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Freya herself was out rather hard, barely make any noise as she slept. It was only when Snow made her announcement that she actually woke up, yawning and stretching as she got up and checked what the commotion was... And by the time Vitor got through with explaining what the situation was, she was wide awake, since they were still forced to deal with Roadhog... Which, to be fair, was probably the point of coming here.


"Jeez... Reaper eats souls?" Freya asked, her face actually a bit pale as she said that. If this Reaper COULD do that, then that kind of messed with her own revival capabilities, as it left her own soul vulnerable during the revival time. Then, she sighed, putting a hand to her head, "Well, I guess I can go with whatever team needs me, if we are doing that, at least."

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Lucine was rather. . . wide-eyed, at the description of what they were facing, and not in the "very excited" way. But I guess Doctor Doom thought I was a good pick for this, right?  And it's not like I was really doing a whole lot before. . . She somewhat tentatively raised her hand before speaking. "I could go with the team that's going after the magic artifact. I could try and learn more about it if I got close, and Opal should be able to keep me pretty safe either way." 

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The lizardman loomed in the back of the room during the briefing, he was obviously awake before anyone else, though of where he was or what he was doing there was no sign.

"I will go where there are Skyfallers that need to die."

He said this in a low hissing tone, then looked at Aquila, let out a shot puff of smoke in his direction, and made his way outside.


Any who choose to follow him would find him standing on a fairly flat place within a ring in the dirt denoted by either piles of smaller stones or single large stones jammed into the earth to stand pointing up, there were at least two dozen of these markers in all and they made an even circle between five and six meters across.

He stood waiting for Aquila.

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Aquila shrugs. While he does think that the lizard could wait until after tactics were confirmed, honor did need to be upheld.

"Sorry, guess he's not waiting until after we've made plans. Feel free to come watch, always good to have an audience."

With that he heads back to his bunk to change out of his armor with the exception of his gloves before heading out to the circle. He's quick to enter it, looking about.

"I see you were busy, I hope you're still at 100 percent for this duel."

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He carefully watches Aquila's approach and nods when they ask about his well being.

"Of course."

Aquila might have noticed at one side of the pit lay a pile of objects, including a metal tube, several metal plates, and a ukulele.

Sha'Tith ignores anyone who follows Aquila and starts speaking right away.


"Since killing each other at this time would be foolish, I will offer the rules commonly used where I am from.

First, no cutting, biting, or breath is to be used.

Second, gouging the eyes is forbidden.

Third, he who leaves the ring loses.

Fourth, he who falls to the ground loses.

Fifth, if both lose, fight again."


He then simply waits, his claws clicking together at his sides.

Edited by StormLord
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Sha'Tith gets a look on his face that is some cross between surprise and irritation, his eyes narrowing down on Aquila.

"I found it among the items left behind after defeating an invading force of Landburners.  What it has in relation to music I do not know, though my people once reveled often and in great chorus, since the day of flaming sky we now only morn."

His expression shifted as he spoke, first through irritation, then reminiscence, a flash of grief, and finishing with anger.

"Enough talk, are you ready to fight?"

Edited by StormLord
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"I'll tend to the artifact. Maybe I can get some useful information on it while I'm at it. Wouldn't be the first time I've been around something like this."

Contagion nods, making his decision. He idly is loading rounds into the magazine for his AK.

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Alan stepped forward with his DOOMBOT and Drone following closely behind him when he said "I am joining the Talon assault team with my drones then. As I don't think that it would hurt to have two more gunmen on the team."He would then type in a short series of commands that causes his DOOMBOT to take out his PDW and load a full clip inside of it. 


Alan smirked inside of his clown mask before he said "Yes, yes I did teach the DOOMBOT how to use a gun...also does any of you have a bit of personal body armor or some metal plates I can weld to its frame for additional protection or something?"

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Assault team thus far:
Lucine, Contagion, Alan.

Pipeline team thus far:


Sha'Tith and Aquila settle their differences like men!  Or man and lizard.  Sha'Tith promptly gets wrecked.  It isn't even close.

"... Uh, Ena, was it?  Didn't I just get done saying Roadhog and Reaper probably aren't going to be around?  The pipeline team's going to be facing Junkrat, the crazy explosives guy that Nader shot.  He got his arm back on impressively fast.

"Sorry, Alan, but all we have is what you see here.  Nothing really useful for armoring your drone.  What it's made of is probably tougher than our walls, and that's the only metal we've got.

"Somehow I don't think stealth is an option.  Talon gives infrared goggles to all their goons.  They can see heat.  And none of you seem exactly good at covert, pardon my saying.  We're going to have to go in hot and hope for the best.  I'm not sure how the hell you think you're turning our fine, fine resources of dirt, rocks, and scrub brush into useful soldiers, but if you think you can, go ahead.  Because I'm still not letting you kill yourself messing around in my lab.  Do you have a death wish, kid?  I'm really starting to wonder."

