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"Well this Is not obvious at all." Leo sighs and looks thoughtfully at the area. "I could attempt to create a platform of mana over the area, but we would likely be attacked, and I'm not sure I could support this for very long."   


Snow decides to chime in, her projected avatar flickering. clearly glitching out. "W-W-why Not F-Freeze it O-over?"


"Uh...because it might melt? or fail to keep the mine's from tripping? Also you really need to get some sleep. At least do a quick restart."


"I Wouldn't NEED to S-S-sleep if All your C-Code wassent such a shitty M-Mess."

"You do realize you just insulted yourself right? Look just do a quick restart ok?"
"F-Fine" Once snow's avatar has flickered out of existence leo turns his attention to the Obvious mine field. After a moment he Points at one section.

"Lets see if this blows them. Frostbrute. ice it" And of course there was this other section here......."Everyone stand back" 

Leo gestures, bringing mana up to where snow rested on his waist and attuning it to the iron, before pointing forward and raiseing his arm. forming a long tendril of force, which he brings down with an accompanying swing of his arm.


Frostbrute uses ice fire stream on minefield 2 in an attempt to detonate mines from range.

Leo uses channel on minefield 1 in an attempt to detonate mines from range, spending 3 Mana



(Action level 1) Channel: The user channels mana from there soul to perform a fiatable action.
   (Trick level 1)-The user may channel while preforming other actions, but only if there hands are free
Winter blade: The user uses a skill that wreaths a weapon in icy energy from there body, dealing weapon damage+STR Ice damage. Has a 10% (30% against targets weak to ice) chance of inflicting freeze for one turn, stunning them. Freeze is cured if the target is struck by an Fire attack and the attack is negated.
Snow bound: A well-made golemic Sword containing a multi material core made up of gold, iron, diamond and a soft putty, the body of a sentient AI known as Snow, who runs the blades functions. There is a metallic eye in the side of the guard that doubles as a hologram projector with a speaker under it, which snow often uses for herself. She has network and 3G connectivity, a usb connection port, and a scanner. In battle, she reveals her icy abilities.
Her blade is made of iron, with a shard of eternal ice running down the middle, specifically, a type of eternal ice that refuses to absorb heat. The handle is wrapped in leather, which is fused into the metal handel. Opposite the hologram projector is a sapphire.
Attacks with this weapon have inflict chill if the attacker succeeds a SYN vs RES check. chill increases the effectiveness of ice on the afflicted target to 150% for three turns. This weapon deals 1d4 damage, and regardless of if Snow is in reserve or equipped, so long as she remains in the inventory. She reveals and tracks any interesting or strong energy signatures, drawing attention to them.
Frost brute (equip minion): a large bulky and stocky mechanical golem made primarily of iron and copper, with large hands and claws. its large enough for a human to sit on its shoulders, or be crushed in a single hand, but small enough height wise to fit in most buildings without issue, if it can get past the doors. When its ice fire engine is running there is a constant rumbling in its chest, and the three exhaust pipes, on each side of its head, spew snow and ice, and its body is perpetually cold. Although it can act without this engine it is incredibly slow and weak without it, barely able to move under its own weight. Because of the danger and collateral risk of ice fire, this character is reluctant to field it without his own personal supervision, or the direct supervision of a trusted individual who can counter the ice fire. When using ice fire  to attack this minion uses magic heat manipulating systems to prevent it from going out of control, and choke the fire as necessary.

This equip item takes up TWO action slots. this minion may be given a command once per turn as a free action when equipped.

Ice fire stream: Frost brute releases twin streams of ice fire at its target from its hands, while using heat manipulation to keep it under control. This Deals 1d3 ice damage to a target, and inflicts the ICE FIRE! Debuff on warm and hot targets. Continually dealing 1d3 damage until it is extinguished. But passing on the debuff to anything they touch which is warm or hot, or just not frozen.

     Extinguish ice fire: Brute purges the ICE FIRE! debuff from a target.

     Absorb heat (passive): when struck by a fire or heat based attack the attack is negated and the next ice fire stream deals extra damage. However, if struck by an ice or cold attack, the damage taken is increased, and ice fire stream’s next use is negated, and all strength based actions are weakened considerably until ice fire streams next use.
(Passive) Machine Synergy: When using mechanical or golemic equipment, the effectiveness of the equipment is boosted by 3, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment.  This does not take up an action slot
Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies.

In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot.


Remaining mana: 18

Remaining EG: MAX
Remaining PP: 0


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"We're gonna want to have someone with another of those... long guns to take out the one with the long gun... Otherwise we should have Contagion put up some form of cover for those of us to rush in and deal with the big one. Uh... if you have middling range you should probably attack those people with... guns that are on fire? They seem most dangerous to those of us who need to attack in melee at least."
Mark the heavy then advance in Block mode.


Aquila's actions.


(Perk Backed) Dueling Target: Marks an enemy. That enemy takes 1.5x more damage from Aquila and deals half damage to him. Can only affect one target. Free action.
Block: Halves all damage taken, but can’t attack at all.
    Level 2: Can counter attack, but the damage is halved.
For Honor: When a non-marked enemy attacks Aquila the damage he does with a counter in doubled.
Revenge:  Aquila has a meter with points equal to his Health. Every time he takes damage without countering or counter attacks he gains points equal to damage taken/dealt. When the meter is full he gains temporary hitpoints equal to his maximum health and his damage is increased by 1.5x for three turns. Can only trigger once a fight.
 Trusty Flail: A piece of metal on a chain attached to a handle. 2d6+Str damage.
 Imhotep's Shield - This probably magical item gleams with a faint, inner light.  Provides a +[str/2] bonus to resistance while equipped.  May have other properties, that probably activate in the hands of a great leader or when fighting extraterrestrials.


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"I have an idea."

Contagion whispered, pulling out his hand. He casts May the Gas Rise on the Talon troops! ((Note: Remember the 1.5x damage perk for AoEs))





Mad Scientist- Contagion’s gasses have been modified to be more damaging, his AoE dealing 1.5x damage, giving 1.5x more effective buffs.


One with the Gas- Contagion gains a 25% dodge chance inside of his own gas. Immune to smoke, gas, or any other airborne substance that would impair vision.


Actions: (6 action slots)


Toxin Cloud (AOE)- Contagion releases a cloud of poisonous gas on the battlefield, damaging all enemies.

-(Level 1) 1d6 + INT, prompting a INT vs RES check for enemies not to get Poisoned - [INT/4]d4 poison damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.


Burst Fire- Contagion opens fire with three attacks from his current firearm. 

-(Level 1) Deals full damage on each attack, the first with no penalties, the second 75% likely to hit, and the third being 50% likely to hit. Cooldown: 4 turns.




Nimble- Contagion is a bit quicker in his light gear

-(Level 1) +10% chance to dodge


Heightened Awareness- Contagion's adrenaline kicks in, causing his reaction timing to increase.

-(Level 1) +4 to his DEX for the first 3 rounds of combat.




May the Gas Rise (AOE)- Contagion outputs enough gas to cover a couple blocks in radius, causing the toxins to eat at the enemies' skin.

-(Level 1) Deals [INT]d6 + INT damage to all enemies, and applying the Toxified ([DEX/4]d4 poison damage for 3d2 turns) status. Once per encounter.



Contagion’s Modified AK47: Modified to be more accurate and more damaging. 

-(Level 1) Deals 1d12 + DEX damage.

-(Level 2) Deals 2d6 + DEX damage.


