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Which lines do you think will still be *Unobtainable*  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. Which lines do you think will still be *Unobtainable*

    • Gengar
    • Gyarados
    • Dragonite
    • Scizor
    • Skarmory
    • Tyranitar
    • Salamence
    • Garchomp
    • Ferrothorn
    • Hydreigon
    • Talonflame
    • Aegislash

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So Ame said that in E17, just 6 non-Legendary evolution lines would be unobtainable, so we could just wait for the obtainability list to be updated, but I thought it might be fun to try and guess/analyze which ones will become available and which ones are still locked away from us. 


The current list is the evolution lines of Gengar, Gyarados, Dragonite, Scizor, Skarmory, Tyranitar, Salamence, Garchomp, Ferrothorn, Hydreigon, Talonflame, Aegislash.


That's 12 lines, so by my complex calculations, 12 - 6 = 6 of these becoming obtainable. there's also the possibility that one of the 6 is from Alola, but none particularly stick out to me as ones that would still be too strong for us to get (Though maybe Silvally is being counted and it's event is just not available yet for some story reason?) so for now we'll ignore the alolan stuff. 


With the nerf of Gale Wings, Talonflame will likely be available much earlier in the game, so that's 1.

Skarmory and Ferroseed seem like pretty likely desert encounters, so we'll call that 3. Gible is also a possibility here.

Magikarp sidequest seems close to completion, but maybe it'll keep going because it's basically a giant meme now.

I know Larvitar and the last dark material for Deino are currently gated by rock climb, so if we got that, those two could be gotten. (Is anything else currently locked behind rocks?)

Honedge or Scyther could both be potentially obtained in some sort of Titania-related sidequest?


To summarize: Talonflame, Skarmory and Ferroseed feel very likely to become obtainable, while Gengar, Dragonite and Salamence have little to support their addition that I can think of

I think 2 others that might become obtainable are Gyarados and Scizor, with the final one being either Garchomp or Aegislash.


Share your own theories below! 

Edited by DreamblitzX
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Predicted Unobtainables


- Gyarados

- Scizor / Aegislash

- Dragonite (if Rock Climb isn't available)

- Salamence

- Hydreigon (if Rock Climb isn't available)

- Tyranitar (if Rock Climb isn't available)


Is Tyranitar confirmed to be behind a Rock Climb location? My memory is a little fuzzy.


I'm pretty solid on Salamence and Gyarados still being locked due to DD + Moxie and being offensively better than Scrafty

I'm also solid on Scizor being unobtainable because that Pokemon would be *too* good in Reborn at the moment (SD + Good Moves)

Rock Climb availability alters a lot.

I feel like Silvally and accompanying Alola Pokemon will be obtainable due to none triggering the Broken Alarm for me

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Pretty sure Rock Climb will become available in E18, after defeating Hardy.


As for the unobtainable lines...


My guesses are Gyarados (Keep the Running Gag going), Scizor (Still too powerful), Aegislash (Same), Dragonite, Hydreigon (Require Rock Climb) and Tyranitar.

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ferrothorn and skarmory are the most likely to become available, id assume. they give awesome utility, but at this point theyre no longer absurdly broken or wall just about everything. especially skarmory. talonflames gale wings is great, but not great enough to net it a spot at the final six remaining. gengar is overall the best non-legendary ghost type, but I think its past the point of brokenness too. that leaves only gyarados, dragonite, scizor, tyranitar, salamence, garchomp, hydreigon and aegislash.


purely from an ingame viewpoint, id say hydreigon and garchomp are getting in. reasoning? gyarados, dragonite, tyranitar and salamence all get access to the mighty dragon dance. dragon dance + good bulk + healing items = sweep everything. there only has to be one thing that cant hurt it as hard, and the mon can start setting up. scizor can swords dance + bullet punch which will also sweep the hell out of things. and then theres aegislash. quite frankly I dont think the ai is capable of dealing with aegislash very well. theyre likely going to try to attack super hard even on kings shield, basically nerfing them beyond belief.


id say aegislash, gyarados and dragonite are the most likely to not get added in e17, since theyre probably the three strongest ingame mons you can obtain. id also say scizor is the least likely of my predictions to not reach e17, and if it doesnt, it probably will be garchomp or hydreigon that takes its place.

