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Welcome to the Apocalypse - Director's Cut IC


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Amelie shrugs, seeming content to observe the group's actions as people continue filtering in to explore the derelict.  The ship is clearly ancient, having lain in this place for centuries at least based on the dust and animal tracks inside.  Most of the hull seems shaped from a single piece of wood that, when scratched, actually oozes sap like the entire ships is some exotic plant cyborg.  Wires, pipes, and strange clockworks can be found throughout the ship, apparently to adjust the sails and steering vanes.  There are two large cargo holds in the fore and aft of the vessel, and an empty weapons deck connects them below the main deck on the surface.  The glowing crystal that apparently is meant to power the whole vehicle sits in the back atop some kind of thruster that has no apparent fuel tank or source aside from the glowing crystal.  There are a lot of other machines, but a cursory examination is unable to divine their function.

Vitor and Lucine are able to confirm that the glowing crystal contains a seemingly bottomless wellspring of mana (which Lucine can use to top herself off), Contagion confirms that the crystal is definitely supposed to power the vessel somehow (though he can't figure out how), and Amelie adds that it looks like the hole in the hull is slowly... healing.  As is other less severe instances of damage to various mechanical parts and areas of the hull.  Huh.  Neat.

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As they spread off in the multitude of directions to explore the derelict, Ena first turned to the woman who'd supported them in battle. "You're blue. Are you human? If so, why are you blue?" As she asked this, the robot explored the current room, searching out things that might indicate the function of the machine. Perhaps an instruction manual, to control and bend this thing to one's use. Unlikely to be in this room, but it was courteous to remain in the room when one asked a question. Didn't matter if you could hear them from outside the room, or so Suhkrab had informed her. Thus far most things had been applicable.

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With quick warning to Amelie that she might want clear the splash zone, Aquila draws his flail and approaches the webbed up trooper.

"Okay, I'm gonna be quick here. I don't like beating up people that can fight back. Makes me feel bad deep in my soul. And you're kind of stuck here. So here's the deal; you tell me what you know about this place, I let you go home, raise a family or some shit. Hell, if you want to join up with us I'll take you under my wing. Great stuff we're trying to do, preparing worlds for universe ending threats apparently. Good cause and at the very least you're gonna be rich when you're done... way off track, sorry. Point is, you answer I let you go, maybe we talk about getting you a spot on the team. You refuse I break your hand, then your arm and so on."

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"Oh god oh god I don't know much please don't kill me for that!" The soldier responds, and if he seems more afraid of Amelie smirking in the back than Aquila in his face, at least he's talking.  "Moira wouldn't tell us much so we couldn't tell people about it but I think it's some kinda wrecked Zeppelin or something!  She called it the Skyship Weatherlight once or twice!  I think we were siphoning the fuel lines to get the stuff we were canning, I don't know where it goes after we crated it up.  If- If you let me go I can show you how to fix the fuel lines!"  Vitor curses in the background.


"He's probably not gonna know much more than that," The Brazilian assesses, "Talon likes to keep information compartmentalized so captures can't set them back far.  Unless this guy's a member of their command staff in disguise, they'll only have told him what he needs to do his job, and you don't exactly need much knowledge of the insides of the ship to operate a canning plant or stand guard outside."

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Aquila shrugs and returns the flail.

"Alright right then. I assume that I can just cut the man out?"

Aquila turns to the apparently more scary woman he's adressing. He might miffed about that if he wasn't personally terrified of a woman he could theoretically break in two himself.

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Amelie responds by pulling a rather alarmingly large knife seemingly out of thin air and slamming it into the webbing with a flick of her wrist, right between the captive's legs.  The bound man whimpers pathetically and wiggles futilely against his bonds, but Aquila would notice that the sharp blade parted the strands easily.  "The web is as strong as real spider's silk, but does not last as long.  Once dried, it is easy to cut," She informs the knight.

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Aquila stares for a moment, looking like he remembered something awkward before pulling out his own knife to cut the man free. His is a decently sized, practical one and someone well versed in historical design would probably find it to be of a viking design. Then he gets to work, seeming a bit more skittish around the woman.

"So Amelie, what are you planning after this... uh, not looking for specifics if it's private, just in general."

