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How to create field effects


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.....................................................I..........sorry but you got to give me a moment to laugh.


I'm not laughing at the thought of you honestly asking, but the fact that you straight up though it was a really good idea to make a topic post asking about this. There's only a very small handful of people who even know how this thing functions so you'd be better off asking one of them through a PM over trying to ask the masses. It's also a very complicated question to answer because you are being very vague. "I don't know how to do it" is never a good way to ask for help and won't let you get an answer. What don't you understand? Surely you're not trying to blindly go into this without a vague idea how scripting works.


I've tampered with the Reborn scripts enough I suppose I can at least say a little bit about them (seriously, PM someone because you'll probably need more personal help as you are learning someone else's system). So the first layer is the graphics which are defined in the scripts and given a property. I think it is then turned into a number variable, but it could remain a string. This process is needed as many different sections of the scripts will be affected. For moves and abilities, you'd need to use that variable for the specific moves and abilities so they are affected only during those specific conditions. You'll also need to be aware of if an effect is temporary or can be overwritten (adding it into the temp field effect variable). When you get all of that done, you'll then need to apply the changes so the AI is also aware, otherwise they'll fight like there's no field effect at all.


Sorry if I'm a little vague, but you kind of are basically asking "How does Pokemon work?" You'd need to have a good grasp of the engine so that you know what classes need changes and can debug them for errors because you will make errors and even silly ones but some that can entirely screw up the whole system. I also can't really help you all that much as I've barely touched upon the scripts other than sections I need to mess with.


I hope that at least helps you get started. I'd honestly be really surprised if someone dropped in here out of nowhere and straight up gave a full on tutorial how to do it. I'd get your big boy pants on and go back and figure out what you figured out about field effects before PMing a certain someone for help. Nobody ever said making a game was easy so be prepared to ask for help and advice early on when you hit those hurdles. 

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My knowledge of scripting is fine, when looking through the scripts field effects don't seem to be the most intuitive thing out there. I suppose I was a little vague but I certainly didn't write this because I'm to lazy to figure it out. Thanks to you steering me in the right direction I actually have a good understanding of what parts of the script are affected and what I'd need to add / change to customize them to my liking. So thanks for that. 

Edited by ssbCasper
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