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Welcome to the Apocalypse - Director's Cut IC


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"I'm fine. It still Hurts but you got me the anti-venom in time. deadliest snake in the world or not, I've Done harder things through worse pain. And as it stands I'm quite under prepared. Most of my equipment was left back in my world, so I would like to at least get some practice in. I might also take you up on the tablet offer though. Given the Scrap recovered from the robot that got wrecked I should have enough material for a golem or two if I also make use of the rocks...Maybe some eternal ice? If you had any platinum I could make a simple railgun for ranged...I really do need to practice my fighting though. Maybe ill just do some practice. How much time do we have here? should we move soon. I might be able to work in both some weapon creation and practice."

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Instantly, Freya shrugged, "Alright then, juuuust don't get disappointed if I don't really add  much" she said, stepping around Aquila so she could be more to his side. Then, right before Aquila started, she quickly got in his back, kneeling right on top of him, both hands on her knees as she 'helped'.


... Even with her entire weight on top of Aquila, he could probably note how she really, REALLY didn't weigh that much... At least not enough to make that much of a different for his workout.

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"No platinum here.  It's rare and valuable," Vitor says, "And any gemstones I have fall under the 'magically active substances that might kill you' platform.  But we should be fine for at least a night.  Nobody's found us yet, anyway, and we've got sensors up around the perimeter so if we are found there'll be advance warning.

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Aquila makes a noise affirming he heard her.

"Yeah, I've been kind of worried about it. Of course, I'm happy I can still fight effectively. But sometimes you kind of want people to look at you and not feel scared, ya know? ... nevermind actually. You're an attractive person you wouldn't have to deal with that kind of thing."

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Leo Nods and goes to pick up a tablet and looks it over it looks like it might be fun to take apart, but practicing his skills seemed more right... Then realizing his hunger he sits it back down goes to Grab a snack. May as well eat then go train some. He finds some ration bars held in a bag closed with a sliver twist tie. Huh wasn't the Little blue guy saying something about that earlier? He removes the tie and takes out a bar, which he instantly starts noming as he goes over to where blue is.


"Hey little blue guy. you were saying something about silver tie's earlier right?" He holds up the metallic Tie for him to see.

Edited by Endlessblaze
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Once Aquila finished his statement, he would hear something he probably didn't expect from Freya. Barely contained laughter, coming out more of an initial snort and then a bit of giggling as Freya curled up, trying to keep her laughter contained, 


"S-Sorry, sorry, that is just the first time I've heard anyone say that about me" Freya said after a solid 5-10 seconds, quickly composing herself from the initial surprise, "Ah... Thanks for the compliment, but that's far from the truth. I mean, early in my life that wasn't much of a problem, but once I developed a reputation back in my world? Getting sickened reactions and being called a freak of nature was just a part of my everyday life" Freya replied, all while in her seemingly default tone of voice.

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"Aw, it isn't like you're doing anything really weird with the bodies. Hell, Jesus resurrected people and people where I'm from worship the guy. Just because you don't bring them completely back isn't that creepy in comparison. Hell, that by itself is a miracle!"

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When they first arrived at the safe house, Nader had spent a significant amount of time just leaning against the inner wall, mask unhooked, held, and lifted away from his mouth but not actually pulled off of his face (he wasn't willing to let his guard down that much). The feeling of adrenaline wearing off may have been one he was used to, but he had received a hell of a lot of adrenaline from the insanity of the past two hours, and when combined with the chills and fear that his mind tended to bring, right then he hadn't been sure if he would be sick.


He wasn't. But he did note to his dissatisfaction (mask reattached) as he approached the set of guns that Vitor had mentioned to him that it appeared to have been at least partially pillaged. Oh, well, he would make do. Nader took a PDW and a frag grenade, and proceeded to locate a workshop or something where he could disassemble the weapon and take a look at its contents. He had cottoned onto the fact that gun technology seemed to be well improved in the time of this place, and he wanted to see if he could glean a thing or two from the work on the weapon.