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"I will attempt to take out the other sniper. I will need a clear line of sight, and frustratingly, I'm not equipped with full spectrum vision yet. Will that gas obscure my line of site?" Ena spoke in a low voice as she knelt down, and then laid herself out on the ground. The DMR was already loaded, so she began the measurements that she would need to make the shot.


Ena will try to shoot the sniper. The DMR deals 2d6+INT=2d6+8 damage with an INT*2%=16% crit chance. Also gets a +4 to damage from High Resolution.



Merit: 0

HP: 20+2xCON=36

Moves: 1


Stats: (21)

Essence: 0

Constitution: 2+2+2+2=8

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 8

Resistance: (9)x1.75+3=19

Strength: 4

Synergy: 0



  • Reserves of Energy: Grants access to the soulbound item “CFC Core Mounts” This item is the central hub of Ena’s body. It has three slots that can hold power sources, which provide CON and/or additional effects. Begins with 3x +2 to CON cores.
  • A Durable Body: Grants access to the soulbound item “CNT Humanoid Body”
  • Inbuilt Enforcer: Grants access to the perk backed action "The Great Equalizer".



  • Mechanical Entity: A combination flaw, rendering the owner susceptible to EMPs, susceptible to remote intrusion or hacking (can be counteracted through tricks or actions later on), unable to be healed by organic healing methods, and causes Ena’s Essence to be reduced by 1/3

Action Slots: (6)


CPH Core Mounts: A high tech hub for power sources. There is a small backup battery in her thigh, but the most of her power comes from this central location. It has three slots for mini items that can boost CON, or provide other minor effects. Current loadout

Slot 1: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 2: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 3: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON


CNT Humanoid Body: Both Ena’s body, and her armor. It is made of a high strength titanium steel alloy combined with a carbon fiber nanoweave. Grants +3 RES (starting gear level), and gives +75% bonus to base RES (perk level).


1 Overwatch-issue DMR:  This high-powered rifle was designed by legendary engineer Torbjorn Lindholm for extreme penetrative power and accuracy.  Deals 2d6 + int damage, has a dex x2% chance to critically hit.  Critical hits ignore armor.  Characters who are not practiced with firearms may dislocate their shoulders when firing.


High Resolution: Ena's optical sensors are finely tuned, allowing her to perceive things at great distance, and accurately calibrate her motions with ranged weapons to hit distant objects. +2 to INT for perception checks, +2 to ranged damage.

Level 2: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 3: +1 more to perception checks and damage (a total of +4 to each currently)


Intelligent Aim (Trick, Level 1): Ena is able to use intelligence in place of dexterity for determining the DMR's crit chance now. Currently makes the crit chance (2*8 INT)=16%


Nerd Rage: Always equipped, doesn't take up a slot. Does. . . something.


Imposition: Using knowledge of how enemies act when they have their best toys taken away from them, Ena can efficiently defeat them. Deal weapon damage on an enemy, adding 1d6 for each status or debuff active on that enemy.


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28/28 HP; 5/30 MP; 0/200 TP 
Current Ogre Boost: +0 Str/Ess

-minimum of 2 moves each round

-MP-regen boosted by Int ((5)); MP actions have their checks boosted by 1/2 Int ((2))


The knight looked upon the rigged field, and drew his blade with a surprisingly fluid and graceful motion, obviously far less hindered by his armor than he'd been the day before, and all the days before that one. He still wasn't quite sure what had been different about how he'd adjusted it last time compared to the past, but either way, it was certainly having it's boons.

   "The boy is right, all of you, stay away from the fields. If you can engage from a range, either help us clear the explosives from afar, or keep the enemy over yonder occupied for us." 


With that said, he took up his mighty blade in both hands, channeled the mana from all around him into it's ebony edge, and made a hefty stroke that cut the very air itself as a shockwave of slashing, unbridled darkness hurtled right towards one of the Minefields, hopefully proving enough to start up a chain reaction of detonations.


Stellio makes an Attack with the Headsman and spends 5 mp to convert it into a ranged strike, targeting Minefield 3! 

Stellio then holds


Relevant Perks

Mana Sphere: [Grants an "MP Meter" which is used to fuel magic actions. Max value equal to {20+Int*2} fills at a rate of {Int} per turn.]

Tactical Devestation: [Grants a "TP Gauge" which is used to activate special techniques. Max value 200; fills at a rate of {Damage Dealt/Received+Essence}]

Ogre of Whitewall: [Stellio gains +1 Strength & Essence every time he deals damage or is damaged. Caps at x2 Str/Ess]


Slots: 6/6



Fearful Impact- The user attacks with such ferocity that it strikes terror into the very hearts of their victim... [Cost 40 TP. Free Action. The user's next melee attack will inflict "Fear" status on the target, lowering their Main Offensive Stat and Their Res by the User's Essence for 2 turns.] 



Years of Service- A veteran with decades of experience behind them knows their way around the killing field better than most... [Passive Ability. The user gains +1 move in combat, making it so they always have a minimum of 2 moves rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] 



Grand Cross- A greatsword technique where the user strikes at the very fabric of reality with their blade, causing a massive bloom of lightning and pressure to engulf their unfortunate victim as a rift violently opens and closes just as quickly... [Consumes all currently available TP once activated. Cost 100 TP Minimum, and can only be activated while wielding a 2-handed sword. At base, deals (Str+Essence)*2 Crushing/Lightning damage on a single target, with a bonus (Str+Ess) damage added for every 25 points over 100 the TP gauge was at upon use.] 





The Headsman- A single-edged, 2-handed sword used by executioners. Its broad, curved blade is well suited for parting heads from shoulders

Current Effects: [Deals 2d6+Str Dark/Slashing Damage. Has a 30% chance to inflict "Dark-Averse" Status on hit, lasting 3 turns; units suffering Dark-Averse take 1.25x more damage dark-based sources. By choosing to spend 5MP when they attack with this weapon, the user may channel mana through it in order to convert their attack from a melee one into a ranged one, which deals the same damage and has all of the same secondary effects as a normal strike.]


Ebony Plate- A suit of black-tinted, full plate armor forged from damasc steel. Highly Resistant to rust, and far more durable than common forms of steel. It almost seems to cut a menacing profile around it's wearer, with its spiked pauldrons and helm...

Current Effects: [Grants +5 Res]


Ring of the Mind- A small, baldur ring set with a cut and polished Krystalos stone. It shines a deep blue under low light, and serves to expand the mind of those who wear it...

Current Effects: [While Equipped, Increases MP Accumulation by (Int), and increases checks made by MP-fueled Actions by (½ Int).]




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HP: 26
Moves: 4
Constitution: 3
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 8 (10 after perk)
Resistance: 1 (6 after the item has buffed him)
Strength: 2
Synergy: 1
Cerebral Booster: Extensive modifications to Alan's brain has caused him to be able to recall past events in vivid detail and quickly adapt to new situations. And to think that all it cost him was yet another part of his soul. Alan's intelligence is treated as having 25% more intelligence than he actually does.
Superiority: All new skills start at level 2 due to the extensive modifications to his brain's structure that has allowed him to form new memories and learn new skills even faster than he used to.



Barrage: Alan stylishly marks several targets with his cyberdeck by furiously typing something in their general direction while flashing a red laser pointer at them. This is seemingly done only for show, and the fact that Alan's drone almost immediately unleashes a barrage of blows that deals [Weapon Damage] to two different targets as two different attacks (As opposed to one instance of the weapon's damage divided by 2) is completely and utterly coincidental. This action has a one round cooldown.

