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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Deceitful Turnabout [IC]


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Attack: 12

Hit: 101

Crit: 7


Initate A

Attack: 4

Hit: 84

Crit: 6


Mercadier attacks: 61 Hit! (76)

Initate A is defeated with 12 damage

The rider easily finishes off the guard with one final attack.



Attack: 8

Hit: 90

Crit: 7

Ignis: 8


Journeyman A

Attack: 8

Hit: 88

Crit: 7


Doran attacks: 18 Hit! (97) [12]

Journeyman A takes 8 damage


Journeyman A counters: 80 Hit! (72) [91]

Doran takes 8 damage

The two axemen trade blows, they seem to be evenly matched.


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon

Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)

Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)

Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)

Journeyman A: (17/25) (B7) Hatchet (34/35)

Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)

Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35)

Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)

Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)

Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)

Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)

Pupil A: (22/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)

Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)

Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40)

Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40)

Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)

Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit D: (1/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35)

Recruit E: (12/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)

Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon

Chance: (21/21) (F3) Heal (22/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (19/35) Vulnerary (3/3)

Mercadier: (15/19) (D7) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)

Tekeshi: (5/19) (G6) Slim Sword (25/35)

Viola Sonnen: (4/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Vivianne: (16/16) (E4)


Allies: Health, Location, Weapon

Zentilin: (20/20) (G5) Bolo Knife (19/40)E Flux (34/40) Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)


Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon

Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (D3)

Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (D4)




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This battle was already off to quite the bloody start. Perhaps it was to be expected, but it really showed Chance just how fragile people were, how easily it was to harm them to terrible degrees. She felt a horrible pit in her stomach, but she couldn't just stand by and do nothing. They were close to at least some kind of freedom, she couldn't falter now.

She ran up to the tiny mage girl, she had taken quite the beating but she was still standing somehow. She ran over as quick as she could, willing healing energy through her featherduster. Perhaps... she'd learn the names of most of these people soon. lt was hard trusting people when you didn't even know their names. Only Doran had the courtesy to give his to her.

"You look like you could use a bit of spring cleaning." she said with smile. She didn't really hide the fact she was using healing magic this time. lt was clear she couldn't keep doing that, seeing people hurt... she just... couldn't hide it anymore, it hurt more than using it. lt hurt more than the memories.

Move to F7, Dust Viola with one Healyduster.

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"Thanks. I can't let goons like these show me up, right?" She'd had her suspicions about the maid, and it seemed that they hadn't gone unnoticed, with the way she was waving her "duster" about. 


"We'll get through this together, alright?" Before the maid had a chance to reply, Viola turned and blasted wind magic at one of her remaining assailants, refusing to budge from her spot as she blew the man off of his feet.


Wind and autokill Recruit D


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Attack: 11

Hit: 102

Crit: 1


Recruit D

Attack: 9

Hit: 81

Crit: 5

Viola attacks: 44 Hit (72)

Recruit D is defeated with 11 damage!


The man is indeed blow off his feet and slams the back of his helmet on a rock on his way down, he doesn't seem to be conscious anymore.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)
Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)
Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)
Journeyman A: (17/25) (B7) Hatchet (34/35)
Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)
Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35) 
Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)
Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)
Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)
Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35) 
Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)
Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)
Pupil A: (22/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)
Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)
Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40) 
Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40) 
Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)
Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35) 
Recruit E: (12/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)
Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Chance: (21/21) (F7) Heal (21/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (19/35) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Mercadier: (15/19) (D7) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)
Tekeshi: (5/19) (G6) Slim Sword (25/35) 
Viola Sonnen: (20/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Vivianne: (16/16) (E4)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Zentilin: (20/20) (G5) Bolo Knife (19/40)E Flux (34/40) Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)

Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon
Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (D3)
Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (D4)


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Vivianne ran into the forrest and immediately regreted her decision as the pollen entered her nose and sent her into a sneezing fit. "Give me just a... ACHOO second to a uh... ACHOO!" She went through her typical motions despite sneezing as fire work surrounded her. "Marve... ACHOO lous performance!" 


Move to E7 and perform for Chance

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"That was quite amazing focus you had while sneezing! But, l think you transferred some of... choo!" a small sneeze escaped from Chance as well. Luckily, that was to be the only one. She moved over to... the one that always seemed to be hurt. He didn't seem to good at all this frankly but... Chance supposed he was still somehow alive. Though, that was probably more thanks to her than him. Perhaps it was a good thing she was using her healing magic. She knew it was...she sighed a little to herself. "You really should be more careful you know. l'm started to get the impression you've got a death wish." she said tapping him with her featherduster.