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"Oh? I did not comprehend that from your statement. I believe I would be better suited to the assault team. If I can find the location from which this video was shot, I should be able to kill a few of them. If not, I am perfectly capable of holding my own in close quarters once we get near the wreck."


"If however, too many people choose the assault team, I would not be averse to bolstering the pipeline team. I may not have as much use of the DMR, but I am bullet proof enough to prevent some shots from striking the payload, and am capable of handling ordinary humans if they attempt to approach."

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Alan glumly nodded in response to Vitor's statement before he quietly walked away from the rest of the group for a few moments. And after those few moments had passed he rejoined the group with a single frag and stun grenade hidden away somewhere inside the recesses of his suit jacket. And the flare gun from earlier cradled in his hands as he gingerly inspected its mechanisms. He would then put the flare gun somewhere inside of his suit jacket once more before he finally decided to say "So what can you tell us about how Talon handles their defenses? And how many of us do you think would be enough for each mission?".

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Stellio's hand had instinctively drifted to his blade, as the projected images of the knights in black armor, swarming about some artifact like ants to a peice of carrion, played on screen. He had already drawn it half way out of the scabbard, mind flashing back to the countless encounters of days gone, the garbs and armor of the many foreigners who had played no small part in helping the nation tear itself apart after the death of his Majesty. Only when the weapon finally left it's scabbard and he felt it's weight freely supported in his hands, his subconscious mind already funneling the mana from the environment into it's ebony edge, did he actually snap back to reality, dismiss the called magicks, and shoved the hefty weapon right back into it's sheath, shaking his head at the fact of how far he'd nearly let himself slip.


 It didn't matter that the knights reminded him all too much of the Loslerians and their lust for the seals beneath the hanging gardens, nor how much a very large part of him, the part all too many had called the Ogre, wanted to depart and slaughter the lot of them immediately. This was now. The war was back then. It was over, finished, the threats to his homeland eradicated and the news of Lodis losing its deadliest knight order beginning to make it's way around the globe. Valeria was whole again, healing, and ruled by his Majesty's rightful heir. The fires of the past were dead and cold. So why could he still not extinguish his own? 


"I will accompany the squadron that investigates this 'pipeline'," the Knight declared after regaining a hold over his own sanity, though from the stoney resolve of his voice and stance, and the fact his face was covered by a full helm, one would be hard pressed to even know he'd lost some of it just now to begin with "And I would suggest any of you with knowledge of engineering or other such disciplines go as well. I have little experience in such fields myself, but I can present enough of a threat that our foes would be foolish to focus on a few tinkerers fixing what they destroyed, when there's an Ogre tearing through them one by one."

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"You do realize what my craft is right?" 

Leo sits his toy golem on the table

"Even a few boulders could produce golems of mild usability. True without your lab I wont be making anything better then meatshields and distractions. But Simple cannon fodder should be easy to produce. Still if your so worried about me hurting myself in your lab, why don't you assist me? I'm sure we could make some impressive Golems. Forget stone golems with a stick and shield. Lazor cannons, fire breath, energy bombs. Of course I wont know what exactly Ill be able to produce until I see what materials you have and how mana attunes to them."


"The knight guy makes a good point, you should consider going to the pipeline."


"Ill consider it, AFTER I make sure we are equip to survive this."

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Assault team thus far:
Lucine, Contagion, Alan, Ena

Pipeline team thus far:

Blue, Leo, Stelio


"I think we should probably do an even split between the pipeline and the ruin," Vitor says, "They're both of critical importance to success here.  Talon doesn't defend fixed locations all that often; they're used to being on the offensive.  So they'll probably take an active defense and aggressively counterattack.  We might be able to use that to lead them into an ambush or trap.  The most they'll have is some trenches and sandbags set up for cover.  We'll need someone with magical know-how on the assault team.  Unless somebody else has the chops, I think that means me.


"And Leo, what did I just tell you about not letting you try to commit suicide?  You're not getting in my lab until you have your health back.  You just got bit by the deadliest snake in the fucking world!  I'm amazed you're even walking right now."

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Nader had slept in his armor, and he found himself with little aches and pains because of it -- but not enough to seriously slow him down, especially considering the magnitude of the task that had been laid in front of him. Talon intended to destroy these peoples' home for no good reason? Well, then they would benefit from having someone there to blow Talon's heads off when they came up to do so. "I'm not very fast, so I don't know that it would be a good idea for me to try to launch an outside attack. But if you can find me an area on the pipeline to defend, I should be able to do so very well. Besides, I can sympathize with defending one's home. Put me down for the pipeline battle."

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Leo outright slams a hand on the table. "Suicide is what I call running into a fight like this unprepared! You just said there's no telling how strong the enemy group will be!"

Leo sighs and calms himself. "If your taking on the ruin, I guess I can go help out at the pipe line, since I can shape solid matter easily, I should be able to speed repairs along." 

"Both groups should be able to communicate at all times, do you have any coms?"

