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Pokemon Logic


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There's a lot of illogical things about Pokemon.

1.Why can't Charizard know fly in Red/Blue, but a Pidgey can use fly?

2.Why is Team Plasma so hypocritical?

3.Why can a Wailord not be captured by a ranger, but it can fit in a tiny Pokeball?

4.Why is Ash still 10?

5.Why is Pikachu weak in the beginning of every new season?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Candies make you stronger, at the risk of diabetes.

Pokemon Cruelity Prevention is useless.

Bianca gives Pokedexes to any random guy who asks for one

Ugly fish turns into Beautiful snake (Milotic)

Entering people's houses without knocking is chill

Ashes can heal your Pokemon

Audino's only healing move- Heal Pulse

Feathers from swans can boost your Pokemon's strength

Buying Artifical Pokemon from arcades - Legit

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Said artificial pokemon can live outside the computer and deal ridiculous amounts of hurt.

Aids in Pokemon actually helps make your pokemon stronger and -most importantly of all- it cures itself.

You have to earn enough badges to be able to buy respectable items. In a free market economy, as long as you have the dough...

Adults who have had years and years to practice at being pokemon trainers and catch a lot of pokemon and have every opportunity to have high level, fully rounded teams have patrats and stupid shit and lose to a fledgling trainer of like 10 yrs old.

Even though you can't get a trainer's liscense till you're 10, you will fight elementary school students who have their own pokemon.

The BW champion looks like an eccentric hobo. What? dat hair...

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  On 10/16/2012 at 12:54 AM, Maelstrom said:

You have to earn enough badges to be able to buy respectable items. In a free market economy, as long as you have the dough...

And what's more hurt is that rich kids in gen 3 with like lv9 pokemon can use full restores without having to get any badges. WE WORKED THE HARD WAY!

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You aren't wrong, but that's already been said......

Pidgey, and spearow being able to carry not only a 10+year old kid, and his pokemon, (wich btw should crush your back since they can't really destroy the matter so it should still weigh as much as all the pokemon no matter how small the pokeball is) But every single item inside the bag.......the 99 full restores, and the bike..... Across a continent. Nidoking and nidoqueen, despite being ground types, being able to surf!

A game that promotes evolution, allows a ROCK TYPE, to look like a TREE and attack people who water it.... Meaning throughout its entire existance, bonsly and sudowoodo chose the evolutionary path of looking like the thing that would be MOST likely to come into contact with the liquid they hate most. Great evolutionary smarts.

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Why aren't rock, steel, and ground types automatically exempt from recoil damage from moves like head bash and double edge?

Using Growth in sun doubles spc atk and atk increase... It would make sense if the same thing or something else special happened in the rain. =/

Swift swim in rain. I'd have called it the slip n slide effect/ability. Cuz unless biblical flood, you ain't swimming in a bit o rain. And slip and slides were fun as shit back in the day.

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About Substitute ,it kind really wierd for me because its use for defence .How they attack if they are in substitute.

I have alot question about substitute but okey i'll choose one of my really really dont know what answer .Where substitute come out ?in the skies ?, Tummies? grounds? mouths ? hands ?Eyes? or is that item ? well i guess i have answer for that

You see substitute come out in no where ^_^ say no if i am not correct okey.. :)

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  On 10/22/2012 at 6:30 AM, Skeleton said:
Oh that grammar in the post and punctuation aaah I'm dying. Why do people fall asleep when Jigglypuff sings, but not when Chingling sings?

Chingling can''t sing. It screeches.

Still don't understand why Ash is 10.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  On 2/11/2013 at 1:50 AM, Maelstrom said:

Dig wide tunnel, float in middle of it. Though an EQ should totally collapse it in on itself and smoosh the dodgy mofo. Oh well, you got me. *tosses another piece of logic on top of the pyre*

On a side note, this happened in Colosseum, in a very shabby building that could collapse easily.

Earthquake defies all logic in pokemon anyway, as does Surf, Dive and Whirlpool outside water.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Zangoose -

Zangoose are fairly large Pokémon that have the characteristics of both mongooses and cats. Their fur is mostly white in color, but they possess deep red markings on the face, chest, and forepaws, which have sharp turns and edges. They have two apparently retractable, long, sharp, black claws on their forepaws that are their main weapons in battle.

It is able to learn Slash, False Swipe, X-scissor, Hone Claws and Shadow Claw.

It cannot learn Cut.

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  On 7/11/2013 at 3:09 AM, Pokemon-Is-My-Childhood said:

How water Pokemon can battle on land in the games.

Water extinguished fire, fire burns grass, grass cuts water to death...?

How Snorlax can fly in Pokemon Stadium 0.o

Grass absorbs water. But yeah, that would make razor leaf neutral effective, wouldn't it?

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  On 10/16/2012 at 12:54 AM, Maelstrom said:

Adults who have had years and years to practice at being pokemon trainers and catch a lot of pokemon and have every opportunity to have high level, fully rounded teams have patrats and stupid shit and lose to a fledgling trainer of like 10 yrs old.

I read the pokemon manga, and what I think they do is have a different team for gym battles, because, honestly, I'm sure things would happen where they had to use their team to fight. Gym Leaders are always called upon to help when in crisis, so level 10 pokemon really don't cut it.

Er... that's what I think, anyway.

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