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Leo's improvised healing goes off better then before, and mends a fair number of his wounds.

14 HP restored.

 Leo breath a sigh of relief now that combat is over, noteing his mana supply is quite low, still, he should certainly help out with pipe repair.
Hopefully they would get paid and he could get some better materials, but regardless, this was at least a job well done.


Then he turned his attention to the downed frostbrute, running his hands over its body, and examining the damaged parts. critical gears had been damaged, along with the drive shafts of its engine. In addition various hinges had been damaged that prevented it from acting under magic alone. As intended the engine had shut down once the system determined it was to damaged to continue, and had extinguished itself, preventing any issues of icefire containment. Luckily the electronics attached to the core were undamaged. so it was a simple matter of shaping things back into place, and mending the components and casing. Good.



22 v 8: Success! Quality: 10! Random Bitz: 49! Leo is able to restore the frost brute to full functionality with ease. The few components actually damaged by the shotgun shells were easy enough to replace.

Leo looked at his computer bringing up frostbrutes information. "Frostbrute, Activate."

-This unit was shut down abruptly in a combat situation. now running diagnostics-

-diagnostics complete, no damage to Core integrity. No damage to Unit AI, designation: Frostbrute_01-
-Unit AI, designation: Frostbrute_01 online. All systems green, Engine is on standby-

The golem slowly pulls itself off the ground. Straining under its own weight. Drawing so little power from the ambiance it could barely move its own body. There was a reason leo had outfitted it with an engine after all. Being able to run on mechanical power cut down on the raw ambiance draw. By using the frostfire engine frostbrute could sap heat from the air and use it to keep itself going.

"Frostbrute. Ignite." 

The golem stands taller as its engine is ignited with a spark of heat, and ice fire, roaring up in its body. after a few moments there is a deep rumble in its chest and snow once more pours from its exhaust.


Satisfied, leo pats the golem on the back and sends it to push the cart

"Alright, Anyone whos to injured should ride on the cart. we need to get things moving."

Of course some of the others might note this would be a good time to ask why the fuck a giant metal bear dropped from the sky and tried to kill him, and what this "dysto" he and snow has mentioned was.

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Vitor pulls out his first aid kit (really should have packed that sooner), and starts treating wounds.  (Between him and Alan, everybody gets back to full HP who wants to be.)


Aquila enters the derelict to find that the red-haired Talon doctor and the surviving soldier didn't make it very far.  The soldier is pinned to the wall by a sheet of sticky-looking, white threads.  The doctor, meanwhile, is being pinned to the wall by an incredibly attractive, blue-skinned woman who has the Irish-looking medic by the throat.  The blue woman appears to be wearing some kind of padded armor, colored a mottled tan to blend with the surrounding desert, and has the second-largest gun he's ever seen (after Nader's Horsekiller) slung over her back, and a bandolier of grenades.  A strange helmet with what looks like eight round, red eye-marks on it sits over her hair, which is also blue.


"Talk," The sniper orders her captive in a flowing, French accent, "Tell me where the kill switch is, and I'll make it fast."


"No kill switch," The Talon doctor forces out, "All psychological.  Conditioning deemed sufficient.  Physical weaknesses (gasp) Mercy would have found.  Unacceptable-"  The woman cuts her captive off with a sharp blow to the temple that sends her staggering, and slings her rifle into firing position.  However, before she can open fire, the Talon agent vanishes into wisps of smoke again.  The sniper pulls her helmet's visor down over her face, scans the room, and pushes it back up, muttering something extremely uncomplimentary towards her former captive in French.  Then she turns to Aquila, gun pointed at the floor, but in a way that he's sure would let her point it at him almost instantly if he attacked.


"Huh.  You got in here faster than I expected," She comments, yellow eyes appraising the wounded knight.  "I was here for her.  I got what I came for.  What is your mission in this place?"

Edited by DragonRage
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Aquila bows slightly before responding in french.

"Personally, I was here to see if there was any information of use to gather from these... that one."

Aquila points to the remaining talon soldier.

"My companions and I are securing this so that the pigman has no mana and starves to death... or at least is easier to kill. Anyways, this thingy had the mana so we're securing it."

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"Oh uh alright. everyone stand back please. Frostbrute! Get over here!"