Combat Hacking: Alan uses his years of experience and the fact that his cyberdeck is technically a quantum computer to attempt to hack into any electronic device. Make an opposed Intelligence check to disable a single target's action that depends on something that falls under the previous requirements for one round. One round cooldown.


The Alleged Gundrone (T.A.G.): A monstrous looking thing that crawls around the place on it's eight clawed feet, it appears to be carrying a single light machinegun of an indeterminable make and caliber. Deals 2d6+Intelligence damage to a single target...presumably by touching them with its bullets or clawed feet.

Highly Experimental Shield Generator "H.E.S.G." (Somebody really needs to work on that acronym): +Int/3 to Resistance due to Alan gradually starting to understand how to refine the damned thing/Learning how to use what he already has better)
Level 2: This item is now bound

Level 3: This item now provides +Int/2 to Resistance due to Alan's tendency to tinker with things whenever it is appropriate to do so finally paying off.


Mastery of the Matrix: Alan can attempt to hack into most, if not all electronic devices in his proximity as long as they have a WiFi connection, and he can directly plug his cyberdeck into anything that doesn't have one. This allows him to roll twice for a single hacking related roll, although it has a two round cooldown after it triggers.

(Trump) Do it yourself: This Trump can be exchanged for a gear or trick of equivalent level once per encounter, and the gear or trick is replaced by this Trump once again after the encounter has finished. 



Alan instinctively checked to see if he was down wind from Contagion when they released their mysterious and potentially toxic gas into the air. And he quietly snuck behind a nearby piece of cover that he hoped would be nowhere near the man and whatever he was trying to do. He would then shine a red laser pointer at the two visible TALON shock troopers, and this inexplicably causes his previously unnoticed gun carrying drone to immediately charge towards them with all four of its machineguns blazing.


Alan uses Barrage to deal 2d6+Int (10) damage to both the first and the second TALON shock troopers.

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Mage's Duel: The user's Synergy is added to their RES for Combat RES checks, unless the attack triggers Fragile Lament.




Fragile Lament: Instead of a singular downside, the user gains small Maluses each time specific things affect them, assigned at the end of an encounter.  Maluses may be removed for 2 Merit each, and Maluses with multiple levels may have a level removed for 1 Merit.  A random roll determines how severe a Malus is, and if it comes with any Neutral or Positive effects, based on circumstances.  Maluses may also instead remove Stat Points or Action Levels instead of granting a downside.

A Malus has a limit of 3 Levels.


The following things will Always incite a Malus, though more may exist.

Non-magical Water, Fire, Magnetism, Paint, Chemicals, or Stains.


Damage which bypasses the user's magical stamina and attacks their lightweight and small body directly in a lasting manner, such as cutting and crushing that fail to simply bat the user away.


Pure Damage.




(Active) Orbit: The user can orbit incoming damage, sliding around it with ease
(Level 1): The user may Begin Orbiting, this buff disappears when the user is not attacked for one full turn, While Orbiting, the user makes a RES Check against incoming attacks, sliding around them if successful.
(Level 2): While Orbiting, the user is capable of flight, using attacks to slingshot themselves about, and Aura for Course Correction and hovering.  3 Turn Cooldown once Orbiting Ends.


(Passive Gear) Smiley Shield: A smiley face button, with a blue bead threaded through it's pin.  A psychic grip makes it float around the user.

(Gear Level 1) +3 RES as the object flies around the user, blocking small attacks.

(Gear Level 2) +6 RES against Magical Attacks, when a Magical Attack is blocked as a result of this, Small objects are blown off of the attacker, such as coins, zipper tabs, and buttons.


(Active) Occult Hydrokinesis: The user is able to control roughly 200 Pounds of Water using their Psychic Aura, This includes objects aligned with water through magical means, and things which are very nearly water.

(Level 1): The user may make a Syn Check against any Water based Entity, if successful, the user gains control of it for an indeterminate period.  Limit 1 Object


(Gear) Rubber Band Bracelet: This bracelet seems to be made of rubber bands, woven together.  Through Magic, it has become an infectious Symbiote, which attaches itself to a creature and acts as a large extra limb.

(Gear Level 1) This item can be replaced with another as a free action, or used to attempt to steal a small item from an enemy.


(Trump) Shining Silver: The user has a shiny silver twist tie integrated into their body, which they can tap for incredible power through this God Wire.

(Level 1) Once per plot, Multiply Stats by x5 for more than 2 turns. (Turns beyond this are subject to circumstances) When this is used, the user may gain up to three tricks by tapping into the Silver Wire's special power of skill growth.




(Level 3) Waterlogged: The user's body is rusted from being in water for so long.

Level 1: The user is stunned when afflicted with a water attack, due to encroaching madness.

Level 2: The user has -1 RES, due to rust.

Level 3: The user has -1 Dex, due to rust.


Whipped Dream (level 3, Malus): Blue smells delicious to all manner of critters. He could also make a Slurpuff evolve. He isn't sure what a Slurpuff is, but he knows he could make one evolve now.




Blue Starts by Orbiting, triggering Resistance Checks against incoming attacks!



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Freya stayed more towards the back of the group, holding her staff lightly as she walked with them. Once they stopped though, Freya took another step back from the group, both for her own thing and to listen to Leo, "Alright, round 2 for the dirt party" she muttered, slamming her staff into the ground, causing black tendrils of mist to begin pouring out of her hands, down the staff, and into the ground.


After a few seconds, the ground began to tear itself up as human-like 'corpses' began to rise from the ground, a dull yellow light where they're eyes would be shining as they clawed their way up from the ground, silently groaning as they straightened.


Freya uses Natural Requiem, making her Dirt Zombies hold position.



The Freya Spectacular Loadout


Slots: 4/5



(Perk backed)Necromancy: Freya targets a dead enemy, specifically, the skeleton of a long dead body, or a revenant, reviving them to heed her command. These revived creatures have their dexterity reduced to 0, though Freya is forced to make an Essence vs Resistance check in order to keep them at their full strength. A success let's Freya use them with their stats at their normal ability, while failing halves each stat aside from Con. These minions count as actions, and must have actions slots to use.
Necromancy Level 2: Dex is now able to be at half capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but remains at 0 if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 3: Dex is now able to be at full capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but is halved if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 4: Freya's reanimation roll (Essence vs Resistance) now halves the bodies Resistance stat for the purpose of the roll.


(Perk backed)Resurrection: Freya revives a friend from death, because she can. Freya brings a person back to life, but permanently loses 1 Syn minimum. The revived person in question starts off with 0 stat points, but gains 1 stat point for every Syn Freya spends.


Trump: Natural Requiem: Freya infuses powerful necromancy into nearby soil, causing it to temporarily return to what it once was, spawning undead made of the ground itself. Freya summons Syn*4 zombies made from material in the ground around her, which are grouped into one. Freya then rolls 1d4, which is the health of each zombie. Each zombie can attack for 1d2 damage each. Usable once per encounter.




Soul Amulet: A small, black gemstone inside an amulet, that is on a chain that wraps around her neck. +1 Syn until Resurrection is used, which causes this item to be destroyed instantly.



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Lucine fiddled with her weapons a bit, sliding two cards into it and watching the transformation of the two guns when her new Archer card was loaded. Her expression showed that she clearly didn't want to be here, but still she prepared. "Okay, Opal, I think it's time for you to take over again," she said. A moment after speaking, she lapsed into that nearly mechanical stiffness from earlier, in both her posture and voice. "Combat protocols loading. . . marking enemy targets. . . highlighting allies. . . combat protocols initialized. Bombarding priority targets." She dropped into a firing position, her guns almost parallel and locked onto one target - the enemy sniper. Three blasts sounded from the barrels of the things, sending three bolts of hostile magic in the direction of the Talon marksman.


