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"Top pokemon" in Reborn.


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Hey there!


First off, not quite sure if I should post this here, if not..My apologies.

I am at the current "endgame" of Pokemon Reborn. I've played through quite a few episodes and I have restarted in quite a few episodes.

In a few of these episodes there were quite a few dominant pokemon. I can remember having a Gyarados @ Florinia or having a Crobat as early as Corey. 

Those days are not really here anymore however I was wondering the following thing:

What are the top 3 Pokemon PER type in Reborn, and why? 


I can think of a few "top tier" pokemon in the lategame but I'm curious as to what everyone would name and why.

Let me know? 

(So I can also figure out what Pokemon I might possibly have to train).



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Hmm, I don't really feel like making a top 3 for each type, but I can mention the best one for each type imo.


Grass: Serperior

Fire: Blaziken

Water: Greninja

Electric: Magnezone

Poison: Nidoking

Flying: Crobat

Rock: Cradily

Ice: Weavile

Psychic: Gardevoir

Fighting: Blaziken again

Bug: Volcarona

Fairy: Gardevoir again

Dark: probably Weavile again

Dragon: atm probably Goodra

Ghost: atm probably Mismagius

Ground: probably Nidoking again

Steel: Metagross

Normal: Slaking

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1 hour ago, Alistair said:

Hmm, I don't really feel like making a top 3 for each type, but I can mention the best one for each type imo.


Grass: Serperior

Fire: Blaziken

Water: Greninja

Electric: Magnezone

Poison: Nidoking

Flying: Crobat

Rock: Cradily

Ice: Weavile

Psychic: Gardevoir

Fighting: Blaziken again

Bug: Volcarona

Fairy: Gardevoir again

Dark: probably Weavile again

Dragon: atm probably Goodra

Ghost: atm probably Mismagius

Ground: probably Nidoking again

Steel: Metagross

Normal: Slaking

I agree with most of this list. My changes are:-


Fighting: Emboar does serious work and Gallade is reliable too at least the one Victoria had

Fairy: Granbull easy wins. It has bulk and when you train it in full attack and a split of defense and hp, you'll see this thing eating poison jabs for breakfast.

Ground: Isn't Excadrill already available in the game? That has to be the best right now. I use Nidoking on my team but even Sheer force earth power isn't enough sometimes. Excadrill gets rock slide and earthquake as well.

Edited by Zander
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oh god I wrote so much more than I intended to


Ignoring starters since otherwise they eat up a lot of spots. Good starters: Blaziken, Delphox, Infernape, Greninja, Swampert, Feraligatr. Blaziken is broken, it can sweep a ton of fights with little to no assistance from the rest of the team. Delphox has amazing STABs for the game and good stats to take advantage of it, plus some utility like will-o-wisp and light screen if you want that. Infernape gets relatively early Close Combat, and then later Acrobatics and Flare Blitz, giving it multiple high power moves to take advantage of its offensive statline. Greninja is one of the better Waters early against the shitty Electric->Grass gym combo, but "struggles" a bit midgame since it's stuck with 60BP or less moves (it's still pretty good, just not wtfamazing like a lot of mons in this post), which somewhat hinders the power of Protean until Extrasensory/Dark Pulse/Surf roll in. After that it's amazing though. Swampert line laughs at first gym, has good bulk, although suffers a bit since it mostly uses special moves (off a weak spatk) until it starts getting Rock Slide and Earthquake and Waterfall where its great attack and bulk take over. Feraligatr isn't as bulky as Swampert, but with Agility and Sheer Force is a solid sweeper. Only downside is it's stuck with Water Gun as its STAB until Aqua Tail/Waterfall fairly late in the game. Crunch and Ice Fang make up for this though, giving it good coverage and its high Attack+Sheer Force(+Life Orb) help make up for the lack of STAB.