Frostbrute lumbers over
"Freeze it with ice fire"
Frostbrute blasts the thing with the blue and cyan flames, The water begins to freeze as the anomalous flames drew on the heat. sapping the thermal energy to make light, and more of itself. there is a chill in the air around the ball not just from the ice fire, but from frostbrute's regulation system, trying to choke the fire to the best of its ability by depriving it of heat. once there is a thick shell around the water, blue finds he can move again, and leo gives the order to stop and extinguish the flames. The chill in the air around the flames grows intense as the heat is pulled away by frostbrute. in the icy shell, there becomes a portion where the heat is held back and prevented from flowing into, and the icefire soon dies down and goes out. Frostbrute releases its grip on the flow of heat and things return to normal.


"Alright, now then."
leo lays a hand on the ice and closes his eyes as he cast shape solid once more, trying to conserve his mana as much as possible. He opens a small hole for blue to fly out of, then closes it back up once he is out, to contain the water. No sense wasting it after all.

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Sha'Tith continued what he'd started, pushing the Payload to the objective, or at least until the metal beast came to take over.

Those who looked closely might notice many small green mushrooms sprouting out of Sha'Tith's various wounds, repairing the damage staggeringly quickly.

"Do any of you know what that thing was?"

Sha'Tith said gesturing towards where the bear had landed on Leo.

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Alan would give the fellow combat medic a polite thumbs up before he ventured inside of the derelict with his heavily armed drone technically leading the way by walking a few steps ahead of him. And he would do his best to try and walk past the burly warrior and whoever that technically attractive sniper was by simply doing the stereotypically confident "Don't mind me, I actually belong here and shouldn't be scrutinized at all" walk towards a vaguely defined location known as "Somewhere deeper inside of this hopefully not competently trapped ruins". As he honestly just wanted to get this whole thing over with as soon as humanly possible.

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Lucine shook her head a bit, returning to her more natural mannerisms - though the odd outfit doesn't disappear quite yet. "Is it over? Did we win?" She peered about at the area, looking a bit uncomfortable as her gaze passed over the remnants of their combat. She hesitantly picked her way across the field, trailing the rest of the group as they moved toward the ruins. "We must have fought hard, because I'm so tired. . ." Indeed, her feet seemed to be dragging quite a bit as she walked, and almost immediately after speaking she nearly fell over on her face as she stumbled over a bit of shrapnel.

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"Yeahhhh. maybe I should start from the beginning."

Leo sits down and try's to get comfy "A long time ago, there were two ancient kingdoms at war. No one really knows why it started, or who started it. As part of the war effort one of the kingdoms created a massive superweapon, called dysto. It wields absurdly powerful magic, and a wide array of weapons. however, it mostly fights through the use of biomachines, like this one. It was programed with one singular mission. The complete genocide of the enemy kingdom. And it preformed...Well. Anything that lived there was destroyed. Nothing grows there, nothing lives there. Not a single blade of grass, Nor a single fish. anything that tries to move in or grow? killed. The only source of food are the bio machines themselves. there's nothing left of the kingdom but ruins and bands of bandits, and people trying to survive. for some reason though, Dysto was never turned off. think of it like...a gun that never stopped firing. No one even knows what happened to the kingdom that built Dysto."

leo pauses for a moment, thinking.


"Somehow, Dysto is able to know of, and track every. single. thing. that lives, or ever has lived in what's now known as the barren kingdom. I don't know how it does it, and believe me ive tried to subvert it. Anti-scrying enchantments, perception distorting barriers, I cant tell you how much I've looked."

Leo throws his hands into the air  "And APPARENTLY it can even travel across the multiverse." then he sighs as he lets his arms down "I was as you might have guessed born in the ruins of the barren kingdom, and as a result. dysto wants me dead. I guess you could say ive been fighting death since the day I was born. and its not that big of an exaduratiion. I was orphaned so young I couldn't even point out my parents if they walked past me on the street, and finding a friendly face in that area? not easy, especially for a frightened small child that didn't want to approach anyone.  Early on, I mostly survived by stealing food, and would sometimes listen in on small camps. Eventually I stumbled on a library that still had some books on magic in....a mostly readable condition. At this point I only had a grasp of basic channeling mind you, but hey, I guess I figured it was worth a shot. Once I started learning Golomancy it was easier to get by. I can still remember the glee and rush of satisfaction I felt when I finally started hunting for the same machines that had hunted me for so long, no need to run, no need to steal. with all the rubble around, not to mention the Biomachines themselves, I had PLENTY of material to work with. And evntualy I took on the task of getting out of the barren kingdom, no easy feat I assure you. Ive been moving around from place to place ever since. learning, fighting, and trying to help out as I go."