Big Blast, all three hits targeting the Sniper. Forgo the bonus attack from Elphet Style (as it is melee.)




  • Essence: 1
  • Constitution: 2
  • Dexterity: 2
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Resistance: 2
  • Strength: 1
  • Synergy: 9


Conceptual Coder: Lucine has the somewhat unique talent of being able to inscribe Class Cards with a summoning ritual (with sufficient magical power), both on the traditional medium and into other items, to grant them properties based on the Heroic Spirit forming the card. Summoning a Heroic Spirit into a card relies on her Synergy, and can pull from the history of the world she is currently in if she has learned any meaningful amount of it; she may also attempt an Essence roll to influence the card summoned. The ritual itself must also take place over a confluence of leylines, or it runs the risk of significantly draining Lucine's energy. Creating components or Mystic Codes using a Card relies on her Intelligence. Some Class Cards can be leveled; others have a fixed scaling.

Include: Limit Expand: Lucine's imitation Kaleidostick retains the ability to include a Class Card, modifying its properties based on the card included and applying this modifier to all of her actions. Grants a special Action Slot that can only be used for this purpose. The precise changes are detailed in the Card's description. 

Install: Phantasm Summon: Though Lucine's Kaleidostick doesn't have the power needed to do a full Install, it can grant its wielder some of a Heroic Spirit's properties; due to the loss in power, it prioritizes defensive ones first. Grants a special Action Slot that can only be used to equip a Class Card. The precise ability granted is detailed in the Card's description.


Flaw: Magical Life: Lucine, despite appearing mostly like a human and largely being set up like one, is still a person created using magic rather than being born naturally. While she has large reserves of power, she burns through them quickly. Each combat takes a baseline of 15% of her storage capacity, and summoning a Class Card takes 60%. There are numerous methods of restoring one's mana, but she does not begin knowing them.



Include: Red Sonja:  A card containing the tale of Red Sonja, under the Archer class. When Included, it prevents any effects from hampering Lucine's attacks, and allows her to load anything she can lift into Opal as a projectile; Opal gains a large top-loader and a laser sight.
Install: HeraklesGod Hand: Negates all actions targeting Lucine's that are Level 2 or lower. After being attacked, she gains +2SYN/3 resistance when attacked with the same damage type for the remainder of the battle. 

Big Blast I: A long-ranged magical assault consisting of a number of blasts of raw magic. Not a particularly refined technique, but it gets the job done. Deals SYN damage 3 times, to up to 3 different targets. 1 turn cooldown. 


 Elphet Style II: Grants a 30% chance of making a followup attack to any offensive action, dealing half of her weapon's dice (e.g. if it were 2d8, the followup would deal 2d4) and half of her STR as damage.


Unidentified Wild Magic: Who knows what this does? Lucine doesn't even know its there. Automatically equipped, and does not take an action slot.


Kaleidostick Magical Opal (Level 3): Provides numerous things to Lucine, including a fair amount of unnecessary headache at times and the ability to utilize her powers as a magical girl. It's been modified heavily from the original designs by both Lucine and her father, resembling a pair of oversized pistols when in use in combat. The guns lock together into a slightly less threatening-looking winged box when not in combat mode, a box that can fly about under its own power. 

-Damage: (Worlds Cleared+1)d8+SYN

-Soulbound: This item is immune to most item destruction or theft effects, but can be given away, granting most of Lucine's combat powers to the bearer instead. 


Ammunition of the Waterfront Saint: Bullets that lend attacks the kick of a certain brawling saint. All attacks that hit while this is equipped cause a -2 SYN debuff on the victim lasting 1 turn. Only equippable if the user is already using a firearm.


Archer Class Card - Red Sonja: A card containing the tale of Red Sonja, under the Archer class. When Included, it prevents any effects from hampering Lucine's attacks, and allows her to load anything she can lift into Opal as a projectile; Opal gains a large top-loader and a laser sight. When Installed, it renders Lucine immune to most environmental effects.

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Nader looked out at the minefields... and the armored Forenian was thoroughly unimpressed. What kind of shoddy explosive worksmanship was this?! Nader wasn't even any kind of explosives specialist, but chances were that he could do a better job. Of course, what if that was what they wanted Nader to think? What if the man that had put down the mines had put down a second, better-hidden layer of mines that would take the legs off of anyone fooled by the first layer of obviously poor work? Nader certainly did not plan to take any chances, as he planned to keep his legs and for that matter to keep everyone else's on them. Besides, those mines were dangerous.


He leveled his right arm in the direction of one of the minefields, and supported it with his left, careful not to end up pulling the pull-trigger installed to fire his machinegun until he actually wanted to fire it. He was taking a little bit of a gamble here -- shooting any given mine may detonate, may not detonate it, or may only detonate it if he hit it in the right place and ended up simulating the force of a step... but the fact that he was going to be putting out twenty-five or so bullets into this minefield significantly increased the chances of destroying the obvious mines and of finding and destroying any hidden ones, though the weapons engineer knew that he couldn't really be sure of success in that regard.


Nader shoots both attacks of the M3 Sorraia at Minefield 3, potentially doing 2/3*(2d6+3+5) damage to it!



Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor: +6 RES, +2 Action Slots for guns of at least rifle size
     (Horsekiller 1935R: 3d6+3+DEX[+STR w/ perk] damage, 10% miss chance
      M3 Sorraia: 2/3*(2d6+DEX[+STR w/ perk]) damage once to 2 targets or twice to 1 target)
Mk. 2 Osprey: 2d6+DEX damage, enemies must beat damage dealt with a dex chance or have dodge chance annulled

Heavy Metal Blow: 2d8+STR damage with armor and heavy gun.


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Sha'Tith grumbled some as the walked the hover cart towards the pipeline.

Why was there nothing to kill yet?  He wanted to kill something.

Once they reached the mine fields he paused to think for a moment then decided that if everyone else was working on clearing the mines he may as well help, so he started grabbing rocks, bricks, and rubble to throw on the mines and hopefully trigger them.


Sha'Tith uses Lemurian Burrowing to try and set off the mines, he can move up to 90kg of rocks and rubble in one turn.

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Team Pipeline Repair:
Junkrat cackles over something, as loud clanking noises echo through the area.


Sha'Tith uses Lemurian Burrowing, attempting to throw rocks at the mines!  Intelligence check 17 v 37!  Sha'Tith blunders into a Junkrat Trap, which slams shut on his legs dealing 3 damage and preventing use of mobility-based actions or extra moves for the next 2 rounds!


Leo fires a bolt of force mana at minefield 1!  17 v 27!  Quality 19! Random Bitz 49!  Leo detonates a few mines, removing 25% of them in a chain reaction!


Leo's Frost Brute shoots Ice Fire at minefield 2.  ...It doesn't seem very effective.


Nader Sprays Minefield 1 with bullets, dealing 24 damage!  60% of the remaining mines detonate in a chain reaction!


The Talon Shock Trooper prepares an action.


The Talon Skirmisher prepares an action.


Blue starts orbiting, not that any of the enemies know he exists.


Freya uses Natural Requiem, calling a zombie horde with a 28 hit multistrike for 1d2 damage a hit and 112 HP.  Every 4 HP lost lowers the damage output by 1 strike.


Stelio attacks minefield 3, dealing 10 damage!  10% of minefield 3 explodes!


