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Okay, so here are the ramifications that come to mind here. It's stated that the RRocket members joined up together after accomplishing their goals - meaning a kid certainly didn't stop them in their own universes.


GIOVANNI thus runs a very successful crime syndicate that spans both Kanto and Johto - if the Rocket presence in Johto is pre-established before the events of Gold and Silver. Giovanni's most marked quality is his ambitiousness, so his forming a league of super villains checks out because it would make sense if he needed still more Pokemon.


ARCHIE and MAXIE are rival leaders placed in a seemingly untenable alliance under Giovanni's thumb, but if their world was destroyed by the powers of Groudon and Kyogre (or the Delta Episode's meteor strike, which could happen to either ORAS Hoenn -or- RSE Hoenn depending on if the ORAS Devon Corp. uses their portal machine or not.) it would make sense that Archie and Maxie would be looking for work - and possibly a new home. This would check out if world destruction was a part of these two gentlemens' plans. The two leaders seem to be remorseful in their original games about endangering Hoenn after the two Pokemon are revealed to be more powerful than originally thought. There isn't a reason for either of these two leaders to continue being criminals after what they experience.


CYRUS would like have control of Time, Space, and ...Antimatter? Plasma?....what metaphysical substance or thing is Giratina responsible for? The point here is - Cyrus would equate to a god if his plans were to succeed in DPPt. Why turn around and pass on godhood for an admin job under Giovanni?


GHETSIS' successful liberation of all Pokemon from Unova is a bit trickier to identify as a success or a failure. It's probably presumed that N becomes "king" of the region, the events of Black and White 2 never happen, and Ghetsis' status is unknown. We do know that N and Ghetsis aren't exactly on the same page, as N is tricked in to doing what he believes is good. Is it possible Ghetsis leaves N to reign over Unova in their universe and carries on his work in Alola in the USUM universe? Maybe.


Lysandre and Team Flare's plan is to destroy the world to create one more beautiful. If that succeeds...welll, Lysandre and his goons are probably out of a planet to dwell in, but they do probably survive because of their bunker underground. Would it be reasonable for Lysandre to hop into the Alolan paradise to try again? With a destitute overworld, yeah, it would. UNLESS.... The second time the ultimate weapon is used utterly destroys the planet, killing Lysandre anyway.


Faba seems to represent the Aether Foundation's scientist cronies from the first Sun and Moon games in this RRocket group. This checks out more than any of the above, unsurprisingly, because of the three important Aether members (Lusamine, Faba, and Wicke) only Faba seems to remain a tinge malignant with his dislike of children. He also has a mean ambitious streak, and it would make absolute sense for him to turn on Lusamine to further his status. Either the SUMO Faba -or- USUM's Faba would work here - because SuMo Faba is likely still in charge of the Aether Foundation while Lusamine is in Ultra Space and could easily become "President". USUM Faba's character is equally prone due to his inherent ambitiousness.


Only about HALF of these "success" stories make sense to me - so I hope this is just some nostalgia thing - or if they have to retcon the series this way, that they figure out a sensible way to do so.

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I can't say I am excited for Team Rainbow Rocket because I don't find Giovanni leading the other evil team leaders believable, especially Ghetsis and Cyrus.

  On 11/3/2017 at 8:12 PM, Chase said:

GHETSIS' successful liberation of all Pokemon from Unova is a bit trickier to identify as a success or a failure. It's probably presumed that N becomes "king" of the region, the events of Black and White 2 never happen, and Ghetsis' status is unknown. We do know that N and Ghetsis aren't exactly on the same page, as N is tricked in to doing what he believes is good. Is it possible Ghetsis leaves N to reign over Unova in their universe and carries on his work in Alola in the USUM universe? Maybe.


Liberation was more of N's goal, Ghetsis wanted to make it where he was the only one with pokemon so he could take over the world. I honestly believe Ghetsis would kill off N and the team members loyal to him after they had outlived their usefulness considering N and Rood would eventually become a problem, Ghetsis wants to be the ruler and Ghetsis' original team seems like it was made to counter N's.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd it's leaked.  What I've heard of the music sounds good.  Not going to repost here (because spoilers), but I linked the channel uploading them in a status update........or just look for them yourselves.

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I am staying away from the leaks for the most part (so far I have only listened to music) so I would like to return to Team Rainbow Rocket. ProtoMario released a video on his thoughts on it and brought to my attention that in the official site it does not say the team is from another universe, which if true would clear up the plot hole of why would Cyrus and Ghetsis work for Giovanni. As Giovanni could offer freedom for Cyrus and Ghetsis would have lost his mind after his second defeat making it easier for Giovanni to recruit him without having to deal with his ego.

