Endlessblaze Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 (edited) Upgrade Reveal hidden contents Leo upgrades Channel with a trick level. spending 3 of his 4 PP (trick level 1) :The user may channel while preforming other actions, but only if there hands are free Loadout Reveal hidden contents Actives- (Action level 1) Channel: The user channels mana from there soul to perform a fiatable action. (Trick level 1)-The user may channel while preforming other actions, but only if there hands are free Shape solid: Allows the user to shape non-living solids to their whim. Subject to gm fiat Passives- Alternate Mana Casting: The user may attempt to cast a spell they know using a different type of mana, the effects of this are unknown until discovered. Spells cast like this require that at least 1 point of mana be spent. Equipment- Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies. In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot. Frost brute (equip minion): a large bulky and stocky mechanical golem made primarily of iron and copper, with large hands and claws. its large enough for a human to sit on its shoulders, or be crushed in a single hand, but small enough height wise to fit in most buildings without issue, if it can get past the doors. When its ice fire engine is running there is a constant rumbling in its chest, and the three exhaust pipes, on each side of its head, spew snow and ice, and its body is perpetually cold. Although it can act without this engine it is incredibly slow and weak without it, barely able to move under its own weight. Because of the danger and collateral risk of ice fire, this character is reluctant to field it without his own personal supervision, or the direct supervision of a trusted individual who can counter the ice fire. When using ice fire to attack, this minion uses magic heat manipulating systems to prevent it from going out of control, and choke the fire as necessary. This equip item takes up TWO action slots. this minion may be given a command once per turn as a free action when equipped. HP:20 Ice fire stream: Frost brute releases twin streams of ice fire at its target from its hands, while using heat manipulation to keep it under control. This Deals 1d3 ice damage to a target, and inflicts the ICE FIRE! Debuff on warm and hot targets. Continually dealing 1d3 damage until it is extinguished. But passing on the debuff to anything they touch which is warm or hot, or just not frozen. Extinguish ice fire: Brute purges the ICE FIRE! debuff from a target. Absorb heat (passive): when struck by a fire or heat based attack the attack is negated and the next ice fire stream deals extra damage. However, if struck by an ice or cold attack, the damage taken is increased, and ice fire stream’s next use is negated, and all strength based actions are weakened considerably until ice fire streams next use. Leo was, as one might imagine, a little scuffed up by the blast. His clothes had somehow remained in one piece, though a bit dirtier now from the kicked up dust and dirt. His arms where cut up and bleeding, thanks to flying rocks and shrapnel, though he had successfully shielded his face with them. This was not going well at all. Looking back the little girl was injured about as bad as he was and the older one was in VERY bad shape, but seemed to be masking it with magic? blocking the pain to remain functioning? Something anyways. Somewhat more terrifyingly, the pig man was not only not frozen, the fire had gone out. WHAT? That made zero sense, that stuff should have kept going until he was frozen solid! How did he counter it?! He must have some sort of temperature manipulation device or technique or something. At the very least the little fairy thing seems to have pulled the flame from their ally. He would have to ask how he did that later. And there would be a latter. Enough was enough. If he's going to run he's going to do something useful. Those cuts were pretty handy right now. Leo brings up a hand to hover above his arm before swinging it outwards, as he passes mana through his blood to from a ball of blood mana. Then he swings his other arm, splitting the mana into separate spheres. One a bit larger than the other. He throws the first one back at the most injured girl with a flick of the wrist and a finger snap. While he tosses the other larger one with a wide swing of his arm, causing it to split off half its size into a bolt streaking towards the kid. He finally slams the last bit into his chest, letting it flow out over his wounds. The red mana working to restore there wounds. Leo runs Leo, as a free action, channels 10 mana into healing bolts of blood mana. directing 4 points of mana at Freya, 3 points at lucine, and 3 points