J-Awesome_One Posted September 16, 2017 Author Share Posted September 16, 2017 On 9/16/2017 at 1:29 AM, Commander said: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Fake_Pokémon Now in return I must ask you and prove that these mons would not fit the definition of Fakemon as you must prove that these are official Pokemon. And since I know you are so headstrong and the next thing you'll say is "They don't say anything about Pokemon forms therefore I'm right" I will highlight that this is a very outdated article made around the early hacking days, but there is something to prove I know what I'm saying (which I have no idea why I'm even bothering at this point). You see that fake Shaymin Sky Form. That is no different than all that stuff above. As for a statement from a valid person, I've been studying elements of writing and criticism for an 8 year time span (though I'm currently on hiatus due to schooling...not writing related) as well as been part of the fan-game community for I think 9 years now. While I am not a developer myself, I have spent enough time learning the bells and whistles that I am more than capable of making a fan-game or a hack, but do not wish to. I have the account on Pokecommunity to prove it (even though I was very quiet back in the day). The only way you can go higher up is a statement from an official associate from Pokemon and you really do not want that because all of those fan-games hosted on the site would be asked to be removed. I could continue, but I myself and probably a number of other people are tired see me argue about Fakemon when we all know what the concept is. I do apologize to the original OP as a post I intended as a joke as well as my ability to not shut up may have driven this topic from a fun little thread to a pointless argument ruining the fun. If they so wish it, I will happily delete any or all of my posts. Also someone should make a Normal/Poison Zangoose concept due to all the trash and stuff it eats to survive Expand No no. It's ok. It was just a little argument. Everybody got to say their stuff. Everything is fine now. And that would be a great Rebornian Form dude. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meem Qween Posted September 16, 2017 Share Posted September 16, 2017 Huh... I was going to update with the rest of the Rebornian Eeveelutions, but I was unaware of the whole Fakemon thing going on.. but then again I was asleep.. and doing school stuff... and eating.. but I'm still gonna update Rebornian Espeon- Psychic/Rock Type These feral Espeon are defenders and leaders of small packs of their equally feral pre-evolutions. Rebornian Espeon are natural enemies of Rebornian Umbreon, and it is rumored that they use telepathic connections with other Rebornian Espeon of different packs to drive out their poison enemy. Rebornian Umbreon- Dark/Poison Type Rebornian Umbreon have somehow gotten their already dangerous poison sweat even more dangerous, resulting in Rebornian Espeon to drive them out of their pack in fear that they will harm them, further resulting in them to only trust other Rebornian Umbreon and only them. Their rings that glow on their tame counterpart are now glands for deadly acid controllable by the Umbreon that excreted it. Rebornian Leafeon- Grass/Bug Type Rebornian Leafeon have large appetites. This is because they hate seeing other trainers catch and train other forest Pokemon, and decided that they would only be noticed if the other Pokemon were driven out. It is easy to find then in forests unusually lacking berries, nuts, and fruits because of this. Rebornian Glaceon- Ice/Steel Type When you encounter Rebornian Glaceon, it is easy to see why they are called "Ice Mirrors." As Eevee, these Pokemon have observed first hand that trainers preferred others to it. When they evolved, Glaceon worked to mimic other Pokemon in an attempt to prove to the trainers that they are just as good as the others. Rebornian Sylveon- Fairy/Dragon Type Rebornian Sylveon have a knack for being the most vicious of the possible evolutions for Rebornian Eevee, despite their counterpart being one of the most friendly of them. What used to be ribbons are now jaws that would appear to have been shrunk after being cut off from a beast. These extra jaws are used in battle so the Sylveon can weaken their opponent from afar before "personally" delivering the final blow. If they decide to stay in their pack of Eevee after evolving, they are as good as taking out pack rivals as Rebornian Espeon are at defending the pack. Finally done! This was very fun to do, and it used up all the types currently in cannon Pokemon! Woo! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceptilespy Posted September 16, 2017 Share Posted September 16, 2017 (edited) There are 5 known forms of Rebornian Tangrowth. 