Stelio waits...


From high in the sky, a massive Dystoan Drop Bear plummets to land behind the party, throwing up a mushroom cloud of dust!  It charges from the cloud and body-slams Leo, dealing 7 damage to him and pinning him down!  It opens its maw, revealing a long tube lined with rotating razors, and roars!




Junkrat - Healthy

Sha'Tith – 21/24, Trapped 2 rounds (no extra actions or mobility based actions)

Leo – 17/24, Pinned (cannot evade attacks from the Dystoan Drop Bear, must target the Dystoan Drop Bear with all offensive actions used, all actions used on Leo have a 50% chance to hit the Dystoan Drop Bear instead and vice versa.  Lasts until the Drop Bear is forced off him.)

Nader - Healthy

Talon Shock Trooper - Healthy, hiding

Talon Skirmisher - Healthy, hiding

Blue - Healthy

Freya - Healthy

Stelio - Healthy

Minefield 1:  10%
Minefield 2:  100%

Minefield 3:  85%

House 1: 100%

House 2:  100%

Pumping Station:  17%

Cart:  100%


Assault Team!
Contagion kicks off the festivities with May the Gas Rise, dealing 12 damage to all Talon Agents and inflicting a poison for 5 rounds that deals 1d6 + 7 damage per round.


Aquila marks the Talon Heavy, raises his shield to block incoming fire, and advances!


Alan directs his gun drone at the Shock Troopers, dealing 15 damage to Trooper 1 and 21 damage to Trooper 2!  Trooper 2 is dead.


Vitor fires a Blast Orb at the Flame Troopers!  They'll take 2d6 + 4 damage unless they choose to spend an action dodging.


Vitor brings Phantasmal Swap, Psychometric Insight, Ultimate Meter, Phantasmal Blueprint – Gae Bolg, and Blast Orb.


From inside the derelict, a gaunt, red-haired woman in dark robes steps out, coughing lightly.  "What the bloody hell is going on here?  Who dropped a smoke-  Oh, we're under gas attack.  God damn it, you assholes are intercepting scientific progress here!"  Moira uses Gene Hack, cleansing the Talon Skirmishers and Talon Shock Troopers.


Talon Shock Trooper 1 uses Biotic Field, dropping a glowing, yellow canister that heals himself, the flame troopers, and the heavy trooper for 11 damage!


Talon Shock Trooper 2 is dead.


Lucine opens fire on the Talon Sniper, dealing 7 damage per shot!  The Talon Sniper is not pleased about this.


Talon Skirmisher 1 shoulders his assault rifle and sprays down the group, dealing 7 damage to all his enemies!


Talon Skirmisher 2 places a Drop Shield, surrounding himself, Moira, and the surviving Shock Trooper in a translucent bubble of energy!


Moira uses Gene Hack again, cleansing the Flame Troopers, Heavy, and Sniper!


Talon Flame Trooper 1 stokes his flamethrower, building up an infernal glow and ominous hum in the barrel of the weapon.


Talon Flame Trooper 2 uses Flame Wall, cutting Aquila off from the group!  Using beneficial actions on Aquila will deal 3d6 fire damage to you!


The Talon Heavy swings his minigun into position.  As the barrels begin to spin up, a glowing shield expands out from the weapon, covering Talon Skirmisher 1 and the flame troopers behind him.  Thus protected, he begins to advance toward Aquila.


The Talon Sniper paints Ena with a laser sight.


Ena blows the Talon Sniper's head clean off.




Vitor – 22/28, healthy

Contagion - Healthy

Aquila – 34/38, Flame Wall (using beneficial actions on him deals you 3d6 fire damage)

Alan – 25/26, Healthy

Moira – Healthy, Drop Shield (?)

Talon Shock Trooper 1: -18 damage, wounded, Drop Shield (?)

Talon Shock Trooper 2 - Dead

Lucine – 24/24. Healthy

Talon Skirmisher 1: -12 damage, wounded

Talon Skirmisher 2: -12 damage, wounded, Drop Shield (?)

Talon Heavy: -12 damage, appears healthy, Vanguard Shield (covers Talon Skirmisher 1, Flame Trooper 1, and Flame Trooper 2, ?)

Talon Sniper: -33 damage, dead.

Talon Flame Trooper 1: -1 damage, Stoked (?)

Talon Flame Trooper 2: -1 damage, healthy

Ena – Painted (3 rounds remaining, ?)


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Mage's Duel: The user's Synergy is added to their RES for Combat RES checks, unless the attack triggers Fragile Lament.




Fragile Lament: Instead of a singular downside, the user gains small Maluses each time specific things affect them, assigned at the end of an encounter.  Maluses may be removed for 2 Merit each, and Maluses with multiple levels may have a level removed for 1 Merit.  A random roll determines how severe a Malus is, and if it comes with any Neutral or Positive effects, based on circumstances.  Maluses may also instead remove Stat Points or Action Levels instead of granting a downside.

A Malus has a limit of 3 Levels.


The following things will Always incite a Malus, though more may exist.

Non-magical Water, Fire, Magnetism, Paint, Chemicals, or Stains.


Damage which bypasses the user's magical stamina and attacks their lightweight and small body directly in a lasting manner, such as cutting and crushing that fail to simply bat the user away.


Pure Damage.




(Active) Orbit: The user can orbit incoming damage, sliding around it with ease
(Level 1): The user may Begin Orbiting, this buff disappears when the user is not attacked for one full turn, While Orbiting, the user makes a RES Check against incoming attacks, sliding around them if successful.
(Level 2): While Orbiting, the user is capable of flight, using attacks to slingshot themselves about, and Aura for Course Correction and hovering.  3 Turn Cooldown once Orbiting Ends.


(Passive Gear) Smiley Shield: A smiley face button, with a blue bead threaded through it's pin.  A psychic grip makes it float around the user.

(Gear Level 1) +3 RES as the object flies around the user, blocking small attacks.

(Gear Level 2) +6 RES against Magical Attacks, when a Magical Attack is blocked as a result of this, Small objects are blown off of the attacker, such as coins, zipper tabs, and buttons.


(Active) Occult Hydrokinesis: The user is able to control roughly 200 Pounds of Water using their Psychic Aura, This includes objects aligned with water through magical means, and things which are very nearly water.

(Level 1): The user may make a Syn Check against any Water based Entity, if successful, the user gains control of it for an indeterminate period.  Limit 1 Object


(Gear) Rubber Band Bracelet: This bracelet seems to be made of rubber bands, woven together.  Through Magic, it has become an infectious Symbiote, which attaches itself to a creature and acts as a large extra limb.

(Gear Level 1) This item can be replaced with another as a free action, or used to attempt to steal a small item from an enemy.


(Trump) Shining Silver: The user has a shiny silver twist tie integrated into their body, which they can tap for incredible power through this God Wire.

(Level 1) Once per plot, Multiply Stats by x5 for more than 2 turns. (Turns beyond this are subject to circumstances) When this is used, the user may gain up to three tricks by tapping into the Silver Wire's special power of skill growth.




(Level 3) Waterlogged: The user's body is rusted from being in water for so long.

Level 1: The user is stunned when afflicted with a water attack, due to encroaching madness.

Level 2: The user has -1 RES, due to rust.

Level 3: The user has -1 Dex, due to rust.


Whipped Dream (level 3, Malus): Blue smells delicious to all manner of critters. He could also make a Slurpuff evolve. He isn't sure what a Slurpuff is, but he knows he could make one evolve now.



Blue runs in front of the Drop Bear, hovering over a Landmine as he taunts it with his delicious scent!


