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Ideas for starters


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Hey everyone. So alot of fan games either use traditional starters, give you a quiz to determine your starter or force one onto you. Now without giving to much away if I told you that our dev team wants the player to be able to choose between 18 starters ( one per type ) what Pokemon should be the representative for each type? Note that this game will be challenging and the starters should be strong solid choices but not to the point that everyone will pick the same one because it makes the early game easy. 


Edit: If it matters the first gyms will be ice followed by flying. 

Edited by ssbCasper
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Lets see


Bug: Venipede and Larvesta would bemy choices, Larvesta once it evolves is a special sweeper able to win alone, but as larvesta is mediocre at best, making the start dificult (and the evolution comes at level 69... too high). Venipede on the other hand has one of the best abilities in the game and is a really usefull pokemon, but frail

Dark: I would choose sandile, Moxie or intimidate are great to have, the speed isnt bad, in all a good pokemon 

Dragon: Here are a few choices since most dragons are weak at the start but strong when you hit a high level, I would go with either Dratini or Deino

Electric: Sincerely isnt a type I am a great fan of and I would choose Magnemite (one of the few I love) as you may know this pokemon is taken with high regard in this forum, and maybe too OP, maybe elekid?

Fairy: Togepi or Flabebe, both are really good pokemon when they fully evolve but in the beggining they could be weak

Fighting: Machop is the traditional fighting type, I would also sugest the dragon fighting from gen 7 but since the first evo isnt fighting... I believe maybe machop is outclassed

Fire: Magby or litwik are my choices, love both of them and are weak at the beggining but strong when fully evolved

Flying: Starly is for me the tipical flying type and really good pokemon

Ghost: Duskull/Yamask are good choices but not of my liking, Litwik is the one

Grass: Budew, frail grass type tha can do damage, budew is better with TMs and thus not OP until you get the right TMs

Ground: Trapinsh or Sandile

Ice: There isnt really a choice, Swinub being one of my MVPs on my ice mono, I know how usefull he can be

Normal: Sincerely I have no idea, one of the Normal Flying would be nice or Munchlax, Porygon, Happiny or Bunneary, too many choices

Poison: the Nidos, Venipede, Budew, Mareanie or Salandit. I am more inclined on the last one, but any of these could be a good one

Psychic: I would choose Abra if not that he only learns Teleport at the start, so I would sugest Ralts

Rock: Rockruff is the next mascot

Steel: magnemite and Aron, the problem with Steel, Rock and Ghost is that the start is filled with pokemons with normal attacks, so you have to choose the oponents pokemon well

Water: I was never much a water type trainer, so I will say Mareanie, although there may be better options


I hope this helped

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Dark type:Murkrow

Ice type:Sneasel

Fighting type:Croagunk

Psychic type:Solosis

Normal type:Eevee

Water type:Corphish

Fire type:Growlithe

Grass type:Petilil

Steel type:Aron (Really theres not alot of choices for this)

Electric type:Pikachu

Fairy type:Togepi

Poison type:Alolan Grimer

Ghost type:Duskull

Dragon type:Goomy

Ground type:Drilbur

Rock type:Rockruff

Flying type:Gligar

Bug type:Grubbin


I tried to make it abit fair especially since pseudos are one of the more powerful mons but I decided to pick the weakest one in my opinion (close to dratini) and you might have realized that alot of these mons have dark type as their secondary typing. Idk but I hope the first gym is a fighting type then lmao.

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Hmmm... Do the starters need to have three evolution stages(I personally would prefer it that way)? If so, here are those that I would personally like to see in a game:


Bug: I guess Venipede is the best option for this type. I wish there were more decent bug pokemon with 3 evolution stages...

Dark: Sandile!

Dragon: I would prefer not a pseudo legendary here to make it fair with the other types. I think Axew is the best choice here.

Electric: Magnemite!

Fairy: Togepi

Fighting: I personally prefer machop to timburr design wise. So I would say machop here.

Fire: Litwik! Just because I didn't want to include original starters.

Flying: Flechling!

Ghost: Gastly!

Grass: Budew

Ground: Trapinch, Flygon is one of my favorite pokemon!

Ice: Swinub, another favorite of mine!

Normal: Porygon

Poison: Nidoran... since they are basically the same species, can both male and female be available?

Psychic: Ralts

Rock: Roggenrola

Steel: I like both aron and klink... I can't choose...

Water: Horsea or Shpeal...

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So, first of all gotta set rules to keep the balance.

1) None of the starters must have a friendship-related evolution. Especially early game it hurts A LOT having to wait with a baby pokemon that refuses to like you enough to evolve and insists on remaining relatively weak if not useless.

2) Also, no mons that have only one evolution must be added, especially if this evolution comes at a REALLY high level (yes, I am looking at you Larvesta).

3) For God's sake, no pseudo-legendaries.

