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Hey Howdy Hello


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          I know using three separate greetings to say hello is strange, but introductions online are already tedious and difficult enough to the point where imitating Vaughn Miller is the best I can do. The name's Kolijar- it means liver, don't ask. Actually, do ask, but only if you're genuinely curious. I like to think I'm a smooth and cool guy, but no smooth and/or cool guy would describe himself as smooth or cool, so I guess I'm not. Nothing really bothers me, and everyone can be my friend. Nice to meet you.


          Oh right, this is a forum for a fan game- I almost forgot. I really like Reborn. A lot. Almost absurdly so. I've always fantasized about a gritty darker version of Pokemon, a realistic version of Pokemon. After all, given the logistics behind average kids using Pokemon for battle entertainment, there must also be other uses for Pokemon right? Power, food, and most distressingly yet also the most intriguing: War. Also acts of violence not sugarcoated in "rated E for everyone." Not only is the environment great, but the challenge of actually playing the game is way better than a regular Pokemon game. I'm honestly surprised I didn't find out about the game until episode 14, and since I've been lurking around so long, I figured I'd come out of the woodwork and say hey howdy hello.

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Hiyo! Nice to meet you Kolijar~


Don't worry, this forum is home to a lot of people and topics about a bunch of things that have little to do with Reborn the game! Although admittedly the game was what drove me here in the first place, like most people I guess.

Nonetheless, I do hope this community will live(r) up to your expectations ;) 


Speaking of livers, I'm genuinely curious about this. How did you come to use it as your nickname?

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14 hours ago, Alistair said:

Hiyo! Nice to meet you Kolijar~


Don't worry, this forum is home to a lot of people and topics about a bunch of things that have little to do with Reborn the game! Although admittedly the game was what drove me here in the first place, like most people I guess.

Nonetheless, I do hope this community will live(r) up to your expectations ;) 


Speaking of livers, I'm genuinely curious about this. How did you come to use it as your nickname?

"Amar Kolijar Tukra" is something my mother used to call me when I was a little kid. It means "A piece of my liver." I always thought the phrase was funny, but also sweet, in the same way that phrases like "You are my sunshine" are a thing. I guess I just kind of rolled with it.

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6 hours ago, Kolijar said:

"Amar Kolijar Tukra" is something my mother used to call me when I was a little kid. It means "A piece of my liver." I always thought the phrase was funny, but also sweet, in the same way that phrases like "You are my sunshine" are a thing. I guess I just kind of rolled with it.

Don't want to sound strange but are you  Bengali ?

I asked because "Amar kolijar tukra" is a kind of bengali phrase.

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Howdy ho fellow Kolijar!


Have fun here and do enjoy your stay!


Now I wouldn't necessarily say hey howdy hello is that strange of a greeting (unless you want it to be that is).

In the realm of jovial and eccentric greetings, I say it works just fine.


So anyway, nice to meet ya Kolijar! See ya 'round!

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