"Dinner is On! Beastly thing!" He shouts.

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HP: 25/26
Moves: 4
Constitution: 3
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 8 (10 after perk)
Resistance: 1 (6 after the item has buffed him)
Strength: 2
Synergy: 1
Cerebral Booster: Extensive modifications to Alan's brain has caused him to be able to recall past events in vivid detail and quickly adapt to new situations. And to think that all it cost him was yet another part of his soul. Alan's intelligence is treated as having 25% more intelligence than he actually does.
Superiority: All new skills start at level 2 due to the extensive modifications to his brain's structure that has allowed him to form new memories and learn new skills even faster than he used to.


Barrage: Alan stylishly marks several targets with his cyberdeck by furiously typing something in their general direction while flashing a red laser pointer at them. This is seemingly done only for show, and the fact that Alan's drone almost immediately unleashes a barrage of blows that deals [Weapon Damage] to two different targets as two different attacks (As opposed to one instance of the weapon's damage divided by 2) is completely and utterly coincidental. This action has a one round cooldown.

Combat Hacking: Alan uses his years of experience and the fact that his cyberdeck is technically a quantum computer to attempt to hack into any electronic device. Make an opposed Intelligence check to disable a single target's action that depends on something that falls under the previous requirements for one round. One round cooldown.


The Alleged Gundrone (T.A.G.): A monstrous looking thing that crawls around the place on it's eight clawed feet, it appears to be carrying a single light machinegun of an indeterminable make and caliber. Deals 2d6+Intelligence damage to a single target...presumably by touching them with its bullets or clawed feet.

Highly Experimental Shield Generator "H.E.S.G." (Somebody really needs to work on that acronym): +Int/3 to Resistance due to Alan gradually starting to understand how to refine the damned thing/Learning how to use what he already has better)
Level 2: This item is now bound

Level 3: This item now provides +Int/2 to Resistance due to Alan's tendency to tinker with things whenever it is appropriate to do so finally paying off.


Mastery of the Matrix: Alan can attempt to hack into most, if not all electronic devices in his proximity as long as they have a WiFi connection, and he can directly plug his cyberdeck into anything that doesn't have one. This allows him to roll twice for a single hacking related roll, although it has a two round cooldown after it triggers.

(Trump) Do it yourself: This Trump can be exchanged for a gear or trick of equivalent level once per encounter, and the gear or trick is replaced by this Trump once again after the encounter has finished. 

Alan would shout something along the lines of "We need to take the big guy out! Unless we want him to keep the rest of his team from dying horribly!". Before he ordered his drone to try and lead by example.


Alan uses T.A.G. on Talon Heavy 1. Dealing 2d6+Int damage.

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Upon the sudden landing of a FREAKING METAL BEAR OF ALL THINGS, Freya jumped back as he minions began to advance, shambling forwards, uncaring towards the minefield, "Oh gods WHEN DID THAT BEAR GET HERE!" Freya yelled, watching as the bear opened it's mouth, revealing... Rotating, sharp weapons in it's mouth. At that, Freya quietly took a step back, holding her staff tightly. That right there was not something she wanted to deal with, no way, no how.


Freya adds Misty Skulls to her repertoire. 

Natural Requiem Zombies move forward, sacrificing themselves on the minefields like the heroes they are.


Freya's Super Spectacular Loadout.


Slots: 5/5



(Perk backed)Necromancy: Freya targets a dead enemy, specifically, the skeleton of a long dead body, or a revenant, reviving them to heed her command. These revived creatures have their dexterity reduced to 0, though Freya is forced to make an Essence vs Resistance check in order to keep them at their full strength. A success let's Freya use them with their stats at their normal ability, while failing halves each stat aside from Con. These minions count as actions, and must have actions slots to use.
Necromancy Level 2: Dex is now able to be at half capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but remains at 0 if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 3: Dex is now able to be at full capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but is halved if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 4: Freya's reanimation roll (Essence vs Resistance) now halves the bodies Resistance stat for the purpose of the roll.


(Perk backed)Resurrection: Freya revives a friend from death, because she can. Freya brings a person back to life, but permanently loses 1 Syn minimum. The revived person in question starts off with 0 stat points, but gains 1 stat point for every Syn Freya spends.


Misty Skulls: Freya slams her staff into the ground, releasing multiple skulls made of grey mist that fly at an enemy, dealing 1d6+SYN damage.


Trump: Natural Requiem: Freya infuses powerful necromancy into nearby soil, causing it to temporarily return to what it once was, spawning undead made of the ground itself. Freya summons Syn*4 zombies made from material in the ground around her, which are grouped into one. Freya then rolls 1d4, which is the health of each zombie. Each zombie can attack for 1d2 damage each. Usable once per encounter.




Soul Amulet: A small, black gemstone inside an amulet, that is on a chain that wraps around her neck. +1 Syn until Resurrection is used, which causes this item to be destroyed instantly.


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"...." the knight said nothing as a mechanical bear proceeded to maul the fool from earlier. He simply turned, and raised his blade to a ready stance once more, just encase...



If the Drop Bear has been knocked off of leo, Stellio Attacks the Drop Bear with the Headsman! 

(Deals {2d6+Str[7]} Dark/Slashing Damage, has 30% chance to inflict "Dark Adverse" Status for 3 turns {Sufferer takes 1.25x more damage from dark based sources}. Stellio will gain +1 Str/Ess from either dealing or receiving damage)

If the above Statement is true, Stellio then attacks the Drop Bear with the Headsman again. Otherwise, Stellio Holds both his actions





28/28 HP

10/30 MP

16/200 TP 

Essence: 5 (+1 Ogre Boost)
Constitution: 4 
Dexterity: 0 
Intelligence: 5 
Resistance: 8
Strength: 6 (+1 Ogre Boost)
Synergy: 0 


Relevant Perks

Mana Sphere: [Grants an "MP Meter" which is used to fuel magic actions. Max value equal to {20+Int*2} fills at a rate of {Int} per turn.]

Tactical Devestation: [Grants a "TP Gauge" which is used to activate special techniques. Max value 200; fills at a rate of {Damage Dealt/Received+Essence}]

Ogre of Whitewall: [Stellio gains +1 Strength & Essence every time he deals damage or is damaged. Caps at x2 Str/Ess]


Slots: 6/6



Fearful Impact- The user attacks with such ferocity that it strikes terror into the very hearts of their victim... [Cost 40 TP. Free Action. The user's next melee attack will inflict "Fear" status on the target, lowering their Main Offensive Stat and Their Res by the User's Essence for 2 turns.] 



Years of Service- A veteran with decades of experience behind them knows their way around the killing field better than most... [Passive Ability. The user gains +1 move in combat, making it so they always have a minimum of 2 moves rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] 



Grand Cross- A greatsword technique where the user strikes at the very fabric of reality with their blade, causing a massive bloom of lightning and pressure to engulf their unfortunate victim as a rift violently opens and closes just as quickly... [Consumes all currently available TP once activated. Cost 100 TP Minimum, and can only be activated while wielding a 2-handed sword. At base, deals (Str+Essence)*2 Crushing/Lightning damage on a single target, with a bonus (Str+Ess) damage added for every 25 points over 100 the TP gauge was at upon use.] 