4) And finally, all evolutions must be by level-up and not by something special (e.g. stones or other conditions, like special magnetic field level-up, like for Vikavolt/Magnezone).


So, I guess I will write my suggestions based on those rules. I'll just add something else if I get forced to violate any of them due to the lack of mons.


Normal: Slakoth/Whismur/Lillipup (if I had to pick one, it would be Lillipup)

Fire: Fletchling

Fighting: Machop/Timburr (edit properly to replace trading condition for 2nd evolution with level-up)

Water: Tympole

Flying: Pidgey/Taillow/Pidove/Starly (probably Starly)

Grass: Hoppip

Poison: Weedle (gets fully evolved too early though), or (best choice imho) Nidoran (m or f) (and again edit properly to replace Moon Stone condition for 2nd evolution with level-up. Evolving those lines with Moon Stone has been stupid all along to be honest)

Electric: Mareep

Ground: Trapinch

Psychic: Gothita/Solosis 

Rock: Aron

Ice: Vanillite/Swinub

Bug: Venipede

Dragon: Axew

Ghost: Gastly (again, edit properly to replace trading condition for 2nd evolution with level-up)

Dark: Sandile

Steel: Klink

Fairy: (Female always) Ralts

Edited by Jess
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I'll likely be echoing what many have already said, but I guess this could be seen as my vote/support for certain candidates. I'll try to add new options when I think an unmentioned Pokémon might work. Also, I'll try and focus on 3 stagers, but may include those with 2 as well. 


Bug: Venipede or Grubbin

Dark: Sandile / Zorua 

Dragon: Axew

Electric: Mareep 

Fairy: Cleffa (though it may struggle early-game) or Flabébé

Fighting: Machop or Timburr / Pacham 

Fire: Litwick 

Flying: Starly and Flechling are solid choices

Ghost: Duskull 

Grass: Budew or Bounsweet 

Ground: Trapinch 

Ice: Swinub or Vanillite

Normal: Lilipup (Generation VI stats for the line) / Buneary 

Poison: The Nidos / Skrelp 

Psychic: Ralts 

Rock: Aron / Rockruff 

Steel: Aron if not used for Rock. Magnemite 

Water: Poliwag, Horsea, or Spheal 

Edited by Star Arcana
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Based on your requests:

1) Not everybody will try to pick the same one

2) Balanced through the entire game (those who start with a bad move pool have better types or stats)

3) Represent their type


Normal: Lillipup

Fire: Magby

Water: Lotad

Electric: Elekid

Grass: Sewaddle

Ice: Spheal

Fighting: Timburr

Poison: Male Nidoran

Ground: Rhyhorn

Flying: Starly

Psychic: Solosis

Bug: Venipede

Rock: Aron

Ghost: Honedge

Dragon: Axew

Dark: Sandile

Steel: Magnemite

Fairy: Flabébé

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So after seeing what you guys think and talking with my team about it this is the list we came up with that is not final.

Note: I did not want to include anything that evolves via happiness, I did however purposely pick Pokemon that have one evolution which happens somewhere in the mid 20's on purpose. The player will receive a traditional starter in transition from the early to mid game so this mon is suppose to get them there without making things to easy. With that being said some Pokemon that were suggested were not picked because they evolve to late, are to strong or because I intend to make it an event Pokemon within the game. So here is the current list.

Normal: Lilipup

Flying: Starly

Bug: Venipede

Dragon: Axew

Dark: Zorua

Fairy: Flabebe

Electric: Electrike

Fighting: Makuhita

Poison: Nidoran

Ground: Phanphy

Rock: Rockruff

Ghost: Misdreavous 

Steel: Magnamite

Fire: Vulpix

Water: Poliwag

Grass: eggecute

Ice: Sneasel

Psycic: Abra (will start with confusion)


Feel free to ask why I made some of these choices, and for those curios about why picking Pokemon that evolve via stones. The player will be given the stone that corresponds to their starter at a point in the game. This idea comes from the people working on Phoenix Rising. 



Edited by ssbCasper
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I believe some of your pokemon can be op 

Like vulpix (drought is a strong ability)

But there are others I would consider weak in comparison. Like drowse 

I believe there will be more people to pick some specific Pokémon that others.

(Maybe I just never really used drowse but I don't consider him to be a useful one im sorry

Edited by Anti_Hero
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speed boost torchic in reborn is much more op then a drought Vulpix. I agree that Drowsee may be underwhelming but serves as a special wall that can set up screens. Other psychics like Ralts are to strong, Solios and Gothita evolve to late and Abra is stuck with teleport. 

Edited by ssbCasper
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1) I dont know about Ghastly. It has a physical move pool until it learns Shadow Ball on lvl 33, which means that is absolutely doing nothing until then. It also cant damage normal types that well, which should be very common early game. 

