator of defying the meta at just about the highest practical level possible, since he'd already done it at each and every last one of the lower ones. Or so he'd thought. Tesla was the reason he'd gotten this far, Tesla was the reason he'd pushed so hard all these years, almost everything he'd achieved, he'd done it off of either the back of her own work, or using what she had once taught him.


He had suppressed his own power to the point of it might as well not existing, and relied completely on her memory to carry him. And that precise reason, that cowardice, that refusal to face his true self, was precisely the reason he had failed to stop her from leaving, the ultimate reason she vanished that day; had he not have held back, had he put it all on the line back then, perhaps things would be very different now. And yet, ironically, he had still ended up among the top, despite relying entirely on his sister's legacy. It was almost poetic really, the schematics she gave him after that defeat would serve as the very catalysts to giving him another chance to make it right, a chance to find her after he'd let her vanish to begin with. 


But over the course of this tourney, over the course of the failed fights and near victories, one thing had become steadily clearer and clearer to him... one thing tesla herself had already told him long ago, something that even now after so much time came bubbling back to the surface... along with many, many other things


"If you want to change something, you have to rely on your own power. Don't just sit around expecting something or someone else to come in and save the day for you sully, the only heroes in this world are the ones who aren't afraid to be the change they want to see... that's something I had to learn the hard way"


"Your mother? HAHAHA! You want to know 'bout your mother, boi? She was a selfish, irresponsible whore who walked out on us before you were even old enough to walk. Let me tell you somethin', Sully, don't you ever, and I mean EVER let yourself fall for a pretty face and a honeyed words. I might have been fooled, but I'll be damned if any son of mine falls for the same smiling faces..."


But most of all... the message she had left him. The message she had left that finally gave him a reason, finally made him realize how fucking stupid he'd been all these years...


Sully...look, I don't know whats going through your head right now, so I'll make this message quick: I know you. I've known you as long as I can remember. And I've watched every last match you've been in for this tourney... including this last one. I don't know what finally made you stop pushing it away and actually use that thing inside you again, but... look, what happened back then, it was ugly, and I've still got the scars from it, but I know damn well that wasn't the real you who did it to me, I know you would never do that to me... you're stronger than him sully, maybe you don't think so, maybe you've kept him locked up all these years because you're afraid of what you might do once he's out, but you ARE stronger, sully. The fact you went this long before letting him have completely free reign proves it- you can exist without him, but he can't say the same. 

      ...Shit, I said I was gonna make it brief, and I go typing all this crap out... yeesh. Look, my point is, I'm... I ain't mad at you, for anything. I... want you to stop holding back sully, I want you to stop handicapping yourself just because you think you aren't strong enough to stop him, because that's total bullshit, I know it, and so should you. You're two parts of the same whole sully, you're the stronger half, but you're still just that, a half... and if you keep going like you have been, you're not doing anyone any favors. Stop fighting with only part of yourself, and stop running damn it, you're better than this, you could make Revenant your bitch if you really tried, and there isn't a god damn thing he can do about it.

      So... do it. Show him just how worthless he is on his own, and he'll have no choice but to fall in line. I'm tired of seeing you fight with the kitty gloves on, just as much as I hated watching you give that asshole exactly what he wanted, and almost ended up dead for it. And once you've shown him, show the rest of these pissants what you can really do too. I Meant it when I said you better not lose this and make me look bad ;^)


Give em hell.

-Sasha Nevaro



Already, he could feel the adrenaline beginning to pump, his focus intensifying, all of it tinted a pretty shade of crimson with the subtle bloodlust just beneath the surface. It didn't matter if this was a god on the other end of the field, no more than the man's not-so-enticing offers mattered; he was done using Tesla as his crutch, just as much as he was done giving free reign to the demon lurking within, and there was no better time to unleash everything he'd been holding back, on his own terms...


than right here...


right now...


against this very douche bag.


And once this mess was over, he was going to use that same power to finally find Tesla...

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As it happened, the strange pose the God of Lust had taken up was of practical use... sort of. Since he was in such a vertical stance with little balance, the shockwave generated by Ragnarok's launch caused him to fall backwards. The attack flew over him as he used the jets on the back of his shoulders to push himself back up, all the while maintaining his absurd combat stance.


"Jeez, lighten up." Sain told Sully, "One attack and I can already tell you've got some serious emotional baggage." Swag's left pinky detached and launched towards the Revenant as a missile. Though small, Swagalicious's Finger Blasters packed a serious punch if they managed to land a hit, and if they didn't he could use his ability to make his opponent regret dodging. "Angry, impulsive, probably abandonment issues, and you think you can solve your problems by crushing them in battle." He continued, "That about sum it up?"