Grass is bad imo since the type layout of the game is really unfriendly to it, there's 8 non-badge giving type specialists that you fight , many of which you fight multiple times, and 6 of them have types that you really don't wanna face with Grass. But if you really wanna use it, Torterra, Serperior, and Chesnaught are probably the best--Torterra gets good levelup moves (STAB Earthquake), Serperior can stall stuff out and can do Coil+Physical and later switch to Contrary Leaf Storm, but has no coverage outside Grass. Chesnaught is bulky and has strong STABs with good utility. T


Victoria, Fern, Cain, Corey, Cal, Kiki, Bennett, Blake--of these, only Victoria and Kiki don't specialize in a type that either resists Grass or is super effective against it




Roserade--you can get it early, it gets good moves like Giga Drain and Toxic naturally, Technician Hidden Power helps its coverage. Budew is obtainable before the first gym.

Amoonguss--Gets powerful status moves in Toxic/Spore, recovery in Giga Drain, and a Poison STAB/hazing move in Clear Smog. Poison typing lets it use Black Sludge, which is gotten 9 gyms before Leftovers and is much appreciated by a bulky wall. Gotten before the 5th gym.

Whimsicott--Mystery egg mon (pre-3rd gym). Prankster + cool utility moves like Stun Spore and Tailwind. Gets Giga Drain/Energy Ball and Moonblast STABs on level up.



Volcarona--Insane stats, insane level up moves, Quiver Dance. Rock coverage isn't super common. Main thing is that its level up list is super slow and it evolves really late, so it requires a lot of babying til then. Mystery egg mon

Chandelure--Powerful STABs on level up, highest spatk of anything you'll find in game. Also gets some utility stuff like Will-O-Wisp on level up. Obtainable pre-9th gym

Houndoom?--Flamethrower/Dark Pulse on level up, good availability, respectable spatk/speed. I didn't expect this mon to be so good when I used it. Obtainable pre-4th gym



Simipour--Obtainable pre-first gym, is the only pokemon in the game that can legitimately obtain Scald, and its stats are decent. Scald gets a 50% buff on the fire fields which means it absolutely murders the Fire gym. Also gets Acrobatics/Crunch as solid coverage moves, or Yawn as utility.

Starmie--Mystery Egg mon. Surf/Psychic owns, can also get utility like Confuse Ray and Light Screen

Crawdaunt?--STAB Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Crunch and Swords Dance naturally is pretty good. It's really slow and frail though so hard to use. Not sure what else I'd put third though, most other good Waters have shit availability. Obtainable pre-5th gym



Magnezone--Flash Cannon/Discharge STABs, Sturdy+TWave can cheese a ton of stuff, high stats, good typing, bulky. Only flaw is evolving to Magnezone is super late now. Magnemite gotten pretty early though

Galvantula--Obtainable pre-8th gym. Fast, decently strong, pretty bad bulk. Bug Buzz+Discharge is good moves, can run Sticky Web/TWave as utility

Electivire?--Mystery egg. This thing is bad I just can't think of another electric type. I was underwhelmed when I used Jolteon but fast Yawn might legitimately be better than this thing.



Nidoking/queen--basically the same line honestly. Male version can be gotten pre 2nd gym though whereas female isn't til post-4th. Sheer Force+Life Orb is good, or you can run Black Sludge. Gets good moves like Sludge Wave and Earth Power

Toxicroak--Pre-4th gym. Decent stats, good movepool, is an event mon so it gets free Ice Punch to makes its coverage even better.

Venomoth?--Haven't gotten a chance to use Crobat so idk how it stacks up, but Sleep Powder + Quiver Dance is dumb. Pre-second gym



Staraptor--Mystery egg. Gets high power moves like Brave Bird/Close Combat with the stats to make them good. Pretty meh bulk so can't take hits + deal with recoil very well

Archeops--Great level up list giving it stuff like Acrobatics, Rock Slide, U-Turn, Crunch. High stats and bad ability means it needs to kill stuff in one hit though. Pre-7th gym iirc

Togekiss--Mystery egg. Serene Grace Ancientpower and Air Slash are dumb. I don't even remember what else it does since when I used it I p much only used those 2 moves




Aggron--Pre-6th gym. Rock Slide plus your pick of all the good physical Steel moves. Insane physical bulk. Not much else to say

Archeops--see above

Rhyperior--Mystery egg. Great physical bulk, Earthquake/Stone Edge as STAB with stuff like Poison Jab and Megahorn as coverage. Protector is got at a reasonable time



