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"You have an actual lab here? That's awesome." It was smaller than the one she was used to back at home, but stocked with some rarer ingredients; most of the exotic stuff was either used up or something she wasn't allowed access to. "It's not that hard of a ritual, so I shouldn't need anything that special. I need to expand the circle a little, though. . ." Lucine fairly quickly got to work, sketching out myriad lines both inside and outside the circle and then filling in said lines with mercury. "Um, the catalyst just needs to be near the circle, so just put it down next to it or something." After waiting for Vitor to fulfill her request, Lucine attempts to summon a Cu Chulainn Class Card.

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"... Huh. Your wood must be different from the ones I've seen" Freya commented, "Names also seem to be a bit different. Normally people would put 'the' when refering to a Legendary Knight, yet you just use it as a flat out name... Speaking of which, what IS your name? I never quite caught it"

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"I suppose so.  In my home world, even a toothpick plucked fresh from the ground is a suitable weapon, if a bit pedestrian."


"My name is Blue Occultist, as I am Blue, and am also devoted to the occult nature of True Water.  The Legendary Knight is a figure known in my world for being the single strongest Wire Warrior.  He wields countless weapons, has many God Wires in his body, and even aside from that, supposedly has a twist tie of every type integrated into his body, to the point where you can no longer tell what his first wire ever was."


"There were rumors of him passing his name down to a successor, but it would not do to disrespect that person based on rumor by demoting him to Knight."


Freja would note the reverence in his tone when he spoke of God Wires, nearly as much as the reverence he uses to refer to this "True Water"

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In all honesty, Freya couldn't help but feel really interested in Blue's explanation. Such a tiny thing, yet managing to have a history that went far past itself, "I'm... Going to admit, that sounds really nice. You sound like you have a lot of respect for these God Wires and True Water, and here I am with a name on every hit list of all of the gods that have heard of me" Freya replied, "What are these God Wires, anyway?"

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"Whoa, whoa, step back please," Vitor tells Leo, "We got you the antivenom in time, but your immune system's still weak.  There's a lot of highly reactive and unpredictable stuff in here, some of it with really potent mystery.  I'd like to say it probably wouldn't kill you, but that's not a chance I'm willing to take.  So please wait until you've had some more time to recover."


Vitor's circle flashes brightly, and Lucine feels a sucking drain of mana through the bone shard into the powerful spell.  With a shimmer of red sparkles, a class card appears in the center.  A picture on the front depicts a young woman with purple hair, red eyes, and very tight, armored clothes wielding a blood-red spear shaped like the one Vitor summons.  "...I don't think that's Cu Chulainn," The Brazilian magus states the blindingly obvious.


  Reveal hidden contents


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"Well so you have any metal and gemstones? I can make do with those. Oh and computer parts. Ill worry about the little lab there later, but right now I should probably get to work on some more equipment." Leo pauses and thinks for a moment.
"What if we had a good sparring match?"

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With everyone apparently busy for now, Aquila goes to the weights. After a few moments to figure out how they are supposed to work, he goes off to a corner and strips off the armor he was wearing. Of note is the fact that he's shirtless, there's a large gold Eagle tattooed on his chest, and one of his eyes are missing. He gets to work setting up with some weights appropriate for his strength. 


Nyx had wandered over to Vitor and is attacking his feet in the way kittens do when they're bored.

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"I've never seen one in person, they are twist ties with powers beyond reckoning, even taking a single one and integrating it into your body can increase your power severalfold."


"There are three types, four if you ascribe to a certain religion of my world, related to the Brick Dragon, a supposed Deity."


"Corrupt Crimson, a twist tie with a shine like blood, it is the most common God Wire, and any who take one into their body would find their strength multiplied by about ten or so.  in return for an equally feral increase in cutthroat callousness.  Though this may be a rumor, as even Legendary Knight has several."

"Shining Silver, rare, but weaker than it's companions, it offers a mere multiplication of five, but, it comes with the potential to grant one skills unlike any other, surpassing even pureblooded white wires in sheer ability."


"Lastly, the twist tie which is the rarest, the most sought after.  Godly Gold, it has one simple effect.  When you include one in your form, every aspect of yourself is enhanced, multiplied by about ten or so."


"They are called God Wires because even one can elevate a mere mortal to the position of champion.  Their ability can even exceed that of a Pureblood's multiplied strength, without sacrificing the ability to take other colors of wire into yourself."


"Several clans of Pureblood disparage their use, however, as they are jealous of the power such a wire can offer to anyone who is not themselves.  Naturally, having given up the ability to take other colors into themselves has resulted in them not being able to partake of the divine shades as well."


He sounds desirous of that kind of power.  It makes sense, power like that, just sitting there for the taking.  Who WOULDN'T have some small hope of being lucky enough to achieve it.

