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Alan decided to rather helpfully point at the distant bluff with his left hand while shouting out the words "SNIPER!". Before he glanced at the fight going on below through his drone's eyes and noticed how screwed Vitor and Acquilla seemed to be. This is why the man decided to take out a rather small Medkit from a pocket located somewhere inside of his suit jacket...before he ran towards the two people who seemed as if they would need immediate medical attention soon.


Alan uses his Do it yourself Trump to replace it with the trick "Docwagon Medkit: Alan uses his not very extensive medical knowledge and the depressingly limited amount of medical supplies he carries with him to heal a single target by [Int] health"

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Nader was a little surprised himself when his armored fist crashed into the blade-bear-beast-thing's face with enough visage-crushing force to force it to rear up off of Leo, and even more surprised when it stumbled around as if it were concussed. Well, he hadn't expected to do that much damage, but Newton's First Law was something beautiful, alright. However, he really didn't have time to revel, because after staggering around a bit, the monstrosity was looking to charge again, and Nader didn't want to have to handle either being hit by it or having to avoid shooting someone else under it. So he brought his left arm in front of him, turned it towards the creature, straightened it until the rail clicked, and then pulled on the bar on the bottom of his armor's forearm. BOOM!


Nader fires his Horsekiller at the Drop Bear, using his No Silencers Here perk to taunt it!

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Leo hops up, freed from the pin, and draws snow. twirling her in his hand for a moment before holding on with a firm grip.
"Thanks for the assist" He's about to attack, but then notes the lizard man is a broken bleeding mess, quite obviously near death.
"Nnnggg... you take care of this, I've got to go help him out. Did we seriously not bring any healers?" Hes already running off, heading over to the lizard man, and keeling next to him As he starts channeling mana into the deathly wounded man's blood, and then directing that onto his wounds.
"Hey can you hear me? Eyes open man. I have a rule against letting party members die. Bleed out some other time ok?" He does sound somewhat worried. Though he would much rather be tearing into the dysto bear, the others could handle that, and right now, he was apparently the only one who could handle this.


This is why he had wanted to have more time to prepare. This is why he wanted into that lab.

"Frostbrute! cover us!"


Leo channels 7 mana into blood to create healing blood mana, which is directed at sha'tiths wounds to heal him.
Frosbrute will now attempt to attack anyone who attacks leo and sha'tith

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"There's something flying by. Very far away." Ena ignored it for the moment. The battle at hand was important, and if she'd not been able to determine what it was from a brief glance, it wasn't close enough to matter, yet.


Ena will take a shot at Talon Flame trooper (The living one). Deals 2d6+INT (8) damage, with a 2*INT% chance to do double damage ignoring armor. 16%. +4 to perception checks and ranged damage. If it doesn't take an action, Ena will turn to try to determine what the flying thingy is after firing.


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Stellio turned his sights on the soldier that emerged from one of the alleys and fired some large fusil in the golem's back. No sooner than he did, was darkness channeling in from the air around him, circulating all throughout his body and into his blade, deep violet energy mixing with the aura of black beginning to surround him. Without a single word, he leveled the Headsman and  made a mighty stroke, causing the light itself to die as a massive shock wave of darkness erupted from it's face and hurtled towards the trooper, cutting the very air as it flew...



I. Stellio attacks the Talon Shock Trooper with the Headsman! He spends 5 MP to convert his attack from melee to ranged!

(Attack converted from Melee to Ranged. Deals {2d6+Str[9]} ranged Dark/Slashing Damage, has 30% chance to inflict "Dark Adverse" Status for 3 turns {Sufferer takes 1.25x more damage from dark based sources}. Stellio will gain +1 Str/Ess from either dealing or receiving damage)

II. Stellio attacks the Talon Shock Trooper with the Headsman Again, again spending 5 MP to convert his attack from melee to ranged!


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Contagion stands, aiming his AK at the various troops down past him, using Burst Fire (2d6+DEX+4 damage) on the remaining Flame Trooper.



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Lucine silently raises her weapons after downing the skirmisher, looking for another target. There was one in particular that stood out, now that the one soaking up all the damage was down. The twin weapons that made up Opal swung toward the mad scientist known as Moira, and released a pair of brilliant magic bolts flying in her direction.


Attack Moira with Opal.

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Sha'Tith groans as he starts to pull himself up from the dust and debris, he hissed some when Leo approached but didn't put up a fight.  He just kinda sat there propped up with an angry look on his face.

After Leo finished his work Sha'Tith grunted slightly(acceptance?) and then spat a ball of fire at Junkrat.


Sha'Tith uses "Flame Breath" on Junkrat(or one of the Talon soldiers if Junkrat cannot be targeted, or the Drop Bear if none of the others can be targeted) this deals 2d6+3 fire damage.  "Barbed Wire" activates, this Non-sight-line based, Aura-of-death, deals 1d4 Pure damage to Junkrat and the two Talon soldiers.