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Freya actually jumped a bit when Leo slammed the table, staying a bit silent for a bit before leaning towards Leo, "Well... Suicide is also overworking yourself and dying because of that. If a Tapian is anything like a Basilisk, then resting after getting bitten by one is the best idea, because you're not exactly cured, you're recovering, even if you can walk. Trust me, dying from poison during recovery is not a good way to go" Freya stated, keeping her cheerful voice up during her explanation, before leaning back, "I don't think you should stop trying to help, but you really shouldn't try and push yourself to help as much as you can either. If you still want to go with the... Uh... Pipe Repair Team then like I said before, you should take it easy. In fact, I would personally recommend that you stay behind, make some of your golems, and send them off with the Pipe team" Freya suggested. Then, after a second, she looked straight at LEo again, "... You can control your golems from a distance, right?"

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"If they can get a network connection yes. I can use my computer to send them commands, but if they cant get a signal, there's nothing I can do but trust there programing and the people they are sent with. And right now I'm strapped for materials, meaning that I wont be able to include the proper parts for that, on more than one. Maybe more depending on how many of these tablets our host here lets me rip up."

Leo sits down and rest his arms on the table.

"The main issue is I'm under equipped. I'm not sure what you guys maintain as your standard, but I don't like to go into anything without thirty or forty golems on stand by, and plenty of equipment on my person. If we were just going after common bandits I wouldn't worry about it. but this..."

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Sha'Tith glares up at Aquila for a moment after the fight.
"I have never been defeated in combat by a Skyfaller.  You have earned my respect for your opinion, Aquila."

The lizardman takes Aquila's help up and then retrieves his weapons and equipment.

He then continues back inside, waiting and ready to depart.


Sha'Tith will join which ever team needs him, tie breaking towards the Assault team.

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After a bit, Freya shrugged, "Well, I think that even without all of those golems, we should be fine. I guess I'll go with the pipe team though.I can probably give you guys something to distract anyone that tries to mess with you. Depends on what's there".


Freya joins up with the pipeline team, because it needs more people.

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Nader was mostly quiet during the arguing around Leo and the fight between Aquila and Sha'tith -- though he personally disapproved of the dawdling, he could be using the time to reflect on the last battle. And that's what he did, finishing trains of thought that he'd had yesterday. The fact of the matter was that that battle with the insane Australians had been the first time Nader had had to really move and fight in that armor since he had first made it back in 1935. The experience shambling along yesterday had given him idea of how to move in the armor far more efficiently, and that in and of itself paid several dividends. Not only would, with the rust knocked off, his movements be quicker and more precise, but he could better position himself against incoming attacks, he could better punch if he really needed to, and he would probably even be able to make a wider spray when firing a burst of his machine gun. Less unwieldiness, it seemed, was quite useful.


Nader spends 8 Merit, 6 on raising his RES by 1 point and DEX by 2 points, 1 on upgrading the M3 Sorraia, and 1 on upgrading Heavy Metal Blow!

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Teams Finalized:

Derelict Assault:  

Lucine, Contagion, Alan, Ena, Aquila, Vitor


Pipeline Repair:

Blue, Leo, Stelio, Nader, Sha'Tith, Freya


The assault group heads out early, following a copy of the map on one of the Overwatch-issue tablets, while the repair team makes their way to a hovering cargo sled carrying a section of pipe and spare parts, and a big, bulky toolbox.  The sled looks extremely rickety despite its softly glowing hover pads, but it moves easily enough.  Soon the repair team comes to an area covered in remarkably poorly-concealed bear traps and mines, as demented laughter echoes over the area.








Talon Shock Trooper

Talon Skirmisher







Junkrat - Healthy

Sha'Tith - Healthy

Leo - Healthy

Nader - Healthy

Talon Shock Trooper - Healthy

Talon Skirmisher - Healthy

Blue - Healthy

Freya - Healthy

Stelio - Healthy

Minefield 1:  100%
Minefield 2:  100%

Minefield 3:  100%

House 1: 100%

House 2:  100%

Pumping Station:  17%

Cart:  100%


The assault team, meanwhile, manages to sneak within visual range of the derelict.  Vitor and Lucine can feel the hum of raw mana from the massive, exposed crystal deep within the site.  There appears to be fewer Talon operatives than there were in the video, but also the distinctive, wind-swept print of a VTOL cargo aircraft.  The Talon operatives don't seem too concerned with people finding and attacking them; they're fairly spread out, and only a few seem to be actively alert.








Talon Shock Trooper 1

Talon Shock Trooper 2


Talon Skirmisher 1

Talon Skirmisher 2

Talon Flame Trooper 1

Talon Flame Trooper 2

Talon Heavy

Talon Sniper





Vitor - Healthy

Contagion - Healthy

Aquila - Healthy

Alan - Healthy

Talon Shock Trooper 1 - Healthy

Talon Shock Trooper 2

Lucine - Healthy

Talon Skirmisher 1 - Healthy

Talon Skirmisher 2 - Healthy

Talon Heavy - Healthy

Talon Sniper - Healthy

Talon Flame Trooper 1 - Healthy

Talon Flame Trooper 2 - Healthy

Ena - Healthy


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