Move to F6, Healyduster Tekeshi

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[Enemy Phase]


Journeyman A attacks Mercadier

Journeyman A has the advantage

Mercadier is inspired by Vivi


Journeyman A

Attack: 8

Hit: 86

Crit: 6



Attack: ---

Hit: ---

Crit: ---


Journeyman A attacks: 64 Hit! (80) 

Mercadier takes 8 damage

The guard hurls his axe and the pegasus getting a direct hit on them. 


Recruit E attacks Viola

Viola is inspired by Vivi


Recruit E

Attack: 9

Hit: 71

Crit: 5



Attack: 11

Hit: 112

Crit: 1


Recruit E attacks: 1 Hit! (2 CRIT!)

Viola is downed with a massive 27 damage!

"You think a little dusting can help you? Ha, you best keep focused on the battle little girl!" The man says arrogantly as he spins his lance in the air before piercing straight through Viola's armor and then flinging her to the ground. "Alright then which one of you are next huh!?" The man said beating his chest plate with his free arm.


Viola is downed!


[Ally Phase]



"Viola is seriously hurt, Chance you need to go help her immediately! I'll keep this guys busy." The rogue spoke rushing in front of Viola with his dark tome in hand.


Zentilin moves to F9 and attacks the Recruit E with Flux

Zentilin is stepping in shadows

Zentilin is inspired by Vivi



Attack: 13

Hit: 92

Crit: 3

Cancel: 16


Recruit E

Attack: ---

Hit: ---

Crit: ---


Zentilin attacks: 99 Miss!


Zentilin finishes: 74 Hit! (25) [10 Cancel Activation!]

Recruit E is defeated with 13 damage!

Zentilin fires a stream of dark magic but the guardsman easily blocks it by spinning his lance. However, he didn't notice it coming back together behind him before it pierced him in the back finally putting the man down.


The prisoners do as they are ordered and move forward.

Prisoner A Oliver moves to G4


Prisoner B Kiran moves to F5


[Player Phase]



Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)
Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)
Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)
Journeyman A: (17/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)
Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)
Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35) 
Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)
Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)
Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)
Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35) 
Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)
Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)
Pupil A: (22/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)
Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)
Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40) 
Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40) 
Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)
Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35) 
Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)
Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)
Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Chance: (21/21) (F6) Heal (20/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (19/35) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Mercadier: (7/19) (D7) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)
Tekeshi: (19/19) (G6) Slim Sword (25/35) 
Viola Sonnen: (0/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Vivianne: (16/16) (E7)
Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Zentilin: (20/20) (F9) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)
Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon
Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G4
Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F5)

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"Hm... Perhaps I do. Can't really blame myself, labor here sucked" he replied to Chance with a shrug, "Thanks anyway. Appreciate it" he added, before straightening, running back towards Mercaider after seeing him take an axe. Kind of his fault he was even there, so he had to at least give a bit of a hand to fix his mess.


Tekeshi moves to D6.

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Tekeshi has the advantage!
Tekeshi is inspired by Vivi!
Tekeshi will double!

Attack: 9
Hit: 133
Crit: 8
Sol: 11

Journeyman A
Attack: 8
Hit: 53
Crit: 5

Tekeshi attacks: 43 Hit! (60) [61]
Journeyman A takes 9 damage!

Journeyman A attacks: 53 Hit! (2 Crit!)
Tekeshi is downed with a massive 24 damage!


Tekeshi easily hits the axeman, however, the guard noticed his approach and prepares accordingly. As Tekeshi took his swing the man powered through it spinning his hatchet before slamming it right into Tekeshi's gut launching him up into the air once again. He would be able to look eye to eye with Mercadier before falling back down plummeting to the ground leaving a cloud of dust looming over him.


Tekeshi is downed!