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Ena found herself ignored. A quick search through data banks revealed a number of possibilities. She might have said something insulting. Perhaps the woman the question too often. Or, perhaps she was distracted, or hadn't heard. Most humans wore earplugs when firing guns, so if this person was human, that was a possibility. Either way, the amount that could be gained from repeating the question was small. She'd been curious, but the information was likely not important. This, she exited the room, searching for any symbols or obvious language that might say something about operating the derelict.

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No one made any moves for or against the plan, so leo shrugged and walked into town Frostbrute in tow. It was not what he was expecting.

A pair of thugs "escorted" him everywhere, and no one wanted anything to do with him. Then frost brute went missing. Leo got booted from town, and not once did snow manage to get an internet connection. and then to top it all off, frostbrute comes sailing over the wall in pieces a few minuits later.



Leo groans and goes to repair Frostbrute. some parts seem to be missing but he gets it back together regardless. He also finds and defuses a grenade someone decided to shove into Frostbrutes torso. pricks. jokes on them, free grenades!


"Fine then, next time you can fix your own pipes!"

"That went poorly"

Leo angrily grumbles something about how there lucky they didn't freeze themselves to death with frostbrutess engine.

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The lizard-man shrugged at the woman's response.  He then opened his mouth and tossed in the mushrooms, a few seconds later he let out a belch of smoke.

"If you Skyfallers are done here.  We should go be sure you 'friends' aren't bleeding out somewhere."

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The girl wandered up toward the core, marveling at the thing. Her sense for mana weren't exactly well-developed, but it lit up like a beacon regardless. "Um, Vitor," she began, somewhat awkwardly. "Could you help me tap this? I don't actually know how, I never had to worry about this back home. . ."




"Yeah, something tells me we don't want to hang around here much longer. Plus I want to see these friends of yours." She frowned in thought for a moment. "Hey, you with the golem. What was your name again? I swear I've heard about this whole business with testing the mana types of things before. Some old fossil of an orc talked about it, I think it was somewhat common in his world."

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Leo looks up at her.
"I'm leo, this here" he pats the sword at his waist "is Snow"


He draws snow and turns her so that marisa can see the sapphire in her hilt.

"In my world, mana comes from the soul and changes its type when it comes into contact with matter. Iron mana is force, sapphire mana is cold and mental clarity, ruby is fire and emotion, and so on. Different types have different effects and different combinations create different types. That seed seems to produce a mana that responds to emotions and desires, so I'm quite interested in what I can do with it."

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"Yeah, that sounds exactly what this guy was talking about. Said he wasn't that good with it, though; his main talent was breaking things into perfect shapes. Like, masterful sculptures in one hit in the right spot. I've never seen anything quite like it, and I've been meaning to visit the world for a while. I know it's not likely, but I don't suppose you know an old orc named Mar or the Stonerist clan, do you?" An expression of focus came across her face for a moment, before it was replaced with that of a sudden realization. "Oh! He said he wanted to find someone who could help him purify his. . . I think he called it Psychocite? Something with recording information and keeping it from being corrupted."

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At Sha'Tith's comment, Freya seemed to remember something, the note flashing from sight, likely being put into her oversize sleeves, "Oh right, we need to get bac. Hold on one sec though, need to get something done" she said before running off, heading for the burned soldier that was killed by Sha'Tith, crouching down and beginning to use her magic. Yeesh, that lizard burned them good, it was hard to even get this thing back up. But, she did, and the burned body managed to climb back to it's feet, carefully and methodically, so it didn't mess anything else up. It was kind of sad, really, seeing a corpse this way, but hey, war was war.


"Alright, done!" Freya called out, beginning to walk back to the group, new zombie behind her, "Ready to head back out and meet up with the others!"



18 v nat 20. 
Quality: 11
Random Bitz: 39. No random bitz. Freya gets a really crappy zombie with 3 resistance, 3 strength, and 10 hit points


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Leo looks thoughtful for a moment, tapping his chin.

"Mmmm...the name doesn't ring a bell, but Breaking things into shape sounds like something Orcs in my world would do. They have an ability that makes things they break stronger....I think. I'm not sure what psychocite is but it sounds interesting. Do you know how he got it?"

Edited by Endlessblaze
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Turning up her volume slightly, Ena called out through the ship, "I've located the helm. Of this thing that's probably a vehicle." The architecture fit patterns she'd seen in the vast video files she'd processed a few weeks ago, close enough to fictional portrayals of large vehicle helms that it seemed a reasonable guess that this thing was meant to be driven in some manner from this point. Whether over water, though space or air, or even underground though, she had less certainty. Air or water seemed most probable though. For now, waiting to see if anyone wished to confirm or deny her speculations, she wandered around, trying to deduce something about the purpose of the different levers, based on height, clustering, and markings around them. Perhaps it could tell her a bit about the species that owned this.