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Once the bear had been literally punched in the face by Nader, Freya remembered that her zombies had willed their way forward, turning to see her little earth abominations off to 'war', face full of excitement. However, that excitement froze when the zombies first stepped into the minefield... Along with the combination of that laughing maniac's weaponry, causing her entire force to be, well, obliterated. Rather harshly.


Freya herself still had that excited face as the explosions began, the sheer force of them nearly causing her hat to fly off. About halfway through the explosions though, Freya quickly began to droop forward, her face turning into a more disappointing frown. Soon enough, her zombies were just scattered dirt and rock, little wisps of black magic flying right back to Freya to rejoin with their source.


... There went her contributing.


Freya spends her turn to remove Natural Requiem from her loadout, as it is now useless.


Le Freya Loadout

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Blue replaces Rubber Band Bracelet with Lightning Needle as a free action, and then activates Shining Silver, Pentupling all his stats for 2 turns.

"The Power of a God, in the palm of my hand..."  He says, overwhelmed with the newfound power and wisdom of his silver wire.


With a pointless gesture, the water in the ground around him is summoned up with incredible force, forming a massive sphere of water around him, he has trouble controlling this new power, as he floats like a genie in the middle.



Edited by Hal Henderics
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The Battle Continues!


Pipeline Repair Team

Cackling madly, Junkrat barrages the cart of parts with grenades, removing 36% of its health!  The cart can't take much more of this!


Sha'Tith uses his Barbed Wire to deal 2 damage to each human enemy!  Then he torches the Shock Trooper with his Flame Breath, dealing 9 damage!


Leo pumps 7 mana into healing Sha'Tith!  Leo lacks skill at healing, but he seems to have done something at least partially right, as a blood-red protective aura surrounds Sha'Tith, granting him 20 temporary hit points.


The Frost Brute prepares an action...


Nader shoots the Dystoan Drop Bear, blowing a large hole in its chest.  The strange creature staggers, razor maw grinding, before it falls dead before him.  Chalk one up to superior firepower.


The Talon Shock Trooper blasts the Frost Brute with his shotgun, downing the construct.  The Frost Brute was not ready for this!


The Talon Skirmisher pokes his head out of cover and fires his assault rifle at Leo, dealing 9 damage!


Blue draws upon his fast magical power... and shows his lack of practice, surrounding himself in a large, remarkably clingy globe made of ground water.  The badlands beneath the party's feet shift omenously, as though something supporting them was removed.


Freya alters her loadout!  She also has a large, cybernetic bear corpse to work with...


Stelio carves up the Shock Trooper, dealing 20 damage with his first swing, and 21 with his second!  The Shock Trooper falls in three pieces.


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Derelict Assault Team


Contagion riddles the remaining Flame Trooper with bullets!  The terrorist drops to the earth, bleeding heavily.


Aquila recovers from his stun!


Alan, showing great forethought, produces some medical supplies!


Vitor stabs Shock Trooper 1 with Gae Bolg, dealing 18 damage!  The shock trooper is perforated to death.


Moira vanishes instantly, leaving the remaining skirmisher looking very sorry for himself.


Lucine takes a shot at the last Talon operative, but the Drop Shield blocks the bullet!


The remaining Talon Skirmisher drops his gun to hang from his shoulder by a strap and flees back into the derelict.


A grapnel fires from the Mysterious Sniper's position, and pulls them toward the derelict, where they vanish inside.


Ena takes a look at the flying object and is alarmed to see it's a missile painted black, with glowing purple lines!



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Thankfully, Freya was able to see that the bear that had dropped onto the team had now died... Which, originally, didn't really concern her much, since it was mainly just a bunch of... Iron and magic, she guessed. However, as another round of explosions came out behind her, a familiar sense came to her, coming from her own magic, pointing her towards two things that it WANTED to be used on. Some poor guy that got cut up into three pieces...


And the bear.


Instantly, Freya seemed to brighten as she straightened her hat, before running past the group and right to the bear. Sure enough, as she neared, she could sense the familiar dead feel that a corpse would have... Which was surprising, but apparently this thing was some weird mix of previously living parts and iron. If things went well... She should be able to work with this.


So, now just a step away from the corpse's head, Freya crouched down, planting her staff firmly into the ground before lifting her hand, tendrils of dark, misty magic rising from underneath her sleeve, "Alright, let's put you to work..." she muttered, before placing her hand on top of the bear's head, causing the dark tendrils to latch onto the bear, seeping through any opening they could find in the bear.


Freya uses Necromancy on the bear, finally having a reason to be useful.



High Tier Freya Loadout

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"Missile incoming. Find cover." Ena spoke to the two people standing on the ledge with her. The small girl and the man who seemed to control robots. She'd have to find defenses for that. Later. For now, though, she raised the rifle she held, pushing the stock against the plate covering her shoulder joint, and stared down the scope. Her own visual enhancement kicked in too, as she attempted to calculate trajectories such that she would hit this threat on the nose.