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  On 11/17/2017 at 1:54 PM, SuperNova said:

I didn't get myself leaked (just the official trailers)so, should I buy Ultra sun or ultra moon (I played sun at the begging).

Also is my boy Zygarde with all his forms in there?


I suggest getting Ultra Sun if you are at all going to use Dusk Lycanroc like me.  You have to evolve it at 5:00-6:00 PM in game time, which presents a problem for me since I got Ultra Moon. I guess I'll be waking up early.

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So I was able to get the game at a discount, not sure yet if I can consider it worth full price if you've already played the first games.  I haven't gotten very far yet (only just beat the first trial) but I think I have enough to give my thoughts so far.  Also I'm going into this about 60% spoiler free, I stopped looking at anything the moment they revealed the Battle Factory was coming back.  So if anything I say sounds ignorant of what's coming later, that's why.



First, the non-story stuff.

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And now some thoughts on the story difference, of which there was slightly more than I expected this early on.

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I've mostly finished USUM. I've done the main game, the postgame story, and almost all the sidequests. I still have two totem stickers to find, going back to Ultra Space for the UBs + legendaries, catching the Tapus, and champion title defense, but I'll probably do those at a more casual pace. (I actually never ended up catching the tapus in SM, except for Tapu Koko during the end credits battle)


Like I did for SM, here's what I liked and didn't like about USUM. I won't be repeating anything from SM, but I may mention a few things I didn't think to mention last time. This contains spoilers all the way up to the postgame. 



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Didn't like

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These were things I didn't necessarily dislike but was confused about

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There may be a few things I forgot. But overall, I enjoy USUM a lot more than SM (not that I didn't enjoy SM too), and I think I prefer them being more like Emerald and Platinum than like BW2. 

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Okay, now I've cleared Akala Island.


Non-story stuff

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Story stuff

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  On 11/27/2017 at 9:56 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Okay, now I've cleared Akala Island.


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Story stuff

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read at your own risk:

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Beat Ula'ula island as well as the raid on Aether.


Non-story stuff:

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Story Stuff:

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And even though I've only just begun Poni Island, I already have something thing to say.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 10:16 PM, Eagleby18 said:
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Done everything up to the point where you do the thing at the altar of plot device.  I'm stopping there for now because that's where I'm pretty sure the story's gonna really start to diverge from Sun and Moon original.


Non-story stuff:

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Story Stuff:

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so, yeah, basically the entire Aether Family are ultra beasts. do not fight me on this.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 6:51 PM, 10,000,000 Volt Aika!!!! said:
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  On 12/15/2017 at 6:07 AM, The Swordsman said:
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@10,000,000 Volt Aika!!!!

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  On 12/14/2017 at 6:51 PM, 10,000,000 Volt Aika!!!! said:


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so, yeah, basically the entire Aether Family are ultra beasts. do not fight me on this.


I've also been struggling to understand what Gamefreak's trying to do there, and after looking back through the story courtesy of YouTube I think I've figured it out.


That dialogue with Lillie and Gladion you mention comes from scenes taking place before the final confrontation at the end of the Aether Raid, in scenes that are pretty much completely unchanged from Sun and Moon original.


Now if you look at my previous posts, you'll notice I've found a pattern of changes being lazily implemented, with no regard to how it affects or is affected by the rest of the game.  Also I point out a part that's treated as a plot twist, when it's only really a plot twist to someone who played the original.


Suddenly, the answer is obvious.

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Oh right that reminded me, I've finished the main story and I never made one of those posts.


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In case you're wondering why I keep going on in my posts about players who haven't played the original but are going to play this game, it's because I have a close friend who's doing exactly that.

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I'll just give a little mini review of the game about a long time after I finished it:

story: still good overall.

difficulty: for a main series game it was pretty hard for me. so yeah, props to gamefreak for that.

new sidequests: I haven;t done too many, but I completed the Vulpix sidequest. and while I liked it and the end, I was taunted by it because I played ultra moon and I couldn;t catch a Vulpix. and what was stopping me from planting a Pokéball on a Vulpix that already loves me?

Mantine surfing: LOVE IT. 100% love it. my only nitpick is that sometimes you get hit on landing when you can't control where you land, but that is pretty realistic and such. another nitmick is that sometimes there are areas when you just can't dodge anything, but all in all I liked it a lot.


So yeah. I really liked going through Alola again. Gamefreak did an amazing job here and I'm at least happy that their last game on the 3ds was a good one.

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Oh right I almost forgot

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man i really agree with you at the fact that, gamefreak decided  not to give ANY closure at all with glads??? and lillie was nerfed too oh my god.,,



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