Hiroki's more focused attack was met by an acceleration in Lord's pace. Not any sort of gradual acceleration, Lord broke into a flat-out run. She continued moving straight towards Hiroki, relentlessly tearing through the stream of plasma. When she got within a decently close range, she jumped into the air, pulling back her left fist as she went. The boosters in her mech activated, granting her an extra burst of speed. If Hiroki didn't prevent it somehow, Lord would deliver a massively powerful punch that would send the Hellfire Knight reeling.




The bees' assault didn't let up, still focusing their fire on the wrists and eye covering. Bear noticed the lack of action on Giant's part, but made no change in his strategy. He wanted to see what she would do.

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Koizumi cursed as the weapon made a movement which should be impossible. Switching weapons from her spear to a pair of sai knives, she crouched and waited for the moment just before the chain would touch her, stabbing her knives laterally into the chain, each prong of both three-pronged weapons anchoring a different link of the chain to the ground, both knives planted separately, a short distance from each other. Using the momentum of driving down the weapons, she pivoted around the handle of the weapon in her right hand, going over the chain and landing on the other side, quickly re-equipping her spear as she skidded across the ground.

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Strider vs. Queen


Morgan nodded in response to Queen. She had been giving it everything she's got from the very start of this tournament. The only difference between then and now is that she's up against the God of Greed, and that's not much of a reason to start holding back now. It would at the very least be an insult if she did. Of course, she wasn't just doing it for herself this time. This time, she also had to prove to Queen that his fears and doubts are misplaced, and she had every intention of doing so. She may also be a bit nervous about fighting a God, but she was determined nonetheless. Strider's jets flared to life, and soon enough, she was just about as ready as he was.


"H-hey, so... I know we're supposed to be fighting and all... but at least let me return the favor by wishing you good luck. It's... it's the least I could do after everything you've done for me."


When all was said and done, Morgan would begin with a quick dash to the right. Her arms extended forward as she let loose a hail of bullets from her machine guns, keeping a close eye on her opponent to see what he would do.

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Giant vs Bear


Mommo's mind was in chaos, but it seemed to work. Bear wasn't moving. She wasn't moving. But he was applying the pressure. She couldn't fight him like this. She also couldn't stand up to his thoughts either. She was completely outclassed, but, for some reason, she felt the sensation that told her there were still countless options left for her to explore. The Giant's body was starting to creak as she moved the hands. She was barely aware of what she was doing. The cannon flipped backwards, locking to a point 90 degrees vertical to the surface of the arena's slope. Charging momentarily, she shot the full brunt of the energy blast the moment Giant did its best to jump only a few centimeters off the ground. Mommo launched the heavy body of her mech upwards and towards the middle of the arena in an horizontal descending arc. The limbs creaked from the force as the Giant flipped the cannon once more, and landed with it releasing a blast into the ground below which seemed to split the arena in half, the crack in the ground traveling from the point of Mommo's impact, then upwards the slope towards Bear, eventually converging into an explosion from underneath that enveloped his mech's body. The Giant kneeled motionlessly in the middle of the Arena.


[using signature attack]

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Shit. What kind of strategy was this? She just plowed straight through her fire like it wasn't there. Was she absorbing it, somehow? Were the gods really just that powerful? She fought the panic that kept trying to rise. She didn't have much time, but there was one thing she could think to do. She kicked at the ground, numerous cannons seemingly firing at nothing, as she somehow twisted the bulky frame of the mech around the attack, barely sliding sideways out of the way. Hiroki used the momentum of the maneuver (which had spun the mech around slightly) to finish turning around, swiping the Knight's free hand at Lord and attempting to grab her. As she did so, she activated the series of vents on her mech that controlled the Mantle, wreathing her in plasma as she did so. 


2 point Reflex bonus used to dodge, special ability activated

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The mechanic felt something rise in him, as the god's taunts started to actually hit closer and closer to home. Just as quickly as the fires flared however, Asmodeus was there, voice even and leveled as he snapped the man back before he could fully lose his shit

       "Focus Sully." The AI reminded him, "Focus. Don't let him get what he wants out of you, don't let him get that foothold. It's all a ploy to knock us off balance and create the opening he needs, just like the battle against Ball-Boy."

       The mechanic grit his teeth still, hot fury just bubbling beneath the surface. But he took a breath, nodded his head, and re-established a firm control over Revenant's raw nature- the rush the persona provided was like being caught up in a storm, a massive tempest that seemed all too willing to swallow him whole. And if he slipped up even a minute, he'd be giving the dragon control yet again, and it would just devolve into a repeat of last fight. Yet both Sasha and Asmodeus had been convinced that if he just took the to try and be the dominant force, if he learned now what he'd been too afraid to back then, maybe, just maybe, he could do this.


"Didn't know the God of Lust was a psychologist." Was all Sully countered with, verbally. 