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I predict Salamence, Aegislash, Scizor and Gyarados unavailable.

Not sure about the others. Maybe Dragonite and Tyranitar.


For some reason I'm feeling Hydreigon coming right up. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it wouldn't be too far-fetched as it's not really that OP compared to some of the others on that list.

Even if it's not available in E17 I intend to get my hands on one anyway

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Scizor and Aegislash are definitely not getting in there until we beat Hardy. 

Skarmory and Ferrothorn should be already considered in-game due to the desert. 

Gengar got a huge nerf in gen7, meaning EQ hits it hard now. I would expect it to return as an event in the Wasteland, probably replacing the old Misdreavous event.

Gyarados is a running gag by now, and quite powerful. We should be able to complete this series of events by now. If you are persistent enough to get it, you should own it by now.

As others have pointed out, Salamence and Dragonite are way too powerful for the remaining gym leaders. Thematically they belong to the Victory Road.

Talonflame is pretty much in, right after we beat Titania. The bird got a nerf for its flying type attacks, yet it still is an incredibly fast fire type that could even solo Titania. 


The remaining 3 are: Garchomp, Hydreigon, Tyranitar.

Arguably Hydreigon is the weaker of the 3, yet quite problematic for Saphira.

Garchomp is problematic for every single gym so, even if it fits thematically for the desert, the AI won't be able to cope with it. Perhaps later, with an event. 

Tyranitar is good right now to be included. As long as access to Larvitar does not equal access to Deino, I see no reason not to have access to another Pseudo-Legendary.


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Gengar - Very fast, strong, has a good typing, and more than enough of a movepool to get by. Also, I personally don't see this appearing in a desert theme.


Aegislash - Obligatory.


Dragonite - I'm surprised ANYONE thinks this thing's coming. 1) where does it fit in and 2) it's still waaaaay too good for this point.


Garchomp - Desert theme makes sense for it but it kinda runs all over every remaining gym bar Amaria's (it's faster than most Dragon-types so Saphira has what to deal with it, Noivern? The thing that gets absolutely bopped by any attack ever? lol). I don't see it happening.


Gyarados - Dragon Dance, future Mega Evolution, great movepool, very nice defensive AND offensive ability... and it's the Magikarp Quest. We can't end the Magikarp Quest.


Salamence - Same role as Gyarados except it's just better (despite the lack of a Mega Evolution). Nope.



Tyranitar - Desert theme, rather slow, probably not helping against Titania or Amaria.


Talonflame - If this doesn't get lumped in with Pidgey outside the Grand Hall after that Gale Wings nerf, I'll be legitimately surprised. no i wont


Scizor - Bad against Amaria (not bulky enough), Titania (what does it even hit her 'mons with lol? Brick Break?), Saphira (fire coverage on everything) and it's a two-way road against Hardy (Steel Type vs. Rock Types with Fire coverage). Also I'm biased because I love Scyther so take this with a few kilograms of salt.


Ferrothorn - I'm not sure why this was withheld before to be honest. Probably a theme thing.


Skarmory - ^


Hydreigon - Probably the worst of the remaining Psuedo-Legendary Pokemon. Also, it is technically obtainable at this point by item trading, so it's probably not too long until we get it in singleplayer, eh?

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yet it still is an incredibly fast fire type that could even solo Titania. : sorry but Nope, even if its fast, its offenses aren't great and Titania's field gives fire moves a dragon subtyping so talonflame can't do much

Garchomp is problematic for every single gym so, even if it fits thematically for the desert, the AI won't be able to cope with it. Perhaps later, with an event. 

Tyranitar is good right now to be included. As long as access to Larvitar does not equal access to Deino, I see no reason not to have access to another Pseudo-Legendary.