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Alan stared at the giant magical power source as he stood inside of the magical giant wooden...thing. And he idly poked at the damned thing for a few short moments with the end of a standard datajack cable until someone whose voice he recognized shouted something about locating the helm of what was apparently a giant ship. After he walked around the damn place once more to confirm the fact that yes, there was in fact no computers for him to use in this place, and that messing around with a magical engine that was large enough to power a giant wooden...Alan almost immediately ran out of the engine room at breakneck speeds as he tried his best to locate the aforementioned helm of what was most likely one extremely ancient airship.

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Blue, having witnessed all of this happening to Leo, feels something akin to anger.  Actually, it is closer to being actual anger, instead of merely something like it.


Scanning his surroundings, he finds a scrap of an MRE Wrapper, and tears into it, creating a cloak with which he can sneak into the city.  A white twist tie within bolsters his resolve, luck like that can only mean his path is karmically backed.


Hopping from wall to wall like a bug, he eventually finds a rubbery ring attached to something.  Removing it, he is shocked to find water pouring from it's middle as a result of him unleashing it.


"Heathens, all of them.  To be so ignorant as to miss such a treasure as this, an artifact of the ancient world from which pours true water."


"Maybe this will make Leo feel better."  Blue Occultist muses to themselves, hopping out of the city limits with ease.


Landing at the rear end of Leo's conversation with Marisa, he waits until a lull, and then tries to get Leo's attention.


"I stole a treasure from the city, as payment for your damaged golem.  They had no clue what a find they were holding onto unwittingly."  he says with reverence, showing off the rubber ring, from which water is magically created.

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Leo looks to blue.

"Mmm? A rubber gasket?" he picks up the ring and looks it over. "Oh, that looks pretty neat. your powers made an infinite water source from it?"

He runs some of the water through his fingers. yep, that's water alright. 

"I can see plenty of uses for this. Ill need to check the quality, but this stuff might be safe for drinking. plus, infinite water could make a good power source. Thanks. Maybe later we can get together with some more stuff and make something pretty neat."

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"Most organic creatures, like us humans..."

He gestures to the other humans in the group

"Need to take water into our bodies in order to survive. A human can only go about..what? three or four days without water before death? Which is why it was so important to get this pipe fixed. But if the water is contaminated by certain things, it can harm us, and its not always obvious what water is clean and what issent."

"If its being magically created Its also possible that the water might be a little TO clean. and be missing vital nutrients"

"That to. but even if its not fit for drinking straight from the tap, we could work to treat it and make it drinkable. Or we could use it for other things where having an infinite supply of water is useful."

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"Incredible.  To expose others to True Water, I normally had to fight viciously and with great passion, and yet you and your kind simply consume it, daily even, if I am hearing you correctly."


Blue seems to shake their head without moving, astonished.


"A remarkable race of beings, yours."

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Poof.  The pipeline team is at the derelict, standing just outside the giant hole in the hull.  Presumably by the magic of hiking.  Leo makes his save to not lose a constitution point from exhaustion and poison side effects.


Vitor successfully sets Lucine up with a mana tap to the derelict's power source, restoring her mana.


Alan is able to join Ena at the helm of the derelict.


Amelie mostly just watches the action, looking vaguely amused.

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Having cut the man out, Aquila pats him on the shoulder.

"Alright, now before you go anywhere I'm gonna need your... well, everything you have on you of use. I'm sure you understand that we can't just let you go with equipment on you."

His tone is polite enough.

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"Aaaand we're finally here!" Freya said once the derelict was in sight, taking a second to catch her breath before walking forward again, the bear still following her as she went along, "Heeeellooooooo! Anyone hoooooome?!" she called out as she approached. It was definitely a big ship, but if this is where the other team was (which, last she checked, they SHOULD be in the right place), then they should be able to hear her calling out to them.


... However, as she begins heading towards the ship, she stops, noticing the bodies strewn around the place, "Oooo, I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, need to do something" Freya called out to the rest of the ground, before running off towards the bodies. There was a bit of Necromancy she had to get to work on.


Leave no body behind, as she always said!

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