4 are currently disclosed to the public. All the Tangela/Tangrowth mentioned are theorized to have all been spectating during the PULSE Tangrowth incident in the Obsidia Ward in Reborn City. Rebornian Tangrowth (Sandman form)- Grass/Ground Ability: Official name pending. Temporary name is: "Berserker". A fairly new form of Tangrowth. A young group of Tangela saw the destruction that the PULSE Tangrowth created by Team Meteor caused, and as a result, one of the Tangela was traumatized. It then devoted its life to helping people and pokemon alike, by growing planets and creating good arable soil for agriculture to grow. Rebornian Tangrowth was discovered in an incident in the Byxbysion wastelands, where a Pokemon that appears to be a stray PULSE Tangrowth engages in combat with Rebornian Tangrowth. The victor of the battle was Rebornian Tangrowth as the other Pokemon residing in the wasteland all helped Rebornian Tangrowth to terminate the stray PULSE Tangrowth. One thing of note, is the instant the battle began, Rebornian Tangrowth lost any hint of compassion, or emotional qualities it once had. It used tactics even the most savage of Pokemon avoid in casual combat. Long story short, it went berserk and savagely beat the PULSE Tangrowth to death. After the battle, the Rebornian Tangrowth was stationary for 10 minutes, and was completely encased in the destroyed ground from the area around. After the 10 minutes, Rebornian Tangrowth left the area and the ground that was destroyed was completely restored with arable soil. Due to the qualities of the wasteland, the soil was quickly corrupted. It's theorized that only PULSE Tangrowth and Tangrowth (Iron-man form) can cause this effect. It appears to sustain itself by helping others, and it's vines will take on a grey-ish color the longer it goes without helping people. It's signature move is known as: "Tectonic Burst". It is a Ground type special move with 5 PP that's base damage is 140 with 90% accuracy. There are 3 known instances of this Pokemon alive. Rebornian Tangrowth (Iron-man form)- Grass/Steel Ability: Official name pending. Temporary name is: "Evolution". A fairly new form of Tangrowth. A group of Tangela saw the destruction that the PULSE Tangrowth created by Team Meteor caused, and as a result, one of the Tangela was completely and utterly stationary. Furthermore, when the PULSE Tangrowth fired a widespread "Acid Spray", the stationary Tangela was hit and severely damaged. The Tangela then slowly dragged itself away from the battlefield as it watched it's companions run away without it. Eventually, the Tangela found itself in the Tourmaline desert where it stopped, battered and beaten by the harsh conditions of the desert. From then, a trainer was able to catch, and safely escort the Tangela to safety right on the brink of death. Right as Tangela was out of the Pokeball, it seems the poison in Tangela's system caused it's ability "Regenerator" to mutate the Pokemon into this form. This form was discovered in a confrontation with Tangrowth [CLASSIFIED], Tangrowth [Sandman form], Tangrowth [Iron-man form], and Tangrowth [Superman form]. Tangrowth [Superman form] and Tangrowth [Sandman form] (Which will be henceforth classified as: T-1 and T-2 in order.], were attempting to save a Corsola from an army of Mareanie, led by one Toxapex. T-1 appears to have taken significant damage, while T-2 is busy healing T-1. At this point, Tangrowth [Iron-man form/T-3 from this point on.] jumps into the battle and ambushes T-2 seemingly knocking him out. The Mareanie and Toxapex hesitate, and the Corsola escapes, enraging the Mareanie and Toxapex. T-1 and T-3 brawl while the Mareanie army charges at them. T-2's ability activates, and it swipes the air with such incredible force it blows all the Pokemon that aren't T-1 through T-3 away. They were found later in the Unova Region, killed by Blunt Force Trauma. T-1 uses it's signature move, "Hero Impact" on T-3 and T-3 takes significant damage. At this point, T-2 gets up, and uses it's own signature move "Tectonic Burst", destroying the Earth's Crust in a 1 mile radius on T-3. At this point, officials have been notified of the intense destruction and are moving in. T-3 seems to have trouble getting back up, and it's movements are sluggish, as it's barely able to avoid T-1 and T-2's onslaught of attacks. Right as T-2 is about to deliver what seems to have been what might've been the finishing blow, T-3 suddenly starts shining extremely brightly, and T-1 and T-2 cover their eyes. As soon as the light finally dies down, T-1 is kneeling, and T-2 is nowhere to be found (Later found in Ametrine mountain, lodged deeply in the mountain.) Right as T-3 is about to presumably kill T-1, T-1 uses it's signature move, "Hero Impact", as T-3 opens himself up. T-1 uses this 4 more times until it runs out of energy, or PP. T-3 was blasted into a nearby forest. T-1 then drags itself onto land to rest. Suddenly, T-3 runs out of the forest, much leaner, human, and muscular, as opposed to it's original bulky, vine-like appearance, and uses Bullet Punch on T-1's back. T-1 then gathers all of it's energy into one final "Hero Impact", and right as T-1 fires the move, T-3 uses "Bullet Punch", causing T-1 to miss the move. T-1, now out of energy attempts to escape into the forest, but is stopped by T-3. T-3's fists then start shining, as it seems to use a modified version of "Hero Impact". T-3 punches T-1 into the forest, and T-1's body was later recovered in the Chrysolia forest. T-1 seems to be in an indefinite state of recovery, as there is a giant hole in it's stomach that seems to never fully repair by unknown means. Things of note: The original light emitted by T-3 is it's signature move, "Mirror Force", it acts as a screen, except for the fact that it counters all attacks. The more damage it takes, the stronger these counters will be. (Ex. If it has taken 25% damage. The counter