Ame confirmed we get another Pseudo in E17 and its most likely to be Garchomp, Larvitar is an event in tanzan Mt and requires rock climb, which im fairly sure we get from hardy

also garchomp doesnt learn EQ unless TM so its moveset wont be too broken

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I mean. It's basically a slower Garchomp who trades in a 4x Ice weakness for a 4x Fairy weakness.


Both Sinnoh -and- Alola's dragons cause problems for Saphira, Titania, and Hardy, although Kommo-o's Alolan speed curse gives Saphira more chances to knock it out. 


Then again, Kommo-o does get Dragon Dance by level up to patch up that speed.


I think being a weather setter is the tipping point for Tyranitar. I also feel like out of these two, Ame isn't giving you Garchomp. That would spread like wildfire.





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I personally think that garchomp has a 90% chance of being implemented this episode, considering it is going to take place in that elusive desert. KEEP IN MIND: although people are touting it as this way to OIP mon for this episode, you still have to breed it, grind it up to like lvl 80 and maybe leaders like sapphira might have something up their sleeves to deal with garchomp efficiently.

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Here's my things with the desert argument.


1. People are (perhaps) assuming Gible/Gabite will a wild encounter. For a Pokemon like Garchomp to be prevalent in the wild over being an event Pokemon it would have to break with the norm with Amethyst making good Pokemon obtainable by Event. Because of Garchomp's popularity - I can't see the devs passing up an obscure quest chance here. If it's an event though - why does the desert setting matter?


2. Garchomp's popularity also comes at odds with one the reasons Ame axes Pokemon. Many people assume it's a matter of balance. At this point, with levels getting very high, Garchomp's axing would be to encourage the player to use another lesser used Pokemon. She has stated previously in the past that she makes certain decisions to give other Pokemon some love.


3. It just seems way too obvious. Where's the fun in running into a Gabite in the desert? It SHOULD be an ordeal to catch one. It's a psuedo legendary!

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I do not know about you guys but what is the point of catching pokemon after you beaten most of the game?


I have never used an Aerodactyl (which is the flinching god next to togekiss, but still very counterable) but why would I wait soooo long to catch one just to use it for 5 back to back gyms (1 gym currently XD) Gives me no purpose. The pokemon already in game are going to stomp the next gym leaders ez pz. I get people are biased with certain pokes and they catch them just to use them for the league, which is a waste of time imo. The problem with this is replayability. I only like about 40 pokes so for me, it can creates a problem.

I get the the pseudo legendaries, though.



 Here is my opinion


Gen 7 pokes: weak gen for me. I only like golisopod and incineroar but I am sure those will be available (wimpod could be in the azurine island).


Gengar (yes)

- with no levitate, no tbolt, energy ball, dazzling gleam early... he should be available in the first half of the game imo. He was once there, so wynaut? Chandelure does what he does except she kills them with fire instead of toxic.


Gyarados (no)

- I get the dragon dance with moxie combination is really OP, but can't they just remove dd and make a very late in game dd tutor so we can have one before almost beating the game?


Salamence (no)

- same as gyarados but a pseudo is a pseudo


Dragonite (no)

- same as salamence


Scizor (yes)

- common. It is really hard to get a scizor in the main games. Let me use one! Swords dance bullet punch does not kill everything. Common people. Arcanine is te most used poke in vgc and we get it before gym 3. People are too biased with scizor. 


Skarmory (yes)

- he does what? Stealth rocks and spikes? Meh. I would only use him as a place holder. Sorry.


Tyranitar (yes)

- at least he is slow. Lol


Garchomp (no)

- too overused


Ferrothorn (yes)

I think he is ok at this moment.


Hydreigon (no)

He is still good even with fairy types in game. I still think a gen 7 poke will not be available instead of this guy. 


Talonflame (yes)

-idk why even with gale wings this thing was broken meta. I just think people cannot use pokes out of the meta comfort zone.


Aeigislash (no)

Probably an ai problem.



Edited by Revengercm
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