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)
Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)
Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)
Journeyman A: (8/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)
Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)
Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35) 
Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)
Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)
Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)
Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35) 
Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)
Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)
Pupil A: (22/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)
Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)
Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40) 
Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40) 
Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)
Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35) 
Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)
Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)
Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Chance: (21/21) (F6) Heal (20/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (19/35) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Mercadier: (7/19) (D7) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)
Tekeshi: (0/19) (G6) Slim Sword (24/35) Downed (3/3)
Viola Sonnen: (0/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Vivianne: (16/16) (E7)
Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Zentilin: (20/20) (F9) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)
Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon
Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G4)
Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F5)

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"Goddess fucking damn it..."  The Rider cursed under his breath. It was really getting old, how often the Swordsman got his ass handed to him on a silver platter. Hell, all three of the engagements they'd had thus far- this one included, and he'd ended up a bloody pile on the floor each time. Even worse though, was that Mercadier had told him to fall back for this very reason "You had one job, boy. ONE..."


"Doran," He called out, "....I doubt I need to explain what just went wrong here. I'm afraid I must leave this straggler in your hands; someone has to get this fool out of here before he bleeds out. Again."


And with that said, Mercadier briefly leapt out of the saddle, picked Tekeshi up in a fireman's carry, and hoisted him over Lenneth's Back before taking off. No end of frustrated curses could be heard as he did... all Leneth did was snort, as unimrpressed by the bleeding warrior as ever.


Rescue Tekeshi... Canto to H8



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Doran is inspired by Vivi



Attack: 8

Hit: 100

Crit: 7

Ignis: 8


Journeyman A

Attack: 8

Hit: 78

Crit: 7


Doran attacks: 100 Hit! (14) [41]

Journeyman A is defeated with 8 damage!

Doran barely manages to finish the axeman off with one final strike from his hatchet.


[Enemy Phase] 


Pupil A moves to B8


[Ally Phase]


Not wanting to rush forward with out the group, the rouge instead decides to try and help get their swordsman to care.  "Hey, Mercadier over here! Hand the swordsman over to me so you can focus on picking off the guards." He called out to the pegasus rider.


Zentilin moves to G8 and Takes+Drops Tekeshi at G7


Prisoner A Oliver moves to G6


Prisoner B Kiran moves to F6


[Player Phase]



Viola regains 3 HP


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon

Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)

Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)

Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)

Journeyman A: (0/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)

Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)

Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35)

Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)

Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)

Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)

Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)

Pupil A: (22/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)

Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)

Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40)

Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40)

Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)

Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35)

Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)

Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon

Chance: (21/21) (F7) Heal (19/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (19/35) Vulnerary (3/3)

Mercadier: (7/19) (H8) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)

Tekeshi: (0/19) (H8) Slim Sword (24/35) Downed (2/3)

Viola Sonnen: (12/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Vivianne: (16/16) (E7)


Allies: Health, Location, Weapon

Zentilin: (20/20) (F9) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)


Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon

Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G4)

Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F5)




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Doran is inspired by Vivi

Doran is covered by the trees



Attack: 12

Hit: 101

Crit: 6

Ignis: 8


Pupil A

Attack: 9

Hit: 64

Crit: 2


Doran attacks: 71 Hit! (75) [48]

Pupil A takes 12 damage!


Pupil A counters: 80 Miss!

Doran takes advantage of the trees in order to attack the mage and dodge his fireball attack.


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)
Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)
Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)
Journeyman A: (0/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)
Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)
Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35) 
Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)
Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)
Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)
Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35) 
Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)
Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)
Pupil A: (10/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)
Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)
Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40) 
Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40) 
Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)
Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35) 
Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)
Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Chance: (21/21) (F7) Heal (19/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Doran Kearn: (15/23) (C6) Hatchet (18/35) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Mercadier: (7/19) (H8) Slim Lance (22/35) Vulnerary (1/3)
Tekeshi: (0/19) (H8) Slim Sword (24/35) Downed (3/3)
Viola Sonnen: (12/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Vivianne: (16/16) (E7)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Zentilin: (20/20) (F9) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)

Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon
Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G4)
Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F5)


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"I see no reason to stop you," the Rider had responded to Zant "Saves me the trouble of unloading his sorry arse myself. Now then, there seems to be a stragler over yonder, a heavier lance could be useful, the way things are going. Come Lenneth, let's see if he's stupid enough to take the bait..."


Vuln Self, Canto to E10

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Doran is inspired by Vivi

Doran is covered by the trees



Attack: 12

Hit: 101

Crit: 6

Ignis: 8


Pupil A

Attack: 9

Hit: 64

Crit: 2


Doran attacks: 81 Hit! (21) [34]

Pupil A is defeated with 12 damage!

Doran easily follows up his previous attack finishing off the mage.