from "Mirror Force" will deal 50% of the damage dealt. This effect stacks, and it also activates it's ability, Evolution. Evolution completely heals the user, and changes them into 1 of three forms. Defense form, T-3's base form. Attack form. And Supreme form.) Attack form: 100/135/50/135/15/100 Supreme form: 100/140/100/140/100/135 (Supreme form can only be accessed if Evolution activates at 20% health or lower.) It can digest anything, but it prefers to sustain itself with sand. Contrary to what was said above, this Pokemon is actually quite friendly to anyone who isn't one of the Tangrowth/Tangelas referenced above. There are 5 known instances of this Pokemon in existence. Sorry, I'm lazy, so if people want it, I'll do a part two tomorrow to finish this lol. Edited September 16, 2017 by Sceptilespy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted September 16, 2017 Author Share Posted September 16, 2017 Rebornian Koffing - Psychic/Poison Type Some of the Koffing (except for the ones in Byxbysion Wasteland) hate how the toxic has polluted the water and how polluted the air has become in Reborn City. They try to find the most isolated parts of the city and meditate. No one knows how they meditate but because of this, they have been able to tap into their minds and unlock their psychic abilities. In their unevolved form, they can't completely get rid of their poison gases but they can reduce how polluted their gases will make the air around them with their psychic powers. Rebornian Weezing - Psychic/Fairy Type When Rebornian Koffing evolve, they're psychic abilities become stronger and completely nullify any poison they have left in their body. The gases they expel from their body now have a sweet smell. The people from Central Obsidia Salon use the these gases as a perfume for customers. It wants to try to make the Reborn Region pollute free so bad, it has gained its Fairy typing. Now, with its new Fairy typing combined with its Psychic abilities, it's able to make a small space toxic free and even have plant life spring up. However, because of how polluted most of the Reborn Region is, it only lasts for a couple of hours. Special Attack - 70/Accuracy - 100/PP 15 (Max 24)/Psychic (Also Fairy) Type Move - Mystic Smog Rebornian Weezing use their Psychic Powers to summon a sweet smelling smog around the opponent. It then starts to shrink until it explodes. Possible chance of confusion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jess Posted September 16, 2017 Share Posted September 16, 2017 @Commander I could reply again, and say that I didn't claim that custom-made Deltas aren't "Fake", as in not official. I only said that I'd not put them under the Fakemon category, since they are based on an official pokemon. But, I accept that someone can put them under the Fakemon category. Thanks for the link as well. Anyways, I am not "headstrong" as you said. I just like to support my opinion with arguments. Also, if I am "headstrong", then you are equally "headstrong". I apologise for the mess I made in the topic. Any mods can remove any of my posts here, if they believe it's necessary. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted October 6, 2017 Share Posted October 6, 2017 Name: Reborn Klinklang, The Chariot Pokemon Type: Steel->Steel/Ghost->Steel/Ghost Abilities: Slow Start->Inexhaustible (whenever any stat is lowered, raise speed by two stages) Evolution: Klink-Level 35->Klang-Friendship->Klingklang Stats: HP: Low->Medium->Medium Attack: Medium Low->Medium High->High Defense: Medium->Medium->Medium Special Attack: Low->Low->Medium Low Special Defense->Low->Medium Low->Medium Low Speed: Very Low->Medium High->High Unique Move: Drift Strike: Steel-Type, Physical, damage based on how much faster user is than the opponent. Trainers exploring any Reborn City’s many abandoned factories quickly learn to avoid “tired” Klink. These strange, ominous constructs have no contact between their gears, with one gear hanging in the air and clicking forward, tooth-by-tooth, in an erratic pattern, dragging the other along the ground behind it. While they seem slow, Reborn Klink never tire, and will chase prey all day and night until they corner their prey. Their primary form of attack is to fling the lagging gear at the opponent, as if on some invisible string, where it latches on by some strange magnetism and drains their stamina. In terms of temperament, Reborn Klink are observed to be stubborn, but exhausted: A Reborn Klink that manages to drain enough stamina undergoes a horrific transformation. The lagging, “sleeping” gear awakens and grows much larger, becoming much more energetic as a result. In stark contrast to the lethargic Klink, Klang is incredibly quick, with even its two smaller gears being dragged behind as they try to keep the bigger gear balanced like training wheels on a bike, or perhaps a demented tricycle. Wild Reborn Klang are incredibly dangerous. While Klink needs a cluttered environment like an old factory to corner foes, Klang is a master of pursuit, and races around its territory all night long constantly searching for the next target. Once it is upon its prey, it typically grabs them with its little gears and tries to drag them around while draining them. However, without the balance those wheels provide, they often fall over. Trained Klang can also learn a maneuver unique