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E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]


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Thanks for catching Zebstraika; I'll fix it tonight too


The Alolan (or as far as Reborn is concerned, Alternate) forms are not noted on the obtainable list, true... Unfortunately because of how it was set up it wouldn't be simple to display them. So, they're just combined. For instance, you saw that Vulpix is now wild. That's actually A-Vulpix that's wild. Normal Vulpix is still an event.

I'll go over some of the ones that are already marked similarly:


rattata and raticate are both both wild
same with sandshrew/sandslash, marowak and diglett... not sure about dugtrio offhand, meowth if not persian cant remember (and it's not quick to look up), probably both both geodude and gravelers are wild, and both grimer/muks.
a-raichu is evo-only unlike kantonian. 

that should cover everything! 


not that any of it matters next to vulpix.


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How can you tell that A-Vulpix is the one that we will have access to ? The only way that you could get Vulpix before was the clown and stunfisk event. Did Ame say that A-Vulpix was available ? I'm confused. 



I am very dumb and blind . . . Please ignore me. 

Edited by loveDBZ
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If I'm not mistaken 11/5's update is


Grubbin/Charjabug/Vikavolt:  Unimplemented > Catchable in the Wild/Repeatable Event

Joltik: In-Game Event > catchable in the wild/repeatable event

Galvantula: Obtainable through Evolution > Catchable in wild/repeatable event


The electric bugs are coming


EDIT: Ninja'd by 5 hours holy crap i didn't pay attention

Edited by Hymdall
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i think today the hippo line and excakill line were added (somewhere inside the pc you can hear terra laughing).in fact i encountered both lines in a place that exists in episode 16.also in that place is an event for a pseudo legendary pokemon

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  On 11/7/2017 at 8:32 PM, NickCrash said:
14 gen7 lines remaining.

+12 gen1-6 lines. From those 26, we'll be getting 20


So at least 10 more days unless Ame ups the rate


Amethyst doesn't necessarily need to add new pokemon from those 26 lines. She can just update existing pokemon lines (hundreds of those).


BTW, it seems like the Quote system is really broken. I needed to manually copy-paste this thing in order to quote the post above.

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  On 11/8/2017 at 1:31 PM, Ross_Andrews said:

Amethyst doesn't necessarily need to add new pokemon from those 26 lines. She can just update existing pokemon lines (hundreds of those).


BTW, it seems like the Quote system is really broken. I needed to manually copy-paste this thing in order to quote the post above.


That's why I said at least :^)


Anyway, other update is Cinccino in wild

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