at himself Frostbrute runs Edited October 23, 2017 by Endlessblaze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 "Taking wounds. Estimated capacity for damage at 60%." Lucine didn't seem to flinch at the impact beyond what was physically necessary, though the wound itself seemed to slow her down a bit. Nevertheless, it seemed that whatever was controlling the girl at the moment deemed that the best option was to, in fact, continue running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 26/26 HP; 9/30 MP; 0/200 TP Current Ogre Boost: +0 Str/Ess Ess/Str/Dex/Int/Syn/Res/Con 5/5/-2/5/0/8/3 -minimum of 2 moves each round -MP-fueled actions have their checks boosted by 1/2 Int ((2)) With enough distance between himself and the pig-ogre to render the abomination's hooks about as harmless as they could realistically be by Stellio's estimation, the knight, slowly brought himself to a halt in his run, drifting a bit in the dirt as a cloud of dust plumed behind him (for though his plate may have made graceful, precise maneuvers difficult, it did relatively little to stop the velocity of the one wearing it, once they had accelerated enough; it was a trait quite useful for catching more agile foes unaware and body checking them to the ground to create an opening to finish them....). He turned and surveyed the rest of the battle- from the looks of it, the group was doing quite poorly. He glanced down at his blade, still virgin in this fight, not a lick of blood to be seen on it, and he doubted it would. These foes seemed to be some advanced variety of Fusileers; queer and rather unreliable weapons though they were back in the Isles, whatever realm this was, it seemed that the techniques used to craft them had advanced a far bit farther than the Balboedens had ever managed. Seven hells, he even had one of the damn things mounted atop his very shoulders, at the moment.... he still wasn't quite sure how it had happened or who had put it there. It was clear that this battle was to be dominated by range. Yet, he hesitated to sheath his blade, just yet. If worse came to worse, he would likely have to charge back in and take on the Pig Ogre and his deranged little minion personally, in order to buy the weaker ones time to retreat, and in such a case, he'd prefer to be fully prepared before hand. But for the time being, he merely waited, and began to channel more mana. It was good that he'd managed to slow the pig beast a little, now if he could just do the same to the minion.... Stellio Holds Stellio Holds again! Loadout Reveal hidden contents Relevant Perks Mana Sphere: [Grants an "MP Meter" which is used to fuel magic actions. Max value equal to {20+Int*2} fills at a rate of {Int} per turn.]((Current Rate: +7MP/Turn)) Tactical Devestation: [Grants a "TP Gauge" which is used to activate special techniques. Max value 200; fills at a rate of {Damage Dealt/Received+Essence}] Ogre of Whitewall: [Stellio gains +1 Strength & Essence every time he deals damage or is damaged. Caps at x2 Str/Ess] Slots: 5 Actives Paralytic Wave- "Ripple ye forth in waves of darkness, steal five temples of the soul, to bind them in your blindness!" [Cost 10 MP, Dark Element. Forces an Int vs Ess check on a group of up to 3 targets. Any targets who fail are afflicted with Paralysis for 3 turns, giving them a 25% failure chance on all actions.] Passives Years of Service- A veteran with decades of experience behind them knows their way around the killing field better than most... [Passive Ability. The user gains +1 move in combat, making it so they always have a minimum of 2 moves rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] Trumps Equipment The Headsman- A single-edged, 2-handed sword used by executioners. Its broad, curved blade is well suited for parting heads from shoulders [Deals 2d6+Str Dark/Slashing Damage. Has a 30% chance to inflict "Dark-Averse" Status on hit, lasting 3 turns; units suffering Dark-Averse take 1.25x more damage dark-based sources.] Ebony Plate- A suit of black-tinted, full plate armor forged from damasc steel. A tad bit cumbersome, but highly Resistant to rust, and far more durable than common forms of steel. It almost seems to cut a menacing profile around it's wearer, with its spiked pauldrons and helm... [Grants +5 Res, but at a –2 Dex penalty.] Ring of the Mind- [Increases MP accumulation & Checks made by MP-fueled actions by (½ Int) while equipped.] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hal Henderics Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 Blue lashes a rubber band out at Roadhog, attempting to steal a small item off his person! