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Your favorite FLASH game


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I hope this is the right section, it's the first time I make a new topic and I'm terrified

I tried searching and nothing showed up, so I guess a thread about flash games doesn't exist yet (if it does I humbly apologize).

Websites like Kongregate and Armor Games host thousands of flash games. Many of them are just little time killers, and other are just plain bad; however, I believe there are some hidden gems among them. So here you can share any hidden gem you found. I'll start:

The name is Epic Battle Fantasy (EBF for short). It's a turn-based RPG, similar to Final Fantsy (I haven't played it so I can't tell for sure). From a simple sequence of enemies the game evolved to a full-fledged series, including 4 main games (5th in the making) and several spin-off: 2 bullet-hells, one side-scrolling, two dress-ups and an app for Androis/iOs.

Strong points: funny plot, funny and well-characterized characters (pun not intended), easy sidequests (just handing stuff to people), amazing music (tied with Pokemon, both official tracks and remixes), diverse types of enemies (tricky, cool, cute), difficulty levels from easy to epic, heavy Dragon Ball and Pokemon references. It also has a wiki if you need information or help.

Weak points: the first two games are really simple, you may have to walk a lot, you need to buy the premium version to enter the postgame area in EBF4 and Bullet Heaven 2.

Since I'm afraid of guideline #6, I'll put the rest in a spoiler (and remove it if I have to):


You can find the games of this series on Kongreagate, Armor Games (not sure), and Steam (only from EBF3). You can also check the creator's website, just search "Kupo Games". 


Edited by Corso
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Epic Battle Fantasy series was amazing. Better than most of the flash games I've seen. I'm waiting for EBF 5 as well.


My favorite flash game, however, is still Strategy Defense 1 and Strategy Defense 2 in which you start as an archer and work your way up the ranks to upgrade and defeat your enemies on each level. SD1 was very challenging but if you proceed further into the game, it feels really nice to recognize that you came far. SD2 was the same, except there are four endings depending on which route you take. Both games had very old, yet awesome soundtracks. I liked Strategy Defense 3 too but every sequel after that became copy and paste for 3, sadly.

Edited by Night Fighter
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well, since epic battle fantasy was already mentioned, time mention some close runner ups

Monsters den is nice dungeon romp, although I never played chronicles 

Chibi Knight is a fun zelda 2 clone

The crystal story games were pretty fun, although with a generic as hell plot

I could go on

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I always loved the Fancy Pants Adventure series of platformers. More polished than many AAA games. The dev even has an official, paid 4th game on steam for like $10.


Raze was also a nice 2d shooter.

Edited by doombotmecha
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Sonny was great. Speaking (or writing?) of zombies, there was a nice little startegy game called "Rebuild" where you had to free the city from zombies. I heard they're making the third installment now.

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My favorite is Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hackers Memory. And despite the overly long name, its just as good as the previous one.

These are some of the few games ill buy day one, as a sign of support and because im a huge digimon fan/digimon games have been killing it the last few years.

Also try to start Gravity Rush 2 since it finally hit the sales with a hefty cut in price. Should be playing Xenoblade 2 slotty vegas live casino but I'm having too much fun with my new surround sound kit, friggin love it (when I finally got it working after almost two days of tinkering with it).

Then going to try to play some Halo:MCC,also later in the day Mortal Kombat XL.

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