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After leaving the Armory, Ena headed outside, carrying the rifle over her shoulder. She was going to attempt to calibrate herself to the rifle. After surveying the area, feeling a bit starved for nice targets, Ena set down the gun and trudged off. When she was fifty meters away according to her internal odometer, she set up a small pile of stones next to a shrub, both of which could serve as targets. She then went on, and did the same at a hundred and two hundred yards.


Returning to the gun she had left on the ground, she picked it up, fiddled with the slide and the safety until she had deduced how this gun in particular worked, and then began to take shots at her makeshift targets. Before each shot, there was a slight whir as certain motors locked themselves into place, giving her a steady control of the gun. She would take a few shots, visually zoom in on the target, and incrementally change the movements of her servos in order to hone in on her target pebble.

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Lucine took a few moments to catch her breath; she was panting as if she'd just run a marathon. She blinked at the card in confusion. "No, definitely not. . . Can I use your computer? She has to be related to Cu Chulainn somehow, right?" The girl wanders toward one of the devices in question, noticeably tired. She waited for Vitor to give the go-ahead before firing up the machine, and punching in a quick Google search for "cu chulainn." A short skim of his Wikipedia page highlights a likely suspect: Scathach, Queen of the Land of Shadows, and Cu Chulainn's teacher. Lucine waved at Vitor, gesturing at the screen, and then snatched Opal out of the air, pressing some unknown spot on it to pop out what appeared to be two playing cards. One had an image of a blonde woman in red with a somewhat comically oversized sword, and a man that would be comically oversized if he wasn't terrifying, appearing to be a mad beast. She slotted both of her new cards into the device, and then split it into the two guns once again, sliding the ejected ones into a pocket after doing so.


Lucine Installs Scathach's card, and Includes the unknown card from DOOM, attempting to figure out the properties of the latter.


"I feel. . . a little smarter, kinda? Like I know more stuff. What about you, Opal?"

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"Well, they certainly live up to their name of 'God Wires' then" Freya stated, still as interested and cheerful as ever. Though, underneath, the Corrupt Crimson managed to remind her of something else. More power with the only downside being that you had an urge to kill anyone beneath you? Considering that description fit some of the people that tried to kill her at one point, multiple times, it was a bit more of a persona feeling.


As she said that though, Freya finally straightened, dusting off her outfit a bit, "Well, I think you'd want to focus on making your shield, so I'll leave you to it. Thanks for the talk Blue" Freya said, waving downwards at the little guy before turning around, beginning to walk off.

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For the most part, Freya was simply wandering around, seeing what was going on. It was only by chance that she wandered towards the training area, noticing how a man that... She actually didn't recognize, was waving her over. After a split second of decision making, Freya practically turned on her heel, walking over to the man, "Hello, what do you need?" Freya asked as she approached, seeming completely undisturbed by the fact that this guy was, in fact, shirtless. Didn't really matter to her much, though the eagle tattoo was rather neat.

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"So Freya... oh right, this is the first time you're seeing me. It's Aquila. Like the thing on my chest. Clever right? Anyways, I was wondering about that necromancy thing. Could you like make me a zombie so I can just replace bits that get lopped off? I think that would be really useful."

Aquila goes back to exercising.

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At the question, Freya couldn't help but frown, "That's... Something I've never really thought of. For the most part, when I make a zombie, or any form of undead, they're kind of completely under my control. No free will, nothing, they're only walking around because I'm there to keep them up" Freya stated. For a second, Aquila could almost hear a bit of a scolding tone creeping into Freya's voice, most likely signalling her explaining WHY she wouldn't want to try something like that anyway.


However, instead of that, Freya paused, folding her arms as she began to think, "Though... It COULD be done. You'd need me around to let you actually move, along with being... Well, dead, so I could turn you into an undead in the first place... And I'd need to figure out a way to keep your soul anchored to the body..." she added, turning away as she start muttering about things, now quiet enough so that Aquila couldn't really make out what she was saying.


This wasn't something that had ever been successfully done... Or attempted, for that matter. But if Freya could accomplish it and actually manage to make a 'living' zombie...

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"Don't those old stories normally have things like that needing something like, significant to anchor the soul down? I mean, I imagine it's like holy relics where there's a bit of something in anything significant to a person... And if worse comes to worse there might be someone here that has an idea about how to make it work. If they can make people like that fat guy why not a person who's both alive and dead?"

Aquila grunts with effort as he hefts the weight. Still, more comfortable than hauling hay.

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After they arrived at the safe house, Stellio had taken some time to look around the place. Most notably at the strange, magic tablets that placed with light and were situated in one area, and the armory which was filled with yet even more advanced fusils than what he had seen and heard on the battlefield earlier and even a few.... orbs(?). Impressive though they were however, he knew next to nothing about actually wielding one of the devices, and so he had instead opted to find a place and maintain his own equipment. 

     Adjusting the Plate was easy enough, loosening and tightening straps here and there as necessary, and much to his surprise, the thing felt far less restrictive than it ever had before, why... not even on the day after it had been forged and completed had it allowed this much maneuvering.