Edited by Powder Miner
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"Red Sonja. . . ? Is that a hero from Doctor Doom's world?" She looked at the card with some confusion, before swapping Scathach back in for her Install and Sonja in for her Include.  "The abilities seem useful, though." She briefly considered Googling the name, but elected to move in the direction of the armory instead, Opal in tow as always. Her eyes went wide when she actually got into the room, nearly bumping into Nader. The reaction was akin to what you might expect from someone her age being told that yes, they DO get to take the giant fluffy unicorn. She almost reverently took another PDW off the wall, settled down on the floor. . . and immediately began disassembling it, looking to study the advances in tech and design. The plasma pistol would come in a moment.

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Alan would carefully take one of the PDWs from the armory's wall and the flare gun that everyone else had inexplicably ignored. Before he handed the PDW to the one remaining DOOMBOT the party still had access to. And he would then attempt to find an input/output port somewhere on its person before he swiftly jacked into it's system to try and modify it's operating system in a way that would hopefully allow him to directly assume direct control over its systems using his control rig. And also allow him to type in commands for it to follow with his cyberdeck as opposed to being limited by something as indiscreet as a voice command feature.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Nader's masked face turned to look at Nadine at her near collision with him (well, after he instinctively flinched, anyway). Watching her wide-eyed wonder at the collection of guns around her, Nader couldn't help but chuckle. "Now imagine being from the Second World War. This is a really interesting experience, I have to say. Almost all of the gun design is still recognizable, of course, even with guns in whatever the hell year this is. But it's the little bits that are fascinating -- not even massive changes, but they really improve the performance, and I'm practically contractually obligated to appreciate that."

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Sha'Tith was honestly impressed with the Skyfaller's ability to create Golems, that is until the idiot got himself bitten by some poisonous creature.

 Once they got to the safehouse Sha'Tith mostly ignored the Armory, instead opting to look around for random abandoned items, Skyfallers discarded the strangest things.

After some searching around he found a large mass of tangled fiber(half crocheted yarn hat) in one of the old drawers and a battered old knife under one of the beds.  He immediately hooked the knife into his belt of barbed wire.


He spent most of his time outside though, inspecting this world's wildlife and nature, while practicing burrowing through the dry, hardened, crust of the land. 

The metal Skyfaller was of little interest to him, so he left them alone.

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Blue sees the wire, shiny and delicate in Leo's hand.  Surely Blue isn't that lucky, to ramble on about the rarest and most incredible thing of his world, only for someone to find one wrapped around some old-age garbage.


Snatching the wire, it lights up in his grip like a star.


"..."  He's speechless as he begins bending it, unfolding it, and uncrinkling it until it's perfectly straight, before wrapping it around himself.  His chest, legs, and arms are all coated with a twist of the silvery substance, leaving him in a Gi-looking attire, which shines like a mirror.


"More than I imagined."


His aura grows in size, and he stands taller than he once did, due to the physical mass added by the wire, yes, but more so the stature granted by immense strength.

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Leo tilts his head. Now quite curious as he gets a better look at blue, and he starts mumbling under his breath. "An ensouled construct of twist ties which draws different properties from different color's and materials of Twist ties which are integrated. Huh. neat." He starts back off on his trip to a nice sparing location only to stumble as a Jolt of pain flairs up in his leg. Perhaps it WAS a bad idea to spar now....Actually...

Well he would prefer to do it himself, but it could help him learn something. "Hey blue, want to have a little sparing match? Vitor thinks me actually sparing right now is a bad idea, but I could control that toy golem I made earlier and use that in place of my own body. Wont be as strong as me, but I might figure out some nice techniques...."

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"Who... Never mind, different world stuff. Main thing is, Necromancers as a whole back home just are kinda... Inconsiderate jerks, rather antisocial, preferring to turn people into mindless little slaves, etc etc. Hell, aside from my teacher and I, no Necromancer in history has really made it their goal to help people. They're mostly just 'I'm evil and I'm going to take over the world with my zombie army!' and all that" Freya responded with a shrug, "But hey, at least there are some people that don't seem to mind my profession, so that's a plus"

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Freya almost facepalmed when she noticed the cat run by, forgetting that Aquila had her. But, instead, she couldn't help but find the kitten INCREDIBLY adorable, "Aw, she's adorable" she stated, "... Oh, by the way, do you think your done with your exercise?" Freya asked, tliting her head slightly at the question.

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