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Soon enough, Freya's hand left the bear's head, the young Necromancer watching as they bear continued to lay there, unmoving... At least, until it suddenly began to shake, getting up to it's feet sluggishly, at first, but getting increasingly faster and more steady as a short amount of time wore on. At the sight of the bear now (sort of)alive, Freya clapped her hands excitedly, before taking the bear by the ear and leading it towards the rest of the group, just as Leo finished his explanation about Dysto,


"Soooo.... What did I miss over here?" Freya asked as she approached, pointing her staff towards the cart, causing the bear to calmly walk towards it, almost as if trying to be as nonthreatening as possible as it moved to help push said cart.

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After the missile exploded, Ena hopped down from the ledge, following the small girl through the battlefield. As she walked, she observed the corpses searching for any usable gear among the detritus. Specifically, those shields they all seemed to have, the glowing canisters with which they healed themselves, and the rifle that they sniper used. She was curious whether it was superior to the one she held currently.


When she noticed that Lucine was stumbling, Ena spoke up. "Do you want some help? I can carry you, or serve as support."

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Lucine considered the offer for a moment, then shook her head. "No, I can walk just fine. I've just never done this much fighting in one day before, so I'm kind of tired. . ." She slowed down as she actually made it into the derelict. The woman inside was a bit intimidating, but didn't seem to be overly hostile at the moment. Lucine found herself forgetting some measure of her tiredness as her eyes were drawn toward the woman's gun. It looked a lot more advanced than most of the guns she'd seen, though looks weren't everything in a gun. Really, she just stared at it outright once it came into her line of sight.

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Leo sighs. Since dysto could still get to him it was probbly best for the party to be aware of it. Thankfully, he had a very handy AI assistant. “Snow, would you please-“

“beginning playback from memory”

Snow promptly plays back leo’s Explanation, more or less acting as a recording tape.

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A loud clink sounded at the end of Leo's explanation (and a second time as Snow repeated the whole thing) -- Nader had slapped his armored palm to his mask, a process which had involved moving his machine-gun arm in an arc not to sweep anyone with the barrel, and then very deliberately moving his hand towards his face. He remained like that for a few seconds until he slowly brought his arm back down to its normal pointing-at-the-ground position. He turned his head to look at Leo silently (and with his mask, kinda ominously) for a couple of moments until he began to speak, bending his hands to gesture emphatically with his wrists still pointed at the ground. "So, wait... let me get this straight. You are telling me that this horrible machine-monster abomination not an isolated incident, but that you've got some sort of massive genocide machine constantly following you across universes to bombard us with these fucking things whenever the hell it feels like it? For fuck's-"


Motion entered Nader's peripheral vision, or at least the peripheral vision that he still had through the lenses of his mask, and he whipped his head in the direction of the movement -- only to see the awful monster thing up, and approaching them. "OooooOOHH FUCK, ALLAH SAVE, IT'S NOT FUCKING DEAD!" Shouting at the top of his lung as adrenaline abruptly flared up again, Nader twisted his body totally in the monster's direction as quickly as he could, then he aimed his left arm in the bear's direction, and then with the third loud BOOM of his Horsekiller in this world, he sent a .60 cal bullet flying into the revived Drop Bear.

Edited by Powder Miner
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Freya herself was actually a bit interested at the entire thing about Dysto, her eyebrows rising in curiosity, "Huh. Kind of rare to have entire genocidal things going after one person, and it's been hunting you it's entire life? How did you survive it for so long anyway, if it wants you dead? Who protected you while you were-" Freya asked, her tangent only being stopped when Nader suddenly fired his Horsekiller, causing the girl to jump and see her bear being thrown off it's feet, passively flying through the air and flopping on it's side, almost not caring about the new hole in it's side that was made,


"WHAT THE HELL- WHY?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BLAST IT!" Freya yelled as she rain past Nader, dropping to the bear's side investigating the wound, forcing herself to calm down as she did so. The bear seemed fine, considering it was already getting back up to it's feet to continue it's mission, since Freya had not willed it to stop, and the wound didn't seem to hit anything important... Though she'd have to patch up the hole later, "It's okay, it's okay, there there... It's nothing but a flesh wound, no need to fear" Freya said comfortingly, something that was highly unnecessary. Then, as the bear got back to it's feet, Freya turned around to look at Nader, letting out a sigh of relief as she straightened her hat, "Okay, sorry, my bad, I probably should've warned you about what I was doing. But, there's no reason to fear this here... Dysto Bear. To clear things up, it IS dead, no life in it anymore, buuuuut I've gone through the liberty of putting it back up. So, to save myself from explaining everything, the bear is on our side now. Specifically, mine, but that detail isn't important" Freya explained, her cheerful voice returning as fast as she had lost it, seeming to have thrown away her previous worry as the bear continued to go to the cart to help push it, this time quickening it's pace.

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