The Headsman- A single-edged, 2-handed sword used by executioners. Its broad, curved blade is well suited for parting heads from shoulders

Current Effects: [Deals 2d6+Str Dark/Slashing Damage. Has a 30% chance to inflict "Dark-Averse" Status on hit, lasting 3 turns; units suffering Dark-Averse take 1.25x more damage dark-based sources. By choosing to spend 5MP when they attack with this weapon, the user may channel mana through it in order to convert their attack from a melee one into a ranged one, which deals the same damage and has all of the same secondary effects as a normal strike.]


Ebony Plate- A suit of black-tinted, full plate armor forged from damasc steel. Highly Resistant to rust, and far more durable than common forms of steel. It almost seems to cut a menacing profile around it's wearer, with its spiked pauldrons and helm...

Current Effects: [Grants +5 Res]


Ring of the Mind- A small, baldur ring set with a cut and polished Krystalos stone. It shines a deep blue under low light, and serves to expand the mind of those who wear it...

Current Effects: [While Equipped, Increases MP Accumulation by (Int), and increases checks made by MP-fueled Actions by (½ Int).]



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Nader's train of thought and what he had been doing ground to a (not literally, yet) grinding halt when all of a sudden a gigantic, horrible razor-beast dropped behind the party out of nowhere in a gigantic cloud of dust, slamming onto Leo in the process. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF-- FUCK!" With that expletive hurled from his lips and through his mask, Nader twirled noisily and looked in the direction of the immense, awful blademonster. He raised his left arm, and then dropped it... dammit, he couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't end up going wild and putting Leo down one torso! Nader hated himself for thinking of this, but it was fairly clear that if he didn't want Leo turned into meat cubes, that he had to take a... bolder plan of action.


And that is how Nader found himself clanking towards the colossal, terrible knifecreature, shouting as he ran up and then sent his machine-gun arm hurtling towards the monster's side, hoping that the momentum of his fist with his armor and his weapon would be enough to knock the thing off.

Nader tries to knock the Drop Bear off of Leo with a Heavy Metal Punch!





Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor: +6 RES, +2 Action Slots for guns of at least rifle size
     (Horsekiller 1935R: 3d6+3+DEX[+STR w/ perk] damage, 10% miss chance
      M3 Sorraia: 2/3*(2d6+DEX[+STR w/ perk]) damage once to 2 targets or twice to 1 target)
Mk. 2 Osprey: 2d6+DEX damage, enemies must beat damage dealt with a dex chance or have dodge chance annulled

Heavy Metal Blow: 1d20+STR damage with armor and heavy gun.



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Leo of course, is both surprised and dismayed at this.
Or maybe its more anger at the rotten timing.

 "Dammit! Not now! Even HERE?!"

It is at this moment, snow comes back online.



Leo of course Struggles back against the massive beast, Expending 4 EG, and attempting to push the beast off with a surge of strength.

Frostbrute looks for enemy soldiers and attacks any talon trooper he sees with ice fire stream

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As Sha'Tith moved over toward a larger pile of rubble he suddenly felt a sharp pain in one of his legs, around that time a large creature with a maw of blades(not unlike the Sandcrabs of his home) fell onto one of the Skyfallers.  After looking down and inspecting the trap he decided that it was going to take a minute to get out of and he wasn't going to be able to assist the pinned Skyfaller before then so he might as well continue attacking the mines.

Sha'Tith spits fire on Minefield 2 with Flame Breath dealing 2d6+3 fire damage, Barbed Wire activates dealing 1d4 Pure damage to the Drop Bear, Shock Trooper, and Skirmisher, Mortar Tube activates dealing 2d4+3 damage to Minefield 3, Ukulele activates deal 4d4 electric damage to Minefield 2 and 2d4 electric damage to Minefield 1.

Free Breath Action(Perk backed): Flame Breath on Minefield 3 dealing 2d6+3 fire damage.






Flame Breath: Breath a massive gout of fire on a nearby enemy.

Deal 2d6+[Ess] fire damage to one target, counts as a breath attack, this attack cannot be dodged.


Lemurian Claws: Rip and tear, rip and tear.

Deal 2d6+[Str] damage to one target, this attack ignores up to 4 points of Res.

-Level 2 +1d6 damage.

-Level 3 +1d6 damage.

-Level 4 +1d6 damage.

-Level 5 +1d6 damage.


Lemurian Burrowing: Benefit of living underground.

Sha’Tith can move up to [Str]*15 kilograms of earth per round.  This action can be used to create barriers, with resistance equal to his own and HP equal to the kilos of earth put into them.  1 person can hide behind a barrier created in this way, but multiple barriers can be made, though not with a single use of this action.




Extra Pockets: You can never have enough pockets.

Gain two action slots that can only be used for equipment with passive effects(Mortar Tube & Barbed Wire).




Mortar Tube: Keep clear of the barrel.

Type: Passive

Effect: When you attack fire a mortar that deals 2d4+[Dex] damage to a different target, cooldown=4.


Barbed Wire: Back off.
Type: Passive

Effect: At the start of each of your turns deal 1d2 pure damage to up to three different targets.  Pure damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way.

-Level 2 Damage increased from 1d2 to 1d4.



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"Keep them occupied!"

Contagion casts Toxin Cloud on the enemies in the area.






Mad Scientist- Contagion’s gasses have been modified to be more damaging, his AoE dealing 1.5x damage, giving 1.5x more effective buffs.


One with the Gas- Contagion gains a 25% dodge chance inside of his own gas. Immune to smoke, gas, or any other airborne substance that would impair vision.


Actions: (6 action slots)


Toxin Cloud (AOE)- Contagion releases a cloud of poisonous gas on the battlefield, damaging all enemies.

-(Level 1) 1d6 + INT, prompting a INT vs RES check for enemies not to get Poisoned - [INT/4]d4 poison damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.


Burst Fire- Contagion opens fire with three attacks from his current firearm. 

-(Level 1) Deals full damage on each attack, the first with no penalties, the second 75% likely to hit, and the third being 50% likely to hit. Cooldown: 4 turns.




Nimble- Contagion is a bit quicker in his light gear

-(Level 1) +10% chance to dodge


Heightened Awareness- Contagion's adrenaline kicks in, causing his reaction timing to increase.

-(Level 1) +4 to his DEX for the first 3 rounds of combat.




May the Gas Rise (AOE)- Contagion outputs enough gas to cover a couple blocks in radius, causing the toxins to eat at the enemies' skin.

-(Level 1) Deals 2d6 + INT damage to all enemies, and applying the Toxified ([DEX/4]d4 poison damage for 3d2 turns) status. Once per encounter.



Contagion’s Modified AK47: Modified to be more accurate and more damaging. 

-(Level 1) Deals 1d12 + DEX damage.

-(Level 2) Deals 2d6 + DEX damage.


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"I will target the woman with the medicine." Ena stated in a monotone. It didn't seem to be aimed at anyone in particular, but instead it seemed to simply be an attempt to get information to any allies who might be close that could make use of that info.


Ena will try to shoot Moira. The DMR deals 2d6+INT=2d6+8 damage with an INT*2%=16% crit chance. Also gets a +4 to damage from High Resolution.



Merit: 0

HP: 20+2xCON=36

Moves: 1


Stats: (21)

Essence: 0

Constitution: 2+2+2+2=8

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 8

Resistance: (9)x1.75+3=19

Strength: 4

Synergy: 0



  • Reserves of Energy: Grants access to the soulbound item “CFC Core Mounts” This item is the central hub of Ena’s body. It has three slots that can hold power sources, which provide CON and/or additional effects. Begins with 3x +2 to CON cores.
  • A Durable Body: Grants access to the soulbound item “CNT Humanoid Body”
  • Inbuilt Enforcer: Grants access to the perk backed action "The Great Equalizer".