Mamoswine--Pre-4th gym. Amazing Attack, good bulk/okay speed. Earthquake owns, gets Ice Shard from its first form and Ice Fang if you don't wanna breed icicle Crash. Thick Fat makes up for Ice being bad

Weavile--Mystery egg. Need to breed Icicle Crash if you want something better than Ice Shard/Feint Attack as STABs. Doesn't evolve until after the 13th gym but Sneasel's stats are still fine. Fast and strong, very frail

Cloyster--I guess? It comes super late though. Shell Smash + Skill Link + Icicle Spear ahoy



Metagross--Post-9th, you have to go get it before advancing the story past a pseudo-PoNR (You get locked out of a bunch of stuff for like 4 badges). It's a pseudolegendary, gets Zen Headbutt and Meteor Mash on levelup, plus Agility. Typing is excellent

Gardevoir--Pre-6th gym. Gets Moonblast, Psychic, and Calm Mind. Can get Destiny Bond, which is always great for cheese. Terrible physical bulk though

Gallade--Physical version of Gardevoir, gets Swords Dance instead of Calm Mind. Probably worse than Gardevoir since Fairy is a better typing



Toxicroak--See above

Gallade--See above

Medicham--Pre-fifth gym. A bit fragile but hits like a truck and has powerful STAB+coverage moves. This is an event mon and I think it comes with an egg move but I can't be assed to check what it was.



Volcarona, Galvantula, Venomoth--see above for each



Gardevoir--see above

Togekiss- see above

Clefable--post-9th gym. Cosmic Power+Stored Power+recovery from Wish/Moonlight is silly. Amazing abilities make up for poor stats



Zoroark--post-3rd gym. Fast and powerful but frail. Gets Nasty Plot which will let it dominate if it can survive a round. AI seems to be able to see through Illusion

Bisharp--mystery egg. Defiant owns, decent physical bulk, high attack. Gets Swords Dance and 2 powerful STAB, but its speed is a bit low

Weavile--see above


Dragalge--Pre-6th gym. Adaptability Dragon Pulse/Sludge Wave and insane special bulk. Fairly slow and vulnerable to physical attacks or the high amounts of Ice coverage

Noivern--Available pre-first gym, but Noibat sucks so just catch a high level one later. Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Air Slash/Hurricane. Also gets recovery like Roost and utility like Tailwind or Super Fang. Very fast, okay bulk, but 4x damage from Ice sucks

Flygon--Available pre-6th gym. Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Dragon Claw. Decent bulk and good offensive stats. Only problem is, again, 4x Ice weakness.



Chandelure--See above

Mismagius--Pre-6th gym. Good offensive stats, bad physical bulk. Gets Shadow Ball and coverage options like Power Gem/Mystical Fire. Gets some funny cheese stuff like Perish Song, as well as utility like Confuse Ray

Spiritomb?--Pre-fifth gym. Odd Keystone is a pain to get. Solid bulk with only one weakness and 3 immunities, but very slow. Gets some nice utility like Confuse Ray and Hypnosis, Dark Pulse is decent STAB, and can get Destiny Bond since it's an event mon.



Diggersby--Pre-third gym. Huge Power. Earthquake. Quick Attack. Swords Dance. Will break through anything if it can survive a round or two.

Flygon--see above

Nidoking--see above



Metagross--see above

Aggron--see above

Excadrill--Insane attack, decent bulk and okay speed. Gets Earthquake, Rock Slide, and SD, but Steel STAB is lacking until late. Mold Breaker is a great ability, or Sand Rush if you have a setter for that.



Porygon-Z--Evolution comes late (I think pre-9th gym for 2 and pre-12th for Z, when base form is obtainable pre-4th) but it hits like a truck, has decent bulk, fairly good speed. Can run your pick of Agility, Nasty Plot, Recover and coverage like Discharge.

Diggersby--see above

Staraptor--see above

Edited by Paperblade
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Porygon-Z and Delphox, who are currently part of my current roster are worth mentioning as well as being highly versatile. Slaking may be an extremely powerful Normal-type, but Truant effectively prevented lt from earning a spot in my roster. It

can't be easier for the AI to mercilessly exploit a Pokémon with one of the worst Abilities in existence. (Unless in double battles where Slaking is paired with a Gastro Acid or Skill Swap-toting ally to maximize its potential.)