In terms of the situation around them however, his efforts were far more swift; before the small missile could even clear half the distance to him, a blast of lightning arced forth from his palm with countless tendrils of crackling radiance, intercepting the ordinance and causing it to blow it's payload uselessly in the middle of the arena. At the exact same moment as his interception, Ragnorok had altered its course after the God dodged it... but this time there was no attempt to slice into Swag. No, for the moment that Sully launched the electrical burst, Ragnorok produced a blast of far greater magnitude from behind the god, sending forth a bloom of pale grey, violet and blue electro-magnetic force, a bloom that expanded outwards in the blink of an eye as the explosion from the premature detonation would've served to distract from it's march.




Just as Solomon was taking action, so to did Asmodeus, pumping the repulsion fields around the mech to high and watching every sensor they had for any sign of an approach from any direction- instantaneous teleportation based or otherwise. He held two words especially ready on his voice synthesizer, just encase the projected possibility he was most apprehensive of came to be true, and the mechanic might have to embrace the power he'd been neglecting by trial by fire. Though there had been some practice in the time before the exhibitions, he couldn't help but still be leery over whether the mechanic would manage to replicate their results in the heat of a split-second save or die scenario... but he could hope.

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(OOC: The rest in the morning Kdone)




As the finger blaster exploded in midair, energy coursed through Swagalicious's armor. Being aware that Sully used electromagnetism (it was pretty obvious) he put all of his temporary extra armor into electromagnetic shielding. This turned out to be a very smart choice as the EMP nearly instantly overtook his position and would have screwed him up bigtime.


"Not a shrink." Swag said. He dashed forward with blinding speed, stopping barely a meter away from the Revenant, and unleashed a barrage of pink lasers from his titty guns at his opponent's right arm. "I just know someone a lot like you. She's never been good at letting things go, I doubt you are either. But at least she knows how to keep her cool when there's something bigger at stake."




The instant the Hellfire Knight dodged, Lord canceled her charge and redirected herself to land on the ground. She was going to fire off another punch when she was surprised by Hiroki grabbing her arm. But Lord didn't let a moment of surprise stop her, she turned it to her favor. She yanked back her captured arm, intending to pull her opponent along with it, and at the same time stepped into a full force punch with her free fist.




The entire arena shook with a violent force as the Giant smashed the ground to bits. The bees continued firing as the very ground itself erupted around Bear. But as the dust cleared, their assault ceased. The mighty Sleeping Bear lay still, unmoving, just as it had since the beginning. But now the constant movement of its bee swarm was still as well. Even Bear's heavy armor seemed to have taken quite a beating from Mommo's earth-shattering, and for a moment it might have seemed like she had won. But that moment was quickly shattered as a yawn from Bear droned into her comms. "I commend you for your effort and perseverance." He said, sounding genuinely impressed, "But you shouldn't wake a sleeping bear."


With a metallic groan, Sleeping Bear pushed itself up into a sitting position. The swarm of bees receded back to it, wrapping around its limbs and merging with them, increasing their size and bulk. The mech's eyes snapped open, glowing with a bright white light. And then came the charge. With unimaginable speed for something so large, Bear closed the gap between himself and the Giant. He smashed into her, knocking her from her feet. He pinned her down with his immense weight and tore at her armor with his massive and sharp claws. Yet even in this state, his attack were calculated, he didn't attempt to break through and destroy Mommo's armor, but instead attempted to tear it off entirely.


Seeker (OOC: BTW Acqui, you can have all the stuff from your ability if you want it.)


Break free. With barely any effort, Seeker tugged the chain free, though by this point the javelin had lost all momentum. Return. That being the case, she called it back and it rapidly retracted to her waiting grasp. Holding her main spear at the ready, she began a slow but purposeful march towards her opponent. She didn't make any move to attack, but it was apparent from her steady approach that she had plans to do so when she got within range.




Queen nodded his thanks to Strider just before she moved to attack. He matched the direction of her dash, though he came nowhere near to touching the pace. He held up his gauntlets in a guarded position to help deflect the hail of bullets, his ability draining away a chunk of their kinetic energy for his later use. It wasn't anything special to start with, but Strider immediately taking the initiative was good to see. He was still young, yet he had seen so many examples of powerful people faltering when faced with a real threat or decision. Queen was no exception to this, falter and question himself seemed to be all he was capable of sometimes, and it helped far more than Morgan could ever know to see her be so unwavering in a fight. Still, confidence alone would not defeat Nil. Now she would have to show him what she was capable of.