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 25, 2017 Author Share Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) Flee the Hog! The Mysterious Sniper shoots Roadhog in the face. He is not happy about this. Contagion runs for it! Aquila runs for it! Vitor runs for it! Vitor is safe! Reveal hidden contents Vitor brings Sentry Turret, Marathon Runner, Passive Shielding, Ultimate Meter, and Phantasmal Blueprint - Gae Bolg. The Mysterious Sniper shoots Roadhog in the face again! Roadhog hefts his hook contemplatively, but after a few seconds of indecision waddles over behind Junkrat's house, presumably to take cover from the sniper and protect his ally. Alan runs away with his Doombot! Alan and his Doombot are safe! Leo runs for it! As he runs, he channels healing magic to heal Freya, Lucine, and himself! His frost brute also runs for it. Leo is safe! Sha'Tith burrows underground, his barbed wire dealing 1 damage to Junkrat and Roadhog. Contagion continues running! Contagion is safe! Aquila continues running! Aquila is safe! Vitor holds his action, hard-light spear at the ready. Red outlines in the shapes of Junkrat and Roadhog become visible through the house, making them easy to see, as two more grenades arc overhead from the Mysterious Sniper. Lucine runs for it! Lucine is safe! Freya runs for it! Ena runs for it! Ena is safe! Junkrat struggles futilely against the sticky grenade he was hit with. Blue Occultist lashes out with a rubber band, and pulls a small, round, green pin from Roadhog's harness. The pin has a smiley face on it, and is approximately the size of a tower shield to the tiny wire warrior. Roadhog shrugs off his sticky grenade, and pulls Junkrat free. Nader sights in on Junkrat's outline behind the house, and fires the Horsekiller, blasting through the house and dealing 21 damage! Junkrat spins around and collapses, his left arm blown completely off! Stelio holds his actions. Status: Reveal hidden contents Contagion: 17/26. Safe! Aquila: 18/36 HP, moderately wounded. Safe! Vitor: 18/28. Safe! Roadhog: -? damage, paralyzed, in cover, revealed. Looks fairly healthy. Alan: 20/26. Safe! Leo: 18/24. Safe! Frost Brute: Healthy, 2 blocks away. Sha’Tith: 17/24. 2 blocks away, underground. Lucine: 17/24. Safe! Freya: 12/20 HP, moderately wounded, 2 blocks away. Ena: Healthy. Safe! Stelio: Healthy. Safe! Nader: 25/26. 2 blocks away. Blue Occultist: Healthy. 1 block away. Has a large, heavy pin. Alan's Doombot: Safe! Leo's Doombot: Utterly trashed. Junkrat: -? In cover, lightly dismembered, revealed. Mysterious Sniper: Mysterious. Edited October 25, 2017 by DragonRage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hal Henderics Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 Blue lands on the ground, and immediately begins rushing away, Running! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 Freya, as she ran, couldn't help but feel a bit of mana flow into her, the source rather obviously being the guy with blue hair. As Freya decided that she would need to thank him for the little boost, the mana had already begun to be put to use, speeding up the recovery of her own black magic, quickening the slow (but steady) regeneration of missing flesh, blood, and bone. Still hurt, A LOT, but Freya could live... At least, as long as she didn't chose to stay here. Which she wasn't planning to. Freya uses the good ol' tactic of making a tactical retreat! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) Ena strode over to the man who they had met on this world, head rotating a hundred and eighty degrees in an attempt to search out the location of the sniper. "Overwatch Agent Vitor. You said there was a safe house to the west. Should we begin heading in that direction, once the rest have made it here? Additionally, that sniper is an ally of yours?" Hold Actions, b/c Ena has no range. Edited October 26, 2017 by Strider Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Projeck Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Contagion casts Hideaway on the second block (the one Freya and Frostbrute are in)! He proceeds to cast Toxin Cloud on Junkrat and Roadhog! Loadout: Reveal hidden contents -Actives Toxin Cloud (AOE)- Contagion releases a cloud of poisonous gas on the battlefield, damaging all enemies for 1d6 + INT, prompting a INT vs RES check for enemies not to get Poisoned - [INT/4]d4 poison damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns. Hideaway- Contagion hides in his own gas, granting the status Shroud, preventing enemies form targeting him until he attacks, and giving a 10% dodge chance. Can be cast on allies. Cooldown: 3 turns. Burst Fire- Contagion opens fire with three attacks from his current firearm, dealing full damage on each attack, the first with no penalties, the second 75% likely to hit, and the third being 50% likely to hit. Cooldown: 