For Porygon-Z, I'd go with everything @Paperblade has mentioned, but it also has an extremely deadly combo that is often overlooked: Adaptability + Hyper Beam. If Porygon-Z is faster than its adversaries, a STAB-powered Hyper Beam plus Adaptability boost would be a certain kill on almost anything that does not resist Normal-type moves. Tri-Attack isn't a bad idea in lieu of Hyper Beam, but Porygon-Z should have Nasty Plot and set up one beforehand in order to make up for the lack of massive firepower that Hyper Beam offers. However, direct confrontations with faster Fighting-types like Hawlucha or bulky Special tanks such as Blissey (for example, the one owned by the couple in the Great Hall at late game) should be avoided at all costs.


Delphox is the special-oriented Fire-type starter with great coverage (Flamethrower/Mystical Fire/Fire Blast, Psychic, etc... can make many opposing Pokémon cry for mercy), great Special Attack, and it could even perform reasonably well as a Special tank thanks to Light Screen and Mystical Fire. It is also capable of taking the role of a support specializing in healing allies/defending them from Special moves and crippling opponents with Wish, Will-O-Wisp, Light Screen and Mystical Fire. Oh, and did I forget to mention that it can also outspeed most enemies as well?

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Grass - Gogoat


Why does everyone ignore this guy? It's bulky as all hell, has what may be the single best level-up movepool in Reborn (Horn Leech, Leaf Blade, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Milk Drink, Bulk Up, Bulldoze, etc.) and makes a great Bulk Up user.


Water - Sharpedo


Speed Boost + Good movepool (albeit weak earlier on) + Potential Mega Evolution in a later episode = rip


Fire - Blaziken


Obligatory. I don't think I need to go over this one. I doubt the mega evolution will be anywhere but the postgame so I won't bother talking about that either.


Fighting - Mienshao


"UMG IS NOT BLAZKEN REEEEE" okay but seriously. High Jump Kick one-shots nearly everything that doesn't resist it, U-Turn + Regenerator is an amazing combo which (I believe) is, in Reborn at least (see: Tornadus-Incarnate), unique to Mienshao. It also has Inner Focus (lol) and RECKLESS because YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH POWER BEFORE. It also gets Acrobatics for coverage if you feel like it's actually necessary for some reason (High Jump Kick often 2HKOs resists anyway so lol)


Dark - Krookodile/Hydreigon


Hydreigon is technically illegal right now, but as previously mentioned you can item trade for the remaining piece of Dark Matter to start the event. Hydreigon is one of three available psuedo-legendaries (the others being Goodra and Metagross, with likely candidates for E17 being Tyranitar and Kommo-o) and it is a monster. It has plenty of coverage options and its dual STABs are great by themselves, and its stat spread (92/105/90/125/90/98) allows it to fill almost any role you have a need for.


In terms of a more legitimate Dark-type, Krookodile takes the cake for me. Moxie + great dual STABs and Outrage for coverage = hey bby, wut's ur team and when do I get to sweep it? It's also (IMO) the best all-around lead in Reborn, with decent bulk, amazing offensive presence, Intimidate, and Stealth Rock via Mosswater Tutor.


Psychic - Alakazam


Man, everyone overhypes Gardevoir. I just don't know why. Both of these 'mons are frail, both hit really hard, but Alakazam has far better Sp. Atk, Speed, and abilities (Magic Guard makes everything better) along with a higher-tier Mega in competitive play (although how that will transfer to reborn is hard to tell, Trace is worth mentioning with how well Gym Leaders make use of abilities, and Mega Alakazam just so happens to have that whereas Mega Gardevoir loses Trace). Alakazam has a decent array of coverage - Grass Knot, Hidden Power (Fire/Fighting are best), Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, and Charge Beam. It gets Recover and Calm Mind for setting up on slower special attackers, and can even stallbreak (in the rare situations where you need that) by bringing Toxic along.


