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Online F2P CCG Suggestions?

Athea Andrea

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Well there are a few major ones out there at the moment, 
- Firstly there's Duelyst, which compared to Hearthstone is played on a grid where units can move which adds an interesting twist to the concept. It's also much more generous with card acquisition rate with 1 legendary dropping in 1/4 packs, and within one month of starting I had gotten to the equivalent of rank 5 and a highly competetive deck. I've heard of plenty of people who reached legend within a month of playing. you also get a legendary card at the end of every month if you read rank 10. In general the barrier to entry is very low compared to Hearthstone, though it may have gotten slightly bigger in the past year since I haven't played in a while.
- alternatively there are things like Gwent which I've heard great things about but haven't played myself.

- In the end you could also just played Yu-Gi-Oh in one of the plethora of clients available online, Cardfight Vanguard on CF-Area or Magic the Gathering in Cockatrice.


In the end I always return to Hearthstone after playing other card games, but I can definitely understand why some people may be turned off by how hard it is to keep up with the card releases these days.

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