4 turns. -Passives Nimble- Contagion has a bonus 10% to dodge. -Trumps May the Gas Rise (AOE)- Contagion outputs enough gas to cover a couple blocks in radius, dealing [INT]d6 + INT damage to all enemies, and applying the Toxified ([INT/4]d4 poison damage for [INT] turns) status. Once per encounter. Equipment: Contagion’s Modified AK47: Modified to be more accurate and more damaging, this AK deals 1d12 + DEX damage per attack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Cracks in the surface of the dirt marked a path as Sha'Tith burrowed through the earth away from the Pig Beast. Sha'Tith uses Lemurian Burrowing to run away again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 Roadhog appears to consider his actions, mask panning between the sniper's location, Nader, and Junkrat, before he slings the wounded pyromaniac over his shoulder and retreats to protect his friend from the bullets and poisonous gas. Everyone breathes a discreet sigh of relief. _______________________________________________ "I've got a safe house nearby. It's not much, but it's got food, water, and medical supplies. We can regroup and recover there," Vitor suggests, leading the way as he continues to talk quietly. "Sorry, but I don't know who that was. There's only two people in Overwatch who could make shots like that. I know for a fact that Ana Amari is in Rio de Janeiro right now, and Hanzo Shimada uses a longbow, not a gun. Oh, uh, Overwatch is the organization I work for. A global peacekeeping task force recently reinstated to help fight growing instability in the world. We're still in the process of reforming, so we're stretched a bit thin. And we've only got a few magic adepts, which makes things even worse since there's two magical crises going up right now; this one and the one in Rio. Especially since we're supposed to keep the fact that there is magic as quiet as possible. Things are bad enough without wannabe sorcerers running around blowing up buildings. The only reason I can talk to you all about this is that some of you are pretty clearly mages yourselves." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kj1225 Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Aquila stares at the man. "So.... how do you make your ballista fire shot that small that fast?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 "I understand." Ena stated flatly following along. "For your information, we were sent here as part of a multiversal task force. Goal is to stop creatures called trespassers from ravaging worlds across all universes. We're supposed to help prepare worlds for this incursion, that they might stop trespassers through their own strength. Our employer, DR. DOOM, stated that you were to be the last of our number." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Alan calmly cracked his fingers before he rapidly typed in almost everything the Vitor fellow in front of him had already said. He continued to do this for a while before he finally decided to ask "Who is this Roadhog fellow, and why would someone imbue him with that much magic?". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 "Ballista? These are called guns, and they're powered by tiny explosions. Basically, we have a powder that burns really fast, and occupies a lot more space after burning than before. So we put it in a tube with the bullet, and when it explodes it sends the bullet flying really, really fast. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it," Vitor explains to Aquila, "An interdimensional task force? I'd call bullshit, but after what we just escaped from that sounds almost pedestrian. But hey, if the multiverse needs me, sign me up. This world isn't too bad off, overall, so maybe other worlds need heroes more than we do." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 As Freya catches up to the rest of the group, she spares a glance behind her and sees Roadhog taking his friend away from the area, slowing down herself and leaning on her staff for support. Regeneration was a blessing, she had to admit, but it could be REALLY tiring, especially after using her Natural Requiem. But, she wasn't tired enough to not listen, and she practically absorbed what Vitor was saying, and what Ena said. However, as they did speak, Freya decided to do her real quick thanks, "Hey, blue hair- I didn't actually get your name- Thanks for the bit of mana... That was pretty helpful" Freya said (to Leo, specifically), just as the hole in her chest fully recovered, leaving only a small hole of fabric on the front and back of her outfit, and her bare skin in between. Her arm, however, was still visibly repairing itself, though steadily growing smaller as time went on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kj1225 Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Aquila looks to be thinking hard. He looks kind of mind blown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endlessblaze Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) Leo looks to Freya. "Its no big deal. honestly a proper healing spell would be more effective, but hey, if it works, it works." He then addresses the group "Perhaps as we walk, we should explain what we do and our specialties? Ill start. I'm Leo, and this is snow" He pats the sword at his waist and the large Eye thing widens, and starts projecting a 3D Hologram in varying shades of translucent blue. she wears a somewhat regal dress that goes down to her ankles, and a circlet crown on her head with a large gem front and center. Her hair is of medium length and she looks to be about leo's age. she seems tall, but considering its just a projection... She has her arms crossed and looks over the group with a neutral expression, not quite sure how to feel about them yet. "Hello" "Andddd, she finally shows herself. I see you've gone for the ice queen look today." "Shut it, or ill fill that little toy of yours with enough viruses to ruin its bios." Leo clears his throat. "Anyways, as you may or may not have guessed, I'm a mage specializing in golems, and golem based equipment. I can shape solid non-living matter to my will, and create, well...golems. Need a magic computer, Golem, or even just a simple railgun? I'm the man. Snow here is a Golem based AI of my own creation, housed in this here sword. She controls its functions, and creates a wireless network that can provide internet access through cellular networks. Among other things. "If you use me to look up porn, I will make sure your systems never boot again." Leo just kinda sighs. and goes silent, waiting for the next person to talk. Edited October 26, 2017 by Endlessblaze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 "Great idea!" Vitor agrees, "I am Vitor Santos Schultz. I am also a mage, but a poor one. My family's magical crest is not strong. My best skill is psychometry, reading the pasts of objects I touch. But by combining this with hard-light technology liberated from Vishkar Corp, I can do some pretty cool stuff." Vitor waves with his artificial right hand, the white material gleaming in the sun, before conjuring his spear with a flourish. "By reading the past of an object with a rich history, I can create a copy of it when it was at its strongest. So by reading the past of a fragment of bone found in a tomb in Ireland, I was able to recreate the item it once was a part of. Emulated Phantasm: Gae Bolg." The spear shivers slightly at the words, "The weapon used by the ancient Irish hero Cu Chulainn, brought to life once more. I can do this with any historical artifact, though not too often and only if historical user was a person of great deeds and renown. I can also create lesser hard-light constructs, I'm a trained architect, and a decent shot? I know a lot about magecraft, so I could probably teach that too, but I've been limited by my family's crest." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endlessblaze Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 "That's a pretty neat Skill to have, But What do you mean by magical crest? And about that hardlight, do you know how to make more of those devices? My computer uses hardlight screens and keyboards, but the projector is something I bought and I never got around to reverse engineering it, or rather, I never really figured the whole thing out." "I thought you where supposed to be smart.""In case you cant tell. Snow wants an upgrade to her hologram projector. I was going to go buy one soon but..." He gestures to the area around him. "well, now were here." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 "A magical crest is something established families of mages use. It's a sort of enchanted construct that stores our discoveries and mage circuits for the next generation. I guess you don't have to worry about those, being from another world," Vitor shares, "But my crest only has five circuits, which isn't a lot, so the power of my magecraft is severely limited. And my hard light projector is built into my hand. I kind of like having two of those, and I'm an architect, not an engineer. I know how to use it, not how to make another one. You're welcome to a non-invasive scan if you've got a way to pull it off though." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endlessblaze Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 "I have been working on an analysis spell, once I get it all figured out, ill be sure to take a look. Though What exactly are these circuits, and how do they work? Are they like runes, or does it have something to do with how souls work in this world...Do souls work differently in this world?" He gets a thoughtful look on his face, as he starts to consider the Nigh-infinite possible differences between this world and his own, before he realizes something."Oh" He points back in the direction they came from. "Frostbrute, go and retrieve the wreckage of the robot." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Next up Nader spoke (well, after sighing a truly legendary sigh of relief at Roadhog's retreat and then clanking over to the group), though not immediately to introduce himself, voice coming in slightly muffled through the small holes near the mouth of his mask. His Horsekiller touched the ground, the long and heavy weapon's top resting on it, for now. "Can we do this while we walk? They might have been friendly for that engagement, but I don't like standing here out in the open when we know there's an unknown sniper in the area. Anyway, I am Nader Jabal, weapons engineer for the Republic of United Forenia. If you gave me the space and things to work with, I could probably do a little work on the guns and armor of the people here, but for the most part what I'm probably bringing to the table is my guns and armor. This armor is the Rabid Tiger Armor, my pride and joy. It's based off of my country's Tiger Infantry Armor, which I helped design, but it's significantly improved over the years, and I built in mountings and rails for heavy weapons. It's made out of mangalloy, so it's fantastically tough, and I'm more or less resistant to shrapnel and small arms. As for my guns, I've got the Mark 2 Osprey, which is a sharpshooter rifle. I admittedly get less use out of it than my others, but it has use. I have the M3 Sorraia, that's my general purpose machinegun. Obviously it's somewhat difficult to fire from my arm, but with the bracings I made it's functional, and sending 20 bullets at something can be useful. Then I have my Horsekiller 1935R, which shoots .60 cal bullets, and though it's not the most accurate, it packs a punch -- it's what I blew the explosives man's arm off with." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 "I am Ena. A law enforcement robot. But I do not police for murder, I police those who break the fundamental laws of my universe for their own gain. Priority targets include people capable of creating time travel devices/plan to use such a device too often, space warping, and certain forms of magic. I am equipped to enforce my universes laws onto any, to the extent I'm aware, whether of not they are a destabilizing force. This ability is draining, and utilizes large reserves of power. It must be applied sparingly." What else should she say? Introductions to the IFPP Board would have been simpler. Context would have been present, and terms would not require explaining. After a few microseconds, she settled on what to say next though. "Additionally. I have received calibrations for hand to hand combat, and am armored advanced titanium-steel and carbon nanoweave plates." Ena carefully pointed to the slightly disjointed segments of matte metal on her arm. "I should not fail in social situations. But they are not my focus, and others must be better suited." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) "I preface this by saying I'm an architect and amateur magus, not a mage-surgeon or something," Vitor says as the group continues toward the safe house, "But to my knowledge my magical crest and the circuits that come with it are a set of five diamonds in a disc of gold engraved with runes. The crest is implanted in my soul, and acts as a sort of interface between me and magic. The more and better magic circuits you have, the more mana you can put into your spells, and the stronger you'll be. My circuits are few and not exceptionally high quality, so my raw power is low, but I've practiced a lot, and my hard-light projector helps pick up the slack. Someday, I'll pass my crest and most likely my projector on to my firstborn. They'll probably have more circuits that I do, since I've been practicing and honing my magecraft since I got my crest, unlike my father may he rest in peace, and so be stronger mages than I am. In this way, we'll continue to improve and progress. "You're a gunsmith, metal man? You ought to take a spare weapons my teammates had. They, uh, won't be needing them anymore, so maybe you can do something with them. It's all powder weapons; a bit old school nowadays, but reliable and easy to maintain, which counts for a lot out here in Australia." Edited October 26, 2017 by DragonRage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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