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Looking for new teammembers post-Radomus


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Hi Pokefans,


I've recently began my second playtrough of Reborn ( first halted by Noel and my poorly trained Pokemon, I've decided to start anew ).

For the most part, I'm playing how I feel like, so for example, I don't look for most powerful mons, instead I choose "cool" ones, or sometimes if a temporary replacement does something amazing, or wins my hearth by any means, then it gains permament slot in my team.


That being said, I've actually struggled trough almost my whole second playtrough.

As of now, my six that helped me beat Radomus is as follows:


Mightyena  57 Moxie             Adamant   Crunch Assurance Sucker Punch Bite
Greninja     56 Protean          Relaxed     Water Pulse Lick Smack Down Extrasensory
Golem         54 Stury             Calm          Stealt Rock Earthquake Double-Edge Stone Edge
Arcanine    57 Intimidate       Mild            Outrage Flare Blitz Heat Wave Morning Sun
Drapion     55 Battle Armor    Docile        Fell Stinger Crunch Cross Poison Toxic Spikes
Swalot      54 Liquid Ooze      Naughty    Body Slam Strenght Toxic Sludge Bomb


And two other members, that reappear more often:

Dewgong  47  Thick Fat          Docile        Brine Aurora Beam Perish Song(or song that felled dreaded Garchomp) Dive
Medicham  55  Pure Power      Sassy        Hidden Power(Electric) Acupressure High Jump Kick Drain Punch

Now, for a little re-cap of how I've handled Radomus(10 soft resets or so, testing best 2 mons for begging of fight, levels were as listed above):

  • Arcanine ( Wide Lens ) + Mightyena ( Lax Incense )
  • Heat Wave + Assurance, Reuniclus downed and no Trick Room, Gallade Burned and missed Close Combat ( burn would let Mighty live for second turn, but I'll take miss anyday )
  • Next, Metagross, same combo, KO, Gallade second miss
  • In comes Malamar, Gallade Hyper Potioned, Flare Blitz + Assurance, Malamar lives
  • Same combo kills Malamar, Gallade uses Knock Off on Arcanine
  • Slowkings turn, dies to Moxie boosted Mightyena, Knock Off onto Arcanine
  • Gardevoir comes and kills Arcanine, dies to Mighty
  • Still burned Gallade is last mon, Mighty finishes his sixth kill, ACE!


Hm... I might've messed something up when it comes to attacks on Arcanine, but he was my only downed, and even only damaged mon.


Now, to the subject at matter. I've reached point, where I'm struggling to choose my next Pokemon. I like all my current six, but even tho' I beat Radomus with one casualty, this is not something I suspect will happen too often.

Of all six, Mightyena stays, no matter how weak compared to others he might be, he's my favourite and a hero of this playtrough.

Could you guys and girls give me some pointers? I have access to both Move Relearner and Pokemon Psychologist, and 8 Hearth Scales.

Is there any way I could make my Mightyena better? Moves, Items? He has good attack and speed IVs and EVs.

As for others, for example I see that Fell Stinger on Drapion is not that good ( 50 base in VII, but Reborn is V or VI, so only 30, I didn't check that, my mistake ). Maybe swap this move with Thunder Fang for more coverage?

Are there wild/event Pokemon that would fit better?


For any help, I'm thankful.


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I know how you feel. I like to play the exact same way. It's hard to make Mightyena better, as your move set is already really good. I'd say Swalot could be boxed next, as Drapion is also a good Pokemon. Your biggest problem is that you have a lot of dark types. I'd recommend picking up a bug type. Pinsir, Heracross, and Galvantula are all excellent options. Heck, I even have a Pinsir I could give you if you want it (as Pinsir and Heracross are tedious to get). Next, I'd say Medicham would be great for your team. It hits like a truck, and if you really wanted to box Mightyena or Drapion, that would be the best replacement. Finally, though, an electric type would do you wonders. Magneton is really popular on this website (as you can't get Magnezone yet). However, the previously mentioned Galvantula would also work fine, as well as Ampharos.

Edited by Filthy Casual
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My only concern is that Mightyena knows 4 dark moves...but I don't know if there is a good alternative unless you are willing to breed for more coverage (but that misses the point, right?)


Since the team is heavy on Dark and Poison I would recommend a Psychic type. Gardevoir and Metagross are favorites around here, but there's actually many that can perform well

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I don't want to play the Lord of the Pokeegs game right now, I even barely consider it as a possibility for when I reach current end of main story.


@Filthy Casual, hm, Heracross sounds like a great idea, he could cover for some of my weaknesses. As for Galvantula, that's why I've asked, if getting Thunder Fang on Drapion instead of weak Fell Stinger should be enough.


When i checked bulbapedia, Mightyena's moveset looked more promising... for gen VII, with three elemental Fang moves and Play Rough at lvl 56. I'm not sure if Reborn will be updated to the last gen, but here's hoping.


@EndearingCharacterTrait, I do really have many Dark types, but I don't consider Greninja one, with Protean he covers Water, Rock ( poorly ), Ghost ( again, poorly ) and Psychic.

