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Is there something akin to Request-A-Mon for Rejuvenation?


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On 9/16/2017 at 11:41 PM, D3ltaDragon117 said:

I just finished reborn and downloaded rejuvenation, is there any way that somebody could inject a mon in to my save? I want to play through with my favorite pokemon, Rayquaza so if there is any way that is possible that would be cool.

Try using this mod port from Reborn:


The debug feature allows you to add Pokemon, so it will allow you to add it yourself not require any additional help. Just download, backup your Scripts, then replace the original Scripts file with the one from the mod.


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17 hours ago, D3ltaDragon117 said:

I actually found that and i have my Rayquaza now, but by any chance would you happen to know where to go after beating rorrim B in version 9?

just go down until you reach golden leaf gate there you will fight aelita progress stuff yada yada ya know the think

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