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)
Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)
Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)
Journeyman A: (0/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)
Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)
Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35) 
Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)
Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)
Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)
Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35) 
Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)
Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)
Pupil A: (0/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)
Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)
Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40) 
Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40) 
Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)
Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35) 
Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)
Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)
Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)
Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Chance: (21/21) (F7) Heal (19/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Doran Kearn: (15/23) (D8) Hatchet (18/35) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Mercadier: (17/19) (E10) Slim Lance (22/35)
Tekeshi: (0/19) (H8) Slim Sword (24/35) Downed (3/3)
Viola Sonnen: (12/20) (F8) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)
Vivianne: (16/16) (D7)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Zentilin: (20/20) (F9) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)

Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon
Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G4)
Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F5)


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Chance found herself being delivered the unconscious body of that swordsman yet again. There must really be no hope for this one... But, he could still make himself useful. He could swing a sword, and worst comes to worse was another body to protect her. After all she couldn't really defend herself... well. She could but her entire collection of 72 knives was confiscated when she was first brought here. She sighed, reminsicing about all of those wonderful implements. Took her a moment, but she remembered she had a swordsman to heal.

She walked over and tapped her Duster on the man's head. "Rise and shine lazybones~ You've still got work to do protecting little old me and these fine folks who cannot fight. So, up and at 'em! Fight fight fight!!! GO GO GO!!!" she chanted, trying to get him in the fighting spirit! Perhaps that would work.

Boop Tekeshi with the Healyduster.

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[Enemy Phase]


The guards suspiciously bide their time. What are they up to?


[Ally Phase]


Zentilin moves to H10


Prisoner A Oliver moves to G9


Prisoner B Kiran moves to F9


Turn 5

[Player Phase]



Viola regains 3 HP


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon

Archer A: (21/21) (O20) Training Bow (35/35) Iron Blade (3/3) (Dropable)

Archer B: (21/21) (U12) Training Bow (35/35)

Archer C: (21/21) (J15) Training Bow (35/35)

Journeyman A: (0/25) (B7) Hatchet (33/35)

Journeyman B: (25/25) (F18) Iron Axe (45/45) (Dropable)

Journeyman C: (25/25) (N5) Hatchet (35/35)

Journeyman D: (0/25) (G9) Hatchet (34/35) Poison (2/2)

Initiate A: (0/21) (C7) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate B: (21/21) (Q17) Iron Sword (45/45) (Dropable)

Initiate C: (0/21) (K4) Slim Sword (34/35)

Initiate D: (21/21) (T10) Slim Sword (35/35)

Initiate E: (21/21) (O12) Slim Sword (35/35)

Pupil A: (0/22) (B12) Fire (40/40)

Pupil B: (22/22) (I20) Fire (40/40) Iron Dagger (45/45) (Dropable)

Pupil C: (22/22) (S15) Wind (40/40)

Pupil D: (22/22) (Q8) Wind (40/40)

Recruit A: (23/23) (D15) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit B: (23/23) (L19) Iron Lance (45/45) (Dropable)

Recruit C: (23/23) (P7) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit D: (0/23) (F9) Slim Lance (34/35)

Recruit E: (0/23) (G8) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit F: (23/23) (I13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit G: (23/23) (I14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit H: (23/23) (M13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit I: (23/23) (M14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit J: (23/23) (Q13) Slim Lance (35/35)

Recruit K: (23/23) (Q14) Slim Lance (35/35)

Thief A: (19/19) (S20) Iron Dagger (45/45) 6,000 Gold (Dropable)

Xemnir Nox: (24/24) (V14) Dragon’s Fang (40/40) Iron Javelin (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon

Chance: (21/21) (F7) Heal (18/30)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Doran Kearn: (15/23) (D8) Hatchet (18/35) Vulnerary (3/3)

Mercadier: (17/19) (E10) Slim Lance (22/35)

Tekeshi: (9/19) (G8) Slim Sword (24/35)

Viola Sonnen: (15/20) (F10) Fire (33/40) Wind (26/40)E Vulnerary (2/3)

Vivianne: (16/16) (D7)


Allies: Health, Location, Weapon

Zentilin: (20/20) (H10) Bolo Knife (19/40) Flux (33/40)E Vulnerary (1/3) Lockpick (14/15)


Prisoners: Health, Location, Weapon

Prisoner A Oliver: (10/10) (G9)

Prisoner B Kiran: (10/10) (F9)




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