Ena will take a shot at the incoming missile. Deals 2d6+INT (8) damage, with a 2*INT% chance to do double damage ignoring armor. 16%. +4 to perception checks and ranged damage. If it doesn't take an action, Ena will turn to try to determine what the flying thingy is after firing.


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Blue uses his hydrokinesis to fire a guided bullet of water at Junkrat, dealing 1d6+40 Damage!


"Now, you DIE!" He shouts, as a small pellet of water is fired from the sphere.



(Trick Level 4): The user may now control water at an extreme range, or with extreme force. Deal 1d6+Syn damage to targets outside of Encounter range, or deal 3d6+Syn Damage to a target within the encounter, an object must be under control to do this.




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"I presume those of you qualified to fix the pipe would be rather opposed to letting that desert rat blow your tools and materials to kingdom come, hence I will leave that to you..." almost as if on cue as he said that, another soldier popped up, this one armed with a rapidly firing fusil which he used to pepper the boy with the golem, the latter of whom now lay in a smoking pile on the ground thanks to the man who lay in pieces at stellio's feet. Already, Dark Mana gathered and focused itself into his blade, as he once more brought it to a ready "For, it seems yet another one has chosen to come out of hiding- TWAS A VERY DEAR MISTAKE, RAT!"



I. Stellio attacks the Talon Skirmisher with the Headsman! He spends 5 MP to convert his attack from melee to ranged! (IF the Talon Skirmisher is already dead, Stellio will use both his actions to push the Payload cart towards the pipe)

(Attack converted from Melee to Ranged. Deals {2d6+Str[11]} ranged Dark/Slashing Damage, has 30% chance to inflict "Dark Adverse" Status for 3 turns {Sufferer takes 1.25x more damage from dark based sources}. Stellio will gain +1 Str/Ess from either dealing or receiving damage)

II. Stellio attacks the Talon Skirmisher with the Headsman Again, again spending 5 MP to convert his attack from melee to ranged! (IF the talon Skirmisher dies due to Stellio's above attack, he will use this action to instead push the payload cart)

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Sha'Tith stood slowly, he definitely wasn't at 100%, but he could fight for a while at least.  So he stepped over to cart and with a great heave pushed it forward, once he got it moving he started hurling fire and lightning at the last remaining soldier.


Sha'Tith Pushes the Payload, Barbed Wire activates, dealing 1d4 pure damage to Junkrat and the last Talon soldier.

Free action: Sha'Tith uses Flame Breath on the Talon Skirmisher dealing 2d6+3 damage, Ukulele activates dealing 8d4 electric damage to the Talon Skirmisher.

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Lucine spun wordlessly to face the incoming missile. After a few quick glances at her teammates to note the seemingly preferred strategy of trying to shoot it down, she raised both of her guns toward it and let off a rapid succession of shots herself.


Big Blast on the missile. Eternal Arms Mastery applies.

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While everyone else was busy shooting at a swiftly approaching missile that was unfortunately still far away enough from them to be a really small and hard to hit target. Alan decided to do what any reasonable person would do and charge straight towards an active combat zone while he yelled out "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" (and towards the wounded party members) in a hopefully not vain attempt to get out of missile range...and he quietly thanked the fact that the only drone he could be bothered to bring into this fight was waiting somewhere in said active combat zone.


Alan runs towards relative safety and away from the air strike like a reasonable person would, and also hopefully taking him close enough to Vitor to apply some healing to the man via a medkit.

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For just a moment, Nader stood there and breathed deeply -- fighting, punching, and then successfully killing a horrible semi-koala-beast-razor-mouth-monster brought its own little rush and ebb of adrenaline (and, behind his mask, a wild grin: that's the power of FORENIA, baby!), but he WAS still in active combat after all, so he straightened himself and began noisily running towards the cart, to go help out with pushing it lest the mad bomber blow the thing to Jannah. There was one soldier left, but his little popgun wasn't much of a threat to Nader, and it looked like he was under control anyway.


The tiny plates on his palms making clink sounds as they made contact with the edge of the cart, Nader dug his feet into the badlands ground, gripped tightly (in case whatever the hell was going on with the ground tripped him up), and pushed.

Nader pushes the payload!

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Team Derelict Assault:

Thanks to her Eternal Arms Mastery, Lucine is able to bulls-eye the missile before it hits!  It detonates harmlessly in the air.  The remaining Talon agents fail to reappear.  Combat is over!  Feel free to investigate the derelict.


Team Pipeline Repair:

Sha'Tith roasts the remaining Talon soldier.  Junkrat has apparently decided that discretion is the better part of not getting another limb blown off by Nader, because he flies away by surfing on explosions.  Somehow.


Freya reanimates the following: 

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The pipeline repair team is now free to do whatever.  Hopefully starting with repairing that pipeline.

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