Swordstar Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 Doran tugged nervously at his gloved hands, before commenting, "I'd also be curious just... how much you know about all of us. And how you know that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 7, 2017 Author Share Posted October 7, 2017 "Why am I doing this? Hmmmm..." He spoke, stroking his chin as he debating what to tell them. "I guess you could say I have questions, questions that mere digging around or asking won't provide answers to. At first I thought I might find what I was looking for here, but instead I was greeted with even more questions. So, the only other option I have at the moment is the ask the emperor with a knife to his throat. Though, I also can't stand what he's doing over here either. It sickens me down to my core and as you can imagine it'd be nigh impossible to get to the man on my own. So, who else should I recruit other than those who want a knife to his throat as well?" He responded to the black-haired man before answering the other question asked of him. "I know about why your axe has the tendency to release energy like it did earlier, if that's what you're asking. As for how much I know, I know enough to have chosen you four out of the rest of the sacks here. Though I will refrain from revealing... touchy... subjects that some of you may want to keep private. As to how I know, I have my ways, connections, things of that sort." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordstar Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 Doran seemed to unconsciously reach out and rub the back of one of his gloved hands before snapping out of it and realizing what he was doing. "That... I'm no one. Just a wandering vagrant who knows how to chop wood. What makes me any more special than any of the rest of these people? And don't... No." I don't care what you think, ok? Stay out of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 After helping out Viola, Tekeshi went back to the barrel he had sat down on before, now actually going through the work of patching up that gash in his chest. How he had survived it was a good question, he wasn't really wearing any armor and that axe should've gone straight through him, but for whatever reason, he was still alive. It was surprising, but welcoming. For the most part, the swordsman simply listen to the other people talk, focusing mostly on his own work. He himself didn't actually have much questions to ask, everyone else seemed to be doing that for him. He wasn't even surprised at the whole "knowing quite a lot about all four of them" thing, since it probably wasn't that hard to poke around and find out his own history if you knew where to look. He was mostly glad to be getting a chance to do something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 Viola seemed cheered, somehow, by the question. "My dad always insisted that I stayed fit and learned to fight, and he had me practice in armor when I was growing up. I almost became a soldier like him, which is why I got the armor, but then I learned I was good at magic. Dad's a veteran soldier." Her expression faded slightly. "I hope he hasn't gotten himself hurt looking for me. . ." Viola seemed to have similar misgivings to Doran after the rogue - Zentillin - spoke. "There's not even that much to know about me. . . I'm not really that special." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 7, 2017 Author Share Posted October 7, 2017 "Just because there may not be much to know doesn't make you any less special than anyone else here. You'd be surprised how many people in this place lack magical abilities. Just for that reason alone you stand out from the crowd, so don't sell yourself short." The man spoke trying to reassure Viola. "Besides, at least you weren't the one who got launched into the air by the guards like a certain some one here." The rogue added jokingly, jabbing at the swordsman latest performance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 "Guard, singular, and in all honesty I'd prefer that one moment to never be spoken of again, especially so soon. I'm still feeling the after effects" Tekeshi replied without hesitation, still focused on tending to his wound, "I personally blame the lighting of the place. Got in my eye at the worst possible moment" he added, his own tone making it rather obvious that it was mostly a joke on his own end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 "I didn't say I didn't think I was special at all! Magic is hard. It's just weird for you to talk about knowing all my deep dark secrets when I don't have any. Unless my dad being a little crazy counts, but everyone knows that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordstar Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 Doran still seemed uncomfortable at the whole situation, tugging at his gloves briefly before checking to make sure the axe was settled carefully in his belt, before finally saying what was on his mind. "Fine. But don't expect me to trust you. I'll work with you, but all of this mystery isn't going to make me like you. And if you start talking too much about this knowledge you claim to have... I'm not sure how long I'll stick around." The man had promised to keep that secret, but Doran wanted to make sure he knew exactly how serious Doran was about everything in his past staying in the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 7, 2017 Share Posted October 7, 2017 "Someone of my occupation was bound to make many friends and enemies, in high and low places alike. I doubt you would've needed to look that hard to find out about the Ryder Company. Makes me wonder though, just how far back your little background checks extended...." His eyes flashed ever so briefly as he spoke, simultaneously gauging the Rogue's Reaction to it, if there was any at all. Countless men had seen the same sight before their ends, hell, the guards out in the halls just now had only been the latest arrivals to that sad party. Those who survived or fled.... well they seldom kept quiet about the man who'd torn their friends apart like tissue paper, right after those burning bursts of crimson... "And how credible some of your sources may or may not be... but I suppose now isn't the time for it. This is obviously the only shot at freedom any of us have, and only a fool would turn it down. You said you were going to explain the rest of whatever your plan here was, so how about you get to it, before even more guards become aware of the scene we just caused and this place starts to swarm?