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Gen 7 Dark Monotype - Help!


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Good morning/afternoon/evening peoples!


Now that I've FINALLY been able to finish Rejuvenation up to V9, I think it's finally time that I start trying out all this Monotype business. Dark is my favorite type, so surprise surprise, here I am. Except, I am a somewhat lazy person still trying to get A's in school, so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could help me edit these Pokemon in. Also, if whoever's making the team thinks it'd be easy enough to obtain something on the list, then feel free to leave it out for me to have more of a challenge. One more note, I would like everything to have at least decent IVs (ie 20+)


Froakie: Timid w/ Protean

-Dark Pulse (I know Froakie can't learn that, this is just for the sake of having a special Dark move once it evolves since Greninja doesn't learn it by level up)


Alolan Grimer: Adamant w/ Poison Touch

-Shadow Sneak (egg move)


Sneasel: Jolly w/ Pressure @ Razor Claw

-Icicle Crash (egg move)

-Ice Shard (egg move)

-Knock Off (tutor move)

Since this would make the early game way too easy, I'm thinking it should be level 40+ so I can't use it until then.


Larvitar: Jolly w/ Sand Veil

-Dragon Dance (egg move)


Sandile: Jolly w/ Intimidate

-Knock Off (6 tutor move)

-Stealth Rock (tutor move)

-Superpower (tutor move)

This one could probably be at a higher level as well. Maybe 35-40.


Pawniard: Adamant w/ Defiant

-Knock Off (tutor move)

-Sucker Punch (egg move)


Deino: Timid w/ Hustle

-Dark Pulse (not a TM yet, again it's for the sake of having a special Dark move. I would ask for Flamethrower and Flash Cannon too but they're not as urgent, we'll get those TMs at some point.)


Litten: Adamant w/ Intimidate

I could honestly just get this one as my starter at the very beginning, no moves needed here.


Yes I know that's more than 6 but I like having type diversity and multiple options to switch in and out. Thank you so much in advance!

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The challanging thing about a monorun is that you have to fight with what you have/can obtain. 
I do not have experience with monoruns, but I think it will be less exciting if you can just have a team from a magical wishlist.
With the monorun, you'll also get to experience other dark types that aren't so OU like the ones you've chosen so far (for example Alolan ratata, Poocheyena, Alolan Meowth and many more).
Anyway, good luck and have fun. I can't help you with the pokémon though.

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There is this mode that basically lets you edit the game so you can get anything you want.You can use that and add all the mons you want with IV's,moves,natures,abilities,etc. of your liking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a bit late. But if you want a TRUE monotype experience. Don't go to your magical mailbox and pull out great Pokemon. The game won't be challenging at all and you'll just be bored because it's so easy. Think about it. You'll have Tyranitar by the time you get to Amber and Angie. So that's basically two gym leaders invalidated. You can change Flora/Florin's weather, which is basically the only thing making them anything remotely close to a challenge. You can instant win the puppet masters. (granted with a dark monotype, you could probably do that already.) With a Hydreigon..., well. No. Pawniard renders Venam useless. You can get Grimer at the start of the game anyway. Boom. 4 Pokemon. Froakie, Poochyena, Alolan Rattata, and Alolan Grimer at the start of the game. I can't stop you from doing anything, and I know this is off topic, so mods punish me if you see so fit, but if this is your first monorun, I genuinely don't believe this is the way to do it. 

I know this is off topic, but I feel it had to be said. 

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