I have event Ralts, but it's male, so no waifu, no laifu for me, as some would say. And I do not know how to get Beldum as of now.


What I would see, is either Bug, Flying or Ghost type in my team. Anything worth catching?

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3 minutes ago, Rainrir said:

@Filthy Casual, hm, Heracross sounds like a great idea, he could cover for some of my weaknesses. As for Galvantula, that's why I've asked, if getting Thunder Fang on Drapion instead of weak Fell Stinger should be enough.


When i checked bulbapedia, Mightyena's moveset looked more promising... for gen VII, with three elemental Fang moves and Play Rough at lvl 56. I'm not sure if Reborn will be updated to the last gen, but here's hoping.

You'll be happy to know that Gen VII is indeed coming. Fell Stinger is also not a bad move in Gen VII (I think? Never played Gen 7 outside of Rejuvenation/Spork/Full Moon, but I know Leech Life got a massive buff). Of course, the Pinsir I offered you is still on the table, but Heracross is the better option.

Edited by Filthy Casual
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Mightyena   remove one move and reteach it howl.
Greninja      there is a pledge tutor near Shelly's gym.Teach it water pledge.You could have had a 80 BP move very early game.You will also get a useful TM after beating the next gym.
Golem          Reteach it bulldoze.Sturdy bulldoze is helpful when you can't outspeed your opponent.
Drapion       Teach it hone claws or acupressure and change it's ability.
Medicham    Let it hold wide lens and HJK will never miss.Teach it zen headbutt and thunder punch.

Dewgong    It's a few levels away from ice beam.


You can farm for heart scales in luvdisc near Chalotte's house in Tanzan cave.You just need a pokemon with covet or thief.You will also need a good rod.

I can't give any advice on arcanine and swalot because I don't use single type pokemons that much.


Edit:@Rainrir Episode 17 is already updated to Gen 7 mechanics because it's says 100% completion in development page for Gen 7 content.So you don't have to worry about that.

Edited by Yagami
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14 hours ago, Yagami said:

Mightyena   remove one move and reteach it howl.
Greninja      there is a pledge tutor near Shelly's gym.Teach it water pledge.You could have had a 80 BP move very early game.You will also get a useful TM after beating the next gym.
Golem          Reteach it bulldoze.Sturdy bulldoze is helpful when you can't outspeed your opponent.
Drapion       Teach it hone claws or acupressure and change it's ability.
Medicham    Let it hold wide lens and HJK will never miss.Teach it zen headbutt and thunder punch.

Dewgong    It's a few levels away from ice beam.


You can farm for heart scales in luvdisc near Chalotte's house in Tanzan cave.You just need a pokemon with covet or thief.You will also need a good rod.

I can't give any advice on arcanine and swalot because I don't use single type pokemons that much.


Edit:@Rainrir Episode 17 is already updated to Gen 7 mechanics because it's says 100% completion in development page for Gen 7 content.So you don't have to worry about that.

What you proposed looks really solid, but I have to ask, why Howl on Mightyena, this Pokemon is really frail, and setting up +1 Attack and letting my opponent beat on me is really risky. Don't take me wrong, while having 4 Dark type moves makes for poor coverage, isn't there anything else that could be useful? Swagger, for instance. For now I gave it Thief, for dem sweet heart scales farming.



17 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Well male Gardevoir exists if that floats your boat


Staraptor is pretty good. Maybe Leavanny, Crobat (that's another poison tho ;)), Mismagius or Chandelure come to mind

Well male Gardevoir exists if that floats your boat


Staraptor is pretty good. Maybe Leavanny, Crobat (that's another poison tho ;)), Mismagius or Chandelure come to mind

I'm not sure how to get either Misdreavus or Litwick.



@Filthy Casual I guess I'll try catching Heracross, thanks for help.



Further looking into those potential team members, I've checked and analysed all my 'mons sitting in my PC.


I doesn't look good, boys.


From almost 60 Pokemon, what mostly looks like could make a decent addition, are as follows:



-Espurr (male Prankster)


-Tauros (Sheer Force)


I also had 0 luck with Eevee event, but maybe one of eeveelutions could be part of my team.

I don't think I've got too many event Pokemon, apart from most that can be obtained before Corey's gym. Anything worth going for?


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9 hours ago, Rainrir said:

What you proposed looks really solid, but I have to ask, why Howl on Mightyena, this Pokemon is really frail, and setting up +1 Attack and letting my opponent beat on me is really risky. Don't take me wrong, while having 4 Dark type moves makes for poor coverage, isn't there anything else that could be useful? Swagger, for instance. For now I gave it Thief, for dem sweet heart scales farming.

Howl is better than 4 dark type moves.Swagger is risky and RNGesus ain't nice.

You just have to time your setup.For example your opponent's pokemon is on the red and AI will probably heal.Hence use howl.Then 1 or 2 hit KO and get moxie boost.Not many pokemon can survive +2(or more if you are lucky) dark move.

If your opponent is faster,just use sucker punch.
I only recommended it because you wanted to keep mightyena on your team.

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