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 8, 2017 Author Share Posted October 8, 2017 "Then I guess it's not a matter of fearing what I know about you. Instead, do you fear what you don't know about us?" He left that question to sit with the lady. The only response he gave to the axeman's comments was a simple nod of affirmation. He really has no intention of spewing out life storys. It'd take too much time, be a waste of energy and is just unnecessary in general. As Mercadier flashed his eyes Zentilin could help but grow a smirk. It was a mixture of both self-confidence pompousness. Fact of the matter is, the cards are stacked in his favor whether or not the man likes it. He finds it quite amusing, this level of power and control over the lives of a couple people. This small amount of control is almost addictive, even now the lust of more power looms in the back of his head. But he can't give in, no. Just like dealing with the Elder Spirits, the more power you want or need to control the more resolve one needs to keep their wits about them. Lest one loose their way and become a power hungry fool. "Aye, let's get to the rest of the plan shall we. First of all-" Zentilin spoke starting to explain the plan before he stopped abruptly. He reached for his knife for seemingly no reason, until you all hear it. Footsteps, soft at first but getting louder by the second. Then the door knob of the storage room door shakes back forth, before a ker-chunk sends chills down your spine. The door slowly starts to open when... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 The knight whirled on his heels as the door opened, spear in hand and body automatically assuming combat stance. Whatever he might've been thinking, whatever absolute disgust rose within him as he bore witness to the rogues ungodly sneer creeping ever closer to the mania that power brought, he put it aside... for now. Instead, he let fury wash over him, the same fury as before, the fury that was so cold, it burned his very core, turned his fingers to ice as they clutched that slim spear. Once more, his eyes were alight with the crimson fire of death, but this time their radiance persisted, searching, reaching for any easily broken fault he could find. Already, his body was tensing, legs preparing themselves, just as they had during the battle mere minutes ago. It was like a panther about to pounce. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 Tekeshi himself, after giving his response, was merely quiet, his little side project nearly done as he applied the last bit of medicine. There was only one thing that really got his reaction, as he was simply listening to the rest of the conversation, and that was the sudden door opening. The second the doornob started to turn was when Tekeshi suddenly snapped to his feet, hand flying to the hilt of his sword and nearly drawing it all the way out, his body already tensed up, ready to react at a moment's notice. Yes, it ached from the previous fight, and it did well to try and remind him of that, but considering the situation, Tekeshi opted to completely ignore that feeling, his grip on his sword tightening as the door began to open. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 A soft tune can be heard whistled in the hall as the key turns in the lock. A soft somewhat cheery melody one oblivious to what lay on the other side of the door. lt slowly swung open revealing a young woman. She was oddly, dressed in full maid's attire and holding a comically large featherduster in her hand. She had an eyepatch over one of her eyes... strange for a maid. However, she wasn't paying any attention as she was just humming to herself. Whatever the song was she seemed entirely lost in it and didn't at first realize anyone was there. "What was l supposed to do again?" she asked herself. However, now she was in reality. So as soon as she opened her eye... she noticed the room was full of people. People that she definitely knew weren't part of the deal and certainly, weren't supposed to be here. Her hands immediately shot up into the air. "Okay, didn't know l was getting kidnapped again. Or killed... hmmm probably killed. l'm unarmed if that helps your make up your minds! l'm also... hehe, a pretty swell maid if l do say myself. Heh, not that you guys look like you need one. What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have anything better to do then loiter in dusty armouries? Not exactly a romantic setting. Unless you guys have weird taste. You are all a bunch of perverts aren't you? Perverts that are good at stealing keys apparently." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 His stance did not falter, and his lance did not lower. But it did not surge forward either, despite a very big part of himself screaming to do it, that one more dead would not make a difference in their escape, that they had it coming, for the crimes that had been collectively committed here. A part that with no small amount of self-restraint, he managed to quell. But he did not silence it entirely, as he strained to see into the hall behind the woman. "Well well, seems the Help has stumbled on us, rather than retinue of guards we were expecting..." "Or are they? Who's with you, how many? Would be just like those craven bastards to send in a supposed maid of all things to try and get our guard down, then storm in the minute we lowered our weapons and gave the advantage of surprise..