     Focusing the ring he sported upon his finger, was just as easy. As he channeled a bit of dark element mana into it, the thing responded almost immediately, sucking up the proffered energies and radiating with a pale blue light in the artificial darkness that had been created. And by the time it faded and the light returned, Stellio felt the flow of the magic running wild all around them grow yet stronger...

    And it was with that increased flow that he decided to experiment. Drawing his blade and holding it at the ready, away from any who might be caught in the results of the test, he focused his mind, body, and soul, and once more got work practicing the one, and only, technique he had gleened from the Dark Knights during all those many times they had met on the battlefield. The Mana he pumped into the weapon responded to the magic already inherent in it's structure, and as Stellio made a might swing with both hands, a violent shock wave of crackling, screeching black thunder and miasma emanated out, but soon stopped before it could potentially destroy anything or anyone, as he exerted his will and suppressed the very energies he had channeled and released. Glancing down at the thing and nodding, he knew the attunement had stuck, as he sheathed it.


With naught much else to do aside from wait, he found his way into the training area next. And it was there he found something at least that was quite familiar- there hanging from the rafters, it was just like one of the bags filled with sand and other such grainy materials to train pugilists back in the Isles. Almost on a whim, he gave the thing a quick jab for old times sake, and nodded approving as it went it swinging back quite a ways before finally rebounding, only to be stopped by his waiting hands. 


He still had it, even afterall all these years....


he still had it because he'd never been allowed to lose it.


Letting the bag settle, he unfastened his gauntlets and set them down nearby, before taking up a fighting stance- the same one they had taught the new recruits of His Majesty's Royal Guard, all those years ago, and he took another jab, and another...


Stellio Trains Strength

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After a pause, Freya turned back to Aquilia, "Holy Relics COULD work... Though most of the time their big, easily noticeable, and don't like it when someone like me handles them. I personally prefer jewelry, like this-" Freya stated, lifting up the little amulet around her neck, tapping the black gemstone within, "- This is a rather simple version, but this is filled with my own soul. Sort of a backup plan, encase I get decapitated, burned alive, poisoned, stabbed through the heart, mauled by a dog, things like that" Freya added, her casualness on the topic indicating either an uncaring towards it, or that she had dealt with those exact scenarios before.


"Either way, I know how to transfer soul energy to certain objects... It just gets a bit harder when dealing with another person's soul. Main difficulty would be fitting enough of your soul into something that you can keep on you at all times, so you'll be able to control your own body"

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Thankfully, Freya was able to notice the little glimmer underneath his eyepatch, snapping her fingers when she saw that, "OH! That works perfectly! Gold is one of the best absorbents for magic and souls!" Freya stated, a bit louder than she should've. After a brief pause, she decided to ask something, "... That IS actual gold, right?"

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Aquila stares at her for a moment, not quite understanding what she meant. After a bit he makes a noise of understanding, flipping the eyepatch up to show his golden eye.

"Of course, Got it made out of loot I stole myself. Not like Gold it very useful after all."

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"A sparring match?  When you're still recovering from a bite from the deadliest snake in the world?  Are you insane?" Vitor asks Leo frankly, "I suppose you can have one of the tablets to do with as you please.  No metal around, and no gemstones I can spare, sorry.  Not unless you start drilling into the walls, and we kind of need those."  He projects a mote of light with his hard-light system and starts playing it around the room for the kitten to chase.


Stelio gains 1 strength from hitting the bag.  Aquila gains one strength from pumping iron.  Ena is able to use intelligence in place of dexterity for determining the DMR's crit chance now (trick level 1).


Opal experiences some rather abrupt changes.  A wide, adjustable top-loader sprouts from his magazines, and a laser sight appears below his barrels.  Opal has gained the benefits of Eternal Arms Mastery and Bottomless Quiver of the Warrior Queen, ensuring that his wielder's attacks will never be hampered by any effects on them or Opal, and that any item that his wielder lifts and attempts to load him with may be used as a projectile.  However, the class card remains frustratingly blank.

Edited by DragonRage
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It was rather obvious that Freya was slowly becoming more and more excited, especially when she got a good look at Aquila's golden eye, "Great! That makes it way easier! If we spend some time I can probably transfer a good portion of your soul into that eye of yours" Freya stated. Then, almost abruptly, her excitement died down as she took on a more serious tone, "... I have to ask though, are you SURE you want to try something like this? It can seriously backfire if it fails, and testing it out before hand would be a bit difficult, unless I can get the right things for it"

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Aquila pauses. After a bit he flips the eyepatch down.

"We should save it until we can be a bit more sure about it. Or if I'm really desperate... Anyways, wanna give me some help for this last exercise I'm doing?"


Nyx chases around the laser pointer in a way that one would expect from a cat. It is, needless to say, Ridiculously cute.

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