  • Mechanical Entity: A combination flaw, rendering the owner susceptible to EMPs, susceptible to remote intrusion or hacking (can be counteracted through tricks or actions later on), unable to be healed by organic healing methods, and causes Ena’s Essence to be reduced by 1/3

Action Slots: (6)


CPH Core Mounts: A high tech hub for power sources. There is a small backup battery in her thigh, but the most of her power comes from this central location. It has three slots for mini items that can boost CON, or provide other minor effects. Current loadout

Slot 1: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 2: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 3: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON


CNT Humanoid Body: Both Ena’s body, and her armor. It is made of a high strength titanium steel alloy combined with a carbon fiber nanoweave. Grants +3 RES (starting gear level), and gives +75% bonus to base RES (perk level).


1 Overwatch-issue DMR:  This high-powered rifle was designed by legendary engineer Torbjorn Lindholm for extreme penetrative power and accuracy.  Deals 2d6 + int damage, has a dex x2% chance to critically hit.  Critical hits ignore armor.  Characters who are not practiced with firearms may dislocate their shoulders when firing.


High Resolution: Ena's optical sensors are finely tuned, allowing her to perceive things at great distance, and accurately calibrate her motions with ranged weapons to hit distant objects. +2 to INT for perception checks, +2 to ranged damage.

Level 2: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 3: +1 more to perception checks and damage (a total of +4 to each currently)


Intelligent Aim (Trick, Level 1): Ena is able to use intelligence in place of dexterity for determining the DMR's crit chance now. Currently makes the crit chance (2*8 INT)=16%


Nerd Rage: Always equipped, doesn't take up a slot. Does. . . something.


Imposition: Using knowledge of how enemies act when they have their best toys taken away from them, Ena can efficiently defeat them. Deal weapon damage on an enemy, adding 1d6 for each status or debuff active on that enemy.


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Team Pipeline Repair:

Junkrat's mad laughter accompanies a spray of grenades, which arc over the minefields, striking Sha'Tith for 20 damage and reducing the supply cart to 75% structural integrity in a spray of force and shrapnel!


Sha'Tith spits fire and death in all directions, removing 30% of minefield 3, the remainder of minefield 1, and 10% of minefield 2.  His barbed wire deals 4 damage to the Dystoan Drop Bear, but fails to strike the hidden Talon operatives.


Leo, who while in good shape is kind of weedy, attempts to grapple half a ton of cybernetic koala.  He gets a good hold on it, but is unable to bench several times his body weight and shove it off.


The Frost Brute readies its ice fire and goes looking for trouble.


Nader punches a bear in the face!  He deals 22 damage to it, Leo's grip having let the armored man line up the perfect hit!  The bear rears up, looking slightly punch-drunk.


The Talon Shock Trooper, lenses of his helmet glinting in the bright sunlight, steps out of an alley behind the Frost Brute, jams his shotgun into its back, and pulls the trigger, dealing 15 damage to it!


The Talon Skirmisher stays hidden, readying an action.


Blue taunts the Drop Bear with his delicious scent.  The bear seems too concussed to notice.


Freya orders her zombies forward unto the breach!  The zombies sacrifice themselves to detonate the remaining mines.


Stelio sees his chance and takes a swing at the Drop Bear, dealing 14 damage with his first swing, and 14 with his second.  The Dark Adverse status effect does not trigger.


With a metallic whine, the Drop Bear staggers off of Leo before dropping to all fours.  It shakes itself like a wet dog, before setting itself to charge again.




Junkrat - Healthy

Sha'Tith – 1/24, Trapped 1 rounds (no extra actions or mobility based actions)

Leo – 17/24

Frost Brute – 5/20 HP, badly damaged

Nader - Healthy

Talon Shock Trooper - Healthy

Talon Skirmisher - Healthy

Blue - Healthy

Freya - Healthy

Stelio - Healthy

House 1: 100%

House 2:  100%

Pumping Station:  17%

Cart:  75%

Dystoan Drop Bear:  -54HP, woozy


Team Derelict Assault:

Contagion uses Toxin Cloud, dealing 15 damage to all unprotected enemies!  Talon Skirmisher 1, Talon Heavy, and both Talon Flame Troopers are hit.  Talon Skirmisher 1 and the Flame Troopers are poisoned.


Aquila bashes the Talon Heavy with his flail, dealing 22 damage to him as shards of material fly from the machine gunner's shattered faceplate.


Alan orders his gun drone to open fire on the Talon Heavy, but fails to make an impression on the trooper's shield.


"That tank needs to die!" Vitor declares, levelling his spear at the stocky terrorist.  "I'll have your heart!  Emulated Phantasm!  Gae Bolg!"  The long spear begins glowing with unholy light, radiating bloodlust, before Vitor charges forward and slams its point into the Talon Heavy's chest.  The machine gunner dies instantly, his shield winking out as he falls.  Vitor's Blast Orb lands, dealing 7 damage to both Talon Flame Troopers.  Vitor is now suffering from magical backlash, and all his magical actions will cost 20% of his MHP for the next 3 rounds.


Vitor brings Phantasmal Swap, Psychometric Insight, Ultimate Meter, Phantasmal Blueprint – Gae Bolg, and Blast Orb.


With a sigh, Moira fires a spray of yellow stuff over the Shock Trooper and the Flame Troopers, restoring 16 HP to them.


Talon Shock Trooper 1 charges Aquila and shoulder checks him. 17 vs 11!  Aquila is shoved to the ground and stunned, but not before he gets a counterattack off, dealing 13 damage to the shock trooper and putting a deep dent in the close combat specialist's armor.  The Shock Trooper is no longer in the Drop Shield.


Lucine pops off a shot at Skirmisher 1, dealing 16 damage!  The skirmisher staggers, dropping his assault rifle as he clutches at his wounds, before falling to the ground with a disbelieving moan.


Talon Skirmisher 2 throws a grenade at Aquila and Vitor!  Vitor takes 18 damage!  Aquila takes 16 damage!


Moira uses Draining Grasp on Aquila, pulling 6 HP from him.


Flame Trooper 1 attempts to set Aquila on fire, spending his Stoked buff!  However, before he can do that the Mysterious Sniper makes their presence known by blowing his head clean off.  From their vantage point, Alan, Lucine, and Ena could easily track the contrails of the sniper's rounds to a bluff on the other side of the battlefield.


Flame Trooper 2 attempts to set Vitor on fire, but Vitor plugs the flamethrower barrel with Gae Bolg's haft, causing a backup that forces the Talon agent to drop his flaming weapon with a curse.


The Talon Heavy would do something here, but he's very dead.


Ena takes a shot at Moira, but the Drop Shield easily tanks the blow, with no visible strain.  A glint of light attracts her attention to something flying through the air in the distance.




Vitor – 4/28, badly wounded

Contagion - Healthy

Aquila – 12/38, Flame Wall (using beneficial actions on him deals you 2d6 fire damage), Stunned (1 round), badly wounded.

Alan – 25/26, Healthy

Moira – Healthy, Drop Shield (blocks bullets)

Talon Shock Trooper 1: -13 damage

Lucine – 19/24. Healthy

Talon Skirmisher 1: Dead.

Talon Skirmisher 2: -12 damage, wounded, Drop Shield (blocks bullets)

Talon Heavy: very dead.

Talon Flame Trooper 1: Dead.

Talon Flame Trooper 2: -10 damage, poisoned 2 turns (1d4 damage), disarmed.

Ena – Painted (2 rounds remaining, flyingness?)


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