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Commander's Bizarre Adventure Mii Style


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Mii's I created:







So I decided to make a little thread about this crazy little game called Miitopia. While the game does keep the same storyline, the fact that all miis can be randomized a bit does make this storyline quite entertaining. I am accepting Miis to add into the game if you either have a QR code or give me a pic or request I can make them and put them somewhere in the game. Otherwise, just watch as the chaos unfolds.


Our story so far...


It was a quiet day for a strange gray haired man:





Things did not last so peacefully as the evil Dark Lord Mr. Clean scrubbed all the faces off of the nearby locals, or filth as he called them. Commander got on his big boy pants and gave chase to Dark Lord on a quest to rescue the many faces he had taken. He even took poor little Squidward's face. He was not alone as on his quest he met the might warrior Segata clad in his silver armor and it was bromance at first sight. The two continue on their journey when they come across a strange "male" idol with a lot of swag known as Lucina who countless of fans wish for his hand in marriage. The three teamed up and journeyed on they came across a young energetic girl named Zelda. She claimed to be a commoner who had healing powers. Together, these four were able to recover all the townsfolk's faces and cease the storm of chaos. Dark Lord Clean did try to stop the four heroes, but the Great Sage Amethyst dabbed in to save the day. The four now head on seek an audience with Burger King and his daughter Princess Timmie, but not before having snacktime with Batman.




(I'll get a picture of her eventually but here's her QR code)


Other various highlights:

-Zelda's cuteness overload (it's so adorable when she hops around on the screen)

-Segata's and Lucina's hardcore workout session

-The Joker being married to Magilou

-The King's questionable choice in soldiers (Goomba, Cthulhu, Samwell Tarly, etc)

-Commander being forced into saving the world (even though he doesn't want to)

-Segata and Commander bromance moments (they are level 7 already in their relationship)


Summary of the party members:


Commander (Mage): Either hits really hard or does terrible damage before using Segata for cover (Just like the real me)

Segata (Warrior): Unfazed Warrior he goes last before hitting like a truck...or Commander coax him into attacking earlier

Lucina (Male Performer): She may as well be Michael Jackson because she dodges everything before knocking the enemy down with her lyrics (she can't get rid of her polka dot fever though)

[Toon] Zelda (Priest): Either she heals or she trips while attack the enemy. It's hilarious and adorable at the same time.



Here's a quick pic of the team (I'll get better ones in later updates now that I know how to get them off my 2ds):




I really like this game just due to its wacky nature, but these posts won't be too long or fancy as I'll just point out things I found funny throughout it.

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It took me a while to figure out who to cast as my Dark Lord, but after a while I realized only one figure would be vile enough to fit that role...


So I cast Benjamin Spooner Briggs as mine. It made sense, from going from King of Limbo to Dark Lord. 

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So I managed to get through quite a bit yesterday and here's kind of a summary of what happened:


The Kings face was taken so our four heroes ventured out to try and find it. When they did, we got a crap ton of gold which was used to well...buy really good weapons and armor. We then check in on Yamcha who...gets OHKO'd by some Goblins before venturing out to find and escort this guy:



(Oh wait I don't have a pic of the prince but Yamcha fits too perfectly for this role)


So we then venture out and find Prince Eminem but not before being attacked by a Griffin in which he did nothing:



(This guy...this guy is marrying the princess?)


Anyways we get back to the Castle which a big fight happens so we go get some fruit, but while we're away Princess Timmie's face gets captured so Yamcha sets off to rescue it. Then we head off and see Yamcha do 0 damage to the boss before getting OHKO'd by him. We then defeat General Timmie and save this kingdom, but not before getting a threat from Mr. Clean.



-Commander learned Explosion and using only the strongest of spells (thank heavens I invested into his MP)

-Zelda learned "Begone Thot" to OHKO enemies...sometimes

-Zelda has the highest Magic attack, but no magic spells

-Segata and Zelda had a quarrel, but Lucina's song ended it quickly (she ended quite a few of them)

-Segata was sick of Commander's cowardly ways (using him as a meat shield)

-Lucina became a Macho Man of Peace

-Segata became a Titan Slayer

-Commander and Zelda were about to have a quarrel, but Segata randomly showed up and said "You must play Sega Saturn" ending the quarrel immediately

-Zelda learned about Commander's obsession of cute things (she doesn't know he thinks Zelda is super cute and adorable)

-Segata is a horrible gift giver (I don't even know what he got was even called...it looked like earmuffs)

-Segata and Zelda training DDR style

-Zelda also can swallow an MP candy whole (much to Segata's surprise).

-Timmie cuddling Yamcha


Ah but our story is not over yet. While our heroes ventured forward, the Dark Lord Clean didn't stand for it and captured three of them before sealing away all of Commander's powers (just when the team was coming together). Now Commander ventures through the desert disguised as a thief Commander but not before bumping into a familiar face:



(Just like the real one she lost a very important item and very dangerous as well)


So now we're on a quest to venture forth through a desert, but we are not alone. We recently recruited a Chef in training known as Tanith. Being a retired general, she doesn't take Commander's crap about it being hard to walk on sand saying it's good for him and to get over it. And for those who don't know, Tanith is one of my favorite Fire Emblem Path of Radiance units which a Chef actually isn't too poor of a choice as she wanted Oscar to help her learn how to cook (I was originally going to do Oscar, but I already have a calm force of the group). I'll post her pic as well as the future characters in the next post (I may hand make the later ones from not famous RPGs).


As for my thoughts of this game: There's some tediousness in it, but I really enjoy the concept of how chaotic battles can get where you have little control of them. It really makes battles more interesting and I would love to see a sequel game mixing it up in the future as it's a surprisingly fun and entertaining game if you don't take it too seriously.

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