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 ... To be completely honest, everything that the woman said maid Tekeshi blink in surprise, his tense posture relaxing, only a little bit, as he tried to wrap his head around everything she just said. How a set of phrases could go from getting kidnapped all the way to calling the five of them perverts was beyond Tekeshi's knowledge. However, instead of answering, Tekeshi looked at the others, raising an eyebrow to signify his confusion and was now a bit unsure of what to do here now. One thing was for sure though, even though his posture was slightly relaxed, the grip on his sword remained as tight as ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "I'm not a pervert! You don't know me, why would you even say that? Wait, why are you even here?" She glanced about semi-frantically at the rest of the group, tome held as threateningly as one could hold a large and rather heavy book as she tried to figure out just how she was supposed to responding to the sudden appearance of the. . . maid? "I don't THINK we're going to kill you, though, unless you try to get us caught again. . ." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "Hmmm, overly defensive. Definitely perverts. Look sorry for breaking in on... you know your "party" and what not but l'm just here to clean things. Apparently the armoury was getting too dusty. However... probably be all manner of unspeakable things l gotta clean up thanks to you lot. l don't get paid enough for this. l actually don't get paid at all... hmm. That's still unfortunate. Really should find some better paying work, being kidnapped did put quite the damper on things l'll admit." she pondered or a bit before realizing she never answered the... guy? Lady? Lanceperson's question. This was weird. "Also no, you... don't exactly need an armed guard to clean. OH NO, NOT MONSTER DUST!!! Need help slaying some dust bunnies, the most deadly of creatures~ Please mighty guards, save me save me with those... mhmmm... mighty abs of yours." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 8, 2017 Author Share Posted October 8, 2017 The rogue lowers his guard a bit and proceeds to be baffled at what just happened. It seems a simple hand maid is better at tracking runaway then the guards themselves, or maybe it was dumb luck. "Well, we simply can't let you go now. You've seen to much. So, whether you like it or not you're coming, and trust me I REALLY don't like it either. Though, I doubt you'd be mad about it seeing as you'll escape this place." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 His eyes narrowed at the sarcasm, but having seen no tell-tale shadows or heard the breath or shuffling feet of men lying in wait, he slowly lowered his weapon. "Funny." he replied as dryly as a desert land in mid-summer "but I suppose if this was a trap, they've certainly taken too much sweet time to make any sense... and you're a bit too much of a smartass to simply be a mere pawn-" On 10/8/2017 at 1:25 AM, EXLink32 said: "Well, we simply can't let you go now. You've seen to much. So, whether you like it or not you're coming, and trust me I REALLY don't like it either. Though, I doubt you'd be mad about it seeing as you'll escape this place." Expand "..." Silence. Just pure and utter silence from him. He saw the logic in it, he knew that if they were not going to kill her, they would need to take her in order to eliminate loose ends. But none of that meant he liked the idea at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "I'm seriously not a - you know what, nevermind. There are so many things wrong with everything coming out of your mouth that I'm not even going to bother." Viola sighed. She briefly thought about whether the girl was going to try and spread some sort of rumor about her, and then immediately cut herself off by reminding herself of how ridiculous of a thing that was to worry about at a time like this. "What are we even doing now, anyway?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "And now l am getting kidnapped by a drove of perverts. Woe is me... You know, l thought after getting kidnapped the first time... there'd be decidedly less kidnapping. Apparently... still on the up swing. And now kidnapper perverts?" Chance threw her hand to forehead in a display of melodrama. "You know l once worked at a really fancy mansion. l actually own the place... But now l'm here getting kidnapped again." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "First time I've heard someone call me a pervert the second they meet me" he said, shaking his head as he stepped around the table, "I can assure you, there is nothing we've left here that isn't something you're not used to cleaning up. Unless, of course, you're used to cleaning up what you're implying, in which case, we still did not" Tekeshi stated. Then, his other hand pointed at Zentilin, "Besides, going off what Hoody's saying, I don't think you'll be cleaning this place up anytime soon" he added. After saying that, he looked at Viola and shrugged, "Well, since we've been seen, I think it's time for us to get going. Though, there is the issue of... Kinda sudden here maid, but what's your name?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordstar Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 "Would you rather stay here? I mean honestly? Sure you don't know us, but at least we're offering... sort of offering you a way out? What's your name? I'm Doran. I'd promise you I'm not a pervert but you have no reason to believe me so I won't waste time with that..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 8, 2017 Share Posted October 8, 2017 Chance shrugs, she's not really sure what on earth these folks are talking about. A way out? Sounded too good to be true. She didn't even know these people. Other than that they were surely weirdos. "Names Chance, Charmed~ Not sure i l should be though. Y'all are weird. Hmmm, but l usually like weird... l guess it's fine. Place is too stuffy. l'm also the only maid so having to do eeeeeverything by myself is really tiring. Though... l did get a lot of good practice, buuuuuuuuut, it's definitely too dusty. Set's off my allergies. Do l even have allergies? Probably. Probably not." she seemed to get lost in thought a moment. Before she snapped back to reality and continued talking. "What's all this talk of leaving though? Y'all aren't just a bunch of guards with... questionable tastes in... "romantic decour?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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