Flying - Togekiss


FLINCHES. EVERYWHERE. If Togekiss' excellent bulk and defensive typing along with solid Speed and great Special Attack don't take down your opponent well enough, I'm sure the 60 FUCKING PERCENT FLINCH CHANCE WITH SERENE GRACE AIR SLASH (and somewhat noteworthy 40% chance with Extrasensory) will!


...Screw this 'mon, screw Ciel and Adrienn for having it (and two in a row at that - 13th and 14th leaders respectively!), and screw Serene Grace.


Ground - Krookodile


Already talked about this one. Faces competition from Excadrill and Nidoking for this spot.


Poison - Nidoking


SPEAKING OF WHICH. Nidoking is a monster in Reborn. It has some of the best coverage in Reborn, with notable options including Poison Jab, Bulldoze, Elemental Punches, Megahorn, Gunk Shot, Surf, Flamethrower, Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes. What?! It takes a while to get going and if you want it early you have to shell over some cash dolla to the Game Corner, but it's totally worth it. Nidoqueen is probably better if you're using it solely to set hazards due to its better bulk.


Rock - Archeops


Because who needs bulk or a usable ability when you one-shot everything in existence? Notable moves include Rock Slide, Rock Slide, Rock Slide, Knock Off and Rock Slide.


Ice - Mamoswine


(nearly) unresisted STABs and early access to Icicle Crash via breeding with Beartic makes this thing so, so dirty. Icicle Crash and Earthquake are pretty much all you need, but occasionally you can click Stealth Rock or Ice Shard. Makes a good HM user too since it has a free moveslot or seven.


Bug - why isn't scyther obtainable Volcarona


Volcarona is unfortunately only obtainable by Mystery Egg, but honestly, it's just... so good. Takes a loooooong time to get going though (it gets good around Radomus, convenient timing too because it's 3 easily swept gyms in a row from there). Quiver Dance + Heat Wave + Bug Buzz + Giga Drain + Hurricane + Fiery Dance.


Fairy - Granbull


Bulk. Power. Coverage rivaling Nidoking. Sorta slow but whatever, you didn't need that speed and you never will. It's also obtainable after the 2nd gym and comes pre-loaded with Close Combat or Heal Bell (HUH I WONDER WHICH I SHOULD SOFT RESET FOR DEFINITELY NOT THE 120 BP COVERAGE MOVE).


Electric - Jolteon


You don't need coverage. You have Discharge, Thunder, Hidden Power, Signal Beam. That's all you'll ever need. Incredibly fast, very solid 110 Special Attack.


Dragon - Goodra/Hydreigon


Hydreigon was already mentioned.


Goodra is interesting. Its physical bulk is okay, its speed is decent, but oh boy 100/110 mixed offenses and the best special bulk in Reborn bar Snorlax, Chansey, and Blissey. 4 resistances, wide movepool on both sides, and it's one of Reborn's 2 legitimate psuedo-legendaries. Makes a great Assault Vest user if you were looking for something to put that on.


Steel - Bisharp


Step 1: click your STAB of choice.

Step 2: watch your opponent's 'mon die.

Step 3: laugh maniacally as they send in something with Intimidate and trigger your Defiant ability.

Step 4: there is no step 4, you've already won.


Ghost - Mismagius


Great coverage, solid stats, Perish Song is always nice as a win condition against tough aces (e.g. Ciel's Mega Altaria). Not much more to say, really. I think it gets Nasty Plot via breeding?


Normal - Cincinno


Bullet Seed. Rock Blast. STAB Tail Slap. A choice between Technician or Skill Link to boost these already solid moves. High speed. It's cute. What more convincing do you need?


