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Colin rants... daily.


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WHY HELLO THERE. This topic is just going to be here for me to post rants on different subjects daily. Positive opinions/feedback is accepted and I'll lock the topic if the negative opinions/feedback gather up.

Considering this idea came from a rant I posted on my facebook early today, I'll just copy/paste from there.

Day 1

I hate the general conception that being a furry is something weird. Even furries that wear suits aren't weird. There's the occasional group of furries that enjoy doing it as sexual fetishes but you know, that's THEIR choice. THEIR life. Who the fuck are we to judge them for what THEY enjoy? It's not bothering us directly so why should we care? I may have a little bit of a bias because I'm a furry but I'm one of those that doesn't wear the suits and still enjoys the concept. As a note I should add that if anybody utters the word "furfag" around me, I will probably quit talking to you.

These'll get longer, I assure you but this one was just a small one that I posted on my Facebook as a personal opinion.

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I admit I'm one of those people who use "furfag" because a use a lot of bad words and such but I don't really have a problem with them. I have a friend that walks around with a tail. that I do over react about but I don't hate him for it. I hate him because. he is too touchy feel. Will knows who I'm talking about.

I can tolerate them so itsk

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It's our friend Robin, yeah.

I admit I use the word, but I've used way worse, so I don't really care much that I do. I just tend to keep stuff like that within my circle of friends or people I know are comfortable with me saying stuff like that around them, though.

As far as actual tolerance of furries, it really varies. Just so long as they keep their interests to themselves, I really have no problem with them, and they can even be really cool at times.

I don't hate anything, it's just things like our friend's tail that only irks me. That's about it.

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Live and let live. I don't see why people can not be what they want to be. Society has a standard, and it seems that people who don't follow that standard get the worst from it. It disgusts me, really. (It's like my Steam profile, people who see [or realize] that they're getting their ass whooped by an Axew generally start calling me things like "Pokefag" and the like. It cracks me up tbh, their intoleracnce.)

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Day 2

Not really a rant, but I'm just.. upset today. lol. I feel like something's missing or maybe.. I feel forgotten. I know I am, though. It's a cold, hard fact that I am indeed forgotten. I left a while ago and now I come back to a huge crowd of new people and all of the old people that I used to know have left the server. I dunno, I feel like I've lost my presence and it's probably true. Oh well, I always kinda feel like that.

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Not always a good thing because you just lost what you had built up but it provides an opportunity to do things differently.

Yeah.. by the way, Mael, I wanted to apologise for all the trouble I've caused with you. It was unnecessary.

There there pet, I'm sure there are some new people here who are nice and friendly. You just gotta put your past behind you.

I'm sure there are too, but it's hard.

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Yeah.. by the way, Mael, I wanted to apologise for all the trouble I've caused with you. It was unnecessary.

Already forgiven and over with, if not forgotten. That isn't to say we're friends, but I'd like to think we've treated each other fairly since all that settled down. I have no ill will towards you whatsoever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally have something to rant about this time.

Okay, so, take a look at this.


So as I'm sure you all know, Mashew and I are in an online relationship and we may have had our ups/downs but overall it has worked out. So this sort of thing obviously would irk me, especially since my parents met in a chatroom on the internet as well. I really hate people that have the mindset of "oh, online dating is for people who can't get a real relationship" or "oh, online dating is for people who can't work up the courage to talk to an actual person" because it makes them seem ignorant and they most likely are. After I told this guy that what he was saying is offensive, he said 'offensive my left tail-fin, offend yourself" and then when I called him rude, he said "sorry, I'm sick, so I'm a bit more aggressive" - what kind of excuse is that? Bullshit excuse if you ask me, but whatever. I left it alone because on a game like that you don't wanna start a fight in global chat, because the mods won't hesitate in muting you.

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"oh, online dating is for people who can't work up the courage to talk to an actual person"

to be fair this kind of is my case, although I haven't exactly done much about it- either way, I very much agree with you in this case for, well, obvious reasons

EDIT: Actually I talked to someone about this recently so maybe I'll just copy that one moment!

[9/25/2012 4:05:14 PM] [name redacted]: Yeah. Its not really something I want to know about. At least though, he said I can still keep my feelings. That he won't be one of those guys who will say since he will have a gf, then, I can't have feelings to be his friend. Also, he said its not like he's getting married xD I do know why we don't date. So its nice to finally know.

[9/25/2012 4:06:02 PM] Michael McGlynn: That's nice, at least

[9/25/2012 4:06:18 PM] Michael McGlynn: Why, though?

[9/25/2012 4:06:28 PM] [name redacted]: He said he will try getting me through it. And he said he's probably going to cry when he starts dating because he knows it'll hurt me badly.

[9/25/2012 4:07:29 PM] [name redacted]: Long distance. We both don't have money to see each other often. he doesn't really have the time. He has a bad past with it. And the most reason is because he's afraid he'll cheat because you can easily lie about it in long distance. And he's really afraid of hurting me. He also knows that being cheated on is one of my biggest fears. Along with being raped by a boyfriend or stranger.

[9/25/2012 4:08:46 PM] Michael McGlynn: (unrelated, but this song makes me sad ;~; )

[9/25/2012 4:08:57 PM] Michael McGlynn: But, I see

[9/25/2012 4:08:58 PM] [name redacted]: You do not know how to respond to it, do you?

[9/25/2012 4:09:03 PM] Michael McGlynn: I guess that does make sense

[9/25/2012 4:09:07 PM] Michael McGlynn: ...Sort of.

[9/25/2012 4:09:24 PM] [name redacted]: I mean, I know he's faithful but long distance, I know can be hard. Even I think I might not be as faithful. And I'm a very committed person.

[9/25/2012 4:10:51 PM] Michael McGlynn: Long distance relationships are definitely possible but it does take a bit more effort to make it worth it... You can't physically be there if they need you or something, and that makes it a lot harder to make them feel better when they're upset

[9/25/2012 4:11:12 PM] Michael McGlynn: You can't actually hug them or any of that, which admittedly shouldn't be necessary, but, I won't deny it's nice

[9/25/2012 4:12:17 PM] [name redacted]: I know its possible but I honestly don't think I could handle it. And both of us are very physically people. He said that we'll always have a spark between us. And I'll probably still have feelings for him big time even when dating other people. We're pretty compatible in ever way. And I kid you not. We have differences but I like that. I wouldn't want a carbon copy of myself -_-

[9/25/2012 4:12:31 PM] Michael McGlynn: Understandable

[9/25/2012 4:12:52 PM] Michael McGlynn: I'm not very good with relationships in general as you may or may not have noticed, by the way >>

[9/25/2012 4:12:53 PM] Michael McGlynn: but

[9/25/2012 4:13:13 PM] [name redacted]: One of the guys I fall hard in love with is from the internet. Never thought I would be that way, honestly.

[9/25/2012 4:13:48 PM] Michael McGlynn: Ahahaha, don't worry about it- every "relationship" I've really been in was with someone like that

[9/25/2012 4:14:15 PM] [name redacted]: I know but I've really loved two people. And its like, "Bam. Here's an internet one for you."

[9/25/2012 4:14:20 PM] Michael McGlynn: I'm really quiet and awkward in person so that makes it kind of hard ><

[9/25/2012 4:14:29 PM] Michael McGlynn: Yeaaaaahhhh it works in strange ways

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