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When Lord yanked her arm back, Hiroki figured that the god could likely overpower her own mech; while the Knight was strong and quite heavy, she didn't want to make a plan involving Lord not being able to apply enough force to do something. Instead, she actually powered forward, kicking off the ground as her non-occupied thrusters went along with the god's pull. She essentially tried to just whip around past the woman using the momentum she was kind enough to give Hiroki, while hopefully the motion made it difficult for her to actually land the punch. If the god didn't land a solid hit, she'd try to essentially squash her underneath the weight of the Knight and roast her using the still-active Mantle. 

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Giant vs Bear


Mommo wasn't expecting such a reaction.

For a moment, as she listened to the sounds of the ground bursting to engulf Bear in flames, she felt like she may have done enough. As she pulled the visor up and her eyes blinked open to the sight of the bees retreating to Bear, his form growing more formidable by the moment, she felt the might of one of the gods crash into her with the force of a sin's gravity. Literally swept off its feet, the Giant hit the ground hard. His claws tore into her momentarily, threatening to leave her exposed, but Mommo didn't waste time either. Bear's assault would be halted if only for a moment as the Giant's armor fought back against him, dropping the large cannon and pushing the Giant's palms into Bear's head, Mommo charged the energy cannons within them, firing them both at once. Purple light enveloped Bear's head and the upper part of his torso. At such close range...

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Lord was actually rather impressed, Hiroki was just full of surprises. Unfortunately for Hiroki, her surprise maneuver put her in a position where Lord was able to wrench her captured arm free. She managed to narrowly jet backwards out of the way as the heavy Hellfire Knight tried to crush her under its weight, the flames surrounding it brushing against her as she went. The instant she was out of the way, her movement stopped and her left fist propelled itself towards the Knight's shoulder. Due to the circumstances, it wasn't her most powerful hit, but even Lord's weakest attacks hit like a truck.


Though Lord showed no outward sign, the heat was really getting to her. A little more and she'd be at her limit.


Reflex 2 point bonus used

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I can do this. This is just another fight. She hasn't even hit me yet. Hiroki was finally getting into flow, her breathing settling into a rhythm; not a calm one, but a rhythm nonetheless, despite the sweat that had begun to stream down her brow from the Mantle. Targeting systems alerted her to the incoming impact (along with an almost annoyed-looking error message about the point defenses being unable to attempt an intercept due to being otherwise occupied in maintaining her shield. She spun about, in a smaller arc this time, trying to narrow her profile and cause Lord's punch to whiff or hit a glancing blow. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strider vs. Queen


Despite keeping a close eye on Queen, Morgan couldn't really find anything that stands out. He wasn't doing much of anything other than blocking her attacks. The only thing that she can take note of is that the God couldn't keep up with the pace which, while the info wasn't bad, it wasn't much to go on in terms of what he can do. She needed to know what she was up against so there wouldn't be any surprises later on. The girl altered her direction to back up from Queen a bit and spoke an order to her VI.


"System..." She started. "Transfer half of the power from the jets to the EAS, along with the machine guns... oh, and the shotgun"


Command Accepted...


EAS activated.

Speed is now 3 from 5. Firepower is now 2 from 6. Points given to Armor: 3.

Speed is now 3. Firepower is now 2. Armor is now 6.


Strider skidded to a halt as she swapped to her railgun and popped off a few shots at him. Again, she was paying close attention to his movements, keeping her half-powered jets ready in case she needed to evade. She didn't see any reason not to take a hit, but Queen was a God for a reason. The last thing she needed was to be caught off guard as bad as she was last match. Although she can't really see him throwing himself out of a jumpsuit, there are still quite a few things left to be unexpected. Regardless, Morgan needed to figure out what the God was capable of before he got the upper hand.

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Hiroki's maneuver was successful, Lord only managed to land a glancing blow. A glancing blow that flung the Hellfire Knight backwards a good ten meters and left her spinning uncontrollably. Lord was quick to follow up, rapidly closing the distance and launching a full-strength punch that would hit counter to Hiroki's rotation, increasing the power of its already ridiculous impact. The attack sent Hiroki reeling all the way to the edge of the field, slamming her into the wall. Lord followed again, but her approach was slowed by the debris flying at her, leaving a chance for Hiroki to recover at least a little before the next blow came her way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hiroki couldn't suppress the pained squeak that sounded when the second punch landed; fortunately, the impact of the Knight on the wall did an excellent job of preventing her from making any more noise beyond trying to catch her breath. A veritable light show of warning and damage indicators flashed across her HUD, reporting that a number of her back jets had either been damaged beyond operability or had shut down due to compromised control systems. Great. There goes my agility. Her mech still stood, though, if only because she had been flattened against the wall; chances are she wasn't going to be able to stand up if Lord knocked her over again. I have to try to end this quickly. 


If she managed to collect herself before Lord attacked again, she'd blast the Mantle at her opponent, and then follow up with another barrage from her surviving guns.

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