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Beat a Gym with 3 mons or less.


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Challenge time! As stated in the title :)


Noel is pretty easy with this since the field is easy to manipulate.


Started with Nidoqueen to set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes then Sludge Wave away into Corrosive Field!. ez pz against Wigglytuff. Switch into Carracosta (Solid Rock ability) and Curse 3-4 times. Cinccino tickles at best, even with Bullet Seed. Proceed to Aqua Jet into victory (bonus points if it's raining) and you're done! Corrosive Field + Spikes takes a quick toll. I had Roserade as a backup with Venoshock for Cleffable, but I don't think I had to use her.


I like creative teams! post 'em

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Maybe not creative in my case:

Against Samson:

Crobat holding metronome and has acrobatics.

Turn 1 use acrobatics,OHKO.

Turn 2 sends lucario,Send a pokemon with fire moves to use up that focus sash.

Turn 3-5/6 hyper potions, OHKO from fire types.

Turn 7 switch in Crobat.

The remaining turns only use acrobatics and OHKO everything including that conkeldurr.

Acrobatics always hits 110 BP in that field.Because of metronome,it is boosted every time hence nothing can withstand it.


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hmm, not creative either, but that one time I had a Volcarona, Luna was extremely easy to beat.
I basically Quiver Dance'd my way to victory, with occasional support from 2 other mons. One was Nidoking, the other... I don't remember xD

Clawitzer maybe.

I only had to switch a couple times and didn't lose anyone. First time I 6-0'd a leader in Reborn, using only 3 mons.

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So literally every one of my Ciel battles?


Step 1: send in Crobat.

Step 2: set up 6 Double Teams and a Substitute.

Step 3: spam Acrobatics.

Step 4: soft reset because Gliscor hit you 5 times in a row as you feebly attempted to Substitute stall its attacks.

Step 5: actually succeed this time.

Edited by Seel The Deal
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With Samson:


Turn 1: Use Leavanny Nature Power to turn into Acrobatics. Leave Samson's first Pokemon with barely any HP left.


Turn 2: After Leavanny is knocked out, sned in Noivern with Air Slash holding a metronome. Spam to win.


It also helps that I was severely under leveled. Ironically, Samson was the hardest for me, but all it took was that strategy to win.

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Vs Charlotte in my Bug monorun. Only used Crustle, Vivillon and a level 1 Paras.

Too tired to type it again, so I will leave the direct link to the post of it in my Bug mono's topic :D 


(PS: I also swept Noel with Vivillon (with Compound Eyes) without healing items using Quiver Dance, Aromatherapy to cure Paralysis, Draining Kiss to sustain and Hurricane)


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With three pokemon? LOL


Seirra(the ice lady) 

I one shot all of her pokemon with magneton

Adreann(Fairy leader)

Again one shot all of his pokemon with Magnezone and Nidoking. Maybe had to use a third somewhere like Granbull.

Noel(Supposedly normal type leader)

Emboar and Nidoking finished the job easy

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Seirra with Mamoswine and Blaziken

Noel with Liligant (extremely powerful in the grassy field with Quiver Dance setup)

Ciel with Mamoswine, Archeops and Drapion

Adreann with Metagross, Bisharp and Drapion

Radomus with Drapion and 1 other that I forgot

Luna with Mamoswine and Heracross

Shelly with Blaziken and Noibat (or at least I think it was Noibat)

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Do you consider "Batom Pass" valid? If so, I swept 6-0 Luna in my electric monorun batom-passing agility and nasty plot from minun to ampharos. You can do pretty much the same on Terra with minun and abomasnow and on Ciel with minun and actually any pokemon really. Batom pass can do the trick, but it is not at all as impressive as some strategies people put out here.

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Does solo'ing Samson with Espeon count? 'Cause that's a thing that happened.

Admittedly, it was pretty close. Altaria almost did ruin it.



Psychic OP pls nerf.


I also don't actually remember whether or not that same Espeon solo'd Terra. If she didn't, then I guess I beat Terra with two 'mons. Just can't recall for the life of me which other it could have been. Chances are it'd be Klinklang?

Tbf I have a terrible memory for this stuff and don't tend to remember what I used if it wasn't memorable. So there's probably a bunch of battles that were won with ~3 mons, I just didn't keep track.

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Several times actually.


Noel with Arcanine and Greninja (Flare Blitz 'till death then Hydro Pump)


Samson with Crobat, Arcanine and Greninja (acrobatics is OP, Flare Blitz on Lucario, and Greninja to pick up where Crobat left off)


And the best one, literally just Greninja on Terra (5 Hydro Pumps and a bunch of Extrasensory on Rawrchomp, got a flinch 3 times). Needless to say, Terra got RAWRED.



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Adrienn in 4 turns, 2 'mons, no damage.


Turn 1: Lead with Bisharp and Braviary (+speed and +attack respectively, both fully ev'd in attack and speed, both have Defiant, Braviary has no item and Bisharp has an Iron Plate). Braviary uses Tailwind, Gardevoir misses Focus Blast, Bisharp uses Iron Head on Gardevoir, Granbull misses Play Rough.


Turn 2: Outspeed and OHKO Togekiss and Granbull with Slash and Iron Head.


Turn 3: Receive another net +1 attack from Mawile's Intimidate. Double-target Mawile-M (2HKO), Whimsicott uses Tailwind.


Turn 4: Outspeed and OHKO Whimsicott and Florges. Battle won with no damage taken.


3 instances of RNG in this battle: double miss from Adrienn's leads (can be cut to 1 miss by KO'ing Granbull first) and Whimsicott not using a damage-dealing move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Impostor Ditto sweep Luna (Superpower Malamar), Kiki (Medicham/Gallade), Samson (Acrobatic Hawlucha) and Ciel (Archeops) really hard. Just need a pokemon to KO their first mon and lure those out. (Need a poison or steel for Ciel Altaria throgh.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember on one of my more recent runs I used a lightingrod Goldeen to sweep Julia. I was very surprised myself when it happened. I just switched her in, got the boost, and proceeded to sweep with water pulse.

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