Notes: everything on here is a fast offensive 'mon or otherwise has qualities that back up its lack of one or the other. This is because Reborn is not a defensive game. You play defensive, you probably get crushed. This is also why I think Metagross is a bit overhyped - it's just too slow, and has a notable weakness to 4 types (Fire, Ground, Dark, Ghost - you know, 4 of the game's best offensive types). Despite this, it's still an honorable mention for Steel and Psychic. Let that sink in. mega stone when

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Proper use of Trick Room brings out the potential of many, many mons whose main deficiency is speed. The one I'm going to mention is Escavalier- super high attack, surprisingly high defenses, and just one weakness, plus base 20 speed means in Trick Room it almost always goes first. Swords Dance + Megahorn = KO


But seriously guys, Trick Room. It destroys basically anyone who relies on sweep tactics (like, say, high level gym leaders), and even bridges the gaps caused by Speed EV training, which I usually don't bother with. Trick Room is love, Trick Room is life, because speed is an overrated stat there I said it

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One of the best grass types out there in my opinion is gourgeist. It's available pre 4th gym I think? With it's HP it can take hits, learns trick or treat (which really helps out) and hits hard. It may have a problem with powerful special attackers and is fairly slow, but run it with trick or treat/seed bomb/shadow sneak/leech seed or will o wisp, it can be a very good bulky attacker for your team.

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Well, i will give my point of view as well


Grass: Serperior. I also want to say Gogoat, quite usefull

Fire: Infernape, first because it is not a chicken, also because iron fist + punch moves is strong

Water: Swapert

Electric: Magnezone

Poison: Dragalge

Flying: I have a mono-flying run, the mvp is Gliscor 

Rock: Tyrantrum

Ice: Weavile

Psychic: Gardevoir

Fighting: Infernape again

Bug: Volcarona

Fairy: Gardevoir again

Dark: Krokodile 

Dragon: atm probably Goodra

Ghost: atm probably Mismagius

Ground: Krokodile again, so sooo strong

Steel: Metagross

Normal: never use those

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-Fighting type: Scrafty, if you soft reset you can get one with dragon dance...with moxie,and elemental punches.need I say more?

-Flying/Dark type:Honchcrow, soft reset for chance of getting brave bird (I got SUPER lucky and I soft reset a bunch of times to get a shiny,adamant,brave bird murkrow) sucker punch AND moxie.

-Water type:Not much I can say really but Crawdaunt,Azumaril and Lapras are to name a few who can really put in work.

-Grass type:Serperior with leaf storm and contrary.The sweeping is real.

-Ground type:Swamperts a real MVP especially when starting a game against Julia's team, a real powerhouse if you ask me.

-Psychic/Fairy:It's no wonder why this elegant yet savage pokemon is moved to the railnet so we can't sweep Aya,Corey and Kiki so easily. Too bad Samson got the short end of the stick though.

-Electric type:The all time favorite itself, Magnezone!...Look I'm gonna be honest here I'm not a huge Magnezone fan but damn does this Pokemon do work. Blake never stood a chance.

-Steel type:Speaking of kicking the smirk right off of Blake's cool face. This behemoth of a Pokemon gets access to Meteor mash,Zen headbutt,Bullet Punch and of course the bane of Shelly's existence, Bugs-I mean Stealth Rock! High Attack and high Defense stats makes it worthy for any trainer who wants to beat the Reborn League

-Fire type: "Insert every fire type starter here plus Arcanine,Ninetails,Camerupt and Darmanitan"Really theres just too many good fire types.*Magcargo slowlys move towards me* Nope No bad fire types what so ever.

-Dragon type:Haxorus,Goodra and Kingdra since actual good and real dragons like Garchomp,Hydreigon, and Dragonite aren't in the game yet.

-Poison Type:We end the list with my personal subconscious favourite Pokemon! Toxicroak <3 Being able to run both physical and special with moves like Drain punch,Sludge wave/Poison jab,Sucker punch and the elemental punches!(Close second on this list is Dragalge with its powerful Sludge wave adaptability)

Edited by V for Vendetta
Typos and Too long
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i might have to add two steel types to the list.fist escavalier who is one of the best pokemon to use here.can tank a lot of hits to set up a sword dance and take out at least two pokemon.i swept adrien using my escavalier.the other one not as strong as escavalier but still useful is aggron.can tank hits and deal a lot of damage.even it can be used vs an opponent that is fighting,ground or water because of two things:STURDY AND METAL BURST!!!! terra's garchomp didnt look so intimidating when it felt the fury of my aggron;same thing goes for ciel and her altaria.both got the same ending:they got demolished

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