2) Munna has only Psychic damaging moves. If you fight a dark type early... game over. (Solosis or Drowzee do not have that problem)


The rest seems pretty reasonable. 

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27 minutes ago, ssbCasper said:

I changed it from Drowsee to Munna, Abra is out of the question unfortunately since I don't want to give the players a free Psychshock tm off the bat. 


I think it's possible to make abra already know a move like confusion before giving it to the player. You don't need to give a free TM for it to be useful.

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6 hours ago, ssbCasper said:

So after seeing what you guys think and talking with my team about it this is the list we came up with that is not final.

Note: I did not want to include anything that evolves via happiness, I did however purposely pick Pokemon that have one evolution which happens somewhere in the mid 20's on purpose. The player will receive a traditional starter in transition from the early to mid game so this mon is suppose to get them there without making things to easy. With that being said some Pokemon that were suggested were not picked because they evolve to late, are to strong or because I intend to make it an event Pokemon within the game. So here is the current list.

Normal: Lilipup

Flying: Taillow 

Bug: Venipede

Dragon: Axew

Dark: Zorua

Fairy: Flabebe

Electric: Shinx

Fighting: Makuhita

Poison: Nidoran

Ground: Phanphy

Rock: Rockruff


Steel: Magnamite

Fire: Vulpix

Water: Poliwag

Grass: eggecute

Ice: A. Sandshrew 

Psycic: Munna


Feel free to ask why I made some of these choices, and for those curios about why picking Pokemon that evolve via stones. The player will be given the stone that corresponds to their starter at a point in the game. This idea comes from the people working on Phoenix Rising. 




They are not balanced but the main starters are always not balanced either. However, if you want to balance things out I suggest to make all starters from two-evolutionary line and give them all one fixed egg moves (like some event Pokemon in Reborn).

I don't know how you will distribute your starter plot-wise but it'd be even more interesting if you distribute all starter as Shadow Pokemon. The player was asked to pick one Shadow Starter Pokemon ready for purification test. Once purified, this Pokemon will learn "special" moves since purified Shadow Pokemon learn moves not normally they learn. With this you have more possibility to make the weaker starter a chance by giving them interesting moves. I think that would make your starters more "special" or at least worth to pick over main starter.

If you are interested with the latter, I will find for you what Pokemon and moves combo for each type.

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@Brakk suggestions on a ghost type? @groniack Yea I think I'll do that, I want people to see pros and cons in every starter and most other psychic types wouldn't get picked.  @Phi-Bi I'm still going to make a few adjustments and all the Pokémon will probably have an egg move. As far as the plot is concerned let's just say it makes sense why the voice is between a random assortment of Pokémon and the player will receive a traditional starter eventually. 

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29 minutes ago, ssbCasper said:

@Brakk suggestions on a ghost type?

A starter for ghost types is very difficult, because most of the first evolution stage tiers have low stats, evolve very late or have a cra* move pool (Frillish, Golett and Gastly). 

My idea would be Honedge, because Swords Dance would nullify the late Evolution. However, it would make it incredible strong in the early game. Litwick could also work.


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I'm just going to butt in for a quick second and just say the list is honestly fine now. The only ones I see as issues are Exeggcute (though that's fixed by evolving it around 16 or 17) and A. Sandshrew. The problem with that one is that its only usuable level up Movepool is Iron Head. That's it. Taillow I'd say replace with Starly but I'd take it with that one being the weakest of the bunch.


Gastly, Magnemite, Rockruff, and Vulpix are fine. Gastly wasn't THAT broken in Reborn as the big reason for it getting axed was due to Misdreavus. If you don't want to give away the third strongest non legendary ghost type, go with Golett or Misdreavus.


And if you wanted to give Abra at the beginning of the game, you could have it with Confusion (instead of Teleport) on it by simple PBaddPokemon or something like that in a scripted event. Loved using that thing in the original Reborn as it became my go to Pokemon (back when it was available very early).


Personally I think throwing some really, really good mons into the mix isn't a bad thing as it makes the game more interesting and more enjoyable if I start out with a really cool mon I like such as Gengar. (For me though I'd be so happy to have an Abra with Confusion). Just only focus on not picking almost unusable or ones who will fall off super quickly.

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I'd swap out A-Sandslash for Swinub/Sneasel. 

I'd swap out Exeggecute for Tangela. 

Change Litwick for Ghastly. Honestly, Litwick isn't doing anything until Level 40. And as far as game development goes, that's like, a clean year. 

Change Makuhita for Riolu.

Normal: Porygon/Starly


Other then that, the list is solid in my eyes. 


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Updated the list in my original post with it. Notable changes are adding Starly who was widely suggested. (Honestly just thought he'd be insane but realized the first few gyms make his early game rough), Sneasel and Misdreavous. Ghastly will be an obtainable relatively early so don't worry about not being able to get your hands on one. 

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