to the line called *Drift Strike*, a move that does more damage the faster Reborn Klang is than its opponent. In this move, Klang races forward ahead of its smaller gears, who move to the side and try to dig into the ground to turn the momentum of the larger gear into a sideways slam. Throughout both of these stages, there is a fundamental imbalance in the Pokemon. With time and investment from a skilled trainer can encourage the smaller wheel and restrain the larger wheel’s impulsiveness and malice, allowing to finally reach a new equilibrium, and ascend to the line’s final evolution: Reborn Klingklang. Trained Reborn Klingklang are a sight to behold in battle. Where an ordinary Klingklang would have a large vertical gear and a single perpendicular open wheel, Reborn Klingklang has its largest gear hovering between two open wheels in a “V” angle, allowing it to swivel in the air to look around. The smaller gears act as outriders, helping the larger construct steer through tight turns and racing ahead when the Pokemon is at full speed. It is this formation, with the smaller gears “pulling” the larger one, and the larger gear leaning forward where it is suspended, that gives rise to the line's alternate title, “the Chariot Pokemon”. Reborn Klingklang are cunning, loyal, and determined beyond all belief. Because their trainer believed in them, they won't stop for anything until they have defeated the foe before them. The malicious intellect that began to manifest in Klang has now bloomed as a mind totally focused on victory, forming complex plans that let it race across rough terrain without slowing down, and totally outmaneuver slower opponents. The restored bond between the parts allows it to use Drift Strike much more effectively, as well. Wild Reborn Klingklang are an urban legend, or, better put, an urban horror story. A totally still mass of gears springs into action when it senses movement, and it chases after its hapless prey as a formless swarm of gears, with the largest “leader” gear being dragged behind, bouncing along the ground. They are incredibly intelligent and malevolent, using the Pokemon’s superior speed to cut off all routes of escape….although, somehow, someone always escapes to tell the tale. The sole living example was thought to reside in the sewers beneath Reborn City, but nobody has seen it since Team Meteor came to town. People are worried that Meteor has either captured it or gained its loyalty in exchange for more chances to drain the stamina of living things. In reality, the protagonist faced it when they defended a lilipup from it and defeated it, and it nearly died from its wounds. Shade, through his enigmatic abilities, restored it, whereafter it became a staple of his gym team, and one more mystery for his challengers to guess at. In terms of gameplay, Reborn Klinklang functions a bit like a physical Chandelure: A mediocre set of mons with a final form that acts as a powerful but frail sweeper. RKK sets tend to use Shift Gears, Drift Strike, and Shadow Claw or Shadow Sneak to set up and then proceed to tear down the opposition. Coverage is limited, but RKK learns a selection of Dark moves (much like Klingklang learns a few Electric ones) as it levels up/by TM, as well as Psycho Cut at a late level. So there you have it! Reborn Klinklang, inspired by Shade's Gym and the Chariot arcana! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V for Vendetta Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 Reborn Gengar: Ghost/Dark type Ability: Shades Descend , The user Ghost-type move is boosted whenever the user takes down a pokemon (Kill/Faint a pokemon) Shade took the time to raise almost every ghost types in Reborn, except for this one little Ghastly in the corner of the abandoned power plant. Unlike the other Ghastly who prefers to pull pranks and have fun this one lust for more than that.It wants destruction and death.Shade had to deal with that Ghastly.After that,the Ghastly lost all of its toxic and venomous thoughts.Although whats left of the Ghastly could only described as horrifying.Year laters stories spread through out Reborn about the lonely Gengar who had a grin similar to Shade with the bloody aura similar to shade as well. This Gengar is more physical than special using moves like sucker punch,phantom force and shadow claw to deal devastating damage to the enemy its facing. Aesthetically, the Gengar is colored black with red aura surrounding it. It also has the giant smile/grin like Shade and also has Green/Blue-ish eyes. When the player obtains the Gengar the owners name would be called Savage (I forgot the name of the guy that went crazy from getting defeated by Shade a bunch of times). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 @V for Vendetta I got bored and saw your idea! Do you mean this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V for Vendetta Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 @Filthy Casual I was thinking of some thing like this but the one you made blew the one I made out of the water lmao. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted October 9, 2017 Author Share Posted October 9, 2017 @V for Vendetta That Gengar sprite looks sick as fuck! @Filthy Casual Yours is also equally sick as fuck! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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